• last year
A crooked lawyer believes himself to be the target of a mysterious underworld assassin known as "The Ringer" - but what does the Ringer look like?

Source: IMDB
00:00:30Mr. Messer's private office.
00:00:39One moment.
00:00:41Mr. Hopkins wishes to speak to you, sir.
00:00:48What's the matter?
00:00:49You know quite well that I...
00:00:55What's that?
00:01:00Right here?
00:02:14This is Edgar Wallace speaking.
00:03:48What the heck, sir?
00:04:05What the heck, sir?
00:04:07Everything all right, Shelby?
00:04:17You can come up.
00:04:18But hurry up.
00:05:07Good morning, my dear.
00:05:25Mr. Higginsy?
00:05:27Oh, I forgot to knock again.
00:05:32Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:05:36That's okay.
00:05:42Oh, that's a beautiful suit you're wearing.
00:05:45But rather tight, hmm?
00:05:49Inspector Higgins is in the lab, developing.
00:05:52Whom, himself?
00:05:53No, a woman who didn't open her refrigerator for three days.
00:05:59Her husband deceived her.
00:06:02He was inside.
00:06:03Oh, hard luck.
00:06:16How are you getting on with Higgy?
00:06:19In the office or in private, Miss Penton?
00:06:22Hello, Jean.
00:06:25This photo is a real knockout.
00:06:27Have a look.
00:06:28It's a real bomb, isn't it?
00:06:30Miss Penton is here.
00:06:31Yes, that's right.
00:06:32Miss Penton!
00:06:40This is a pleasant surprise.
00:06:42Yes, it is.
00:06:43May I look at that bomb for a moment?
00:06:48No, no, you better not, darling.
00:06:50The police photos I take are usually somewhat shocking.
00:06:54You better not look at it.
00:06:56I want to look.
00:07:10But, Elisa...
00:07:13Miss Osborne, where is the...
00:07:15I want to talk to you, Inspector.
00:07:34Yes, sir.
00:07:44Well, sir?
00:07:50Why did you come in?
00:07:51You wanted to speak to me, sir.
00:07:54Oh, yes.
00:07:56It's about a woman.
00:07:59I hope a young one?
00:08:02Unfortunately dead.
00:08:04Read the report.
00:08:05The body was picked up in the Thames near the docks at 6.30 this morning.
00:08:09The name of the woman found there is Wenda Milton.
00:08:1213 Barclay Street, London.
00:08:14She worked as a secretary to lawyer Maurice Messer.
00:08:17Wenda Milton?
00:08:20Twenty-one years old.
00:08:22No exterior signs of use of force were to be found on her.
00:08:26It was an accident then.
00:08:30The woman didn't drown.
00:08:32She was strangled before death.
00:08:34This is the report of the autopsy.
00:08:39By the way, it was sweet of you to wait for me in spite of that photograph.
00:08:43I love you in spite of it.
00:08:47Who cares of Scotland Yard's most famous inspector?
00:08:50That's what you are, aren't you?
00:08:52Who told you that?
00:08:54When Scotland Yard's most famous inspector lost his driver's license for driving too fast.
00:09:00Yes, yes, yes.
00:09:01Keep on reminding me of that one mistake of mine.
00:09:05Here, here, here.
00:09:07You nearly hit that cab, dear.
00:09:08Why not?
00:09:10The only possibility of our being together longer is in a double bed in the hospital.
00:09:15I don't know what to say, inspector.
00:09:18I could hardly believe it.
00:09:22Miss Milton is gone.
00:09:25Last night she was here.
00:09:27How late?
00:09:28It must have been about nine, if I'm not mistaken.
00:09:32She put a call through.
00:09:34Gwendo put it through.
00:09:35And then?
00:09:37It must have been 9.30.
00:09:40By then...
00:09:42I was going to send her off.
00:09:45I found she was gone.
00:09:48Mr. Messer, do you know anything about her acquaintances?
00:09:51That is her personal life.
00:09:52Miss Milton was my secretary, inspector.
00:09:55We never talked about her private life.
00:09:57Yes, I see.
00:09:59Then that's about all we can tell her relatives.
00:10:03I didn't know that Miss Milton had relatives in England.
00:10:07Well, not here.
00:10:08In Australia, a brother, Arthur Milton.
00:10:10Perhaps you've heard of him?
00:10:12That name won't mean anything to you because here in London he's known as...
00:10:16The Ringer.
00:10:25Why are you startled, Mr. Messer?
00:10:28Now, come, Higgins.
00:10:30It is not exactly a pleasant thought to have had a secretary who had a brother that is known to be a criminal.
00:10:37Arthur Milton isn't a criminal.
00:10:39Look, they banished him from England.
00:10:42Because he led a few scoundrels to commit suicide.
00:10:45Illegal, yes, but it wasn't murder.
00:10:49However, he wouldn't be as stupid as all that.
00:10:53Coming back here, he'd be imprisoned right away.
00:10:57You think so?
00:10:59Wherever Arthur Milton may be, he will come.
00:11:10Good day, gentlemen.
00:11:12Who are you? What do you want?
00:11:14But, sir, Archibald Finch is my name.
00:11:19You are my defense attorney in criminal court, sir.
00:11:21Don't you know me?
00:11:26Well, I don't want to disturb you any longer. Thank you.
00:11:29You're welcome. My regards to Sir John.
00:11:33Sorry I couldn't be of any help, Inspector. I'll see you off.
00:11:56Well, what do you want, Finch? I haven't much time.
00:11:59You told me once that on good conduct you would help me from the bottom up the ladder.
00:12:09Oh, dear.
00:12:17I'm afraid you're a hopeless case, Finch.
00:12:20But not at all, sir.
00:12:22I have become a perfect butler during the period of time I was committed to prison.
