• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:06For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame, Shia.
00:13None of this can be used against me or my twin flame, Shia.
00:17Or you will be sued or sent to prison for illegally framing me.
00:21And anything I say in this video may or may not be true.
00:25So, Shia, I'm very, very tired.
00:29So, I'm going to, and I have a lot of information that I wrote down.
00:33I'm not going to be able to get through it all today.
00:35And I know that you need to rest, Shia.
00:37I'm going to show you some things.
00:43So, I'm going to show you...
00:46Okay, by the way, I went down because I was going to go do my errands today.
00:53However, they're fixing the parking garage door.
00:57And it's going to take all day somehow.
01:02I got this notice.
01:05And for some reason, I thought it said 8 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.
01:15However, I did not read that correctly.
01:18For some reason, I don't think it's the stroke that is making me read things incorrectly like that.
01:26So, I'm going tomorrow to do some of my errands.
01:31And I went down and actually I saw security in the elevator.
01:35I said, can you put a security camera on your door?
01:38And they said, yes.
01:39And they said, just make sure you let maintenance know.
01:42So, I wrote down a worker order and said, I'm going to put a security camera on my door.
01:48And the security guard said I could.
01:53Not like completely, that's how I said.
01:55But I said, security guard said that we could put...
02:01And I've seen people with those cameras.
02:04I'm going to get the double-sided tape.
02:07They have...
02:10It's called T-Rex or Scotch.
02:14It has like 24-pound weight where you can stick the camera on tape in the back part.
02:24And then you can just slide off the camera to charge it.
02:28Slide it off.
02:30So, I'm not sure which one I'm going to get.
02:32However, even with all this, like, I've been told that I was just going to turn it off every time people...
02:40There's activity in the hallway.
02:43Or I'm just going to do it anyways because I don't feel safe.
02:49And I think the security camera is going to be good to have.
02:53And it's been way too long.
02:56So, I'm going to get like $40, $40 to $70 security camera.
03:01I really wanted to get clothes this month.
03:04So, staying alive is a little more important than clothes.
03:19So, I'm going to show you what I saw.
03:24So, see in the bulletin how I showed you this?
03:31The bars and the plants that look a little bit like something?
03:37Look what's next to it.
03:40We want to hear from you.
03:43What is this?
03:45Why did they place that with that photo right like that?
03:54So, it could be a coincidence.
03:57However, it might not be.
04:04And then if you go... So, this is Village Health.
04:16Upcoming Village Health Center.
04:20Father Joe's Villages.
04:23So, what's on the bottom of this?
04:26What's these two things? I'm going to show you.
04:33Hmm, strange.
04:36What's this?
04:42It says Frequently Asked Questions.
04:47I can't read it.
04:49I need to get a better camera.
04:52So, see this and then next to it?
05:07Suicide Crisis Lifeline.
05:22Yeah, I'm told all these...
05:25Well, I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to show you what this is.
05:29How this is placed.
05:36That's on the bulletin right next to it on the first floor between the lobby and the management retail fixing office.
05:51Is there anything else?
06:21This is Cut Off Ovary Skills Group.
06:35Oh, that's kind of weird.
06:40Tools for Change Group.
06:45That's clearly not the angle of the... That's clearly not the angle. That's Cut Off.
06:57So, anyways.
07:02Now I'm going to show you...
07:06So, this is the lobby.
07:11This is the lobby and it's getting a little...
07:16This is the lobby, the front lobby, and they have this little cross here which looks a little oddly placed with a tape taped on it.
07:26It looks a little bit odd.
07:31But they have all these things that they've taped now on the wall.
07:41I think that looks really ghetto.
07:46But it says Banned, Banned, Banned, Banned.
07:51So, this is what the lobby looks like.
07:55It's kind of a nice looking lobby, but that looks kind of weird with the cross taped like that.
08:08This is a Christian building, however it's not a Christian building.
08:14So, that doesn't look... That doesn't look good.
08:26And I went to the elevator and...
