• last year
فيلم,فيلم نادر,نادر,فيلم عربي,فيلم جديد,نادية الجندى,افلام نادرة,فيلم قديم,ملخص فيلم,مراجعة فيلم,فيديو نادر,عادل امام,فيلم رعب,نادر جدا,فيديو نادر جدا,ريال مدريد,قناة فيلم جديد,فيلم مصري,فيلم ملخص,فيلم اماراتى,فيدوهات نادره,فيلم الوان,فيلم ثقافى,فيلم حق ميت,تلخيص فيلم,نادر عباسي,أندر فيلم سينمائي,فيلم لم يعرض من قبل,المغرب,جدة,دبى,ابها,عمرويوسف,فيلم شباب البومب,موسيقي فيلم ​,احمدعز,فيلم عربي قديم,فيلم عربي جديد
فيلم سعودي,فيلم,أول فيلم سعودي,ثانوية الروابى,الرياض,فلم سعودي,فيلم كومدي سعودي,جان فيلم العلمين,سعودي,سعودى,فيلم ناقة السعودي,عمر افندى,اسماء جلال,الفيلم السعودي,فيلم كرك,الفيلم,سعودية,فيلم وجدة,الفيلم السعودي راس براس,أفلام سعوديه,افلام سعوديه,فيلم مناحي,فيلم ,فيلم النونو,نور الغندور,ويجز,ثانويةالنسيم,هل فيلم the goat life بيسيئ للسعوديه, تركي
فيلم خليجي,فيلم,اسوء فيلم خليجي,خليجي,شوفو اول فيلم خليجي,فيلم إنجليزي,فيلم كامل,فيلم اكشن,دعاية فيلم,فيلم أجنبي,اسماء جلال,فيلم سوريج,مسلسلات خليجية,خليجيه,الفيلم,فيلم هندي,فيلم قصير,فيلم كويتي,فيلم سعودي,فيلم بحريني,فيلم هندي قصير,جدة,اسماء جلال,احمد عز,موسم الرياض,فيلم حياه الماعز و استعباد الهنود في الخليج,شرح فيلم حياه الماعز,صلاح,الهلال,نورالغندور,رونالدو,السعودية,شرح فيلم the goat life,مراجعه فيلم the goat life,مقاطع مسلسلات خليجية


00:00:37When you get there, will you let me know?
00:02:06Took time to an NTSC arm and a game done
00:02:10I'm a demişke be the high number of Zatlis man. Yoksa. Sen başkalarının tavşanı olursun
00:02:17Kocaman bir dünyanın küçücük bir çocuğun etrafında dönmesi anne olmadan anlaşılamayacak bir insanırım
00:02:24Yaşamak için bir sebebi olmayanlar
00:02:27Kendilerine sebep yaratılmış
00:02:29Annem için o sebep bende
00:02:52Ne pişiriyorsunuz Nazlı hanım gel gel anne patates yaptım patatese de hiç dayanamam
00:03:00Kaynanan beni seviyormuş
00:03:02koy bakalım
00:03:06Ellerinize sağlık afiyet olsun Ayşe hanım
00:03:12Annemin en kıymetlisi bende o zaman
00:03:24Dur dur dur
00:03:26Üzerime bu kadar düşmesinin sebebi
00:03:28Anneliği geçlatmasıydı
00:03:30O yüzden bana bir şey olacak diye ödü kopardı
00:03:34Bak orda nasıl
00:03:38Bana her şeyini vermek isterdi
00:03:42Sahip olamadıklarını bile
00:03:56Aa Tahir abisi
00:03:58Tahir abisi
00:04:00Uçuracak mısın Nazlı'yı
00:04:02Haydi uçur uçur
00:04:04Bizim bulutlara değsin
00:04:08Haydi bakalım aç kolunu
00:04:10Aç aç aç
00:04:16Aç aç aç
00:04:20Haydi annem
00:04:24Haydi annem
00:04:30Annem için imkansız diye bir şey yoktu
00:04:32Hele konu bensem
00:04:46Okulu yarım bıraktığı için
00:04:48Hep okumamı isterdi
00:04:50Benim gibi olma
00:04:52Okulunu bitir
00:04:54Elin ekmek tutsun derdi
00:04:56Ama bunu isteyen
00:04:58Bite koydu
00:05:00Osman ver bakalım tabağını
00:05:04İki güne de kalmaz artık
00:05:06Nazlı'nın okulu açılıyor
00:05:10Sen bir şey yapmana gerek yok
00:05:12Sen bana para verirsin
00:05:14Ben yine varsa hepsini hallederim
00:05:16Olur mu Osman
00:05:22Osman bir şey demedi
00:05:24Nasıl yapalım
00:05:26Bu şeyi
00:05:28Ya ne diyorsun ya Osman
00:05:30Osman Osman
00:05:32Yok okul mokul
00:05:34Ya ben ne diyorum sen anlamıyor musun
00:05:36Ben diyorum para yok
00:05:38Sen tutturdun okul mokul diye ya
00:05:40Elbette tutturacağım
00:05:42Okumasında senin benim gibi mi olsun
00:05:44Allah Allah
00:05:46Neyimiz varmış bizim
00:05:48Baban seni bana vermeye de ne olacaktın
00:05:50Doktor mu olacaktın
00:05:52Hem bu köy yerinde okuyayım ne yapacak ki
00:05:54Profesör mü olacak
00:05:56Belki okuyacak
00:05:58Belki profesör olacak nereden biliyorsun
00:06:00Bir tanecik çocuğumuz var
00:06:02Anam bunun kıymetini bilmeyeceğiz de
00:06:04Neyini bileceğiz
00:06:06Ben sana söyleyeyim
00:06:08Bu kız okuyacak
00:06:26Akşam akşam beni delirtme
00:06:28Akşam akşam beni çıldırtma
00:06:30Eşref Bey
00:06:32Kendin al
00:06:34İnat karı çıktın
00:06:36Zıkkım ettin şunu
00:06:38Annem çok güçlü bir kadındı
00:06:40Benim için değil babama
00:06:42Dünyaya bile kafa tutardı
00:06:44Ona bu kız okuyacak demişti
00:06:48Dediği gibi de oldu
00:06:50Uçak geliyor uçak geliyor
00:06:52Ay Nazım yuttu
00:07:08Ama çocuklukta oynadığımız her oyun gibi bir gün bitiyor
00:07:24Oysa annem için ben her zaman çocuk kalmıştım
00:07:28Uçak geliyor uçak geliyor
00:07:30Uçak geliyor anne
00:07:32Of anne ne yapıyorsun ya ne uçağı
00:07:34Çantamı ver
00:07:38Sanki hayatında uçak gördün de
00:07:40Niye görmedik Nazlı
00:07:42Tahir abinin uçağı vardı ya
00:07:44Hani bulutlara değiyordun kızım
00:07:466 yaşındaydım
00:08:12Ya anne hadi ya
00:08:14Geç kalıyoruz
00:08:16Daha Meryem ile buluşacağım
00:08:22Bak bak
00:08:24Bu kupon var ya bu kupon
00:08:26Bütün parayı buna gömdüm ha
00:08:28Bu var ya bir tut şu
00:08:30Sana mandıra alacağım mandıra
00:08:32Burnun tezekten kurtulmayacak diyorsun yani
00:08:34Kalk gitme
00:08:36Anne görüyor musun beni
00:08:38Geldim geldim
00:08:40İlk de ayağıma bir patlıca sokuyorsun
00:08:42E hadi
00:08:44Su kaynıyor deşti
00:08:46Sen niye böyle çıktın
00:08:48Anne hadi geç kalıyoruz
00:08:50Hep böyle yapıyorsun
00:08:54Hah ıspanak
00:08:56Hadi bakalım
00:08:58Merhaba kaça bu
00:09:005 lira
00:09:04Olmaz öyle
00:09:06Ne yapalım fiyatlar böyle abla
00:09:08Öyle öyle
00:09:10Alacağım dur
00:09:122 kilo ver bakalım
00:09:14Bu kadar da para var
00:09:20Hakkını helal et
00:09:22Ne yaptın böyle abla biz de eve ekmek getireceğiz
00:09:24Olur olur
00:09:26İstemiyorum ıspanak falan
00:09:28Ben de eve ıspanak götürüyorum be
