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Across the River and Into the Trees Movie Clip

US Release Date: August 30, 2024
Starring: Josh Hutcherson, Liev Schreiber, Matilda De Angelis
Director : Paula Ortiz
Synopsis: Set in Italy during WWII, American Army Col. Richard Cantwell, is a bona fide war hero who faces news of his terminal illness with stoic disregard. Determined to spend his weekend in quiet solitude, he commandeers a military driver to facilitate what is likely a final duck hunting trip and visit to his old haunts in Venice. As Cantwell's plans begin to unravel, a chance encounter with a young countess begins to kindle in him the hope of renewal. Based on the last full-length novel Hemingway published in his lifetime, Across The River and Into The Trees captures a fleeting moment of immortality where time stands still. The story contains the great Hemingway themes of love, war, youth and age.
00:03Have news yeah
00:05The moment you got off the phone. I started my research exam the friend of a friend you find some guns the guns
00:12They definitely exist and he believes they are for sale. I have his address for you
00:20Yes, of course decoys
00:23Grand maestro you are a magician Alfonso two more. I know you must allow me to refuse. No yes, no
00:34What the hell are you doing here
00:36Like I said sir. I was told I don't give a shit, but you were told
00:41It's a time-honored principle sergeant men like me give orders men like you carry them out damn well work for centuries
00:46Nobody explained the goddamn rules to you
00:50Sure if I if I may I must apologize
00:52I don't want your fucking apology
00:54What I want is for you to get your ass back on that boat to mystery and stop following me around like some goddamn bird
01:07All right might as well have a drink while you're here Alfonso sir, I don't consume alcohol
01:11I find that it makes me behave in an undignified way
01:21Was it your intention sergeant to imply that your commanding officer is behaving himself in an undignified manner oh
01:29No, sir. It was not
01:31Well, that's too bad
01:34For a minute there. I thought you had some lead in your pencil