00:12:26I have a note that says so, sir. It's here.
00:12:37Just a souvenir, sir. I swear.
00:13:22If it goes on like this, I will not live.
00:13:38Welcome, my friends and protectors.
00:13:40Enough, Hopkins. Come along.
00:13:48What did I tell you to do with the woman?
00:13:50About the body.
00:13:52Get rid of it.
00:13:53Yes, but there are hundreds of ways.
00:13:56Now, who had the clever idea to throw her into the Thames?
00:14:03I did. Why, to drown is supposed to be a natural death.
00:14:06Not for the police. Not if she was strangled first.
00:14:09But, sir...
00:14:10Don't interrupt me!
00:14:12We don't want to arouse suspicion. We can't do a thing right now.
00:14:17Just a minute, Messer. What's that got to do with our business?
00:14:22The little rat is who's concerned. Yours or ours.
00:14:25We have two dozen girls to be delivered.
00:14:28But I think Mr. Messer is right.
00:14:30I don't care.
00:14:31Our man in Cairo is urging me to send them.
00:14:33It means cash.
00:14:34You heard me!
00:14:37I told you we can't make a move, you fool.
00:14:40Ah, you said that before. But why?
00:14:45Gwendolyn Milton was the sister of the ringer.
00:15:07Come, come, Inspector. I know Messer very well.
00:15:12A member of my club. An extraordinary man.
00:15:16Suspecting him would be just like suspecting myself.
00:15:21You must consider that.
00:15:23I have considered that, Sir John.
00:15:26I still suspect him, sir.
00:15:28My dear Higgins, anyone at all can be suspected.
00:15:31Mr. Messer can. And you!
00:15:33Well, but why suspect him?
00:15:36Sir John.
00:15:40Tea, Sir John.
00:15:48I thank you, my dear.
00:15:50Nice teapot.
00:16:04Are you nervous?
00:16:08No, sir. I...
00:16:09You certainly seem so.
00:16:11You were about to say...
00:16:13You had just asked me why I should suspect...
00:16:15Yes, and?
00:16:17Instinct, Sir John.
00:16:19A prejudice of the lower salary group.
00:16:22It may be so, sir.
00:16:24What now?
00:16:25I am afraid if we don't get him, Arthur Milton will.
00:16:28The ringer?
00:16:30The ringer.
00:16:31The ringer manipulates things in his own way, but won't make exceptions.
00:16:36You see, he's not a member of that club of yours.
00:16:39Of course.
00:16:43I see.
00:16:47A good angle inspector.
00:16:51Perhaps he hasn't heard of it.
00:16:54I approved orders to all Australian newspapers to write about the murder of Gwenda Milton, sir.
00:16:59Unsuccessfully, of course.
00:17:00Well, don't be too sure about that.
00:17:01Tomorrow, Cora Ann Milton is due to arrive in London, sir.
00:17:05But that's absurd, inspector.
00:17:09Remains to be seen.
00:17:31Mrs. Milton?
00:17:33Yes, I am.
00:17:34We are from Scotland Yard. Inspector Higgins and Sir John Walford.
00:17:37It's a pleasure, madam.
00:17:39Well, I wonder if it's also a pleasure for me.
00:17:42Undoubtedly, madam.
00:17:48I suppose you have come for the funeral, Mrs. Milton.
00:17:54And your husband didn't come?
00:17:57Yes, madam.
00:17:59Yes, ma'am.
00:18:00Will you bring me my baggage?
00:18:02Yes, ma'am.
00:18:12What was your name?
00:18:15Mr. Higgins.
00:18:16I imagine that you know how many difficulties my husband would meet on coming to England now.
00:18:22Yes. You must consider that, inspector.
00:18:24Naturally, sir.
00:18:25But, madam, you certainly know your husband is no ordinary man.
00:18:28He is the ringer.
00:18:29The ringer?
00:18:31Arthur never liked this name, although it's not completely incorrect.
00:18:34Can I go now, or will you need me?
00:18:37Naturally, you may go, madam, but please be available should Scotland Yard need you.
00:18:40Only if it's absolutely necessary.
00:18:43I'll be at the Park Royal.
00:18:44Park Royal.
00:18:45But never before eleven.
00:18:47A taxi, please.
00:18:48Well, I'll be seeing you, gentlemen.
00:18:55Hmm. Charming. Positively charming woman.
00:19:03Yes, but without the ringer.
00:19:04Oh, don't worry about it.
00:19:06If the ringer does love her, of which I am certain, he's near her, right here.
00:19:12Ah, from Sydney on, every passenger was checked and rechecked, and he wasn't aboard the plane.
00:19:16Then he's already here.
00:19:17But he's under warrant of arrest.
00:19:19She was very ill at ease all the time she was talking to her. She only smiled at her parting.
00:19:23I wonder what made her smile. I wonder.
00:19:25My dear young man, though I am rather modest, men of my rank and importance have always impressed intellectual women.
00:19:34You must consider that.
00:19:37The porter, that's it.
00:19:54He disappeared.
00:19:56Yes, that's right. In the Comfort Station.
00:20:00What? Then why didn't you arrest him?
00:20:02Well, there must be a limit, Inspector.
00:20:14Open up, Scotland Yard.
00:20:17Come out with your hands in the air.
00:20:20Come out with your hands in the air.
00:20:28What are you doing here?
00:20:29Inspector, what a question.
00:20:32I know this fellow. I've seen him at Mr. Messer's home.
00:20:35That's right, sir. I work for him as his butler. Yes, sir.
00:20:40What's that?
00:20:41Australian News. For Mr. Messer.
00:20:50Australian News.
00:20:55I say, excuse me, but have you seen a porter around here?
00:20:59Want one?
00:21:01Yes, one in particular.
00:21:04There was one, just a while ago.