00:09:30Ne yapıyorsun ne yapıyorsun
00:09:321 liranın hesabını yapıyorsun
00:09:34Yeter artık utanıyorum diyorum sana
00:09:38Kız pazardayız pazarda pazarlık yapılır
00:09:40Annem adettendir
00:09:42Bıktım senden annem bıktım bıktım
00:09:44Yürü yürü
00:10:14Hoş geldin
00:10:20Hoş bulduk
00:10:22Azıcık sabredeydin de evinde içeydin
00:10:24Bu yüzünden de olmadı
00:10:26Kafa ağrıtma
00:10:2810 saat direksiyon sallamış
00:10:30Çocuk muyum ben
00:10:32Aklı verme
00:10:38Annem hadi gel
00:10:40Baban geldi yemeğe
00:10:44Bu ne lan
00:10:46Lan ıspanakla rakı mı içeydin
00:10:48Ne biçim kadınsın
00:10:50Bir ekmek koyamıyor musun
00:10:52O kadar para veriyorum nereye gidiyor bu para
00:10:56Beygirlere veriyorsun o parayı
00:10:58Bak sinirim tepemde elimde kalırsın
00:11:00Ulan kazandığın paranın hesabını
00:11:02Sana mı öğreneceğim
00:11:04Ne zaman para kazandın
00:11:06Allah aşkına ne zaman kazandın da benim haberim yok
00:11:08Üstüme gelmez zaten girdi bütün para
00:11:16Ne diyorsun sen
00:11:22Sakın Osman
00:11:30Ne yapıyorsun lan
00:11:32Haram olsun
00:11:44Coğrafyacı annemle konuşuyor
00:11:46Kesin şikayet ediyor beni
00:11:50Kızım bir şey desene
00:11:54Ne oldu
00:11:56Annemle babam
00:11:58Delirtiyorlar beni
00:12:00Sinir oluyorum ikisine de
00:12:06Ben hiç evlenmeyeceğim
00:12:08Bak görürsün
00:12:10İnşallah üniversiteyi kazanıp İstanbul'a giderim
00:12:12Ve bir daha buraya hiç dönmem
00:12:14Ya kızım bir dur bir sakin ol
00:12:16Bak bunların hepsini yapacaksın
00:12:18Ya sen benim gibi değilsin ki
00:12:20Derslerin çok iyi
00:12:22Notların çok güzel
00:12:24Gör bak en iyi okulları kazanacaksın
00:12:34Sana bir şey diyeceğim
00:12:42Ben evlensem bana kızmazsın değil mi
00:12:44Ne evlenmesi Meryem bu yaşta
00:12:46Kim ne
00:12:50Ya sınıfta Cemal var ya
00:12:52Hani böyle uzun boylu olan
00:12:56Kızım çok yakışıklı çocuk ya
00:12:58Teneffüste bana bir bakıyor var ya
00:13:02İçim şey oluyor
00:13:06İnşallah hemen evleniriz
00:13:10Gelinlik bakalım mı
00:13:14Böyle gül tamam mı
00:13:22Ayşe teyze geliyor
00:13:30Ne işin var burada
00:13:32Bu halde mi geldin okula
00:13:34Ne varmış halimde
00:13:36İyiyim yavrum
00:13:38Zehra öğretmen seni sahipsiz sanmaz
00:13:40Of anne ya ne sahibi
00:13:42Girme veli toplantısına
00:13:44Rezil mi edeceksin beni onu mu istiyorsun
00:13:48Ben girmeyecektim
00:13:50Anne ben
00:13:52Hocayla hemen şu köşede konuşup çıkacaktım
00:13:54Sen yanlış anladın
00:13:56Ya asma yaprağı istedi
00:14:00Hala yaprak diyorsun ya
00:14:02Anne git lütfen
00:14:04Ya git utandırıyorsun beni git
00:14:08Utanıyordun Nazlı benden
00:14:18Ver şunu anne
00:14:20De ki devamı var de
00:14:22Beğenirse devam eder
00:14:24Bunu da al
00:14:26Sıcak sıcak yer
00:14:28Aç aç durma
00:14:42Ne oldu
00:14:44Yok bir şey
00:14:48İyi misin
00:15:00Gerçekten o kadar kötü mü
00:15:02Hiç mi sevmiyorsun
00:15:04Ay Allah aşkına neyi var sevinecek
00:15:06Niye öyle diyorsun be
00:15:08Ben varım işte
00:15:10Tamam işte
00:15:12Bende dünyalara bedelim
00:15:20Sen öyle gideceğim gideceğim diyorsun da
00:15:22Osman amca izin verecek mi bakalım
00:15:24Aman ona soran var
00:15:26Sanki bana babalık yapmış da izin alacak
00:16:06Öldürürüm seni
00:16:08Öldürürüm seni
00:16:10Ne yapıyorsun
00:16:12Ne diyorsun lan sen
00:16:14Siz ne zamandan beri bana hesap soruyorsunuz
00:16:16Saat kaç oldu sen neredesin
00:16:18Kız kısmının babadan sonra eve geldiği nerede görülmüş
00:16:20Meryem yiğidim
00:16:22Bu saatte neyin Meryem'i lan
00:16:24Allah aşkına
00:16:26Hep sen yüz veriyorsun buna
00:16:28Hep sen yüz veriyorsun buna
00:16:30Ulan siz adamı delirtirsiniz be
00:16:32Siz adamı delirtirsiniz be
00:16:44Korktun mu annem
00:16:46Korktun mu
00:16:50Korkma korkma annem
00:16:52O adam böyle işte
00:16:54O adam
00:16:58Coşar coşar ondan sonra da
00:17:00Eli verir siniri
00:17:04Gel annem gel
00:17:06Gel annem
00:17:08Gel annem
00:17:10Gel annem
00:17:24Niye öpüyorsun ki anne bunu
00:17:28Niye bırakıp gitmiyorsun bu adamı
00:17:30Ben de
00:17:34Nereye gideceğim ki Nazlı
00:17:40Anam benim evim barkım mı var
00:17:42Anam babam mı
00:17:44Karan mı var
00:17:48Ama böyle yaşanmaz ki
00:17:52Ben senin yerinde olsaydım bir dakika durmazdım
00:18:00Ben de durmazdım
00:18:06Niye gidemedim biliyor musun yavrum
00:18:12Senin yüzünden
00:18:16Benim yüzümden mi
00:18:18Beni de alıp gitseydin
00:18:22Seni alıp
00:18:24Nereye gidecektim ki Nazlı
00:18:28El kadar bebeyle kim
00:18:30Kapısını açardı ki bize
00:18:34Bak burada ne güzel
00:18:36Sığınacak bir çatımız var yavrum
00:18:42Beni bırakıp gitseydin o zaman
00:18:48Olur mu
00:18:52Olur mu
00:18:54Nazlı'm olur mu öyle şey
00:18:56Tırnaktan ayrılır mı annem
00:19:00Ben seni bıraksaydım
00:19:02Bir kere okumayı unut
00:19:06Okutmazdı babam
00:19:08Ya evde o ölene kadar onun hizmetçisi olurdun
00:19:12Ya da işte on altıya gelmeden seni evlendiriverirdi
00:19:22Ne var biliyorsun
00:19:26Ne var
00:19:28Ben öyle
00:19:30Kızıma kolay kolay
00:19:34Kurban olduğum
00:19:36Yedirtir miyim annem
00:19:38Ben yapayım sana
00:19:40Patlıştı kız
00:19:46Hayatıyla benim aramda bir seçim
00:19:48Yapması gerekiyordu
00:20:02Anne kazandım
00:20:04Neyi kazandın kız
00:20:12Kendim kazandım
00:20:14Kazandım anne
00:20:16Nereye kazandın
00:20:18Üretmen oluyorum Ayşe Sultan
00:20:22Allah'ım sana şükürler olsun
00:20:30Kurtuluyorum sonunda
00:20:32Buradan kurtuluyorum
