がっちりマンデー!! 2024年9月1日 儲かりアワード2024夏

  • 5 days ago
がっちりマンデー!! 2024年9月1日 儲かりアワード2024夏
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Today's Gatchy Monday is...
00:06Mokari Award 2024 Summer!
00:10In this year's Gatchy Monday,
00:14more than 100 businesses and companies
00:17have selected their main Mokari business.
00:21This year's selection criteria is, of course,
00:25that guy's...
00:30For real?
00:32I see...
00:34Every year, Kouji Kato's reaction!
00:39Surprisingly, he doesn't lie with his wife.
00:42He's really amazing at business.
00:44These are the three words that come to mind.
00:47Wow! For real?
00:50I see...
00:52The number, size, and facial expression.
00:56There were a lot of big reactions.
01:00In other words, he picked up a really amazing business.
01:05Kouji Kato's...
01:08Wow! For real?
01:11I see...
01:13Which Mokari business did he win the most?
01:20The best Mokari business of the year
01:24will be revealed in the next 30 minutes!
01:29Good morning!
01:31Today, I'm going to...
01:33For real?
01:34I see.
01:35I'm going to choose an award with these three words.
01:39I've been in the entertainment business for about 30 years.
01:42I see.
01:43I've been walking around with just these three words.
01:47I've been walking around with just these three words.
01:51That's a great skill.
01:53I don't really have a reaction.
01:57You're honest.
01:58I'm honest.
02:00Let's take a look.
02:02Kato's Mokari Award 2024.
02:06Let's take a look.
02:09Kouji Kato's Mokari Award
02:22That's amazing.
02:24Kouji Kato's Mokari Award
02:27For real?
02:31I see.
02:33Kouji Kato's Mokari Award
02:36Kouji Kato's Mokari Award
02:39First, Musashi.
02:42This is Mr. Ogasawara.
02:44He's the inventor of the world's first great entertainment item.
02:49What kind of product is it?
02:52Here it is.
02:55This is it.
02:56It's a product called Jossou Vibrator.
02:59Jossou Vibrator?
03:02Jossou Vibrator was released in 2018.
03:06It's 8,800 yen.
03:09In just five years, it sold over 250,000 units.
03:14That's amazing.
03:16Let's take a look at Jossou Vibrator.
03:21If you press the switch, the tip vibrates.
03:32It vibrates like this.
03:35It doesn't get your hands dirty.
03:37The grass is gradually coming off.
03:41This is good.
03:43What's amazing is that not only the grass, but also the fine roots are buried in the soil.
03:49They don't break and come off cleanly.
03:53It feels good.
03:54It comes off while shaking the soil.
03:56The roots come off completely.
03:58The roots don't break?
03:59No, they don't.
04:01The program staff will try it.
04:04I think I can destroy it.
04:10It came off.
04:13Even with a long root, it comes off cleanly.
04:17You don't have to use force, right?
04:18I didn't use any force at all.
04:22You're holding it with your hand, right?
04:26The roots are pretty deep.
04:28You don't have to use force.
04:30It's coming off.
04:32It's coming off.
04:33It's so strong.
04:35It's amazing.
04:37It's amazing.
04:39It came off cleanly.
04:41This Jossou Vibrator can come off cleanly.
04:46The problem of grass hunting using a traditional hammock has been solved.
04:52The biggest feature is that the grass is hard to grow.
04:57When you hunt with a traditional hammock like this, the grass is hard to grow.
05:03If you do that, the roots remain at the bottom and the growth point is here.
05:09It will grow in about a week.
05:12However, if you use this, the roots will come off and the grass will not grow.
05:16I see.
05:17If you compare the place where the grass was cut with a traditional hammock and the place where the roots were cut with a Jossou Vibrator...
05:26The grass on the traditional hammock grows more and more, but the grass on the Jossou Vibrator does not grow.
05:33The difference is unprecedented.
05:36Local Jimmy Change Carboy
05:42Mr. Carboy here.
