Jhanak 2nd September 2024 Today Full Episode

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Jhanak 2nd September 2024 Today Full Episode
00:21You know, Dharak, I am very happy.
00:25Lalon is a very cute boy.
00:27Yes, Lalon is really very cute.
00:30And I am sure he will keep you very happy.
00:33Yes, and I will also be very happy with him.
00:37You will see, I will not come back anywhere from here.
00:41Don't say that, dear.
00:43This is your house, isn't it?
00:45So what if it is my house?
00:47Everyone scolds me a lot here.
00:49They also beat me.
00:51You know, when I go there,
00:53there will be no one to scold me or beat me.
00:59But everyone loves you so much here.
01:02What? Love?
01:05Tell me, who loves me in this house?
01:08Brother-in-law, younger brother-in-law, elder mother.
01:11Don't talk about mother.
01:13She keeps following me around with medicines.
01:17And what if I don't eat?
01:19And what if I don't eat?
01:21She sings lullabies to you and makes you sleep.
01:25Hey, listen.
01:26Don't talk about mother.
01:30She shows her eyes.
01:31If she shows her eyes, then she loves you a lot.
01:34She is a mother.
01:36You will miss her, won't you?
01:42You miss your mother?
01:45I will always stay close to you.
01:51I want to be with you, son.
02:00I want to hear your past.
02:02And I will tell you together.
02:04Aunt, make your daughter understand.
02:08Stay with my brother and get married.
02:11Stay with my brother and get married.
02:19Why did you leave me and go?
02:23Appu, I need to do something.
02:26I will be back.
02:27Hey, Janak.
02:28Hey, wait.
02:30It's good that you are here.
02:31Give this food to Appu.
02:32I will go to the kitchen.
02:38What happened, son?
02:39Is everything okay?
02:41Yes, everything is okay.
02:42Tell me, mother.
02:44Nothing is okay.
02:45I asked him about his mother.
02:48She was leaving in anger.
02:51What did you say to Janak?
02:52Did you see?
02:53Did you see, Janak?
02:54I told you to show your eyes, didn't I?
02:57That's why I told you.
02:59I will only miss mother.
03:01I will miss my younger son.
03:06And two more people.
03:08Who are the two more people?
03:11And you.
03:13My Janak Rani.
03:16They are your brothers.
03:18You will miss them.
03:19And you.
03:20I won't miss you.
03:22You and Ani look so good together.
03:29And in a few days, you both will have a baby doll.
03:35I will play with it a lot.
03:45The food is getting cold.
03:46Come on, eat it.
03:47Enough of your grown-up talks.
03:48What grown-up talks?
03:49I have grown up.
03:52I am getting married.
03:53You know that, right?
03:54Appu, don't think of me as a kid.
04:00Come with me.
04:04Janak won't go anywhere.
04:05She will stay with me.
04:07I am happy when Janak is with me.
04:10Otherwise, brother-in-law and his mother will come.
04:15Appu, look.
04:20What is it?
04:21Arshi is the daughter-in-law of this house.
04:23I won't tolerate any nonsense about her.
04:26I won't.
04:32You are talking nonsense again.
04:36Look, mother.
04:37Look at your daughter.
04:39She is talking nonsense about the daughters-in-law of this house.
04:46She doesn't respect the daughters-in-law of this house.
04:49She is your daughter-in-law, right?
04:53What more can I expect from her?
04:57And you.
04:59Tell me the truth.
05:00What are you doing here?
05:02Are you here to instigate everyone?
05:03Are you here to instigate?
05:05So that everyone is against Keshavani
05:07and you testify against her?
05:09It will be better if you stay within your limits, Pipasha.
05:18What did you say?
05:21Now you will teach me limits?
05:24How dare you threaten me?
05:28Not at all.
05:29Shut up.
05:37How can you talk to someone like this?
05:40How can I talk to someone like this?
05:42And your weak-minded daughter can say anything.
05:45She can talk nonsense about the daughters-in-law of this house.