00:20:38Nereye kazandın ki Nazlı
00:20:44Bir yer yok muydu annem
00:21:00Ne bağırıyorsunuz lan
00:21:04Kızın öğretmen oldu
00:21:06Öğretmen hanım aşağı
00:21:08Öğretmen hanım yukarı
00:21:10Öğretmen hanım aşağı
00:21:12İyi tamam
00:21:14O kadar da şey yapmayın
00:21:28Ne hazırlamak lazım
00:21:30Bavul falan yapmak lazım
00:21:32Gülocuğum kızı oradaydı
00:21:34Şey yapmam lazım
00:21:38Sen bavul hazırla
00:21:40Şükür müjdelerim
00:21:50Annem sonunda başarmıştı
00:21:52Hem zamanla babamın inadını kırmış
00:21:54Hemde hayalindeki gibi
00:21:56Kızını üniversiteye göndermişti
00:22:02Kedisi var
00:22:06Şunu koy
00:22:14Anne gerek yok çok pahalı
00:22:18Baban o kadar para verdi yavrum
00:22:20Al istediğini al
00:22:22Baban para mı verdi
00:22:24Hayırlı olsun Nazlı okul kazanmışsın
00:22:26Sağol Hacer abla
00:22:28Sağol Hacercim teşekkür ederiz
00:22:32Bir de ilk yüz kaç bindeydik
00:22:36Baya yükseklerde çıktık
00:22:40Babam para mı verdi gerçekten
00:22:46Olsa kesin verirdik
00:22:48Ama olmayınca işte ben şey yaptım
00:22:52Bak nasıl
00:22:54Memur gibi değil mi
00:22:56Güzel güzel
00:22:58Güzel anne
00:23:02Benim kızım üniversiteyi kazandı da
00:23:04Acaba bu üşütür mü
00:23:06Onu oralarda diyorum
00:23:08Üşütmez pamukludur bunlar
00:23:10Üşümemesi lazım yüksek okul
00:23:12Başka türlü bir şey çünkü
00:23:16Meryem ne yaptın
00:23:24Herkes öğretmen olmak zorunda değil
00:23:26Ne ne yapıyorsun
00:23:28Duyacak kadın
00:23:30Akşam zaten Meryem'e gideceğim
00:23:32Niye gidiyorsun akşam Meryem'e
00:23:34Sen artık öğretmensin
00:23:48Osman anam sen
00:23:50Hiç bu kadar ağır kullanmazdın
00:23:52Neyin var Allah aşkına ayağına kran mı girdi
00:23:54Otobüsün kalkmasına 20 dakika var
00:23:58Evet hızlı olsak ya biraz
00:24:00Lan bir susun be
00:24:02Kaza mı yapayım
00:24:08Kız Nazlı ben anladım
00:24:10Kızından ayrılmak istemiyor
00:24:12Ya bir kıpraşma sen de
00:24:14Allah aşkına
00:24:16Zaten yeni yeni adetler çıkardınız başıma
00:24:18Kız dediğim benim bildiğim
00:24:20Ailesinin yanında otur
00:24:22Ne işi var bunun İstanbul'da
00:24:24Anam Osman kaç kere söyleyeceğim
00:24:26Anam sana
00:24:28Dönebacının yeğeni nesil orada
00:24:30Kızınız bana emanet dedi
00:24:32O benim akrabam sayılır dedi
00:24:34Gözünüz arkada kalmasın dedi
00:24:36Daha ne desin kız
00:24:38Uzak diyorum uzak uzak
00:24:40Aman 3
00:24:42Bilemedin 4 saatlik yol bırak Allah aşkına
00:24:44Hem benim de gözüm hep üstünde olacak
00:24:46İkide bir gideceğim gideceğim
00:24:48Kalacağım öyle boş bırakacak halimiz yok
00:24:50Hatta diyorum ki ne
00:24:52Sen böyle bir gaza bir yüklensen
00:24:54Biz 3 saatte gider İstanbul'da oluruz
00:24:56Kızı da ellerimize teslim eder döneriz
00:24:58Anne yok artık ya
00:25:00Daha neler
00:25:02Sen ananı tanımıyor musun Allah aşkına ya
00:25:04Katiyen laf dinlemiyor ki
00:25:06Dedim ya ben bu arabayı
00:25:08Saat 3'te teslim edeceğim diye
00:25:10İnadından diyor İstanbul'a kadar götür
00:25:12Sen bu arabayı temelli teslim et
00:25:14Bu yürümüyor ki
00:25:28Bak bunun
00:25:30Dur dur
00:25:32Dur o ikisini götür
00:25:34Anne ne yapıyorsun
00:25:36Bunu gözümün önünden ayırma Nazlı
00:25:38Tamam mı
00:25:40Anne sen ne koydun bunun içine
00:25:42Okumaya gidiyorum kocaya mı kaçıyorum
00:25:46Zeytin koydum suyla koydum
00:25:48Zahar ağır çekti
00:25:50Bulgur falan da var
00:25:52Alırdım zeytin İstanbul'da
00:25:54Kitabına deflerine harcarsın kızım paralarını
00:25:58Dur dur
00:26:00Al bunu annem bak
00:26:02Bunun da aynen
00:26:04Adresi yazıyor tamam mı
00:26:06Nesli ablana gideceksin hemen beni arayacaksın
00:26:08Tamam mı kızım
00:26:10Kalkıyordum ben gideyim artık
00:26:18Anne yapma
00:26:24Anne tamam
00:26:26Beş dakika var
00:26:32Anne ağlamasana
00:26:34Dur dur
00:26:38Bunu da al bu
00:26:40Bu Nesli ablanın adresini ben kopyasını yazdım
00:26:42Tamam mı
00:26:44Bunu başka bir yerine koyacaksın
00:26:46Tamam anne
00:26:48Çok güzel olmuşsun
00:26:52Şunu da kapa
00:26:56Ayşe'nin kızı da İstanbul'larda pasaklı pasaklı dolanıyor
00:27:00Ya hanım tamam
00:27:02Hadi bir huzur ver ya
00:27:06Koy şunu çantasına
00:27:08Hay Allah
00:27:12Ne olmuş baban
00:27:24Hadi Allah'a emanet ol
00:27:26Sağ ol baba
00:27:28Ben gidiyorum
00:27:36Su alayım mı kızım
00:27:44Şimdiye kadar sahip olduğum her şeyi geride bırakıp gidiyordum
00:27:46Doğduğum köyden uzaklaştıkça kendime yaklaşırım sanıyordum
00:27:52İnsan köklerinden kurtulunca
00:27:54Gökyüzüne daha mı çabuk ulaşır
00:27:56Bunu ancak zaman bilebilir
00:28:04Anne İstanbul'u kazandım deyince
00:28:06Hem korktum hem sevindim yalan yok
00:28:10Dedim orada bir başına ne yapacak
00:28:12Yemek yiyecek mi
00:28:14Hasta olunca kim bakacak
00:28:16Bir başına o koca şehirde nasıl kalacak
00:28:20Sonra dedim ki Ayşe
00:28:22Nazlı senin kızını yapar elbet
00:28:24Şimdi sen yılmayacaksın
00:28:26Okuyacaksın öğretmen olacaksın
00:28:28Kendin gibi çocuklar yetiştireceksin
00:28:30Ekmeğini kazanacaksın
00:28:32Kimseye muhtaç olmayacaksın
00:28:36Oralarda herkese güvenme
00:28:38Her söylenene inanma
00:28:40Kendine mukayyet ol
00:28:42Çok fazla değil ama
00:28:44Bunu senin için biriktirdim
00:28:46Dişimden tırnağımdan artırıp
00:28:48Bu kadar yapabildim
00:28:52Keşke olaydı daha fazla verirdim ama
00:28:54Elimden bu kadar geldi işte
00:28:58Sen benim en kıymetlim
00:29:00Göz bebeğimsin
00:29:02Allah'a emanet ol
00:29:04Nazlı yavrum
00:29:12Altyazı M.K.
