Donald Duck Chip and Dale and Donald Duck Episodes full Disney cartoon

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00Yippee ! Regardez-les danser !
00:02Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi !
00:30That's where the cactus grows the best !
00:34Now swing down south and turn on east !
00:44Now end the dance and take your seats !
00:50Nothing to it !
00:57Now you've made old Hazel mad !
01:00I'll cast a spell that's double grim !
01:03Smash that door down, feet !
01:05With him !
01:14This hurts me worse than it does you !
01:17Now take a longer start !
01:19About a mile or two !
01:23Get ready, kids ! Here we go !
01:31Oh !
01:39I thought he'd listen to reason !
01:42The boys are all together !
01:45I won't do it !
01:48Come, Beelzebub, it's nearly dawn !
01:52It mustn't be late, goodness me !
01:54Goodbye ! Goodbye, kids !
01:56Goodbye, Hazel ! Bye-bye !
01:59When ghosts and goblins spy the score
02:01Ring your bell or pound your door
02:03Better not be stingy
02:05Or your nightmares will come true !
02:28Yeah !
02:34Oh, boy ! The show looks beautiful !
02:37Let's sing !
02:38Uh-oh !
02:40Oh, the spell looks good !
02:43Look, boys !
02:49Don't, don't, kids !
02:51Don't appreciate nothing !
02:52Uh-oh !
02:55A flamingo !
02:57Quoi ?!
03:00Quoi, quoi, quoi ?!
03:07Quoi ?!
03:08Quoi ?!
03:14Oh, no !
03:18non non...
03:20mais non non non...
03:22non non non...
03:26Oh, oui,
03:28cet homme a fait la錯e de la justice.
03:31La faute de la justice!
03:37Je vais lui dire la raison.