05:48Can't you see that?
05:51And this girl.
05:52Because of her, the entire house is in chaos.
05:55Your daughter is instigating her.
06:01Do you think this is right, mother?
06:06Understand what I am saying.
06:08I am the daughter-in-law of this house.
06:10It is my responsibility to take care of this house.
06:13And you are an outsider.
06:20Don't make the mistake of considering yourself a part of this house.
06:23But Pipasha, I left this house.
06:26Then why did you come back?
06:28To accuse Ani falsely?
06:32I didn't come back because I wanted to.
06:34My helplessness has brought me here.
06:37What kind of helplessness?
06:40The helplessness to think about the consequences of making fun of you.
06:50Aditya Kapoor refused to accept you.
06:54So now, her sin is the helplessness to blame Ani.
06:57This is your helplessness.
06:58I am not here to blame anyone.
07:02I am here to ask for someone's right.
07:04Do you understand?
07:05The right that your mother tried to blame someone else.
07:09You are talking about that right.
07:15You remember the result of that, right?
07:17Yes, Janak.
07:20You will face the same result.
07:23I don't need to hear what happened with my mother from you.
07:29I know what she was and what she wasn't.
07:32And as far as I am concerned,
07:33I know what I am doing and why I am doing it.
07:35My intentions are not wrong.
07:37It is my look out.
07:39But as far as I know you,
07:41I have understood one thing very well.
07:44That your upbringing is wrong.
07:48You are saying such disgusting things about someone's dead mother.
07:52Such humiliation, Janak.
07:55You are questioning my upbringing.
08:03You are so helpless, Janak.
08:21Don't cry.
08:23Please eat.
08:24I can't eat anymore.
08:25What have you done, mother?
08:27You don't have the ability to earn money.
08:29You are destroying food.
08:31You don't have to shout at your old mother.
08:34I threw the food because you pushed me.
08:36Shut up.
08:40Enough of your misbehaving.
08:42I will teach you a lesson.
08:44Don't think that I am stupid.
08:46I'll show you who I am.
08:48If you say so, then fine.
08:49If I say so, then what?
08:50Did I make such a big mistake by saying that?
08:53Hey, your aunt!
08:54Be quiet, okay?
08:55Or else I'll call Lalon and he'll come.
08:57Whom will you call?
09:00Whom will you call?
09:02That poor Lalon will come?
09:04Will he mess with me?
09:08Poor Lalon from the colony will show me?
09:11Who will come?
09:12Who will come?
09:14Who will come?
09:16Sister Pasha, what will you do?
09:18I'll go right now and tell uncle and aunt what you'll do.
09:22Udi, come sit here.
09:23Sit comfortably.
09:24Sister, I told you that everyone will kill me.
09:27I don't want to live.
09:28Udi, once you get married, everything will be fine.
09:32No one will talk to you like this.
09:47Forgive me, Lalon.
09:48You have been insulted in this house.
09:51May the rain of your anger not fall on any member of our family.
09:56Forgive me.
10:12Lalon, tell me.
10:14How are you people?
10:16How are you?
10:27How are you, son?
10:28I forgot your face.
10:29You look so beautiful.
10:31I'm so sorry, Thammi.
10:32I got such a good opportunity.
10:34I got such a good job.
10:35How could I miss this chance?
10:36Tell me.
10:37Yes, of course.
10:38But I missed you all a lot.
10:44I got the news of Udi's wedding as soon as I came.
10:48But you people didn't even call me.
10:53How could I call you?
10:54You were sitting so far away.
10:57How could I tell you so many things over the phone?
10:59And how would I know if you could come or not?
11:05But you gave me a good surprise.
11:08You should have called and told me that you were coming.
11:11How are you?
11:12Don't ask me.
11:16She calls me at night and says that she's coming tomorrow.
11:20Come to the airport.
11:21Don't tell anyone.
11:22We'll give everyone a surprise.
11:36How are you?
