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00:00I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
00:21I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
00:42I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
01:03I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
01:24I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
01:45I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
02:06I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
02:27I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
02:48I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
03:09I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
03:39I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
03:49I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
04:01I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
04:31I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
04:41I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
04:53I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
05:21I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
05:29I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
05:41I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
05:57I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
05:59I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
06:01I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
06:03I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
06:05I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
06:07I'm going to sing a few lines of the Kalam and then we'll move on to the rest of the