00:29:42Altyazı M.K.
00:30:12Altyazı M.K.
00:30:38Ben Nesrin teyzeye bakmıştım
00:30:40Niye bakmıştın sen?
00:30:44Ayşe Toprak'ın kızıyım
00:30:50Nesrin abla koş bak kim geldi
00:30:52Kadın seni bekliyor ne zamandır
00:30:54Gel gel
00:30:56Abla kız gelsene bak kim geldi
00:30:58Patlama geldi patlama patlama
00:31:14Kızım niye aramıyorsun beni
00:31:16Kaçırdılar herhalde
00:31:18Kayboldu şehirde bir şeyler oldu
00:31:20Bin türlü şey düşündürttü kızım bana
00:31:22Kız telefonunu arıyorum arıyorum
00:31:24O da açılmıyor
00:31:26Kötü telefonum
00:31:28Anne tamam tamam bir tur nefes al
00:31:30Geldim ben iyiyim
00:31:32Buldum Nesrin ablayı
00:31:34Selam söyle Nesrin ablana
00:31:38Nerede kalacaksın bu akşam kızım
00:31:40Evine davet ettim yoksa sen bir yatak falan mı
00:31:42Serecek bu iş yerinde
00:31:44Anne bilmiyorum daha yeni geldim
00:31:46Çekinik davranma bizim köylümüz sayılır tamam mı
00:31:48Yok işi olmadı
00:31:50Of anne tamam derim
00:31:52Hadi kapatıyorum şimdi kalabalık burası
00:31:58Allah Allah
00:32:02İşte burası da Neriman teyzenin evi
00:32:04Kadın geçen sene vefat etti
00:32:06Onları da bana emanet etti
00:32:08Sen bakarsın diye
00:32:10Ama nerede
00:32:12Neredeydi buranın ışığı
00:32:16Valla kutu gibi ev işte
00:32:18İdare edersin artık
00:32:20Aa bak mutfak
00:32:22Fena değil neyine yetmiyor canım
00:32:24Ayrıca kolay da ısınır bak burası
00:32:26Ayrıca yeri zehir olur içerisi
00:32:28Biraz böyle eski püskü ama olsun
00:32:30Bence biz burayı toparlar hallederiz
00:32:32Yok abla ne güzel ev işte
00:32:38Abla çok sağ ol sen olmasan ortada kalırdım
00:32:40Öyle deme canım olur mu öyle şey
00:32:42Gündüzleri okuldasın zaten
00:32:44Sonra gelip kafede çalışacaksın
00:32:46Akşamdan akşama uyumaya artık
00:32:50Abla söz
00:32:52Ben borcunu neyse ilk maaşımla ödeyeceğim
00:32:56Öyle deme
00:33:00Ödemesen de maaşından keserim
00:33:02Patron değil miyim ben
00:33:04Patronum tabi ya
00:33:24Teşekkür ederim
00:33:54Alo Nazlı
00:34:00Alo anne
00:34:04Nazlı ya niye ayaktasın sen bir şey mi oldu acaba
00:34:06Doğruyu söyle bak bana
00:34:10Uyuyamadım sadece
00:34:42If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:34:52My eyes are open for her.
00:35:01If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:35:14My eyes are open for her.
00:35:31My eyes are open for her.
00:36:01My eyes are open for her.
00:36:21If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:36:32My eyes are open for her.
00:36:42If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:37:00If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:37:30If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:37:41If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:37:51If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:38:11If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:38:22If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:38:32If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:38:43If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:38:53If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:39:04If my naivety doesn't hold me, let me go.
00:39:15If you need anything, I'm always downstairs.
00:39:19Just call me.
00:39:23That's how it all started.
00:39:25Mert first came into my life, then into my heart.
00:39:32Ayşe, we're doing this, but...
00:39:36...how can she eat so much?
00:39:38If she eats, she'll burst.
00:39:40Take her home.
00:39:41There you go.
00:39:43Meryem can eat too.
00:39:45Your husband can eat too.
00:39:47Nazlı is going to be a teacher now.
00:39:49General teacher.
00:39:51I hope nothing happens to her in Istanbul.
00:39:54She's a whore, a whore, a whore, a whore.
00:39:57It's all Istanbul.
00:39:59I saw something on the news the other day.
00:40:02A girl...
00:40:04Oh, whatever.
00:40:06I won't say it.
00:40:07Don't be a whore.
00:40:09There are a lot of pretty girls in the winter city.
00:40:12Who cares about Nazlı?
00:40:14What's wrong with Nazlı?
00:40:17Pour some flour.
00:40:19The dough sticks to your hands.
00:40:38One second.
00:40:41Hello, mom.
00:40:43Nazlı, how are you, my dear? Are you okay?
00:40:47Yes, mom.
00:40:49Why do you sound like that?
00:40:51Did the girl get sick there?
00:40:54No, mom. I'm fine.
00:40:56I'll call you later, okay?
00:40:58I can't talk right now.
00:41:07This charger is...
00:41:14I can hear you now.
00:41:16Why did you hang up?
00:41:18You could have talked.
00:41:23You're here because I'm with you.
00:41:28My dear, you're going to be number one.
00:41:33Don't do that.
00:41:35This is like her mother.
00:41:37She's going to be number one.
00:41:41Anyone who sees her will think she's a professor.
00:41:44She dropped out of primary school.
00:41:47I'm listening, my dear.
00:42:06Give it to me.
00:42:12That's mine.
00:42:14That's mine.
00:42:19Why do you keep calling me on the phone?
00:42:22You're always in the middle of class.
00:42:24What did you put in it?
00:42:30It's a blanket.
00:42:32Why, mom? Don't they have blankets in Istanbul?
00:42:35No, it's cold.
00:42:37Okay, my dear.
00:42:40I put a blanket in it.
00:42:42It's logical.
00:42:44You shouldn't be a liar.
00:42:48Nazlı, girl.
00:42:50In Istanbul, everyone wears a blanket.
00:42:54Yes, everyone does.
00:42:56Oh, that's bad.
00:42:58I thought it was a blanket.
00:43:03Shame on you.
00:43:05They always sit at home in suits.
00:43:09We're changing it now.
00:43:11Give it to me, mom.
00:43:13Give it to me.
00:43:16Did you put potatoes in it?
00:43:18Did you put potatoes in it?
00:43:19Why aren't there potatoes in it?
00:43:20Mom, I put potatoes in it.
00:43:21You don't have to.
00:43:23Run, run.
00:43:25Run, run.
00:43:27Let her go.
00:43:39I didn't run after you for no reason.
00:43:43Don't worry, mom.
00:43:44Warm your hands and feet.
00:43:45Look, it's like ice.
00:43:47You'll definitely eat.
00:43:49Mom, I won't eat.
00:43:50You will.
00:43:51Mom, I don't like it.
00:43:52Okay, leave it.
00:43:55Actually, you're going to put a wood stove over there.
00:43:58It's going to burn.
00:44:00Your hands and feet will get warm.
00:44:01Here, eat, mom.
00:44:02Mom, what are you doing? I don't want it.
00:44:03Mom, please go.
00:44:25Oh, Nazlı.
00:44:27Girl, how did they make this mess?
00:44:30It's a mess.
00:44:31I'm sorry.
00:44:33I'm really sorry.
00:44:35Now, you can handle it until I come back.
00:44:41Okay, mom?
00:44:43I will.
00:44:51You're talking to someone.
00:44:53What's that?
00:44:54You're writing on your phone.
00:44:57You're writing all day long.
00:44:59No, mom.
00:45:00I was doing something with my friends.
00:45:02About the lessons.
00:45:04I'm going to bed.
00:45:06You were doing something.
00:45:21What does he look like?
00:45:23Is he handsome?
00:45:25I hope he's a doctor.
00:45:27Is he a doctor?
00:45:28Mom, he's my friend.
00:45:30He's not a doctor.
00:45:32He's my friend, girl.
00:45:34Look, it's important to get along.
00:45:36You're going to spend the rest of your life together.
00:45:40Mom, who am I talking to?
