Saving Nora

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Saving Nora Movie
00:00Please mom, wake up. Daddy brought this lady home again. She's in his room right now.
00:07Please, say something. I'm in pain. Please, mommy, say something. Mommy, please.
00:15Nora, you shouldn't be in here.
00:20Oh, God. Oh, sweetheart.
00:24Berta, mama won't wake up. Why won't she answer me? Her hand is cold.
00:48Why is she in your room?
00:50Nora, get out. This instant.
00:52Get away from my dad.
00:54Listen to your father, darling.
00:56Nora, I said get out.
00:59That's my mother's necklace.
01:02What, what? You little b****.
01:04Get off her.
01:05You little b****.
01:10God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
01:13Is it bad?
01:14It's not that bad.
01:15You little monster.
01:16Look what she's done to my face. She needs to be punished.
01:24She's only 80 years old.
01:26I'm so sorry for the disruption. She got away from me.
01:32Make sure it doesn't happen again. Take her away.
01:36Yes, sir.
01:38Henry, you know what? Either that brat stays here or I do.
01:43That brat happens to be my daughter.
01:46And don't forget who she is.
01:52Henry, she attacked me.
01:54And I'm the one you want to punish?
01:56You don't have to worry about her.
01:58How about we go out to dinner? Just the two of us.
02:07You expect me to go out like this?
02:11I'm a woman of elegance, Henry.
02:13And your daughter could learn more from me.
02:15If she had a brain.
02:17You can't be here.
02:19Sweetheart, we need to go, please.
02:23Henry, so?
02:26What are you going to do about her?
02:31Let's go.
02:35No, sir, please. She's just a child.
02:40Take her away.
02:43Take her off to bed.
02:45Yes, sir.
03:03Daddy, I was waiting for you.
03:06Their mother is dead, Nora.
03:08And the woman you hurt today, I'm going to marry her tomorrow.
03:13She also has a daughter.
03:15And we will be living together from now.
03:17And I better not hear any complaints.
03:20She's the lady of the house now.
03:22And you have to do whatever she says.
03:26But don't you love mom?
03:29Love her?
03:34I never loved her.
03:42There are some secrets you don't know about the woman you call mom.
03:47I hated your mother.
03:49And it disgusts me how much you remind me of her.
03:52But daddy...
03:56You will stay under my roof until the day you are married.
03:59And then you'll be some other boober's problem.
04:12Don't open your eyes just yet.
04:15Or you'll spoil my special surprise for you.
04:21Just one more second.
04:27All right, open your eyes now.
04:30You made it for me?
04:33I'm so happy.
04:36I'm so happy.
04:39I'm so happy.
04:42It's so beautiful.
04:44My beautiful girl deserves beautiful things.
04:48And the most unique ones.
04:52I love you, Nora.
05:03I'll never forget you, mom.
05:08Nora's young mind struggled to comprehend losing her mother.
05:12The only person who loved her unconditionally was now gone.
05:17Nora's father married Wendy the next morning.
05:20Within an hour of lowering her mother's coffin into the ground in the same church.
05:25Nora was forced to stay in her room the entire day as if she were some kind of prisoner.
05:31Hi there.
05:33I'm here to meet my new stepsister.
05:35You must be Nora.
05:37I'm Angelou.
05:39Nice to meet you.
05:41What is so funny?
05:43You are.
05:46Nora instantly saw how wickedly similar Angela was to her mother.
05:51I have a message for my mother.
05:53What message?
05:56I'm going to make your life a living hell, Nora.
06:08Where have you been?
06:11Oh, dear.
06:13I'm not even supposed to be here right now.
06:17Your new stepmother fired me because I tried to defend you.
06:22But you can't leave!
06:25I just wanted to say goodbye.
06:28I don't want you to think that I abandoned you.
06:35Please, don't go.
06:39Your stepmother left me no choice.
06:42Listen to me, child.
06:44Promise me to stay strong.
06:47Never let your father and that nasty woman break you.
06:52Your mother is right here.
07:01Berta, don't go. I need you.
07:05I have to never forget what I said.
07:15I won't. I promise.
07:18Be strong, Nora.
07:20No matter what.
07:23This marked the end of Nora's childhood
07:26and the beginning of a new and daunting chapter in Nora's life.
07:30Nora's father focused on his new family,
07:33pretending Nora didn't exist.
07:36Guys, just give us some space, for God's sake.
07:40Stories of Henry's hasty remarriage
07:42plastered across every major tabloid.
07:45Mr. Smith, any comments on your remarriage
07:48less than 24 hours after your wife's death?
07:51Miss Smith? Miss Smith?
07:53Why are you keeping your daughter out of the media's eyes?
07:56Why all the secrecy around her?
07:58We won't be answering any questions now.
08:00Please leave the premises immediately.
08:02Or we will call the police.
08:08With the arrival of Wendy and Angela in the Smith household,
08:11things around the house quickly changed.
08:17My stomach hurts. I can't eat anymore.
08:21Don't be wasteful.
08:23I want you to finish all the food on your plate.
08:27Every last bite.
08:29This food isn't good for me.