00:21:07And he climbed out of the window. And I wondered why, but...
00:21:12That's all we needed.
00:21:16I'm sure now, Sir John.
00:21:19The ringer is in London.
00:21:21Oh, what a nice surprise.
00:21:23They came an hour ago, but without a card.
00:21:27Thank you, madam. I hope you have a pleasant visit here.
00:21:29Yes, I hope so.
00:21:32Nine roses.
00:21:34And then...
00:21:36Eight carnations.
00:21:38Three hyacinths, three gladiola, three orchids.
00:21:42Nine, eight, three, three, three.
00:22:05Arthur, you were very daring, my sweet.
00:22:10The ringer in London.
00:22:12Good morning, Governor.
00:22:13Good morning.
00:22:14The ringer is back in London.
00:22:16A special report from special correspondents.
00:22:19The latest news. Thank you, sir.
00:22:21The ringer in London. Come read all about it.
00:22:24The ringer in London.
00:22:27Who's going to believe that tragedy?
00:22:29Who's going to believe that tragedy?
00:22:31Oh, go on, will you?
00:22:36So, not only the police are chasing us,
00:22:39but now...
00:22:41someone else is.
00:22:44The ringer.
00:22:45I'm not afraid.
00:22:47We're not idiots, and there are four of us.
00:22:49Let's find a way to keep that man quiet, Mr. Messer.
00:22:59Excuse me, sir, it's my duty to inform you about something.
00:23:03The ringer is in London.
00:23:04We know that already.
00:23:06He just registered as Tom Wesby in the Westminster Hotel today.
00:23:13Who told you that?
00:23:14From the time I made my mistakes, as I told you, sir,
00:23:17I have made certain connections which I am sure will be quite useful to you, sir.
00:23:22Thank you very much, Finch.
00:23:24May I please add something else, sir?
00:23:26Yes, sir.
00:23:27The funeral service for Miss Gwinda Milton will be held tomorrow at the Central Cemetery.
00:23:33Mr. Wesby...
00:23:36Sorry, sir.
00:23:37Mr. Wesby, no doubt, will somehow manage to attend the ceremony.
00:23:43I am afraid the ringer won't live very much longer.
00:24:01Nearby, sir.
00:24:02Yes, sir.
00:24:03The ringer is in London.
00:24:05We know that already.
00:24:07He just registered as Tom Wesby in the Westminster Hotel today.
00:24:11Nearby, Mrs. Milton, the clergyman and Mr. Messer, but that's all.
00:24:42Hey, hey, one moment.
00:24:44Who brought this message?
00:25:11I don't know.
00:25:41I don't know.
00:26:11If the job is done, we can send the girls to Rio right away.
00:26:23Yes, if.
00:26:31Everything was perfect.
00:26:32The old house fell with a bang.
00:26:35No one could escape from that.
00:26:41I hope nobody saw you.
00:26:43No one.
00:26:44We heard the firemen when we were already over the bridge.
00:26:47Yes, it was precision work.
00:26:56This message has just come.
00:27:12Shall I serve champagne now, sir?
00:27:26What's wrong?
00:27:41Ringer! Ringer! Ringer!
00:27:44That man drives me mad.
00:27:46Makes me lose my sleep.
00:27:48In position too, sir John.
00:27:52That too if we don't get him.
00:27:54It's easy for the minister to ask us to get a man nobody knows anything about or what he looks like.
00:28:00But no one has ever seen him.
00:28:02Oh, yes.
00:28:04There is someone who has seen him.
00:28:06No one has ever seen him.
00:28:07Oh, yes.
00:28:09There is someone who has seen him just once.
00:28:13Inspector Warren.
00:28:14Warren? Warren?
00:28:16Yes, sir.
00:28:17He almost arrested him.
00:28:19Why, that is true.
00:28:21You're right. You're right. Yes.
00:28:25Pardon me. Forget this kiss, sir. Yes, sir.
00:28:28We must get this man to come here as soon as possible.
00:28:31Yes, sir, but he has retired already and...
00:28:36As soon as Warren hears the word Ringer, he will show up here without one moment's delay.
00:28:41No visitors.
00:28:42Just a second, sir. I'll have a look.
00:28:44No, I won't see anyone.
00:28:52Sir, Inspector Warren.
00:28:55Warren. Warren!
00:29:01Warren, this is just like you.
00:29:04You came just on time.
00:29:06Yes, sir.
00:29:07When I read that Arthur Milton was in London, I boarded a train and here I am, at your service.
00:29:13Do come in.
00:29:15You are the only person who can help us.
00:29:18You must, and right away.
00:29:20Right away, you say, sir?
00:29:23Oh, thanks.
00:29:26Now tell me, do you raise snails?
00:29:30What? Snails?
00:29:32No, I'm no Frenchman.
00:29:36Arthur Milton and my snails need the same thing.
00:29:44A good joke. I remember it.
00:29:46But perseverance takes time, and we don't have time.
00:29:52With my snails, I've succeeded, sir.
00:30:00Your key.
00:30:01Madam, this was sent for you.
00:30:07Oh, Inspector, I hope you don't want to visit me.
00:30:10Oh, not at all, Mrs. Milton. I'm just looking around.
00:30:14It's not very funny that you gave orders to have me followed.
00:30:17Oh, then you noticed it.
00:30:19My husband taught me how to recognize some simple policemen following me, and also how to get rid of them.
00:30:26Which you, no doubt, did, ma'am.
00:30:28Yes, that would have pleased Arthur.
00:30:32But I'll tell you where I went.
00:30:34To the beauty parlor. I hope you've noticed it.
00:30:36Good afternoon, Inspector.
00:30:49Who sent those flowers for Mrs. Milton, please?
00:30:53Scotland Yard. A boy brought them.