00:45:42Don't call your mom.
00:45:45Give it to me.
00:45:46Leave my phone.
00:45:47Good night.
00:45:49Good night.
00:45:50Good night.
00:46:00Don't go to every place he calls you.
00:46:03It's better to take it easy.
00:46:06Sometimes you have to take your friends with you.
00:46:10Then you'll introduce me to him.
00:46:28Yes, this is our book for today.
00:46:30Read it.
00:46:31Shall I read it?
00:46:32Are you ready?
00:46:34Then I'll start.
00:46:58Good night.
00:47:23I'm so excited for tonight.
00:47:25I wonder if yours will love ours.
00:47:27My love, why wouldn't they?
00:47:29I'm sure they're very sweet people.
00:47:34You don't know us.
00:47:41Look away from the road.
00:47:44Have I ever been in front of the diners?
00:47:47Yes, you have.
00:47:48Like a fresh bride.
00:47:49What's going on with you?
00:47:51What do you mean, what's going on with me?
00:47:52What else?
00:47:53I'm marrying a little girl.
00:47:57Her son-in-law's father is a great engineer.
00:48:01His wife is a great...
00:48:04...engineer's wife.
00:48:06If she's a great engineer, I'm a great truck driver.
00:48:09What's wrong with that?
00:48:11That's right.
00:48:17We've been sitting here for hours.
00:48:20Nazlı, are we going to wait for your parents any longer?
00:48:24They're about to come, Ms. Nihal.
00:48:27I mean...
00:48:29I'm going to invite them somewhere else from now on.
00:48:31That's why I said that.
00:48:34We don't know when we're going to get out of here.
00:48:36Why are you doing another show, my love?
00:48:38I thought it would end early.
00:48:40Besides, what can we talk about for so long?
00:48:53Hey, brother.
00:48:54You can't leave it here. Pull over.
00:48:56What are you saying, brother?
00:48:57We're going to have a couple of meals here.
00:48:59Let the car stop for a while. What's going to happen?
00:49:00Oh, did you come to eat?
00:49:02Then let me get the keys, uncle.
00:49:07We now have a respectable family.
00:49:11We're going to give the girl to him.
00:49:13That's why we're coming in.
00:49:14Let's do a little something.
00:49:15Auntie, I'm the valet of this restaurant.
00:49:21I mean, I park the cars of our customers who come here.
00:49:24Oh, really?
00:49:27Let me get the keys.
00:49:28Okay, brother.
00:49:29I'll give you the keys now.
00:49:30This car is very expensive.
00:49:31This is the first one.
00:49:32I don't know you.
00:49:33Why do you need the keys?
00:49:36No, we're going to give the girl now.
00:49:37Let's not give this.
00:49:39Oh, don't break it.
00:49:42Something happened.
00:49:48Oh, my dear.
00:49:49Oh, mom.
00:49:51My beautiful.
00:49:55You're so handsome.
00:49:56Hello, I'm Mert.
00:49:59You're so handsome.
00:50:00Thank you.
00:50:02Nice to meet you.
00:50:03Let me kiss you.
00:50:05I'm Cavit.
00:50:06I'm Mert's father.
00:50:08This is my mother's family.
00:50:11Here you go.
00:50:13Let's sit like this.
00:50:14Sit down.
00:50:16How was the trip?
00:50:17I hope it went well.
00:50:18It went well, son.
00:50:20We had a great conversation.
00:50:23First of all, we accepted your invitation.
00:50:25Thank you very much for coming.
00:50:26We are very pleased.
00:50:27We are very pleased.
00:50:28We are very...
00:50:30We are pleased.
00:50:32We are pleased, of course.
00:50:37Hey, Dinir.
00:50:39How are you, Dinir?
00:50:40Are you okay?
00:50:44We're fine.
00:50:46Our son wanted it.
00:50:47Here we are.
00:50:48When Mert came and said,
00:50:50I'm getting married,
00:50:51we were very excited.
00:50:53To be honest,
00:50:54when he got to know our daughter,
00:50:55right, Nihal?
00:50:56I mean,
00:50:57let's not say we got to know her,
00:50:59but we're slowly getting to know her.
00:51:02Let's see.
00:51:09Let's see.
00:51:15Hello, sir.
00:51:16What would you like?
00:51:17Can you get me a soup?
00:51:19Why do you want a soup?
00:51:20Eat some meat.
00:51:22I want to eat something.
00:51:24We're hungry.
00:51:25We came here like hungry wolves.
00:51:27Meat or something.
00:51:29I'd like some spinach on the bed,
00:51:31and some nanticoke.
00:51:32Just a little cooked.
00:51:37You came across spinach.
00:51:41It's okay, son.
00:51:42Don't laugh.
00:51:48Give it to me.
00:51:50I'd like some meat,
00:51:55And some nanticoke on the bed.
00:52:01Okay, son.
00:52:02We'll tell you later.
00:52:08of course,
00:52:09at this time,
00:52:11it's hard to raise a child.
00:52:13Whether it's a girl or a boy.
00:52:15You have to raise them,
00:52:17feed them,
00:52:18educate them.
00:52:20It's always a hassle.
00:52:21You're right, sir.
00:52:22You're right.
00:52:23Raising a child at this time
00:52:25is a matter of patience.
00:52:27there you go.
00:52:28You raised him.
00:52:31Praise be to God.
00:52:32He raised you
00:52:33very well.
00:52:35You raised Nazlı very well,
00:52:37Ms. Ayşe.
00:52:46What did he say now?
00:52:50I mean,
00:52:52it's a great success
00:52:54that he convinced Mert
00:52:56to marry in such a short time.
00:53:05get to the point.
00:53:09we know why you're here.
00:53:11We know the story.
00:53:13The poor girl
00:53:14can win the heart of a rich man.
00:53:18that's enough.
00:53:19What did I say, son?
00:53:21I summarized the situation.
00:53:22Ms. Nihal, please.
00:53:30Let me summarize it then.
00:53:32As far as I understand,
00:53:36your son
00:53:37works for his father, doesn't he?
00:53:39I mean, he takes care of his father.
00:53:41What does that mean?
00:53:42What does it mean?
00:53:43What does it mean?
00:53:44That's what it means.
00:53:45My daughter is a teacher.
00:53:47She has a gold bracelet in her hand.
00:53:49If your husband says,
00:53:51I don't work for him,
00:53:53will my daughter take care of him?
00:53:56No, it won't work, Osman.
00:53:58Mom, that's enough.
00:53:59I think you misunderstood me, Ms. Ayşe.
00:54:02I never misunderstood you.
00:54:06You didn't like us.
00:54:10we didn't like you either.
00:54:11Mom, that's enough.
00:54:13Let's see what you're going to do.
00:54:16Since you don't like each other on both sides,
00:54:19we can forget about this.
00:54:20Let's forget about it.
00:54:21Let's forget about it.
00:54:22Since you're here,
00:54:23what's going on?
00:54:24Am I going to force my daughter to stay with you?
00:54:27This mask is too long.
00:54:29I'm leaving.
00:54:30You're not going anywhere.
00:54:31Sit down, mom.
00:54:32If you marry this girl,
00:54:34forget about me.
00:54:35I'm leaving.
00:54:36Ms. Ayşe.
00:54:37I don't have a daughter to marry.
00:54:39Nazlı, go.
00:54:40Nazlı, go.
00:54:44Nazlı, don't go.
00:54:50Mom, bravo.
00:54:53I'll bring the truck.
00:54:54Okay, bring it.
00:54:55Bring it.
00:54:56Let's go.
00:54:57What are you doing?
00:54:58What are you doing?
00:55:00Shut up.
00:55:01What are you doing?
00:55:02What are you doing?
00:55:03What are you doing?
00:55:04What are you doing?
00:55:05Shut up.
00:55:06Don't talk.
00:55:08You brought us all the way from there
00:55:10and now you're talking about a truck.
00:55:12Ms. Ayşe.
00:55:13You've been embarrassing me for years.
00:55:15Get out of here.
00:55:16Enough of your jokes.
00:55:19You ruined my life.
