Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay

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We got to play the full mission quest Fire And Vice so here it is in full so you can see what Hogwarts Legacy is like.
00:00Is Highwing alright? Natty told me what the two of you did.
00:07Highwing's fine. I'm keeping an eye on her. She's safe, Poppy, I promise.
00:14Good. Whatever the poachers are up to, I want Highwing far from it.
00:18You said you had news about the poachers, and that some of it had to do with me.
00:23I did. I overheard them talking in the hogshead, and...
00:26Did you know that they have orders from Victor Rookwood to capture you on sight?
00:31Does this have anything to do with Rookwood and Harlow coming for you in the Three Broomsticks after the troll attack?
00:36It does, somewhat. But at the moment, I'm more concerned about what else you heard the poachers are up to.
00:42Fair enough. But I hope you'll let me know if I can be of help, especially after what you did for Highwing.
00:48Does the name Hauntel Hall mean anything to you?
00:51I'm afraid not. Why? What is it?
00:54The poachers best kept secret, apparently. The name came up twice, but they never went into detail.
01:00I also overheard one of them bragging about all the gold they're making, at the expense of innocent creatures, undoubtedly.
01:08The poachers spoke of this area, and I thought if we searched around a bit, it might give us clues as to what they're doing.
01:14If you ever meet my Gran, this trip never happened.
01:19Not to worry, Poppy. If I ever meet your Gran, I shall not speak a word of this.
01:24I normally tell her everything. She might be my best friend after Highwing, but she knows how I feel about the poachers.
01:30I think she worries I'll do something... ill-advised.
01:34Whatever gave her that idea?
01:39This way.
01:48A centaur! Tread carefully.
02:06An entire castle to roam, yet you choose to wander here.
02:11Please, we don't want any trouble. We're simply passing through.
02:15Do you take us for fools? That we do not notice more and more of your kind around here, in league with the poachers?
02:24We aren't involved with them. If anything, we want to see them stopped.
02:28I hope for your sake that is true. Our kind is swiftly losing patience with the poachers and those they work with.
02:46He was certainly a charmer.
02:49That could have gone worse. Centaurs aren't exactly fans of wizardkind, and the poachers aren't helping matters.
02:57But why would he think that we had anything to do with poachers?
03:00I did notice the poachers talking with a few villagers in Hogsmeade. I'm not sure why. Perhaps that's why the centaurs are suspicious.
03:16Let's go.
03:37That's the third time I've seen a Dugbog behave that violently.
03:41It seems that a lot of beasts have been more aggressive than usual lately.
03:45I've noticed that too. It's almost like there's something in the water.
04:04This is... odd.
04:06What is it?
04:08Not entirely sure, but look around. If the poachers were here, perhaps we can find out why.
04:18Why wouldn't they take their cages with them when they left?
04:28Pelts. Poor beasts.
04:31Still smoking. They can't have been gone long.
05:07This is goblin metal. Seems out of place in a poacher camp. I should tell Poppy about it.
05:22Anything interesting?
05:25Poachers were here. All sorts of evidence. But I found something else. It's goblin made.
05:32I found goblin armor. Let's keep searching, but carefully. Merlin only knows what's going on here.
05:41I don't have a good feeling about this.
05:47How do goblin and poacher interests align?
05:54Look. Down there.
05:56Definitely poachers. No creatures, though. So what are they doing out here?
06:01Let's take a closer look.
06:03They won't be happy to see us. Should we use disillusionment? Or perhaps a less discreet approach?
06:10Hard to say from up here. Let's get a better lay of the land.
06:24Let's go.
06:33Banners are important, though, aren't they?
06:35We're in a fight.
06:50A wolf!
06:51We'll put that boy...
07:02I think this is a blooming greenhouse.
07:25Merlin, you'd think they were guarding the Minister for Magic himself. What is going on here?
07:31Only one way to find out.
07:51What in Merlin's name?
08:22Are those... dragons?
08:44It's a dragon fighting ring.
08:47This is Horntail Hall.
08:49The name makes sense now. And the secrecy.
08:52No wonder the poachers were in Hogsmeade so much. Likely taking bets and spreading the word, given how crowded it is here.
08:59How could they possibly enjoy this? The centaurs have every right to be disgusted with wizardkind.
09:05There must be more dragons here.
09:07The poachers are far too greedy to run a fighting ring with only two dragons.
09:11We should take advantage of most guys being in the fight and look around.
09:15But be discreet. You especially can't afford to be spotted.
09:26A more hushed approach is likely wise.
09:31Then a Wattvictor was sinking strong in a barn.
09:42Have you heard from your family? Is even your brothers coming out to our way of thinking? Will they join us?
09:47They say we go too far. That violence isn't going to get us what we want.
09:52I say, if every last wizard is run through with a blade, then violence is going to get me precisely what I want.
10:00Sickens me to work alongside any of them.
10:03Don't know how Ramrock's stomach's being near Brookwood. Foul beasts.
10:07I must not give in now.