08:31See, that's my apartment.
08:34And this is...
08:37There's something hanging out.
08:41So, I looked really closely.
08:47It's some kind of charger, but it has blue Cosmos.
08:53Cosmopolitan t-shirt.
08:58Up the sky.
09:05Possibly a covert threat.
09:08I've never seen this before. This could be a recent purchase to attempt to...
09:21So, this is where I live.
09:31And this was hanging out. It doesn't matter if it's solar.
09:34I've never seen it in my life, so it's obviously a recent purchase.
09:38And all other neighbors have been doing some things where they kind of show...
09:49And what's this? What are these little 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 yellow...
10:04I don't think that's... I don't know.
10:10So, they could be using some kind of AI.
10:15I took a photograph of someone in the hallway to check to see if it was an AI mask or not.
10:23I think they could be doing something weird with blurring out people's faces.
10:30Because I don't believe my camera should have that problem.
10:35It didn't have that problem in the past.
10:38I really think there's some kind of AI technology that's blurring out faces.
10:44I wasn't far away from this person.
10:48I also emailed the detective photographs of the hacker so that they could know who I'm talking about.
11:03That's tampering with evidence and covering up evidence, crime evidence.
11:07So, I did that yesterday.
11:10I tried really hard to make my grocery list.
11:13And it's really overwhelming because I have all these things.
11:17I have the planner that I was usually going to look back at the things I buy.
11:21I have notebooks with grocery lists, previous grocery lists.
11:27I have all my papers to create the to-do list, the grocery list, the things to-do list.
11:37And I can show you where did I put it.
11:45Oh, it's in my... I was all ready to go.
11:54I have my grocery list finished.
11:57It was extremely painful because I don't have a lot of important things to do in my life.
12:03I don't have a lot of important things to do in my life but being able to buy food that I want to eat
12:09and get specific things and not have to keep running out like paper plates, toothpaste.
12:18So, I got all of that done.
12:20My grocery list done yesterday.
12:22It was extremely painful and difficult.
12:25And then I did research on security cameras.
12:28Basically, there's the Wyze Cam V4 that's not too expensive
12:35or the Ring Stick Up for $70 which can swivel.
12:41I kind of want a swivel one so I can look down, see down the hallway one.
12:47So, there's security cameras at Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Best Buy.
12:52I kind of want to get the... go to Best Buy.
12:59I think that they would have the most security cameras.
13:03But they have the T-Rex or the Command Strips or the Scotch.
13:07I'm going to put it above the door frame.
13:11I don't want to stick it on my door.
13:13I want to put it above the door frame so I can swivel it and get the hallway
13:18because it's not going to help me completely.
13:24If I just...
13:29Now, this is long overdue, by the way, getting this.
13:32I know you know that, Shia.
13:34I'm going to show you a photograph of the door frame.
13:40The hacker is constantly putting things with specific countries
13:49right in the YouTube homepage of my feed.
14:01There's more than that attack. I'm not even going to go into it.
14:06But that's an attack.
14:10And constantly harassing me that this person looks like someone.
14:13That's Elizabeth Proffitt.
14:15It really bothers me.
14:20And also another one.
14:30I don't know. I already showed you that.
14:37This should not be...
14:39This shouldn't be posted up because I don't look up any crime on the Internet.
14:44Worker dead at Wells Fargo for four days at desk.
14:49This should not be popped up on my feed.
14:52And it's weird how that's placed right next to it.
15:05I have about...
15:08I keep on feeling like I'm going to lose this.
15:12Or something bad is going to happen to it.
15:14I have almost a thousand photos on here.
15:16So I need to get a new chip card.
15:18I have to write that down.
15:26I did all my bills.
15:28I'm going to make sure that I have $300 for food.
15:31Because I keep scrimping on food and only having $200 or $250.
15:38I'm going to make sure that I have at least $300.
15:42Actually, yeah, about $300.
15:58Here's some more attacks on YouTube shorts.