00:55:20Get out of here.
00:55:21I hate you.
00:55:22I hate you.
00:55:23I hate you.
00:55:24Get out of here.
00:55:25Did I ruin your life?
00:55:27You're always with me.
00:56:59I'm listening to you, Ms. Ayşe.
00:57:03Ms. Nihal.
00:57:06I'm sorry.
00:57:08I made a mistake.
00:57:11Nazlı is in a very difficult situation.
00:57:14Even if it were you, you wouldn't be able to stand it.
00:57:19You know you're her mother, right?
00:57:23That's right.
00:57:24No mother can stand it.
00:57:26But am I the reason for all this?
00:57:30It's my fault.
00:57:33I was ignorant.
00:57:35I didn't know.
00:57:37Nazlı wasn't as lucky as Mert.
00:57:42She studied.
00:57:43She worked while she was studying.
00:57:46She had a job.
00:57:47If you don't have a job, no one will be happy.
00:58:01I never thought about her father.
00:58:06We're pulling you under our feet.
00:58:10What do you mean?
00:58:17You say we have an orphan.
00:58:20She doesn't have a mother or a father.
00:58:26That's enough.
00:58:27My daughter.
00:58:29I don't like to be sad.
00:58:35I'm sorry.
00:58:42I don't know how it happened.
00:58:44We got married in a wonderful wedding.
00:58:46But my mother never came to my house.
00:58:50I was very happy to be with the man I love.
00:58:59Don't you work all day?
00:59:01Why did you bother?
00:59:03We wanted something from you.
00:59:05What's the point of all this?
00:59:07You're still working. Sit down.
00:59:09I don't know how it's going to be.
00:59:12I guess you'll quit after I give birth.
00:59:15No, Ms. Nihal.
00:59:17You know how much I love my job.
00:59:20You haven't seen your mother in a long time.
00:59:23Let's call them.
00:59:25Your mother will help you until you give birth.
00:59:27No need.
00:59:28We'll give her money and hire a helper.
00:59:31You don't have to come.
00:59:46Nazlı, how are you?
00:59:48I'm fine.
00:59:49Did something happen?
00:59:51Nazlı, you have to come to the village.
00:59:54Your father...
01:00:01I can't believe it.
01:00:21I can't believe it.
01:00:23I can't believe it.
01:00:32I can't believe it.
01:00:38I can't believe it.
01:00:42I can't believe it.
01:01:02Osman, look.
01:01:03Your daughter is here.
01:01:04Your daughter is homeless.
01:01:08When my father died, there was a void in me.
01:01:11A void that we will never be able to live in.
01:01:15But people get used to the absence of someone...
01:01:18...who doesn't feel their existence.
01:01:20Still, I would like him to caress my head once.
01:01:23I would like him to be proud of me.
01:01:25I would like him to say, this is my daughter.
01:01:27I wish he was as generous as his anger...
01:01:30...in showing his love.
01:01:42Is there enough food?
01:01:44There is.
01:01:45Everyone, enjoy your meal.
01:01:47No, thank you.
01:01:48I won't eat.
01:01:49No, no, eat.
01:01:50Hold on.
01:01:51Take a couple of forks, dear.
01:01:56Nazlı, are you okay?
01:01:57I'm fine, Meryem. Thank you.
01:02:00Dear, if you want, give it to Ozan inside.
01:02:03Meryem, can you bring your suitcase?
01:02:05I'll bring it, Meryem.
01:02:06No, no, Meryem. Sit down.
01:02:08Mom, I won't stay. I'll go back.
01:02:10What do you mean?
01:02:13What do you mean, you won't stay?
01:02:15There are seven of them.
01:02:17Your father has a prayer.
01:02:19Think about it.
01:02:26Nazlı, you haven't eaten anything since you came.
01:02:28Eat a little.
01:02:29Come on.
01:02:30Meryem, I can't eat.
01:02:32I'm having nausea.
01:02:41Girl, what are you saying?
01:02:44Are you pregnant?
01:02:48See, mom? She's not saying anything.
01:02:52My dear!
01:02:54Oh, mom!
01:02:56I'm so happy.
01:03:01Good morning, Ayşe.
01:03:03My dear.
01:03:04God is taking a life.
01:03:05He's giving a life.
01:03:06May God save you, my girl.
01:03:11God willing.
01:03:17What happened?
01:03:38I was going to give you the good news.
01:03:41It didn't happen.
01:03:42I'm sorry.
01:03:43If you need anything, please let me know.
01:03:46I'll wait in the car.
01:03:50Let me know as soon as you leave, okay, Nazlı?
01:03:55Pregnancy is a bit difficult.
01:03:58I have check-ups tomorrow, that's why I can't stay.
01:04:06Take care of yourself.
01:04:08Take care of yourself.
01:04:12Nazlı, why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?
01:04:20Mom, we just found out. We didn't have a chance.
01:04:23You could have told me, right?
01:04:26You could have told me that you were going to have a baby.
01:04:30I would have.
01:04:39Mom, what are you going to do here all alone?
01:04:43Look, I don't have a father anymore.
01:04:45My home is right here, my dear.
01:04:48My wife, my friends, my animals, my mother's grave.
01:04:54Your grave is right here.
01:04:58If you want to come back one day...
01:05:06Nazlı, it's not obvious, my dear.
01:05:09A person has to have a home to return to.
01:05:14I never had one.
01:05:16May it be yours.
01:05:24You should go in and get cold.
01:05:26No, I won't.
01:05:28Don't go, don't do anything.
01:05:30Look, you're coughing.
01:05:32Forgive me.
01:05:33Forgive me.
01:05:37Mom, even a funeral is necessary.
01:05:39It's a shame, my dear.
01:05:41Find it.
01:05:43Okay, thank you.
01:05:45Go in now.
01:06:04My mother entrusted it to me.
01:06:07My father understood when he left.
01:06:09And I was running away from him and my responsibilities.
01:06:14But it wouldn't last long.
01:06:16Because I was going to be a mother, too.
01:06:19Oh, it's so beautiful.
01:06:22You're so lucky.
01:06:27Thank you.
01:06:29We're grandmothers, Mrs. Nihal.
01:06:31We're grandmothers, Mrs. Nihal.
01:06:33We call her great-grandmother.
01:06:39The greatest grandmother.
01:06:42You're a great-grandmother.
01:06:44Come closer.
01:06:46Where is she?
01:06:48My dear, look at her.
01:06:51She's so cute.
01:06:57Isn't she too small?
01:06:58My dear, you were this small, too.
01:07:01Akıncı is a year old.
01:07:03When can I hold her?
01:07:05My dear, the doctor said...
01:07:07...she needs to recover a little.
01:07:09Let our son rest.
01:07:11Then you can hold her as much as you want.
01:07:13Right, mom?
01:07:15Of course, we can.
01:07:19She's very active.
01:07:21My dear, come on.
01:07:23You're very tired, too.
01:07:25You need to rest.
01:07:26I don't want to cry.
01:07:28How is it possible, Mrs. Nazlı?
01:07:30I'd be shocked.
01:07:32You'd run away, too.
01:07:36That's how it is.
01:07:40That's how it is.
01:07:44Come on, rest a little.
01:07:46Come on.
01:07:48Mom, you're here, right?
01:07:50Come on.
01:07:53Mrs. Ayşe.
01:07:54You saw Nazlı and the baby.
01:07:56We'll have a lot of guests tonight.
01:07:59I guess you'll be back, too.
01:08:02I won't.
01:08:04That was last year's deal.
01:08:09I made sherbet for your granddaughter.
01:08:14It's just sugar.
01:08:16It's a tradition.
01:08:18But be careful, don't miss it too much.
01:08:20Come on.
01:08:22Come on, mom.
01:08:24Come on.
01:08:55It's okay.
01:09:04It's okay.
01:09:06It's okay.
01:09:08It's okay.
01:09:25It's okay.
01:09:27It's okay.
01:09:29It's okay.
01:09:31It's okay.
01:09:33It's okay.
01:09:35It's okay.
01:09:37It's okay.
01:09:39It's okay.