10:09Those are things what we ask from the wizarding prince.
10:13Wizardkind will fight for what they love.
10:18Not from where the ghosts aren't, though.
10:20It's not everything's fault, huh?
10:24Did you hear those goblins? Ramrock and the poachers must be working together.
10:28Poppy, something's going on behind you.
10:31What's going on down there?
10:38They must have only just captured her. She's putting up quite the fight.
10:43What if there are more of them? What if they're chained up like that?
10:47Let's even her up, shall we?
10:56I've never seen a sword like it.
11:14What I would have thought to be a Demiguise right now.
11:17Look, they've got a dragon egg. Hebridean from the looks of it.
11:21We can't leave it here, not with the plans they likely have for it.
11:37Hello, Amora.
12:44All right, I have the egg.
12:46Ready. The element of surprise will only buy us a few seconds.
12:50Let's make them count.
13:04Careful! Ramrock will warn you, dragon intact!
13:11I'm glad to see you're getting out of there.
13:14Get me out of here!
13:15What the...
13:19Get me out of here!
13:34Ready, go!
13:37I won't miss!
13:42Damn it!
13:45Get me out of here!
13:48For goodness!
13:51That's that, let me out of here!
13:53I'm taking a good deal of it to put you down!
13:57You won't run away from me!
14:01Let me out of here!
14:04Watch it, girl!
14:06You'll feel that soon enough!
14:07Let me out of here!
14:08Watch out!
14:11Please take it!
14:13I'll take that one first.
14:14Let me out of here!
14:16Hey, let me out of here!
14:19How's that feel?
14:22Take this!
14:23You little scoundrel!
14:25Let me out of here!
14:30Let me out of here!
14:38Let me out of here!
14:49You're the one we're looking for, aren't you?
14:51You're afraid!
14:54You want to get in my claws?
14:57Stop right there!
14:59You think I'm going to let you get ahead of me?
15:02I'm a vegetable!
15:04Watch it!
15:05You think you can get away with this?
15:07You think you can get away with this?
15:09You think you can get away with this?
15:11Then shall we finish what we started?
15:19You'd be better suited for a sergeant in the south!
15:24An intruder!
15:26I suspect the both of you!
15:28I suspect the both of you!
15:30Someone get me some help!
15:32Don't go!
15:37Run for your life!
15:39There are a lot of eggs here!
15:42Ha ha!
15:43These aren't disease eggs!
15:44Someone come help me!
15:59All right, I have the egg.
16:02The elements of surprise will only buy us a few seconds.
16:05Let's make them count.
16:11That thing will kill you!
16:16You haven't opened the space!
16:23Let me out of here!
16:37Come on!
16:46Let me out of here!
16:56Let me out of here!
16:57Let me out of here!
17:02Let me out of here!
17:11Freaky little cake batter!
17:27You're the one we're looking for, aren't you, poor friend?
17:32You're not!
17:33You've made a mistake!
17:34I'll check your pockets after you're dead!
17:46We have vegetables!
17:51Let me go through a vegetable thingy!
17:54You're back!
18:00You're not for a minute and a half, are we?
18:12What have you done?
18:21Back for more?
18:23You're not the brightest child.
18:28Steady on!
18:31Let me live on my own!
18:33You can't run from me!
18:41Very good.
18:46You will not survive.
18:48Very good.
18:53I hate these things.
18:57What have you done?
19:05You won't survive!
19:12Let me out of here!
19:13You're dead right now!
19:16Let me out!
19:17Let me out, son!
19:20He's painful, wait and see!
19:24Let me out, son!
19:38We don't have time, we need to free her now before more show up!
19:46Let me out!
19:52Aim for the ring at the front of her restraints!
19:57This is very nice!
20:02Bring her!
20:04After you!
20:16This may have been a bad idea.
20:18I suppose we'll find out.
21:21This way!
21:37That was Hebridean black!
21:40I'm guessing the egg we have belongs to that dragon.
21:46I don't think she knew they had her egg.
21:48She wouldn't have left without it.
21:50What now?
21:51She didn't exactly leave us a calling card.
21:53I don't know.
21:55Nothing about this day was expected.
21:57Not the goblins and definitely not the fighting ring.
22:00The last thing I planned on was a dragon egg.
22:03And the poachers saw us, which cannot be good.
22:08Since the dragon we freed flew off, does that mean we get to keep the egg?
22:13I'd much rather we have it than the poachers, at least for now.
22:16But I don't think we should keep it indefinitely.
22:19It'll be hard hiding something like this from Professor Weasley for long.
22:25Should we expect trouble from the poachers, given the trouble we just caused?
22:31It'd be foolish not to expect it.
22:33They're not a forgiving lot.
22:35I'm sorry to say that you likely have a larger target on your back now because of what we just did.
22:43We aren't helping ourselves standing here.
22:45Let's get to safety. We can sort this out later.
22:48You're right.
22:49If there's anything the poachers are good at, it's tracking their prey.
22:52And right now we're it.