00:30:56He didn't give a name, sir.
00:30:59Hello, Inspector. Well, have you found your porter?
00:31:04Beg your pardon?
00:31:05At the airport. Not very long ago, you asked for a porter in... in the washroom, remember?
00:31:11Oh, I remember.
00:31:14How about a cup of tea?
00:31:16Thanks, I've had breakfast.
00:31:17Let's sit over here, please.
00:31:20May I introduce myself? My name is Wesby, James W. Wesby.
00:31:24I've come to London, especially to see Scotland Yard.
00:31:29There isn't much to be seen, Mr. Wesby.
00:31:33I wouldn't say that. On the contrary, it's a matter of professional curiosity.
00:31:40Fantasy. You're chasing the ringer.
00:31:43What makes you think so?
00:31:44Hmm. I read the papers. This is the hotel where the wife of the ringer is staying, and you're a well-known criminalist, Inspector.
00:31:54Would you come from Australia?
00:31:57Yes. From Sydney.
00:31:59From Sydney?
00:32:00That's where I was born.
00:32:01Tell me, Mr. Wesby, what is your profession?
00:32:05I'm a scriptwriter, writing a series of criminal stories, one a week.
00:32:11Then you'll need lots of ideas.
00:32:14Not really. It's for television.
00:32:16Oh, my time is up. I am sorry, Inspector, but I must run. I'll have to leave you. It's been a pleasure.
00:32:24Sir Warren, bring me the ringer, dead or alive.
00:32:27I'll ask Arthur Milton which way he prefers, sir.
00:32:30Very good. Jean, I'll need you again.
00:32:35Right away, sir.
00:32:36Right away, sir.
00:32:40Oh, thank you. Never thought I'd come back to work for Scotland Yard once again.
00:32:46But you owe that to me, Inspector. Glad to have you.
00:33:00Inspector Higgins?
00:33:05Oh, Warren.
00:33:10Inspector Warren, the man who almost got the ringer?
00:33:12Almost, yes.
00:33:15You have probably heard that Arthur Milton has arrived.
00:33:17Yes. I've come to help you try to catch him. Do you mind?
00:33:22Of course not.
00:33:25I'd like to know how far you've gotten in your investigation.
00:33:32Do we have to talk here, though?
00:33:33Not if you know a better place.
00:33:36Much better. Come on.
00:33:4424 hours later, they found her dead.
00:33:48So Messer was one of the last to see her alive.
00:33:51Or the very last, I'd say.
00:33:55Thanks. Miss Penton is really a lovely hostess.
00:33:59Ah, but then she is lovely altogether.
00:34:01Go on, Higgie. I have a witness this time.
00:34:04Higgie, Higgie, Higgie. Can't you learn to call me by my first name?
00:34:08It's Edgar Bryant now. Be quiet.
00:34:11Why do women always have to be so quiet?
00:34:13So that their beauty keeps longer.
00:34:16Now, the death of Gwenda Milton involves two problems, since...
00:34:24We have to get the murderer, but we also have to prevent the ringer from getting him first.
00:34:29The murder of Gwenda Milton is yours. The ringer is mine. That's my main concern.
00:34:34What is your plan?
00:34:35The usual procedure. Catch hold in prison.
00:34:40It won't be as easy as all that.
00:34:42I think Sir John should not have disturbed the leisure of your retirement, sir.
00:34:48Oh, you think the hound has become too old.
00:34:52So, come and attack me.
00:34:54What's that?
00:34:55Strike me as hard as you can.
00:34:59Come on. You mean it?
00:35:01Yes. Try me.
00:35:04Well, all right.
00:35:12But you asked for it.
00:35:18Can you teach me too, Mr. Warren? This is just what I need to get married.
00:35:29Someone at the door.
00:35:45Come on.
00:36:29Come on.
00:36:57Higgins! I've come to help you.
00:37:01Come on.
00:37:14I love you. I love you. I love you.
00:37:17I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
00:37:23She too could still be alive if she had used Torero.
00:37:27Torero protects you from bad breath.
00:37:43Oh, I'm sorry. Good night.
00:37:51More coming?
00:37:55I'm the last one. Shut the window.
00:38:03Is that all?
00:38:04Yes. And this paper.
00:38:15Hello, Higgins?
00:38:19Yes, Miss Osborne.
00:38:20Mr. Messer has just arrived. His chauffeur, Finch, is waiting in the car.
00:38:24Oh, good. When Inspector Warren arrives, tell him I'm just having a look around. Understand?
00:38:31My regards to Miss Penton.
00:38:42But listen, darling. If I find what I want, you've got a date with me to be married.
00:38:47Okay, darling. I have your word.
00:40:14Hello, Inspector.
00:40:16What happened? That's a bad beating you had.
00:40:20It wasn't so bad.
00:40:23Did you knock me down?
00:40:25Probably not. That fellow had black trousers and black shoes on.
00:40:33How do you happen to be here?
00:40:37Oh, I'm...
00:40:42I'm interested in the ringer.
00:40:44You know I'm writing. I've been reading about it.
00:40:48The papers are just full of titles about Corder Ann, Mr. Messer, and his dead secretary.
00:40:53So I thought I'd visit the house. Imagine. Good thing I did.
00:40:58You need a drink. Want it?
00:41:00No, thanks.
00:41:02Ah, then.
00:41:04I don't either.
00:41:05I don't either.
00:41:06You realize you could be arrested for this?
00:41:08You're right, Inspector. I'll leave now. It's trespassing. I know.
00:41:13Uh, Mr. Wesby.
00:41:15Oh, no, Inspector. I don't want you to arrest me. I'll leave.
00:41:20But I have to find out how you came in.
00:41:25I flew, however.
00:41:30Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Huh?
00:41:44Miss Elisa. Warren speaking. Come to Miller's place on Gloucester Road.