05:44If you change something, it will sell like crazy.
05:48That is...
05:50We used to sell this kind of hammock.
05:53Triangle hammock.
05:55This is a new product.
05:57Is this it?
05:59This is our new weapon.
06:04There are holes in the triangle hammock.
06:09Did you make a hole in the triangle hammock?
06:11That's right.
06:13The number of normal triangle hammocks sold by Carboy is about 8,000 a year.
06:20The name of the hammock that was released last year is a hole-in-the-triangle hammock.
06:25What is the number of hammocks sold for 7 months since its release?
06:29About 30,000 hammocks are currently on sale.
06:3230,000 hammocks?
06:3330,000 hammocks are sold 4 to 5 times.
06:36That's a lot of hammocks.
06:38Just by making a hole in the triangle hammock, it's a big change.
06:42But why is this so popular?
06:46What happens if you make a hole in the triangle hammock?
06:47It won't fall down because of the wind.
06:49It won't fall down because of the wind?
06:51It will float.
06:52The big problem of people who often use triangle hammocks is that the hammock will fly away because of the wind.
07:00That's why it's so popular because it won't fly away if you make a hole in it.
07:05However, a suspicious staff uses this giant fan to check if the hole-in-the-triangle hammock really won't fall down because of the wind.
07:16Yes, please.
07:22It's over 10 meters.
07:2315 meters.
07:2416 meters.
07:2517 meters.
07:2618 meters.
07:2719 meters.
07:2820 meters.
07:2930 meters.
07:31It's amazing.
07:32The moment the wind speed exceeded 20 meters, the normal triangle hammock was blown away by the wind.
07:39However, the hole-in-the-triangle hammock doesn't move even at a speed of 35 meters when the wind blows through the hole.
07:48It's amazing that you just made a hole in the triangle hammock.
07:53It's amazing.
07:54It's amazing.
07:56Furthermore, if there is a hole in the triangle hammock, it won't be washed away even by water.
08:04This is also a great success as it can be placed right under the umbrella when there is a strong wind or a flood.
08:14Kato Kouji's reaction is the size of the prize.
08:17He won the prize.
08:20Next is SAKAWA, who joined the school and has a good business.
08:25President SAKAWA, what do you use to enter the school?
08:29Please tell us.
08:30It's a blackboard.
08:31We use this blackboard.
08:33Certainly, the blackboard is the largest classroom in the school.
08:38That's right.
08:39However, according to President SAKAWA, the number of classrooms in the school has decreased due to the decrease in consumption,
08:45and the number of whiteboards that do not produce chalk powder has gradually spread.
08:50The number of Japanese blackboard makers seems to be declining.
08:55Isn't the sales of SAKAWA very bad?
08:58When I joined the school in 2018, it was about 500 million yen.
09:02It was a pretty bad situation.
09:05However, this April, the sales of SAKAWA have increased to 1.8 billion yen.
09:11That's great.
09:12Isn't it amazing?
09:13Thank you very much.
09:14Then, how did SAKAWA, the master of blackboard, achieve a miraculous V-shaped recovery?
09:22According to President SAKAWA, if you look at the place where the blackboard is actually used, you can see it.
09:27He went to Seika Elementary School in Yokohama City.
09:31The blackboard doesn't have any problems.
09:38I want you to look at this first.
09:42Suddenly, the blackboard was filled with letters and images.
09:48This is SAKAWA's secret weapon.
09:51The blackboard-specific projector, WIDE.
09:55Normally, the projector displays letters and images on the screen.
10:01However, WIDE can be displayed directly on the blackboard with just one button.
10:06It's very fast.
10:08And, of course,
10:14Since it is reflected on the blackboard, the teacher can write directly on the blackboard with a chalk.
10:20That's a good idea.
10:21Now, I'm going to...
10:24If it's a math class, the blackboard will only display the questions.
10:29Later, the teacher and students can write only the answers.
10:34That's amazing.
