A MASSIVE wave leaves a deckhand seriously injured, forcing the crew to carry on one man short #DeadliestCatch

  • 2 days ago
00:00Rail, rail, rail.
00:07Damn it.
00:08Watch the port side.
00:12I'm watching the rail.
00:14Damn it.
00:16The weather's picking up right now,
00:18so it's making stacking pots a lot more difficult.
00:23Nico was just cleared after major reconstructive surgery
00:26to his whole jaw.
00:30Watch the rail.
00:38Watch the port side and the port side stern back there,
00:54That's a big one.
00:57Watch out, watch out, watch out.
00:58Nico, watch out behind you.
01:02Oh, Nico.
01:12Get a hold of yourself.
01:18Is everybody all right back there?
01:28After just being smashed around the boat by a massive wave,
01:39Deckhand Nico is far from OK.
01:42It sounded like a bomb went off. It was just so loud.
01:50Oh, ****!
01:54Man, you got a screen right there. I didn't hear you **** say don't stack it right now.
01:59Nico, I'm ****, dude.
02:03I came over the loud hailer and I thought you heard me.
02:06Well, Nico might be ****.
02:08I'm heading out there right now.
02:11All right.
02:13Dude, are you OK, man?
02:14No, I'm not, dude.
02:17I'm a big color heart, man. I thought I was going to go **** down.
02:21How does your body feel right now, minus being taken out by a wall away?
02:25My ankle.
02:27I tried to catch my footing when the wave hit me and I just rolled, you know, and I hit the ground.
02:36I mean, can you move it?
02:38It just gets hurt. I can feel it start to swell up.
02:44It's going to pile up a lot.
02:46Makes you kind of wonder who's next.
03:06I mean, I've been taken out by a wave like that one time.
03:09And it's scary.
03:11I mean, you don't know if you're going over, if you're going to die, if something's going to crush you.
03:18That hopper started coming at me and I hopped up and then we took that roll.
03:22I thought I was going to go over the rail.
03:26I just want to take these clothes off, man.
03:29Help me out here?
03:31Help me out here, man?
03:32Yeah, yeah.
03:33I don't want to put a lot of pressure on, man.
03:41We're a guy down. It's going to hurt.
03:44We need Nico out there.
03:47We've got to get this gear on board the boat and we've got to get it moved as quick as we possibly can.
03:54Now I'm battling wind, I'm battling the waves, I'm battling the current.
04:00And we've got a four-man deck.
04:03Nico's hurting.
04:06So it's just kind of the culmination of all of it is making these sets kind of complex.
04:15Well, we don't have anything this deep yet.
04:17We're going to get these pots set off.
04:20It's not smooth out there.
04:25Oh, man.
04:28We are a man down.
04:29Nico's inside resting up his ankle and foot after being washed about the deck.
04:36I don't feel good going a four-man deck with those four guys after what happened with Nico.
04:44Being down a guy is going to hinder us.
04:50I'm not injured. We're all in pain.
04:54Nobody's really had much sleep.
04:57Hey, guys, last pock.
05:04Okay, stop.
05:19All right, make sure everything's square and then give me a shout when you guys go inside.
05:27Well, we got the pots off the boat.
05:31Hopefully, Nico can come out tomorrow and kick some ass.
05:35If I have any chance of getting this quota we need, I need him out there.
05:40But after the wave hit, Nico is still suffering.
05:44Hi, bro. How are you doing, man?
05:46A lot better than I was.
05:47Yeah, it is. It's still bruised all the...
05:50How's the pain level?
05:52It's not too bad in that way.
05:54It's not too bad in that way.
05:56I feel pressure on certain parts of my foot and I feel the pain.
06:01Let's keep letting it heal since once we start stacking out and in the bad weather, I'm going to need you.
06:09All right, man?
06:11All right, dude, let's do this.
06:12Roger that.
06:14I spoke to Cap.
06:17He said, you know, he doesn't want me to do any good while I'm running around.
06:21He wants me to stay stationary.
06:24He doesn't want me to run around.
06:29I'm in a pinch.
06:31We got to haul all 65 pots as fast as humanly possible with a crippled deck right now.
06:40If Nico's foot doesn't get any better, we might not get her done in time.
06:49You think you're ready to go back out there, Nico?
06:54Well, I'm definitely not 100%, but I'm going to give it a try.
07:01Nico's going to try to go out on deck.
07:05He's hurting.
07:06He's doing better, but, I mean, rolling around like this is not going to be easy on his foot.
07:15I'm just going to do what I can.
07:17But under such a time crunch, I need him to pull himself up by the bootstraps, and I need him out on deck.
07:26I need a full crew.
07:29Let's just hope this goes well.
07:31After only just recovering from jaw surgery, Nico makes it back out to support the crew, but he's taking a big risk.
07:39I'm going to cut the wheel back on the right.
07:47And you can see him wincing that it hurts to move around as much.
07:53But he's doing his best.
07:55I'm getting through it.
08:01All right, here we go.
08:10I got to fight.
08:17I got to fight for every crab.
08:21I got to be able to get as much pounds on board this boat in this short time frame.
08:28That's my hope.
08:36Here we go.
08:38Damn it.
08:40No good.
08:41Here we go.
08:43Damn it.
08:45No good.
08:47This is not a good sign.
08:56No good.
08:58No crab.
09:03Oh dear.
09:06Is it good to be back out?
09:07Oh yeah, it feels great.
09:09It feels amazing to be out here.
09:12Wish I could do more, but I've got limitations right now.
09:19I'm not going to get my quota cut before our offload.
09:23But at least Nico's out on deck.
09:27He's our stack man, and he's one of the hardest workers.
09:35All we can do is keep grinding.
09:38And get through this gear.
09:40By the end of this day, I'm definitely going to be in some serious pain.