00:41:49But I can't, Mr. Warren. He gives...
00:41:51Bring him along, too.
00:41:53Oh, but...
00:42:08Miss Benton, you were quick.
00:42:13What are you doing here?
00:42:14Oh, but I'm staying here.
00:42:16Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:42:18No modest man this priest, of course.
00:42:20I'll wager he doesn't practice this in church.
00:42:23How did you find that out?
00:42:25Come over here.
00:42:32Mm-hmm. Yeah.
00:42:34Ah, you met him, eh?
00:42:36I was watching him, but the other was there now. Who is he?
00:42:40Uh, Mr. Wesby from Sydney. A writer. Could be the ringer, you know.
00:42:45I know. Could be. It's all coming out all right.
00:42:49Tell me, Warren, what made you decide to come out here and stay right here to watch things?
00:42:54Ha ha ha. My old age, probably.
00:42:57What's that noise in the pipe out there?
00:43:01Just running water.
00:43:03What do you think about it?
00:43:04What do I think about it? Canals underground.
00:43:07Hmm. Canals.
00:43:18You were right.
00:43:20Uh-huh. Elisa, you wait here.
00:43:33Well? What do you think now?
00:43:45Pretty girls. Mm-hmm. Very pretty.
00:43:50This is becoming dangerous now.
00:44:03Our time is up. Services.
00:44:34We have to run.
00:44:46Elisa, where are you?
00:44:58Come on, let's go this way.
00:45:03Come on.
00:45:26We'll go through here.
00:45:56Can you handle dogs?
00:45:58Yes. They never beat me yet.
00:46:00Good. Here.
00:46:12Go that way.
00:46:26Oh! Oh!
00:46:29Hey. Hey!
00:46:32Sorry to disturb you, but what's the idea of running away?
00:46:35I didn't run. A man caught me.
00:46:38Another man turned up. I wouldn't have escaped at all.
00:46:42Another one?
00:46:44I don't know. Perhaps the ringer.
00:46:48Yes, blast it. This infernal place must have an entrance somewhere. Come on, Warren.
00:46:53No, no, no. I've had enough.
00:47:24Higgy, darling, would you please bring me my bath towel?
00:47:35Where is it?
00:47:46There was a time there came a certain light into your eyes on such occasions.
00:47:52And we had such a good time together, you wanted to marry me.
00:47:57But lately, you've got a handcuff complex.
00:48:01A what?
00:48:03A handcuff complex.
00:48:06Wrap me in, but not too tight.
00:48:11Thinking of Warren, I'm getting a bit suspicious.
00:48:16Are you? Kiss me and tell me why.
00:48:21I suspect him, because he suddenly said to me,
00:48:24no thank you, I've had enough for today.
00:48:31How about a good time?
00:48:36Your idea comes a little too late, Higgy.
00:48:42Open the door, but don't get killed.
00:48:51Oh, no.
00:49:04Somebody brought you this, darling.
00:49:07With compliments from Mr. Warren.
00:49:12Perfume. Now there is a man with ideas.
00:49:17I am too.
00:49:20We'll dress now and dine out.
00:49:29Mr. Higgins, have you met Mrs. Milton?
00:49:32Oh, yes, we've met already.
00:49:34And this is Miss Penton, whom I admire.
00:49:37Glad to meet you. How do you do?
00:49:39I mean, also admire.
00:49:42It astonishes me to see Mr. Warren enjoying your company, madam.
00:49:48Nevertheless, I cannot forget that you, sir,
00:49:51mean to arrest my Arthur. Isn't it so?
00:49:53And you don't believe it's possible?
00:49:57If that's so, it would be Mr. Warren,
00:50:00and not you, Inspector.
00:50:02My husband yesterday said to me...
00:50:06I wouldn't know exactly.
00:50:08Anyway, he said,
00:50:10Mr. Warren is a man you can't be cross with.
00:50:15Though maybe I should add that
00:50:18I'm not so sure about you.
00:50:21So Arthur Milton wasn't able to reassure you, huh?
00:50:26Pardon me. Shall I get a vase for these roses?
00:50:29Who are they for?
00:50:30For Mrs. Cora Ann Milton.
00:50:32For me?
00:50:33I won't need a vase, thank you. I'm just leaving.
00:50:36Oh, isn't that too bad?
00:50:39Many thanks, Mr. Warren.
00:50:41It was a nice evening.
00:50:47And I must also admit that my husband told me he likes you.
00:50:51Why don't you come and visit me?
00:50:53Yes, yes.
00:50:57Ah, I can't say that I wish you good luck, Inspector.
00:51:02Of course not, madam.
00:51:18She talks as if the ringer were an ordinary citizen in London
00:51:21and can do what he likes.
00:51:25Thank you, sir.
00:51:35A check, please.
00:51:37It's paid, sir.
00:51:38Oh? By whom?
00:51:41A gentleman at the bar. He seemed to know you.
00:51:46Sir, Inspector Brown is waiting downstairs. It's urgent, I understand.
00:51:50Brown? Who's Brown?
00:51:52I don't know. I'll find out.
00:52:05Where is the man?
00:52:07He was standing right here. Your overcoats are there.
00:52:10Why the overcoats?
00:52:11Because he told me you would be leaving right away.
00:52:14Uh-huh. What was he like?
00:52:16It was only a second, but I remember he had dark glasses on.
00:52:20Didn't even give me a tip.
00:52:22Now, does it look like Scatland Yard or not, huh?
00:52:27That's a good one. You're quite right.
00:52:35Hold it!
00:52:37What's wrong?
00:53:05It's from the ringer.
00:53:07This is not his style.
00:53:10This was probably that priest.
00:54:34No! No!
00:55:00Hopkins here.
00:55:02Give me Mr. Messer.