10:35I'm very interested.
10:36In addition, there is a feature called GUIDE LINE.
10:38If it's a language class, you can draw a straight line.
10:40If it's music class, you can draw five lines.
10:42You can also draw a line that matches the class at once.
10:47This is very convenient.
10:50By the way, where is the important WIDE?
10:54It's the upper part of the blackboard in the classroom.
10:57It's a special lens that's projected from above the blackboard.
11:02Even if the teacher stands in front of the blackboard,
11:05the teacher's shadow is almost invisible.
11:08I see.
11:10In the spring of this year, all the high schools in the prefecture of Tohoku were introduced to 3,300 classrooms.
11:19That's amazing.
11:22It's a popular elementary school drink.
11:24It's Bone Bone Zaurus.
11:27Let's ask the elementary school students in the city what their favorite snack is.
11:32Bone Bone Zaurus.
11:34Bone Bone Zaurus.
11:35I don't know.
11:37I think it's about 10 centimeters long.
11:41This is the real thing.
11:43One is about 300 yen.
11:46It's a snack with a dinosaur bone on top of it.
11:50How much is it?
11:53It's about 1.5 million yen a year.
11:56That's amazing.
11:58It's been selling well for 20 years since it was released in 2003.
12:03The cumulative number of sales is 40 million.
12:07So, what's the bonus?
12:11The inside looks like this.
12:15There's a built-in plastic model.
12:18If you assemble the bone parts on the snack,
12:22it becomes Bone Dinosaur Bone Bone Zaurus.
12:26But this?
12:27The snack is...
12:30This one.
12:33It's not a snack with a bonus.
12:35It's a toy with a snack.
12:39The snack with a bonus is a specialty of Kabaya Foods.
12:45The original snack was Big One Gum, which was released 47 years ago.
12:52It's a snack with a bonus, but there's a built-in plastic model.
12:57It sold 30 million pieces a year.
13:00So, Mr. Shimizu says that the snack with a bonus is very important for the profit.
13:10Yes, only toy stores sell snacks with a bonus.
13:15However, the snack with a bonus is a snack.
13:18I see.
13:19In this case, the sales are completely different in supermarkets all over Japan.
13:24The snack with a bonus is Bone Dinosaur Bone Bone Zaurus.
13:28In order to capture the hearts of elementary school boys, there's a trick to the bones.
13:32I'm going to make the bones feel the romance of a man.
13:35The romance of a man.
13:37Bone Dinosaur Bone Bone Zaurus can be reassembled and played freely.
13:43It can be attached anywhere.
13:45The joint part of the bone has been 5mm since its release.
13:50By freely combining the bones, you can make various combinations, such as this dinosaur and this dinosaur.
14:00But why can you make this snack with a bonus for about 300 yen?
14:05Because it's a bone, you don't have to pay extra for painting.
14:09I see.
14:11It's possible because it's a bonus for the bones.
14:17Mocari Award 2024, chosen by the size of the reaction of the cardboard construction.
14:22Next is Vanguard Smith, a company full of employees.
14:27What kind of business do you do?
14:29It's a company that solves neighborhood trouble.
14:34Neighborhood trouble is increasing at a pace of 10,000 every year.
14:39The number of trouble cases last year was about 300,000.
14:42It means that the store will solve this problem.
14:46The price is amazing.
14:48It's a monthly subscription of 550 yen.
14:51A subscription of neighborhood trouble?
14:54550 yen?
14:56How many times a month is 550 yen?
14:58That's right.
14:59I'll give you a discount until it's sold out.
15:01You don't have to consult.
15:03Solving the problem of neighborhood trouble with 550 yen a month is...
15:07I don't know much about it.
15:10First, let's go to the scene of solving the problem of neighborhood trouble with the president.
15:15This is the scene.
15:17This is the call center for solving the problem of neighborhood trouble.
15:20About 90% of the problems will be solved by phone.
15:23The people in the office know that.
15:28What are the people here?
15:32I don't know.