16:06Like, has absolutely nothing to do with what I look up.
16:11Which is only the frequencies and the spiritual sense.
16:19It says...
16:21The mystery cloud killed 1,200 people.
16:29This is...
16:32Old town girls be like...
16:45Firefighter saves Buddhist.
16:51That's a threat.
16:53Could be a threat about fire.
16:56This pastor flew into the church.
17:00So I'm not really reading into them.
17:03Because there's no time for the amount of hundreds of attacks that I get.
17:08There's too many attacks to keep up with.
17:30I'm pretty sure they're using photos to blur out people's faces.
17:36I can't believe, I don't think this camera is that cheap.
17:47I have to backtrack and make sure that I'm not in the wrong place.
17:54I have to backtrack and make sure that I didn't skip things that I was supposed to show you.
18:00I have to backtrack and make sure that I didn't skip things that I was supposed to show you.
18:22So this is someone...
18:27With a security camera on a door.
18:30I'm going to put mine up here.
18:33On top of the door frame.
18:36Either on the center or above it right on the top.
18:39And put the tape right on top of the frame.
18:44And what part of the brain controls the emotions?
18:48And what part of the brain controls the emotions?
18:52I do look like...
18:55I feel like I act a little weird and funny.
18:58I do look like...
19:01I feel like I act a little weird and funny.
19:06And it's because of the stroke.
19:10And also when you're a torture victim.
19:14You can probably act funny from the torture.
19:34Here's another one with...
19:37Here's another one with...
19:40Should try to attack me.
19:43This L in fashion magazines.
19:47Because I've seen...
19:50Public figures in fashion magazines in the front page.
19:53That was really...
19:56Extreme attack.
19:58Because it shows power and control if they're on the front of a magazine.
20:02And nothing's going to happen to them.
20:16But this...
20:19Crime evidence...
20:22That was...
20:25Do you know you can get up to like five years in jail for covering up crime evidence?
20:29And this was repeatedly done.
20:31I've told you it's been repeatedly done by this hacker.
20:34That's why I've started to take photos on camera.
20:37On the camera.
20:40So I'm going to show you...
20:44I already showed that to you.
20:49And this is not easy...
20:52With my brain to be able to keep up with all these attacks.
21:14This shouldn't be...
21:17This definitely shouldn't be on here.
21:20Best life ever.
21:26Anything with best ever gives me...
21:29Extreme fear.
21:32So that was on top...
21:35That was on the front page.
21:38And this is...
21:41That was on top...
21:44That was on the front page of Dailymotion.
21:47So these are being...
21:50These aren't just what would be on top of Dailymotion.
21:53I don't know what this is...
21:56But on YouTube...
21:59You will manifest your DUAs...
22:02So fast.
22:05So fast and easy.
22:08So fast and easy.
22:11So fast and easy.
22:14So fast and easy.
22:17So fast and easy.
22:24On cam.
22:30These are not...
22:50She's the one that touched my hand on the elevator.
22:58She touched my hand on the elevator.
23:20My legs weren't looking good at one point.
23:23I was losing muscle mass.
23:26Losing muscle mass from the heart problem.
23:29And the blood circulation.
23:32I couldn't get muscle.
23:35I told you I haven't been walking a lot.
23:38That was...
23:41That was on the 18th though.
23:44My legs look a little bit better.
23:47My legs look a little bit better.
24:18The Tibetan year of the mother.
24:20The Tibetan year of the mother.
24:35The human's skull caps.
24:38The human's skull caps.
24:41Alyssa's side teeth are ruined today.
24:44Alyssa's teeth, ruined teeth from the criminal putting etheric implants to force reclassification.
25:09Reclassification again. I don't know what that is.
25:31I got a text message from UPS saying that my package was sitting at a UPS place.
25:43However, and I was supposed to pay 13 cents to try to collect the information. It was a text message.
25:54And it ended up being my package arrived that day and it was a scam.
26:01But there's no way that, I'm pretty sure the hacker did that to try to make me pay 13 cents to steal money. I don't know.