11:38Look at you.
11:39You're so weak.
11:40I'm not weak, mom.
11:41You must think that I'm weak.
11:44Aunt, I'm not weak.
11:46Just look at me.
11:47I look so fit.
11:49I love your haircut.
11:50You should get for yourself too.
11:53How are you?
11:54I'm good.
11:55How are you?
11:56I'm good.
11:58We had a lot of fun there.
12:00Tell the whole story to both of us.
12:03Did you have fun?
12:04We used to go out on weekends with our team.
12:06We had a lot of fun.
12:07Did you have fun or did you miss your family?
12:10She must be missing her home.
12:12It's nothing like that.
12:13By the way, where's Arshad?
12:17She's my sister-in-law now.
12:24How are you, Jethu?
12:27I'm getting married now.
12:29It's going to be fun.
12:30It's going to be fun, right?
12:34And you know what?
12:35My dad and I had an argument about this topic.
12:39Our Mimi isn't just grown up now.
12:41She's become sensible too.
12:44Now, where are we going to go in front of these kids?
12:46I'm telling you, old school.
12:49Mimi told me that Appu has every right to make his own decisions.
13:00If she's happy today,
13:02then we shouldn't let this happiness go.
13:12And if we had chosen a boy ourselves,
13:14and got Appu married,
13:16then what guarantee did we have that Appu would be happy?
13:21If Appu has chosen a boy himself,
13:23then we should support that decision.
13:25We should support him.
13:31Right, Mimi?
13:32Yes, of course. Definitely. Isn't it?
13:37Mimi told you all this?
13:39Yes, Baba.
13:40We were discussing this the whole way.
13:45And Dada,
13:47I don't want to interfere in Appu's happiness.
14:01Look, I was trying to help him.
14:04But I think Appu knows what's best for her.
14:09She knows that she'll be happy with Lallan.
14:18But you understand,
14:19I'm Appu's dad.
14:21I'm also concerned.
14:22We know how things are in the colony.
14:24We know how the scandals are.
14:27Is this decision right?
14:28Is Lallan a good boy?
14:33Lallan is a good boy.
14:34And hardworking too.
14:35I can guarantee you that, Dada.
14:37Do you know this or did he tell you?
14:40Lallan lives in the colony.
14:42That's why he's bad.
14:43This is wrong.
14:48Someone betrayed his father.
14:51That's why he had to come to the colony.
14:53Otherwise, he would have been living in a bungalow.
14:55He would have been running a big business.
15:00He had to come to the colony out of helplessness.
15:02His mother had to work at someone else's house.
15:05He had to drop out of school
15:06because he had been earning money since childhood.
15:11you're saying this, Shubham.
15:13But my daughter doesn't know anything.
15:21Nini is here.
15:23when did you come?
15:25Why didn't anyone invite me?
15:28I'm good.
15:29Do you know?
15:30I'm getting married.
15:33Today is the day of Holi.
15:35At home.
15:38Isn't it, Chubby?
15:40Isn't it?
15:41Isn't it?
15:43And I'll wear a wedding dress too.
15:46I'll decorate it well.
15:49And my wedding
15:51is being held at Venu's house.
15:53How is it being held?
15:58It's not being held at our house.
15:59Do you know?
16:02Let the wedding be held at your house.
16:04At our house?
16:06Accept the wedding
16:08and perform all the rituals at your house.
16:10Show that you're very happy
16:11and you're getting married with all your heart.
16:13Because when we'll take the wedding vows later,
16:15no one will doubt you.
16:18No, dad. No.
16:19Don't be sad.
16:23I know you don't like Kaku.
16:26But have you ever tried to understand Kaku?
16:28Why does he do all this?
16:34Let bygones be bygones.
16:35Forget everything.
16:36What did you want?
16:38That you'll get married at this house.
16:40Then it'll be like that.
16:43You'll get married at this house.
16:56You're happy now, aren't you?
17:01And mom and dad?
17:02You're happy now, aren't you?