08:31My mom would never let me eat junk food.
08:33Especially not for breakfast.
08:40How dare you complain?
08:42Any normal child would be delighted.
08:45Would be happy to have dessert for breakfast.
08:48Eat your food.
08:50Eat your food.
08:59You can eat more.
09:01After all...
09:12Yeah, your favorite.
09:14Dig in.
09:16They're so sweet.
09:18Just like you.
09:20My precious girl.
09:24Your medicine, miss.
09:29Except for sweets for breakfast,
09:31every day,
09:33Nora was forced to take a handful of unidentified pills.
09:42I think I'm going to be sick.
09:44I think I'm going to be sick.
09:56You're in such big trouble.
09:59Nora didn't understand why Angela was blaming her for being sick.
10:02Hey! Shut up!
10:04Daddy! Daddy!
10:06Your daddy hates you.
10:08My mommy said all your toys are mine now.
10:11And I can do as I wish.
10:13This one, my mom made it for me.
10:16You can take anything else you want.
10:18Just not this one.
10:20But you loved this one.
10:22And my mommy said the best way to hurt you
10:24is to destroy everything you love.
10:26One by one.
10:34How could you?
10:37Good girl.
10:45I miss you so much.
10:47Today was hard.
10:50I'm trying to be brave.
10:54I wish you were here.
10:59I love you, Mom.
11:01Nora deathbed.
11:03I love you, Mom.
11:05Nora desperately wished to be with her mother.
11:07Eventually, she drifted to sleep
11:09where her mother answered her prayers in a dream.
11:12Wake up, sweetheart.
11:14Mom? You're back?
11:18Just for a moment, my love.
11:21I missed you.
11:23Things are terrible here.
11:25I'm so sorry to hear that.
11:29Listen, sweetheart.
11:32Things will get worse before they ever get better.
11:36You need to let yourself feel these yucky feelings
11:40so you grow up to be a strong woman someday.
11:44Do you understand?
11:46I guess so.
11:48Life's gonna be hard.
11:50So you have to keep being strong.
11:54No one can ever hurt you
11:56if you always remember who you really are.
12:02And remember,
12:04I'll always love you.
12:06I'll always love you, too.
12:09Nora knew Angela must be responsible
12:12for ripping her doll apart as she dreamt.
12:15She let herself sob that morning
12:17for the last time in her life.
12:19She learned to mask her feelings.
12:21It was a hard lesson to learn,
12:23but one that ensured her survival.
12:27Ten years later,
12:28it was the day of Nora's engagement to Anthony Gray,
12:31one of the country's most eligible bachelors.
12:34Look at this.
12:36Isn't it beautiful?
12:38Anthony picked it out himself.
12:41Yeah, and it cost me more
12:43than the down payment for my house.
12:46Anthony, that is wonderful.
12:48Come and give me a hug.
12:50I think this moment calls for a glass of champagne.
12:53Couldn't agree.
12:55No, no, no.
12:57I know just the bottle to open.
12:59Come on, Anthony. Come on.
13:03I'm glad you came around.
13:06Your partnership with Nora
13:08will be profitable to business.
13:10I guarantee it.
13:12Thank you, sir.
13:14I'm very, very excited
13:16to finally be part of this family.
13:18I promise.
13:20It'll bring a hefty paycheck.
13:22Money like you've never seen before.
13:24It was the happiest day of Nora's life.
13:27Only she knew the terrifying turn it was about to take.
13:30Don't screw this up.
13:32Yes, ma'am.
13:36Nora hated that her soon-to-be husband
13:39was in her wicked stepmother's good graces.
13:42It made her doubts and fears
13:44about Anthony even harder to ignore.
13:47Nora hoped that marrying Anthony
13:49meant finally leaving her toxic family behind.
13:52Let's see the ring.
13:57Oh, it's certainly unique.
14:00I never saw this happening for you.
14:05I never thought a girl like you
14:07could ever keep Anthony Gray interested.
14:10Let alone have him put
14:12a giant rock on your finger.
14:15Well, what can I say?
14:17Guess I'm like a girl.
14:19I'd say it's dumb luck.
14:24Call me whatever you want, Angela.
14:27Today's the happiest day of my life.
14:29And I won't let anyone ruin it.
14:31If you'll excuse me,
14:33I'm going to join my fiancé
14:35to toast to our future.
14:38I feel sorry for you, Nora.
14:41Why so?
14:43You and Anthony will never last.
14:49He just needs time to see that.
14:52And I
14:53can't wait to see all this implode in your face.
14:59Nora was frustrated
15:01that Angela knew all her insecurities.
15:03But tonight, she wouldn't let it matter.
15:06She was finally happy.
15:11Um, I'm sorry to bother you,
15:13but I have a message.
15:16From whom?
15:22The message says that Mr. Anthony Gray
15:25awaits you in the guest room
15:27any five minutes.
15:31And I am sure it's an engagement gift.
15:33That would be lovely.
15:35Nora wondered about the gifts awaiting her,
15:38hoping most for a moment
15:40alone with her new fiancé.
15:45Nora's world crumbled
15:47as she watched her fiancé
15:49with her wicked step-sister.