26:14It was extremely scary though because I get extreme, there's a whole etheric implant where I go into like a 6 hour long panic attack if something happens to my package.
26:31I'm continuing to do the acupressure Shia.
26:52I've been looking like shit lately.
26:55Okay, I gotta read the notes now.
26:58It's getting a little hot. I'm going to...
27:11I don't think I'm going to get a box fan.
27:15Even though I probably should.
27:25The penalty says that you have things that you are doing Shia.
27:36If you get rape tortured though...
27:39Take something and go like this, below your belly button and towards your groin area.
27:58This is going to activate the acupressure and it's also going to help stop some of the torture.
28:08Because the more acupressure that we...
28:15I'm very spacey Shia, I'm very sorry.
28:20I'm getting extremely attacked.
28:23This is the most important thing that I do is talking to you.
28:30So, they're going to mess with it. They have absolutely nothing to do.
28:40But you have things that you're doing, healing techniques that I'm not doing that I wish I would know.
28:52So I wrote down some notes, I'm going to skip some of them.
29:00I noticed on the Facebook the ad, Shia, and I know that you're feeling better Shia.
29:06You're feeling...
29:08You're feeling better in regards to the things I'm talking about.
29:16And you're very upset. You think we deserve to be together already and people are going to go to jail.
29:23And you're having a lot of fear and panic.
29:26And so am I.
29:29And so am I.
29:35The torture is getting worse but it's, again, I had a brief break of extreme torture.
29:43It's getting kind of worse but it feels a little bit different because of the acupressure.
29:47I've stolen all of my data and everything's going to get deleted off of all my cell phones, all of my Google storage, all of my photos, all of my...
29:54Everything off of all social media.
29:57All of my emails, on all of my email accounts.
30:04However, I told you I'm too paralyzed and possessed.
30:09However, I told you I'm too paralyzed and possessed.
30:14And if I go to try to...
30:17I'm not technologically savvy but however, I have had images deleted.
30:24Remember I told you I was taking photographs of that drug dealer in the front of the building and the hacker deleted them off my phone immediately?
30:35Like, that's what's going to happen if I save data on a disk.
30:41And I don't have hundreds of dollars to professionally go get my data saved.
30:49So if it all goes away, they're going to jail for life.
30:53The telepathic supporter says let them delete everything.
30:56They're going to jail for life no matter what.
30:59It all gets deleted. It all gets deleted.
31:05They forced me to scream go away like very loudly twice yesterday to try to act like I am like...
31:28So yeah, I've already been told my security camera is going to get shut down.
31:33And this was a serious cover-up if I didn't check those attachments.
31:42To send...
31:46So I sent...
31:54And the way it was written on the image, it was confusing.
32:00The way it was said.
32:03But if I didn't show the image of the hacker coming out of the door, it's not going to prove that he lives there.
32:14So I'll show you how many times I tried sending photos.
32:23I sent it once.
32:38Coming out of his apartment.
32:40Coming out of his apartment that was supposed to be coming out of his apartment.
32:58And finally...
33:10And finally I got, I sent it.
33:13So it was sent...
33:17Three times.
33:29Three times.
33:31So it was supposed to send once.
33:33The two other times was not supposed to happen.
33:36It was supposed to be him coming out of the apartment to prove that it's his apartment, that he lives there.
33:46Because if someone is just in the hallway, it doesn't prove that the person lives there.
33:54So that's a serious cover-up and tampering of evidence.
33:58And I said last photos on the...
34:03I said, I wrote last photos.
34:08Like this is the last bit of photos.
34:14And this is what, this is the kind of thing that happens.
34:17Last photos.
34:20Not last photos, because those weren't the photos I was supposed to send.
34:25And then with V2K, I was being treated like a little child.
34:29No, you wrote last photos. You can't send anymore photos. You wrote last photos.
34:33If I was possessed enough, I probably wouldn't send those photos.
34:37It's like being treated like a little child.