00:55:04He can't help you now.
00:55:33Hello, Hopkins! Hello, Hopkins! Hello! Say something!
00:55:37The end.
00:55:51Get up!
00:56:03Now drop that revolver.
00:56:12Hands up!
00:56:59Hey, hey!
00:57:02How do you feel? Not so inspired any longer, what?
00:57:08I guess you know much more than you admit.
00:57:12I found out that Hopkins sent his girls away because he was worried after the dogs chased us.
00:57:16He wanted to meet you here, Inspector Higgins, by himself.
00:57:19And it was a good idea, I must say.
00:57:21You're a bloodhound, been taught to smell.
00:57:25Oh, my sick.
00:57:28Your driver is intelligent and rang me up, or I would now run to console your bride, which I regret I haven't.
00:57:36What's that you just said?
00:57:38You'll find it out soon.
00:57:41They are pretty clever.
00:57:43They could make us jealous.
00:58:28Have you passed out altogether, darling?
00:58:33What more could I take, darling?
00:58:35I began by almost getting a broken skull then,
00:58:39was chased by a group of police dogs,
00:58:42and then this morning that magic theater almost finished me.
00:58:47Oh, so they want to destroy my work of art.
00:58:50Oh, but how flattering.
00:58:52Tell me, what do you think of Warren?
00:58:55A man who can use his head.
00:58:59Well, my brains are as good as his are.
00:59:02But they've been hit too much.
00:59:11Don't answer it.
00:59:14It will keep on ringing.
00:59:23Are you sitting, Inspector?
00:59:25No, I'm lying.
00:59:27Ah, you're lying.
00:59:29Much better.
00:59:30Is Elise out?
00:59:33Oh, I expected that. I must give you up altogether.
00:59:37And forever.
00:59:39Sir John wants to speak to you. He is fuming.
00:59:44Inspector Higgins, sir.
00:59:46It's impossible to contact Warren or you.
00:59:50Oh, yes? Where in heaven are you?
00:59:53Tell him in bed.
00:59:55Wherever I may be, sir. I'm always on duty.
00:59:59Hopkins is dealing in white slavery.
01:00:01Yes, a criminal agent.
01:00:03You must consider that.
01:00:05It's being considered, sir.
01:00:07We also know about his taking girls out by boat, a submarine.
01:00:11What? A submarine?
01:00:14Yes, sir, by a special submarine.
01:00:17The girls probably went aboard a ship beyond the three-mile limit,
01:00:21whose captain also works for this man.
01:00:23Arrest him and confiscate the boat.
01:00:26Don't let him sail.
01:00:28Yes, sir. I will immediately give the order...
01:00:32One of us has been killed already.
01:00:34The ringer always keeps his promises.
01:00:38Who's going to be the next one?
01:00:40You? I? Reddingwood?
01:00:42I wish I knew the answer.
01:00:44You know. Your name was next on the list.
01:00:47I can't sleep. It's as if something were going to happen.
01:00:51You have a guilt complex.
01:00:53No! I don't want to die!
01:00:55I haven't done a thing.
01:00:57I built the boat for you because you blackmailed me. He ought to know that.
01:01:01You're a fool, Shelby.
01:01:03Listen to me closely.
01:01:05We are all in the same spot.
01:01:07If you try to double-cross me, I'll throw you to the dogs.
01:01:11No, no, no, sir. I'm not in the same spot.
01:01:14I didn't commit a murder.
01:01:16And I'll run away. I'll go where nobody knows me.
01:01:19And you must help me.
01:01:21Otherwise I'll tell everything I know. Do you hear me? Everything!
01:01:23So you must protect me.
01:01:30Good, Shelby.
01:01:32If that is your position,
01:01:35I'll see that you go.
01:01:38Good, Mr. Messer.
01:01:40I knew you'd help me.
01:01:42I'm sorry. My nerves.
01:01:46Where can I contact you at about 11 o'clock tonight?
01:01:49Well, let me see.
01:01:51In the dockyard.
01:01:53There won't be anybody around at that time.
01:01:55I could wait for your call near the telephone box.
01:01:58Do you have the number?
01:02:00Yes, right with me. Telephone box, Victoria Docks, 870012.
01:02:09So, you can take it easy, Shelby.
01:02:12Everything will turn out fine.
01:02:14Goodbye, Mr. Messer.
01:02:16And thanks. I'll be awaiting your call.
01:02:18Goodbye, Shelby.
01:02:38I want you, Reddingwood.
01:02:53Hello? Yes, I'm here.
01:02:56No, I didn't tell anyone.
01:02:58No, no, no, that's impossible.
01:03:00I've already destroyed the signs of the boat.
01:03:03Yes, I'm listening.
01:03:07Yes, yes, yes.
01:03:09And then I am safe.
01:03:11Yes, I understand. And thank you, Mr...
01:03:25Be on the alert, darling.
01:03:27You may hear or see something.
01:03:30You can rely on me. Bye-bye, darling.
01:03:42What is the room number of Mrs. Milton?
01:03:4432. May I announce it?
01:03:46No, thanks.
01:03:50But what is the matter now?
01:03:52Don't ask all the time. Get in.
01:03:56He who loves danger perishes in it.
01:03:59Yes. So they say.
01:04:02But you...
01:04:07Yes, come in.
01:04:12Are we disturbing you?
01:04:25Oh, not at all, Inspector.
01:04:31I guess you must know by now what I suspect.
01:04:35Yes, Inspector. I suppose.
01:04:38I'm sorry, Elisa. May I introduce Mr. Arthur Milton?
01:04:44Well, at last it came up.
01:04:48And what makes you think so?
01:04:50Call it a hunch.
01:04:53You're going to deny it, of course.
01:04:56Inspector, this is Mr. Wesby from Sydney.