17:07Because of your wife's arrival,
17:08you're getting married at this house.
17:10Isn't it?
17:15You're getting married at this house.
17:17Isn't it?
17:19You're getting married at this house.
17:20Isn't it?
17:21Isn't it?
17:27So, let's go.
17:28What are we waiting for, Kaku?
17:29Let's start the preparations.
17:30Of course.
17:31We should start the preparations.
17:35But brother, please.
17:36Forget all this
17:37and understand one thing.
17:38Appu is my daughter too.
17:41The way you consider Anirudh as your son,
17:43I have every right to consider Appu as my daughter.
17:48I had some emotions
17:49because I couldn't explain it to you.
17:51But you'll have to agree that
17:53I consider Appu as my daughter.
18:00So many surprises at once.
18:06The decision you've taken is very right.
18:10Anyway, if you'd got married in someone else's house,
18:12I wouldn't have come to attend the wedding.
18:14If you'd got married in someone else's house,
18:15I wouldn't have come to attend the wedding.
18:20Send this news to Meenu too.
18:22She must be busy with the wedding preparations.
18:24But sister-in-law,
18:25you tell her.
18:26If I talk to her,
18:27she'll get upset for no reason.
18:29Why will she get upset?
18:31Inform her that the plan has changed.
18:35Now, the wedding will take place at our house
18:37and not there.
18:38And first of all, invite her.
18:39If she refuses,
18:40I'll talk to her myself.
18:42Yes, brother.
18:43It's okay.
18:44It'll be better if the elders of the house talk.
18:49You're not even worth talking to now.
18:56What will you tell her?
18:57Yes, Chhotan.
18:58You broke the heart of such a beautiful girl.
19:01You hurt Meenu a lot.
19:05You troubled Meenu a lot.
19:07You took them there.
19:10Now, you go and talk to her.
19:12Why are you hesitating to talk to her?
19:15This is your responsibility.
19:16Do you understand?
19:19And I'll talk to Meenu.
19:22Mom, you put everything on me.
19:24This is wrong.
19:29Tell me, mom.
19:30I'm very hungry.
19:31Give me something to eat.
19:33By the way,
19:34there will be a long waiting list
19:36for special food at the wedding.
19:38But now, I want home-cooked food.
19:40I'm fed up of eating outside food.
19:43I was wondering
19:44how this wedding will be fun.
19:46Now that Meenu is here,
19:47there will be a lot of fun.
19:56By the way,
19:57I heard that Jhanak Rani is also here.
20:05So, where is she?
20:06Why hasn't she come to meet me yet?
20:11your aunt has made Kachoris for you.
20:13You like it, don't you?
20:15So, I was preparing for that.
20:18You must be hungry, right?
20:23How long will you be here?
20:27I'll be here till Apudi's wedding.
20:37But Apudi's wedding will take place tomorrow.
20:39So, you'll leave the day after tomorrow, right?
20:41Shut up!
20:44I'll leave once the wedding is over.
20:47I'll be here till the wedding.
20:49What if the groom's family
20:51doesn't invite you to the wedding?
20:54Why won't they invite me?
20:56And it's Apudi's wedding.
20:57Even if they don't invite me,
20:58I'll go to meet them anyway.
21:06it's not like that.
21:07I'll go with Tofu.
21:11You weren't here.
21:12And I wanted Jhana to stay at the wedding.
21:18neither my son nor my daughter-in-law supported me.
21:26But we're all here now, Dad.
21:28Let her stay there if she wants to.
21:34Sister Arshi!
21:36How are you, sister-in-law?
21:37How are you?
21:38I'm good. How are you?
21:39I'm good too.
21:40How are you, Grandpa?
21:41I'm good. How are you?
21:42I'm good.
21:44So, Grandpa,
21:45you were right.
21:47Jhana's job there is...
21:53Jhana's job there is nothing.
21:55Because Jhana's job is in that villa.
21:59With Anirudh Bose.