15:53What are you doing here?
15:55Oh, my dear sister.
15:57It's such a party pooper.
15:59You had to screw my fiancé
16:01on the day of my engagement.
16:03Can't you see?
16:05Enough with the dramatics.
16:07You could have anyone, anyone.
16:09Why him?
16:11Just tell me, why him?
16:13If you must know,
16:15I love ruining your life.
16:17And let's be honest,
16:19you're a fabulous Miss Nora Smith,
16:22the great heiress of a mega-fortune
16:24who can't keep her pet-patchy hands
16:26occupied with anything but a chocolate bar.
16:29Shut up, Angela.
16:31Oh, and by the way,
16:33we found your little notebook
16:37with all your little love notes to Anthony.
16:42Yeah, it was so cringe.
16:45And we did it on your bed
16:47a few times.
16:49Nora couldn't contain her rage.
16:54My father should have left you
16:56and your mother in the gutter
16:58before he found you.
17:00Can you hear me?
17:05Enough! Stop it!
17:07Stop it!
17:11You've reached your point.
17:16You can't be caught
17:17My grandfather cannot find about this.
17:27you do understand
17:29that I cannot be possibly married to this.
17:35Tell your father
17:37marriage isn't happening.
17:39What are you talking about?
17:41Or else,
17:43I'll have to do it.
17:45But you...
17:47You don't want to be more of a laughing stock
17:50than you already are, do you?
17:52Maybe you'll finally get your first kiss.
17:56Anthony, babe,
17:58will you be a doll and at least f*** her?
18:02Not a chance.
18:04Not even if you paid me
18:06a million dollars.
18:11What's worse,
18:13getting dumped by the country's
18:15most eligible bachelor
18:17still being a sad virgin.
18:32Nora wondered who had sent the servant
18:34to deliver her the message.
18:36Was it Anthony and Angela
18:38luring her to more humiliation?
18:40Miss Nora?
18:42Hey, hey, are you okay?
18:44Come on, come on, come on.
18:47Let me help you.
18:49Let me help you.
18:51Come on, come on.
18:56What's wrong?
19:04Shh, it's fine.
19:06Just stay still.
19:08You're in bad shape.
19:12What's wrong with me?
19:14This often happens
19:16at this stage of pregnancy.
19:18Hold on.
19:20Stage of what?
19:22Don't tell me you didn't know.
19:24Didn't know what?
19:26Is the pain still intense?
19:28It's hard to even talk.
19:30No need to talk then.
19:32I'm running some medical checks
19:34and you can rest.
19:36It's been a long time
19:38since I've seen you, Nora.
19:40You look so much different,
19:42like a doctor.
19:44I don't think she knows yet.
19:46Knows what?
19:50Nora, actually you are pregnant.
19:57It can't be real.
19:59Well, it's actually pretty real.
20:04There is no way I can be pregnant.
20:06My fiance was too disgusted to look at me,
20:08let alone touch me.
20:09Anyone else, if you know what I mean.
20:12And my fiance,
20:14I just caught him with my stepsister.
20:16She called me a sad virgin.
20:18Do you know what?
20:20She's right.
20:22I mean, they are all right.
20:24Well, sometimes this happens, you know.
20:26I've known a lot of cases
20:28where the women had no clue
20:30they were pregnant.
20:32Doctor, what the hell is this?
20:34It's getting worse.
20:36That's because you're pregnant.
20:38And the babies are in distress.
20:40The babies?
20:42Are you out of your mind?
20:44Nora wished she could explain,
20:46but that would be impossible.
20:48What in God's name is going on here?
20:50Your daughter is pregnant, sir.
20:52Her twins are in distress.
20:56All that self-pity and playing the victim
20:58and the whole time you were pregnant?
21:00I can't believe that someone like you
21:02had the nerve to cheat on me.
21:04It's gonna be a mistake.
21:06I don't know what to do, Dad.
21:08Schedule an abortion immediately.
21:10What? No, no, no.
21:14Doctor, say something.
21:16Are you afraid? This is my daddy. It's okay.
21:18He has every reason to be.
21:20Nora, there's one thing you have to know.
21:24I've known your family for a long time.
21:26Shut up! Don't you dare!
21:28I said shut up!
21:30Shut up!
21:32Your mother was investigating dark secrets.
21:34Get everyone out of here!
21:35Let's go.
21:37Hey, don't touch! I said don't touch!
21:39Or what?
21:41What? I said get lost!
21:43I thought you'd be better to keep it here in line by now,
21:45you weak bastard.
21:47You're not listening to me.
21:49I said get out!
21:51Hey, what are you doing here?
21:53You... get lost!
21:55Get to the wall.
21:57Stay back.
21:59Don't move.
22:01Hey, here.
22:03Get to the wall!
22:07You're a smart guy, Doc.
22:09Don't say anything you're going to regret.
22:11Say it!
22:13What really happened to Nora's mother?
22:15How did Nora get pregnant?
22:17And will Nora ever uncover the truth
22:19behind her family's dark secrets?
22:21To watch the next episodes,
22:23click on the link in the description.