01:04:59He's working on a story that is all about the adventures of my husband.
01:05:04But I tell him it is too soon.
01:05:06But in my mind, it's much too late.
01:05:09Madam, you don't expect that I can really believe that.
01:05:13Inspector. Yes, sir?
01:05:23And must you do your writing with a revolver, Mr. Milton?
01:05:27Mrs. Milton, Inspector Higgins seems to be making it so much harder.
01:05:31And I won't give up this easy.
01:05:33So before I leave, Inspector, I'd like to ask you a question.
01:05:37Do you know why Gwenda Milton was murdered?
01:05:40Because she knew too much about the business of other people.
01:05:44White slavery, hmm?
01:05:46The house of old Reverend Hopkins was the camouflage.
01:05:49You know much more than that.
01:05:51But I'm keeping it to myself, Inspector.
01:06:05Oh, is it you, Arthur?
01:06:34Why are you here?
01:06:36I rang Corian's room, and she said, Arthur, to me.
01:06:42This lady could teach us some of her tricks.
01:06:45What a presence of mind.
01:06:47Drew, what happened?
01:06:49Except that the ringer once again gave us the slip.
01:06:52Come on, Warren.
01:08:36Hello, Reddingwood.
01:08:39Hello, Reddingwood.
01:08:41Yes, boss. I've been waiting down here for you. Can I come up now?
01:08:45I guess so. To the surface.
01:08:51All right.
01:09:21All right.
01:09:23All right.
01:09:48Everything all right?
01:09:50If not, how could I be here?
01:09:53The police may search my house tomorrow.
01:09:55So what?
01:09:56They mustn't find this.
01:09:58The evidence of our business relationship.
01:10:00You'll take it with you. Did you arrange your trip?
01:10:03Yes. Tomorrow, Costello. Tonight, I'll be on board.
01:10:06Good. You'll give this case to Captain Johnson.
01:10:09All right. But I think you should come, too.
01:10:12Maybe over there we could start together.
01:10:14No, no. That is a risk we couldn't afford.
01:10:18I guess you know what you're doing.
01:10:20I know exactly what I'm going to do now, so be off. Good luck.
01:10:24To you.
01:10:25Boss, you've got a nerve, I grant you.
01:10:28The Ringer could even learn from you.
01:10:50Oh, my God.
01:11:46Any news?
01:11:47Not so much, sir. A Mr. Arthur Milton telephoned...
01:11:56...to say he's coming tomorrow night.
01:12:02The cognac, sir.
01:12:27Sir John, please.
01:12:30What are you grumbling about?
01:12:32It's annoying.
01:12:33But I can't take you with me.
01:12:35Why not?
01:12:36Messer asked Sir John for a bodyguard...
01:12:39...because Arthur Milton announced himself this evening.
01:12:42What's that got to do with you?
01:12:44Oh, but I'm the bodyguard, stupid.
01:12:48Well, why do we even plan an evening together?
01:12:51My darling, I promise this will be the last time.
01:12:55How's that?
01:12:56Because if the Ringer comes and I can catch him, then...
01:13:01Then you'll have your last name changed.
01:13:10You know what I like to do.
01:13:13Tell me later, darling.
01:13:25My dear Mrs. Milton.
01:13:27Ah, Sir John.
01:13:29What can I do for you?
01:13:33I hear you've already paid for your room here.
01:13:37May I ask, what does that mean?
01:13:39Just checking out.
01:13:40What? You mean you're leaving?
01:13:42Yes, we're leaving England today.
01:13:45Yes, Arthur and myself.
01:13:46Arthur and you, madam?
01:13:48He's almost finished. He rang me up to get ready.
01:13:54Finished, madam?
01:13:55Almost, except for one little thing.
01:13:57Charming little thing.
01:14:01And may I ask where you're going, madam?
01:14:04Oh, I don't mind. To Mr. Messer's.
01:14:07To Mr. Messer's?
01:14:09Do you know that he, I mean, Mr. Arthur Milton is supposed to be there tonight?
01:14:16Yes, so of course we'll meet.
01:14:18So of course.
01:14:20Well, I hadn't thought of that.
01:14:24Pardon me. May I?
01:14:30Where are the police?
01:14:31They're never punctual. Would you like a drink, sir?
01:14:35May I?
01:14:37This is the best way to overcome excitement, but it's so expensive for me.
01:14:42Go open the door! Now!
01:14:45Hello, Mr. Messer. We've met before, haven't we?
01:15:08Yes, I remember.
01:15:09Any doors that you want to be watched specially?
01:15:12Yes, watch the front door and the back entrance.
01:15:15Is that all? No other way out?
01:15:20This way, gentlemen.
01:15:23Did you get information on what this is all about?
01:15:27Yes, Mr. Messer. Yourself and the case of Gwenda Milton are involved here.
01:15:32What are you talking about, inspector? All I want is protection.
01:15:39Good evening, sir. It was good of you to...
01:15:44What happened? I was expecting...
01:15:49Oh, have we arrived too early?
01:15:52Does this mean that you've come instead of Arthur Milton?
01:15:58He will be here presently.
01:16:02Let's be seated, shall we?
01:16:03Yes, yes, yes.
01:16:05Certainly. Glad to have you here.
01:16:08Please try to put yourself in my place.
01:16:10His sister was my secretary.
01:16:12She died in a rather mysterious way, you know.
01:16:17Please, go on. This is quite interesting.
01:16:23And then there was this affair with Hopkins, of which I didn't even have the faintest suspicion.
01:16:33Well, your husband hasn't a good reputation.
01:16:40Nevertheless, I'm willing to speak to him in front of the police.
01:16:47There won't be anything to say.
01:16:49What does he want, then?
01:16:56Don't worry, Mr. Messer. My men will open the door.