15:33I was a local police officer in Osaka Prefecture.
15:37I was investigating the safety of life at the police station.
15:40Vanguard Smith is a company full of former police officers.
15:46Let's take a look at the scene of solving the problem.
15:50I want to see it.
15:51This is Mr. Fujisawa, a former local police officer.
15:59Yes, this is the trouble consultation center.
16:02I called you on the phone problem of the apartment.
16:07This is pretty good.
16:09I heard a loud singing voice every night from the apartment next door.
16:14The way to find out what's going on with this client is...
16:17It's a show of the ex-police officer's skills.
16:20By the way, did you know the name of this song?
16:23I didn't know that.
16:24I don't know.
16:25I don't know.
16:26I don't know.
16:27I don't know.
16:28In the case of singing, there is no place where you don't notice that you are singing.
16:32If you hear the name of the song or the name of the singer,
16:35It's easier to connect to your consciousness if you ask,
16:38Are you singing this song?
16:40I see.
16:41After the call, I got a call from a real estate company.
16:47I'm finally going to see the person who's making the noise.
16:51How do I deal with this?
16:53This is...
16:54Yes, hello.
16:55Thank you for your time.
16:57I'm Fujisawa from Trouble Consultation Window.
17:00I'm going to explain to the client not to make noise.
17:04There's a little bit of technique here, too.
17:07Actually, I'd like to talk to you about something.
17:10Yes, yes.
17:11The content is...
17:12Between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m.
17:14Yes, yes.
17:15I'd like to talk to you about how the singing voice resonates.
17:18Yes, yes.
17:19Is there anything around here?
17:21It seems like a casual word, but it's surprisingly difficult.
17:25Is that so?
17:26By simply conveying the situation, you don't make the other person emotional.
17:32And by just asking,
17:34Do you have any ideas?
17:37It's going to make you admit that you might have an idea.
17:42And then...
17:44That's right. It might be a little too much.
17:48The other party has recognized the noise.
17:50And then...
17:52Then please lower the sound a little bit.
17:54Oh, I see.
17:55It's a request for cooperation.
17:56Yes, I understand.
17:58Lower the sound a little bit.
18:00That's great.
18:01That's how you solve it?
18:02Make the other person feel small.
18:04It's not an order, it's a request for cooperation.
18:07By doing this, the other person will feel comfortable.
18:10Report the results to the consultant.
18:12What a trouble!
18:14It'll be solved in a day.
18:17The number of members of Vanguard Smith's subscription has risen to the right.
18:22In January, the number of members increased to 1.28 million, the highest number in the past.
18:28Kishun News, the top news of the industry.
18:35What kind of business is President Tsuji doing?
18:39We have a lot of jewels in Japan.
18:44We are reforming them into jewelry.
18:47We're almost out of them.
18:50We can't get any good ones.
18:52According to the president, natural sapphires and rubies are almost all gone.
19:00There's no good quality.
19:03But in fact, in Japan, there are a lot of jewels that have been imported into the bubble machine.
19:08I see.
19:09There are a lot of them in the pants.
19:12Kishun buys the jewels from jewelry stores and recycling shops and reforms them.
19:18He sells them overseas.
19:22How much is Kishun's annual income?
19:27The annual income is 20.7 billion yen.
19:29This time, it's probably more than 3 billion yen.
19:31That's amazing.
19:34In fact, the domestic jewelry industry is declining year by year.
19:39The market size is one-third of what it was 30 years ago.
19:45However, even though Kishun was founded 8 years ago,
19:50the sales volume this time is more than 2 billion yen.
19:53It's more than 3 billion yen.
19:56It's a lot of money.
19:59But who is he selling it to?
20:03I was told that I could see the site.
20:07This is the meeting room of the company.
20:10When I went inside,
20:12the Indian buyer, Kumar, was facing Kishun's employees.
20:17He is in the middle of negotiating.
20:22Wow, that's amazing.
20:25I've never seen this kind of jewelry before.