01:09:41It's okay.
01:09:43It's okay.
01:09:45It's okay.
01:09:47It's okay.
01:09:49It's okay.
01:09:51It's okay.
01:09:52It's okay.
01:10:06I'll be right back, okay?
01:10:11I'm coming, mom.
01:10:25Mom, don't be sad.
01:10:28You're still young.
01:10:30You have a new baby.
01:10:33Look at me.
01:10:34Look at me.
01:10:36God took my two children.
01:10:39But He gave you, sweetheart.
01:10:41He gave you, mom.
01:10:43Don't be sad, please.
01:10:45Don't be sad, come on.
01:10:46Don't be sad, come on.
01:10:47Stop it!
01:10:50You can't protect me from everything.
01:10:54He didn't even hug me once.
01:10:57My baby died.
01:11:00He didn't even hug me once.
01:11:02He didn't even...
01:11:05He didn't even hug me once.
01:11:11I haven't seen my mom for a long time since that day.
01:11:14I didn't see anything I was looking at anyway.
01:11:44I'm sorry.
01:12:14I'm sorry.
01:12:36It takes time for a person to accept their pain.
01:12:40But in order to heal their wounds...
01:12:42...they turn back to their own skin.
01:13:32I'm so good.
01:13:35I'm so good, sweetheart.
01:13:48I'll carry it.
01:13:49No, I'll carry it.
01:13:51I'll carry it.
01:13:52I'm sick.
01:14:01You came.
01:14:05You came.
01:14:07What did you do?
01:14:12You came.
01:14:16Come here.
01:14:33It's over.
01:14:35Mom, you shouldn't have bothered.
01:14:36I'm not going to stay here.
01:14:39What do you mean, Nazlı?
01:14:41Did you come home to get fired?
01:14:43No, mom. I'm not letting you.
01:14:46I'm going to sleep in my mom's arms.
01:14:48In her bedroom.
01:14:53It's a big bed.
01:14:55It's enough for both of us.
01:14:57Let's see, Nazlı.
01:15:06Mom, I'm going to ask you something.
01:15:09Did you break up with your husband?
01:15:12No, mom.
01:15:14We didn't.
01:15:15He didn't say anything to you...
01:15:17...when he was in the bathroom, did he?
01:15:19No, mom.
01:15:20No one said anything.
01:15:22Come on.
01:15:23Why would you say that if you weren't ashamed?
01:15:26Did I miss my mom?
01:15:28Maybe, girl.
01:15:31Don't moms miss each other?
01:15:34I'm going to set the table.
01:15:35Don't get involved.
01:15:37Okay, then.
01:15:39We'll go to Anakiz tomorrow.
01:15:52What was my dad's hair like when he was in Istanbul?
01:15:57Where did you come up with that?
01:16:05I was going to say...
01:16:06...he went to the bathroom...
01:16:07...and put make-up on.
01:16:08He wasn't shy.
01:16:10But when I saw him...
01:16:12...I was going to say...
01:16:13...he was like a sunken eggplant.
01:16:14I was scared.
01:16:24Mom, why didn't my dad ever love us?
01:16:28Girl, how can he not love you?
01:16:31No one loves you, mom.
01:16:33He loved you.
01:16:35And he did it for himself.
01:16:41When you were born...
01:16:44...he was so excited.
01:16:47He served baklava to everyone...
01:16:50...from the beginning to the end.
01:16:52Do you know that?
01:16:54Then they said to me...
01:16:56...this woman can't give birth...
01:16:58...this stone can't give birth.
01:17:00He took it all for himself.
01:17:03After that, when you were born...
01:17:05...he said...
01:17:06...this woman is so sweet.
01:17:08He made me wait so long.
01:17:10At least her name should be Nazlı.
01:17:16I wish he showed me his love too.
01:17:23One way or another...
01:17:26...an Ottoman passed from this world.
01:17:36Mom, why did you come alone?
01:17:38Why didn't you bring your husband with you?
01:17:40Oh, mom.
01:17:41Are we going to go everywhere together?
01:17:44Yes, you will go everywhere together...
01:17:46...because you are husband and wife, mom.
01:17:49I'm going to bed. I'm so tired.
01:17:51Don't say that to your mom.
01:17:53I didn't.
01:17:57Come on, are you cold?
01:17:59Come on.
01:18:00Good night.
01:18:29Good night.
01:19:15Another red one every time.
01:19:18Just bring them once.
01:19:20Good luck.
01:19:21Thank you, sister.
01:19:29Welcome, dear.
01:19:32When did you come?
01:19:38Aunt Ayşe always says...
01:19:40...Nazlı will take me to Antalya.
01:19:42Is that why you came?
01:19:43She must be so happy.
01:19:45You did so well, dear.
01:19:46Come in.
01:19:47We will talk.
01:19:48What do you want for tea and coffee?
01:19:49No, thanks.
01:19:50I don't want anything.
01:19:51The weather is so nice.
01:19:52Let's get some fresh air.
01:19:53Let's get some fresh air, dear.
01:19:55Shall we go to our usual place?
01:20:06Come, girl.
01:20:08Good girl.
01:20:11I missed you so much, girl.
01:20:13Do you know how many times I tried...
01:20:15...to come to Istanbul?
01:20:17But it always went wrong.
01:20:19Then I said, Nazlı will come anyway.
01:20:21Look, you came.
01:20:25Did you come alone?
01:20:27Meryem, don't start like my mother.
01:20:29I will start, of course.
01:20:31I'm your friend, aren't I?
01:20:44Are you happy?
01:20:46Where did that come from?
01:20:48I'm happy, of course.
01:20:58Are you happy?
01:21:01I don't know.
01:21:03I guess I'm happy.
01:21:08I told you in high school...
01:21:10...that I would marry Cemal.
01:21:12I got married.
01:21:18Then Zeynep was born.
01:21:20I got married.
01:21:22I got married.
01:21:25Then Zeynep was born.
01:21:46Aunt Ayşe told me.
01:21:51I'm so sorry.
01:21:53But don't worry about it, okay, Nazlı?
01:21:57Do you remember our Gıttık Emine?
01:21:59She was born in the fourth grade.
01:22:01Don't be sorry, Nazlı.
01:22:04Let's see.
01:22:16Have you ever regretted staying in this village?
01:22:19No, girl.
01:22:20Why would I regret it?
01:22:24Why would a person stay in a place, Nazlı?
01:22:27Because they're happy.
01:22:30You left because I stayed here.
01:22:36That's right.
01:22:41I left.
01:22:47Come here.
01:22:48You'll make your feet cold.
01:22:52Girl, come here.
01:23:00My mother entrusted me to you.
01:23:07What kind of a word is that, girl?
01:23:11Is your mother my mother?
01:23:16Of course not.
01:23:18Thank you.
01:23:19I'm glad you're here.
01:23:23Girl, tell me the truth.
01:23:26Is there anything I shouldn't say?
01:23:30Is Aunt Ayşe okay?
01:23:31No, no.
01:23:32Don't worry, I'm fine.
01:23:34In fact, let's go.
01:23:36I have a promise to my mother.
01:23:38Thank God.
01:23:39Well, let's get up.
01:23:42Come on.
01:23:45Come on, girl.
01:23:48Let's go.
01:25:34I don't want to be full.
01:25:36He looks like you. You should eat too.
01:26:08Yes, my dear.
01:26:10Mother, don't hide these anymore.
01:26:13There's no one to play with.
01:26:16My mother.
01:26:21My mother.
01:26:23My beautiful daughter.
01:26:26Since you came...
01:26:29...I've been looking for you.
01:26:32Since you came...
01:26:35...you've been spoiling me...
01:26:38...but you can't spoil yourself.
01:26:41You're talking to yourself. Don't you understand?
01:26:45Nazlı, Nazlı, for God's sake.
01:26:48My beautiful daughter, don't be sad.
01:26:51Don't be sad, mother. You're still young.
01:26:54You're still young. You'll have many more children.
01:26:58I will, won't I?
01:27:00You will.
01:27:03You'll run in the garden.
01:27:05You'll chase the chickens.
