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Apartment 7A Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: An ambitious young dancer Terry Gionoffrio (Julia Garner) dreams of fame and fortune in New York City, but after suffering a devastating injury, an older, wealthy couple (Dianne Wiest) welcomes her into their home in the luxury apartment building the Bramford. When fellow resident and influential Broadway producer (Jim Sturgess) offers her another chance at fame, it seems that all her dreams are finally coming true. However, after an evening she can't fully remember, disturbing circumstances soon have her second-guessing the sacrifices she's willing to make for her career as she realizes that something evil is living not only in Apartment 7A, but in the Bramford itself.

directed by Natalie Erika James

starring Julia Garner, Dianne Wiest, Kevin McNally, Marli Siu, Rosy McEwen, Amy Leeson, Scott Hume, Andrew Buchan, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith

release date September 27, 2024 (on Paramount Plus)
00:01Came here for one reason
00:04To make something of myself
00:07To be on stage to see my name in big lights, but dreams don't always come true
00:21You know when we found you
00:26You lost
00:29You were kind of a mess
00:33We want to help
00:35The place is yours if you want it
00:39Harry you don't even know these people look moving into my own place feels like a first step
00:53I think this belonged to your old tenant. She skipped out of here like Cinderella at midnight
01:00All I want is to dance show me again again again
01:07Being on stage isn't worth this
01:14What's the holdup dear can you just leave please?
01:25Maybe I shouldn't have bought every single thing handed to you on a silver platter
01:33There's something wrong with these people
01:38I think something happened to the girl who lived here before me. They did ungodly things to her and now they've chosen you
01:51Need to know what's happening to me
02:03We can give you everything
02:07Your name up in big lights
02:11This is so much bigger than me and I can't run from it
02:16This is a road you were born to play
02:20Baby's here to stay