01:17:00Warren! At last!
01:17:02Oh, I see you're having a meeting.
01:17:04Where in the world have you been all this time?
01:17:07I? Oh, but I intended to find Wesby, but I didn't succeed.
01:17:11London is a big place, you know.
01:17:14At least you are convinced about that.
01:17:17Yes, sir.
01:17:18Good evening, Mrs. Milton.
01:17:20Good evening.
01:17:22Excuse me. Would you please tell me, why have you come?
01:17:27I am Inspector Warren.
01:17:29Mr. Messer was saying that he is anxious to speak to Arthur.
01:17:33And why should he be?
01:17:34There's a misunderstanding.
01:17:36Misunderstanding, sir?
01:17:38Mr. Messer, I am sure that Arthur Milton knows very well what Inspector Higgins and I have uncovered through our investigations.
01:17:45So, have you? Ah, and why didn't you report to me?
01:17:49I was just going to do so, sir.
01:17:51The Honorable Mr. Messer got tired of working too much as a lawyer and stopped practicing to change to another profession.
01:17:58A different one.
01:17:59White slavery.
01:18:00What? You too, Mr. Messer?
01:18:04But there was also Mr. Hopkins, shot by the ringer, and Mr. Shelby, who was murdered by Reddingwood,
01:18:09and a do-away with Reddingwood, who knew the secret you blew up him and his boat.
01:18:13That's the limit!
01:18:14I don't know!
01:18:15Brenda Milton, your secretary, knew all about it, and you wiped her out.
01:18:19This is defamation!
01:18:20These are facts!
01:18:24All this is known to Arthur Milton.
01:18:27Then why should he speak to you?
01:18:29In that case, gentlemen, judging from that, we'd better, uh, we'd better, uh...
01:18:33We'd better arrest Messer, or...
01:18:38You remember how Hartford was murdered?
01:18:41Yes, sir, I remember.
01:18:43The ringer rang him up, just as he called, uh, Mr. Messer this evening.
01:18:51We all thought there was no danger.
01:18:54Just like now, sir.
01:18:57Then the lights began to flicker.
01:19:01Just like now, sir.
01:19:03Yes, yes.
01:19:05And then the lights went out.
01:19:07Just like now, sir.
01:19:10Lights! Switch on the light at once!
01:19:12Foreign! Do you hear me, Higgins?
01:19:49What's wrong with him?
01:19:51Nothing anymore.
01:19:58And now another guest has come in.
01:20:01Arthur Milton, the ringer.
01:20:12Are you sure, Inspector?
01:20:14I am.
01:20:21I see.
01:20:24Stay where you are!
01:20:26I won't go, Inspector. Just wait.
01:20:29You can come in now.
01:20:42Yes, sir.
01:20:54Who is this fellow?
01:20:58Do I see right?
01:21:00Yes, sir, John.
01:21:01You're seeing Warren, but double.
01:21:05So then, I'm not as crazy as I thought.
01:21:07No, sir, because only one is the real Warren.
01:21:11This one.
01:21:16This man.
01:21:28Is Arthur Milton.
01:21:35The ringer.
01:21:41And this is a pickpocket, Archibald Finch,
01:21:44who, after Gwenda Milton died,
01:21:46worked as a butler in this house,
01:21:48but really is the secretary of Arthur Milton.
01:21:53So now shall I introduce myself?
01:21:55My name is Inspector Wesby of Sydney.
01:22:00I waited so long for this moment.
01:22:05I'm pretty sure this is a real pleasure for you,
01:22:08isn't it, Wesby?
01:22:09Stop! I'm not able to follow.
01:22:11Are you Higgins?
01:22:12No, sir.
01:22:13Who are you exactly?
01:22:15I am Inspector Warren, sir,
01:22:17and I'm the secretary of Arthur Milton.
01:22:20And I'm the secretary of Arthur Milton.
01:22:23And I'm the secretary of Arthur Milton.
01:22:26And I'm the secretary of Arthur Milton.
01:22:28I'm Inspector Warren, sir,
01:22:29and I have the funniest story you ever heard.
01:22:31But you're talking like...
01:22:32No, he's talking like me.
01:22:34Arthur Milton had a rather ingenious idea, sir.
01:22:38Mr. Milton knew that Scotland Yard would ask me to find the ringer.
01:22:42When I arrived in town,
01:22:44a man promptly offered me a lift in a cab,
01:22:46but it was himself, so I never arrived here.
01:22:49I'm sorry to have...
01:22:52I'm sorry to have caused you so many inconveniences.
01:22:56Arthur Milton brought me to the cellar of this London flat,
01:22:59and there he changed into myself,
01:23:01in front of my own eyes. Awesome!
01:23:03But it was great fun, being you.
01:23:05In my place, it wasn't.
01:23:06And who released you from the cellar, sir?
01:23:09Mr. Wesby.
01:23:10Who in the world told you that Arthur Milton was not the real Warren?
01:23:14Well, I knew that the real Warren was not fond of women.
01:23:18I have reasons of my own.
01:23:20While you did admire women, Mr. Milton,
01:23:22although in prison you'll have to drop that passion.
01:23:25Yes, I guess.
01:23:29Oh well, may I at least give a last goodbye to my wife?
01:23:32Very good.
01:23:42I suppose it had to end somehow.
01:23:46Do you remember what you promised me?
01:23:51How could I forget?
01:23:53Never into prison.
01:24:08Blank cartridges.
01:24:09We should have thought of that.
01:24:23Send up a policeman.
01:24:24Let me tell you something.
01:24:26Even if your husband gets away, you stay with us.
01:24:28Isn't that charming?
01:24:29Watch that man and woman, and watch them closely.
01:24:41The time is short if we expect to catch the plane for Sydney, madam.
01:24:50Yes, let's go.
