• last year
Season 4 | show | 2024| S4 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzMxckF3Sm16VVFR


00:00The year that you got people's Sexiest Man Alive.
00:02I don't even know if you noticed or not.
00:04I was a runner-up.
00:06Guys, you already know what it is.
00:08It's great conversation, great wine.
00:12I know how much you like to drink.
00:16Me and some of Hollywood's biggest names
00:18are having a heart-to-heart, and you got a front-row seat.
00:20I've always sort of likened being on SNL
00:22to this high-pressure thing.
00:24Your adrenaline goes through the roof.
00:25I went to a New Year's Eve party,
00:27and I pissed in their bed
00:29and flipping their mattress and making it look like
00:31I had left and been a good guest.
00:38I was expecting better craft services.
00:41Where are all the beautiful things?
00:42And you know what I was told?
00:43Locked up in your dressing room.
00:46When did the light bulb click?
00:48When you know that you've done everything
00:50you could possibly do in your power.
00:52Would you change any of that?
00:53Would you do it the same way?
00:56You were the first real example
00:58of a dope creative environment, and I thank you.
01:00I'm glad I wasn't wrong about you.
01:02What if you were a disaster?
01:03Yeah, the whole interview would have been...
01:05Time out! Stop!
01:09Heart-to-heart. We'll talk about it here.