22:02Right, Jhana?
22:04Yes, sister Arshi.
22:05And it's the most important job of my life.
22:15You must have understood by now.
22:17You're not that intelligent.
22:22And I haven't hidden anything from anyone here.
22:25I know everything.
22:31What does everyone know?
22:33I don't know.
22:40go and freshen up.
22:41You have to eat too.
22:43Okay, I'll freshen up and come.
22:45Then I'll eat hot kachori.
22:48Will anyone of you eat kachori?
22:52I'll eat it.
22:56Should I feed you?
22:58Who else will feed me?
22:59Can I eat it myself?
23:00And there are only a few kids, right?
23:02After I get married, I'll leave this house and go away forever.
23:09Then my husband will feed me.
23:15Here my mother feeds me.
23:17She feeds me.
23:18She tells me about emotions.
23:20I don't want to stay here.
23:21I'll go away.
23:42There is good news for you.
23:47We will get married now.
23:52That's great, but why this change all of a sudden?
23:57If the change is good, then accept it.
23:59Why question it?
24:04Mimi explained it to me.
24:06And I understood from her that the whole new generation has the same opinion.
24:10Then who are we to speak?
24:12To spoil the atmosphere?
24:16Now the daughter of the house will get married to the house.
24:20Yes, I tried my best to stop this marriage.
24:25But then I understood that Dada has complete faith in Lalon.
24:29And Appu also wants to live with Lalon.
24:32That's it?
24:33That's more important. What else?
24:36And the biggest thing is that Appu will always be in front of our eyes.
24:41Whenever we feel like inviting her, whenever we feel like meeting her.
24:44And if all goes well, then we will give Appu a flat as well.
24:49That's it.
24:58Uncle, aren't you being too kind?
25:02No, Shobha.
25:04My daughter will only get what she is destined for.
25:07You don't have to do all this.
25:09Lalon will work hard.
25:11And if he can take the house on his own, then he will.
25:15We don't have to help our children at every step.
25:18But Dada, if Appu is comfortable, then what's wrong with that?
25:21She has been raised in a big house since childhood.
25:23She is used to big houses.
25:24How will she adjust in the colony?
25:26I will do it, Uncle. I will do it. Yes.
25:30I will be very happy there. Yes.
25:32Everyone loves me there.
25:34They don't scold me like this house.
25:39I will live there happily.
25:41Appu, why are you saying this?
25:44As if we have never given you love.
25:51When did you give me love?
25:55Whenever I see you, everyone scolds me.
25:58I don't know what happened to you all of a sudden
26:01by saying that I am getting married.
26:09Appu, dear, you are getting married, right?
26:12Don't talk to elders like this.
26:14You are getting married, right?
26:16Don't talk to elders like this.
26:21So, Thammi, the cow-shed ritual will be done today, right?
26:25We will have to do that, Vipasha.
26:28Now that the wedding is being done from home,
26:30we will have to do everything.
26:31We will have to perform all the rituals.
26:32Okay, don't waste time.
26:34Go and make the arrangements.
26:35And you all also get ready.
26:45We can arrest that boy on the basis of suspicion.
26:48And anyway, who comes to fight for these people?
26:51If we have to arrest that boy,
26:53then we will have to do all this.
26:58Kaku, I am feeling very nervous.
27:01What happened, son?
27:03Kaku, what if our plan goes wrong?
27:06There is nothing to worry about.
27:09I have known that commissioner for many years.
27:12He is one of those people who keep their promises.
27:15And don't talk about such things here.
27:17Even crazy people have ears.
27:18Try and behave normally.
27:20Nothing should be found out.
27:44You are under arrest.
27:52Do you have a warrant?
27:54Look, Janak.
27:55He has been accused of a serious crime.
27:59A big shot has filed a complaint.
28:02A big shot?
28:04You are working against the law, sir.
28:08You cannot arrest Lalon without a warrant.
28:12A big shot has filed a complaint.
28:14A big shot?