20:29Please sign here.
20:32I'll take this, too.
20:36He immediately bought a 1.7 million yen ruby necklace.
20:42Kumar is in a good mood.
20:44In the end, he decided to buy 30 pieces of jewelry in an hour.
20:57Wow, he paid in cash.
21:00That's wild.
21:03Mr. Kumar, how much did you spend today?
21:07336,000 yen.
21:12I think it's close to a million yen in a year.
21:18In addition, Kishun is holding a sale meeting at exhibitions, etc.,
21:23in addition to selling one-to-one with such buyers.
21:27There's a shocking sight there.
21:34Kishun is in the middle of a sale meeting.
21:40In January, at the biggest jewelry exhibition in Japan,
21:45the International Jewelry Exhibition,
21:47when the curtain opens at 10 o'clock,
21:59There are so many people.
22:02Anyway, it's amazing.
22:04He sold several hundred million yen in just one day.
22:09Next Logistics Japan
22:15Mr. Kumar, how much did you sell?
22:18I sold 500 million yen in a year.
22:20That's amazing.
22:21What is the item he is selling?
22:25This is our secret weapon.
22:29It's a huge truck.
22:32It's 25 meters long.
22:34It's connected.
22:35It's a double-link truck with a trailer attached to the truck.
22:39Behind the truck, which can carry 13 tons of luggage,
22:42there is a double-link truck with a trailer that can carry 10 tons.
22:49It's very efficient because the driver can carry two trucks by himself.
22:56But is it okay to drive with two trucks?
23:02If you make the previous truck a normal double-link truck,
23:06when you turn the road,
23:09the back two trucks run inside the front two trucks,
23:14so it's a narrow road.
23:18But Mr. Umemura's double-link truck can drive the same way as a normal truck even if it has two trucks.
23:27The secret is...
23:30Between the back two trucks and the vehicle,
23:32there is a rotating car called a dolly.
23:37Then this rotating car will rotate when you turn the road,
23:45and the back two trucks will also rotate when you turn the road.
23:50So the second truck runs the same route as the first truck.
23:55It's amazing.
23:59In addition, there is a secret in the loading area to carry a lot of luggage.
24:04It's cool.
24:05It's amazing.
24:08A double-link truck with two trucks.
24:12In addition, there is a secret in the loading area to carry a lot of luggage.
24:16It's cool.
24:17The biggest secret of a double-link truck is...
24:20It can carry a lot of luggage at the same time.
24:25However, it is very difficult to combine which luggage and which luggage at the same time.
24:33For example, canned beer, detergent, copy paper, sweets.
24:38In this pattern,
24:40the smell of detergent and the smell of copy paper are mixed together,
24:43so it may smell.
24:45So it's no good.
24:47It's a puzzle game.
24:48And this time,
24:50it seems to be well-balanced,
24:53but it's no good.
24:55It's over the weight of one tire,
24:59so it's out.
25:00What is this?
25:02Here is the correct answer.
25:05Canned beer, bottles, sweets and copy paper.
25:09There are six.
25:11This is a lot.
25:13So, if you load about 1,000 types of luggage in 41 companies that are currently contracted,
25:20there are tens of millions of conditions,
25:23and the number of loading patterns is more than 100 billion.
25:27This is a big deal.
25:30So, President Umemura introduced...
25:36What is NEROS?
25:38It's a quantum computer that calculates the optimal combination.
25:41Quantum computer?
25:43Enter the NEROS system in the order of each company.
25:48Then, connect it to a quantum computer in Canada and analyze it.
25:53In just 40 seconds,
25:55it tells you where to load which luggage and how to attach the vest.
25:59This is amazing.
26:02There are more and more tricks.
26:05A bank that gives you a 40% discount on the Shinkansen
26:08and a trick to buy Amazon at a low price.
26:11A department store where you can get 100,000 yen a year.
26:17If you want to watch this program again,
26:19go to TVER or U-NEXT.