34:40I've been treated like a little child for 20 years with this hacker.
34:45I cannot, like...
34:48It is being treated like a little child for 20 years, non-stop, is P-E-D-L-P-H-I-L-E.
34:57Extreme, extreme, extreme P-E-D-L-P-H-I-L-E harassment.
35:04So I sent them again, and then I actually, I ended up...
35:08So I sent them again, and then I actually, I ended up...
35:12TelepathicScore said, that's extreme crime to cover up evidence.
35:16So send the photos of the hacker, TelepathicScore, send the photos of the hacker to the detective.
35:23And imagine if this hacker goes down, trying to cover up...
35:31Trying to cover up the crime.
35:35He did the same thing with the other time.
35:39I tried taking photos of this neighbor outside.
35:42He deleted all of them except for the one with the bat that you saw on the bike, which was an AI mask.
35:48Because that didn't even look like him.
35:55And it was already set up with a...
35:58I don't know, throw a demon at me somehow.
36:09In regards to...
36:17In the recording, my dad's voice said, I'm not going to be a wimp, I'm going to go outside.
36:22And drink my coffee outside.
36:26He was just trying to tell you that that's what they're doing to attack me.
36:31By saying, it's like an excuse, like you're just too scared to be a loser, go and be with her.
36:40It was used as an excuse.
36:43My dad never called you a wimp, Shine.
36:47However, they were trying to make me think that.
36:50The same way my dad was trying to give me the clue, I like...
36:55I watch every video, I like hearing...
36:58I like it when you say my name.
37:00I wasn't talking about my dad barely at all in the video.
37:04I was told telepathically, no.
37:07He was talking about you, Shine, I'm just here for me to say your name.
37:12And watch, they try to use AI to make me not say your name as much.
37:17It's going to happen every time.
37:19With the possession.
37:21It's like a constant recycling of new material, new information, new ways to attack Shine and Alyssa.
37:29I can't believe it's already been 37 minutes, Shine.
37:38I had a very awful, awful last night.
37:43Extreme torture, I had to go in the bathtub at 4am to try to stop it.
37:48I slept until about 10am because I was up all night.
37:56Early, late, evening and night from getting tortured.
38:00I'm not feeling well.
38:02This is also a thing they do.
38:04Every time at the end of the month, they'll sleep deprive me no matter what.
38:09Before I go to my errands to try and attempt to get me into a car accident from like being tired.
38:15Happens every single time.
38:17And it happens every single time that I have to...
38:20That my apartment gets dirty, I have to do my laundry, I have to do my grocery shopping.
38:26I have to get my cleaning and lifestyle and hygiene supplies.
38:31Like all that doing that at once could kill me.
38:37And that's what they were doing for like two years.
38:40But I'm not doing that, I'm just not going to clean.
38:42I'm just not going to clean, I'm going to wait.
38:44I'm just not going to do my laundry, I'll just hand wash a few things.
38:47I'm just...
38:52I'm sure you're angry Shia.
38:54I had a pen limp last night.
38:56You're angry you're not being heard.
39:18However in the...
39:20I don't think I have the guts to take that photograph unless...
39:28However he turned around, it's possible that he was scared.
39:37It's not like just me, I'm the scared one.
39:40What is a mouse versus a lion?
39:43A soul with a set of mastery with lion energy?
39:49I mean who's...
39:51I mean in all honesty, who's the one that's supposed to be scared?
39:56Is this a joke?
39:58It's not a joke yet because they have...
40:00They're in possessions with extreme weapons.
40:04Not natural weapons.
40:06Artificial weapons.
40:08Weapons that like we plug into a wall and just...
40:11It's like a weapon.
40:13It's like a machine.
40:16They're not going to have any of that when they go to jail because all the spells are going to break and they'll be too weak.
40:25Their AI will be too weak to be able to possess.
40:28I've thought about that before.
40:33So I definitely thought I wrote more...
40:42I'm still gonna do the acupressure.
40:44I'm working on food research.