01:27:07You'll run after them for food.
01:27:10You won't, will you?
01:27:12I'll be so happy.
01:27:14I'll hold you like this.
01:27:16You'll fly away.
01:27:19Come on, come on.
01:27:22I'll make you a cup of milk.
01:27:27She's not going anywhere, my dear.
01:27:29She's going to be my granddaughter for a year.
01:27:32Come on.
01:27:57I love you.
01:28:17My Nazlı goes to Istanbul today.
01:28:19My daughter will be a teacher.
01:28:21I missed her, my dear.
01:28:23I missed her so much.
01:28:25I went to my mother-in-law for Nazlım.
01:28:28I begged her to let me marry the children.
01:28:31You don't bow down to anyone...
01:28:33...but you bow down to your child.
01:28:49My son buried his daughter-in-law today.
01:28:52God, don't let us experience the pain of forgetting this again.
01:29:24Nazlı, it's the phone.
01:29:46Hello, Nazlı.
01:29:48Mert, son. It's me, your mother.
01:29:51Mother, you...
01:29:53Mert, son. I'm sorry. I turned on the phone.
01:29:58Nazlı is sleeping.
01:30:00I couldn't sleep. I turned it on so she wouldn't wake up.
01:30:03Is she okay, Nazlı?
01:30:04Yes, she is.
01:30:05I hope she's like you.
01:30:07She doesn't eat or drink much.
01:30:10She'll be fine.
01:30:12I told her, too.
01:30:14You're still very young.
01:30:17You'll have many more children.
01:30:20I told you to be patient.
01:30:24Be patient.
01:30:35What happened? Hello.
01:30:46Nazlı is dying, mother.
01:30:58He's dying.
01:31:11They said it's the last stage of pancreatic cancer.
01:31:23I'm begging you.
01:31:25I'm begging you not to let anyone know.
01:31:28I didn't want to tell anyone.
01:31:30I didn't want to hurt you.
01:31:41I can't do anything, mother.
01:31:44I can't do anything, mother.
01:32:00He came to say goodbye.
01:33:09What did you see in your dream?
01:33:19Can't you hear me?
01:33:21What did you see?
01:33:23We were in Antalya in my dream.
01:33:27The weather was so nice.
01:33:30We were sitting by the sea.
01:33:37It's good.
01:33:40How are we going to Antalya?
01:33:43By plane.
01:33:45We're getting on the plane.
01:33:47We're in Antalya.
01:33:51Let's see.
01:33:53He wouldn't leave his mother.
01:33:56They'd go together.
01:34:00Let's see.
01:34:02Antalya plane.
01:34:04It's taking off.
01:34:09Mother, it's better if I don't eat.
01:34:12I think I caught a cold.
01:34:14I have a bad stomach.
01:34:16I should go to bed.
01:34:18You'll catch a cold.
01:34:21But you eat, okay?
01:34:25Good night.
01:34:39Good night.
01:35:09Good night.
01:35:39Good night.
01:36:09Good night.
01:36:39Mother, I caught a cold.
01:36:42Mother, I caught a cold.
01:36:45Mother, I caught a cold.
01:36:48Mother, I caught a cold.
01:36:52I made you some water.
01:36:54I brought you some milk.
01:36:56Mother, what's wrong?
01:36:58You'll be fine.
01:37:00Drink the milk.
01:37:01You'll be fine, mother.
01:37:03Drink it.
01:37:07I'm here.
01:37:09I'm here with you.
01:37:11I'm fine.
01:37:12Mother, you'll be fine.
01:37:14You'll be fine, mother.
01:37:16Mother, you won't die.
01:37:23Mother, I'm so scared.
01:37:26I'm so scared.
01:37:28I'm fine.
01:37:33I'm sorry.
01:37:35I'm sorry.
01:37:37Mother, I'm so sorry.
01:37:39I'm sorry for hurting you.
01:37:41I'm sorry for not being with you.
01:37:45Mother, look at me.
01:37:47Mother, I'm sorry.
01:37:49I'm sorry.
01:37:51How can I leave you?
01:37:53How can I leave you?
01:37:55I won't leave you.
01:37:57I won't leave you.
01:37:59Let's go.
01:38:01Let's go to Istanbul.
01:38:03You'll go to Istanbul.
01:38:05Mother, I won't go.
01:38:07I won't go.
01:38:09I won't go.
01:38:11You'll go.
01:38:13I won't go.
01:38:15I couldn't take care of you.
01:38:17I couldn't take care of you.
01:38:19It's my fault.
01:38:21It's my fault.
01:38:23I couldn't take care of you.
01:38:29You'll go to Istanbul.
01:38:31You'll go to Istanbul.
01:38:33You'll come back.
01:38:35You'll come back.
01:38:37You'll come back.
01:38:41I can't go.
01:38:43I have to stay here.
01:38:45I won't forgive you.
01:38:47I won't forgive you.
01:38:49Promise me.
01:38:51Promise me you'll come back.
01:38:53Promise me you'll come back.
01:38:57I won't forgive you.
01:39:01I won't forgive you.
01:39:03Mother, please.
01:39:07I couldn't take care of you.
01:39:11I won't forgive you.
01:39:13Promise me.
01:39:17I won't leave you.
01:39:19Promise me.
01:39:21Promise me.
01:39:23I won't leave you.
01:39:25Promise me.
01:39:55Don't be sad.
01:39:57Don't be sad.
01:39:59Your words are always
01:40:01in my heart.
01:40:03in my heart.
01:40:05in my heart.
01:40:07in my heart.
01:40:09in my heart.
01:40:17Don't be sad.
01:40:19Don't be sad.
01:40:21I'm still
01:40:23I'm still
01:40:25I'm still
01:40:27on your knees.
01:40:29on your knees.
01:40:57on your knees.
01:40:59on your knees.
01:41:01on your knees.
01:41:03on your knees.
01:41:05on your knees.
01:41:07on your knees.
01:41:09on your knees.
01:41:11on your knees.
01:41:13on your knees.
01:41:15on your knees.
01:41:17on your knees.
01:41:19on your knees.
01:41:21on your knees.
01:41:23on your knees.
01:41:25on your knees.
01:41:27on your knees.
01:41:29on your knees.
01:41:31on your knees.
01:41:33on your knees.
01:41:35on your knees.
01:41:37on your knees.
01:41:39on your knees.
01:41:41on your knees.
01:41:43on your knees.
01:41:45on your knees.
01:41:47on your knees.
01:41:49on your knees.
01:41:51on your knees.
01:41:53on your knees.
01:41:55on your knees.
01:41:57on your knees.
01:41:59on your knees.
01:42:01on your knees.
01:42:03on your knees.
01:42:05on your knees.
01:42:07on your knees.
01:42:09on your knees.
01:42:11on your knees.
01:42:13on your knees.
01:42:15on your knees.
01:42:17on your knees.
01:42:19on your knees.
01:42:21on your knees.
01:42:23on your knees.
01:42:25on your knees.
01:42:27on your knees.
01:42:29on your knees.
01:42:31on your knees.
01:42:33on your knees.
01:42:35on your knees.
01:42:37on your knees.
01:42:39on your knees.
01:42:41on your knees.
01:42:43on your knees.
01:42:45on your knees.
01:42:47on your knees.
01:42:49on your knees.
01:42:51on your knees.
01:43:21on your knees.
01:43:23on your knees.
01:43:25on your knees.
01:43:27on your knees.
01:43:29on your knees.
01:43:31on your knees.
01:43:33on your knees.
01:43:35on your knees.
01:43:37on your knees.
01:43:39on your knees.
01:43:41on your knees.
01:43:43on your knees.
01:43:45on your knees.
01:43:47on your knees.
01:43:49on your knees.
01:43:51on your knees.
01:43:53on your knees.
01:43:55on your knees.
01:43:57on your knees.
01:43:59on your knees.
01:44:01on your knees.
01:44:03on your knees.
01:44:05on your knees.
01:44:07on your knees.
01:44:09on your knees.
01:44:11on your knees.
01:44:13on your knees.
01:44:15on your knees.
