• 昨年
Shusse Inari Shrine, 2-26-7 Nagatay, Koto-ku, Tokyo

The home of period dramas, Matsuchiyama Shoten, with photos of Japanese people from 100 years ago

A Jizo statue that grants wishes while tied up, a Jizo statue that has been tied up for 300 years, Ooka Echizen Nanzoin Jizo statue tied up

All soldiers survived, Koami Shrine, Tokyo's most powerful power spot for warding off misfortune, Getters Iida

When you visit shrines in Tokyo, you are often surprised by the sacred places that have been protected by the people.
Floods, fires, earthquakes, war damage, and materialism.
Small shrines, shrines on the rooftops of buildings, shrines directly under the highway.
Sacred places that are there for people in any form, and the guardians that protect them.
I made this video because I wanted to share those beautiful images.
Japanese landscapes and Japanese people from long ago remain in old photographs.
There is a Japan that seems to be forgotten. I really don't want to forget the forgotten Japan.
The photographs are around 100 years old, some are around 150 years old, and some are 85 years old.
Please feel the connection with the people of the past.

Tomioka.von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Franz, 1881, Photograph.The City of Edinburgh Council
Tomioka.von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Franz, 1881, Photograph.The City of Edinburgh Council https://www.capitalcollections.org.uk/view-item?key=SXsiUCI6eyJ2YWx1ZSI6IlRvbWlva2EiLCJvcGVyYXRvciI6MSwiZnV6enlQcmVmaXhMZW5ndGgiOjMsImZ1enp5TWluU2ltaWxhcml0eSI6MC43LCJtYXhTdWd nZXN0aW9ucyI6MywiYWx3YXlzU3VnZ2VzdCI6ZmFsc2UsImluZGV4IjoxfX0&WINID=1715755156491#mCG4zMVRlvYAAAGPevnvGQ/15154 C77. Celebration).mkg-hamburg

Amacha Music Studio
Narration by Ondoku-san