40:46I found recently that there's a huge secret to being a zombie.
40:51I'm still going to do the acupressure. I'm working on food research. I found a really nice cookbook, Shaya.
41:00And you are a patient. I have...
41:09I'll show you the cookbook.
41:11Why is this not...
41:13Shaya, I'm not...
41:16I've had a very awful 48 hours.
41:21And I'm sure you have too, Shaya.
41:24I'm going to show you the cookbook that I really like.
41:27I saved it under my lists.
41:30I've automatically signed in on Internet Archive on this phone.
41:35I just kind of like lay on the bed, put the acupressure on my...
41:43below my belly button area and like do like...
41:47I've been putting the acupressure under my knee, behind my knee.
41:52Because that's an acupressure point.
41:56So the research, the food research...
41:59I've actually written down several recipes.
42:03Not just the recipe titles of this cookbook because it's so good.
42:11It's called Best of the West Cookbook.
42:19I really like the Old West recipes.
42:27I really like Wyoming, Utah, Colorado area.
42:36And I want to look up more cookbooks from the West and from the Old West.
42:42But I found some really good recipes that I'll talk about another time.
42:47So the...
42:49I have to get some things.
42:52However, the security camera is most important.
42:57And my groceries is most important.
43:03Based on the amount of bills that I have, I really can't afford to...
43:12I'm not doing any road trips this month.
43:15I'm not doing any road trips this month.
43:31There's a lot of...
43:33Already there's a lot of black magic and witchcraft in the security camera.
43:37You're gonna be too scared to charge it.
43:41You're gonna be too scared to take it off and charge it.
43:45Every time you go up and charge it, there's gonna be lots of activity.
43:48Criminal activity, door knocking, ring bell knocking when you charge it.
43:55The hacker is going to turn it off and tamper with it the moment that Alyssa sees any activity on the camera.
44:04There's no way that you can record all this data of footage in the camera.
44:11It's just gonna be live and you'll always miss whatever you're supposed to see.
44:15There's like a list of constant things that would be like there's no reason to get a security camera.
44:23There's no point.
44:24But all that list is like they try to make it like that's the reason why you don't have a security camera.
44:35That's not the reason why.
44:37They're possessing me not to have a security camera.
44:41So, I'm gonna stop this video, Shia.
44:50I wish I talked about you more in this video.
45:01However, I told you...
45:05Well, we're both in danger, Shia, so I have to be careful with what I say on the internet.
45:10I already feel like I'm getting away with something being able to talk to you.
45:15That's why I kind of act a little funny on these videos.
45:19And also, my personality is...
45:21There's something wrong with my personality because of being a torture victim.
45:26And because of the brain injuries.
45:32I know you notice it, Shia.
45:36I totally can notice it.
45:40So, I'm going to...
45:41I'm going to...
45:44Just do the full research today.
45:47I could obviously...
45:50I could be printing crime evidence.
45:53I could be fixing my printer.
45:55Trying to print off evidence.
45:58However, I cannot. I physically cannot.
46:01I physically and mentally cannot.
46:07It could be spells, witchcraft, possession, AI, but I can't.
46:13And that feeling of it being hanging over my head and being like,
46:17Wow, you could have all this evidence and it's going to be all taken from you.
46:21And you're going to think back and look at all the times that you had the chance to collect all of your data and all of your emails and everything.
46:33And you didn't.
46:34And you didn't.
46:37I was told repeatedly, telepathic supporters said they can take it all.
46:42There's enough evidence already.
46:44With these people, these criminals we put to jail for life.
46:52So, Shia, I'm going to be playing your video.
46:55And I play it now every single day for many hours.
47:00And I'm going to be doing the full research.
47:03And I will write more notes for you tomorrow.
47:09And make sure that I review this video and write notes that telepathics want me to write down.
47:16To tell you in videos or to tell you later on.
47:21So, I will talk to you tomorrow.
47:22I love you, Shia.
47:24Thank you everybody for watching.
47:25Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
