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مسلسل احببتك مرة الحلقة 52 الثانية والخمسون مدبلج HD


00:00Sevdim seni bir kere
00:30Bukit Binti
00:37Sevdim seni bir kere
00:44Sevdim seni bir kere
00:51Sevdim seni bir kere
00:59Munkara tuwatti?
01:05Shukran kteef
01:08Waqfi waqfi waqfi
01:25Lak ana bikra haik
01:28Ana bikra haik Aslim
01:30Bikra haik men kel qalbi
01:31Tlaa'i men hayatna
01:32Bikra haik ya haqeera
01:34Tlaa'i men hayatna baqa
01:36Sho am beseer Bershin?
01:39Sho munkan yiseer ya ammi?
01:41Sho munkan yiseer?
01:42Ana khsret awzan ya ammi
01:44Sho munkan yiseer?
01:45Tabaa binti khalas ehdi
01:47Laa trikee
01:48Trikee rahtesh rahi halek
01:49Ammi trikeeni amfesh khali
01:52Binti tlaa'i
01:54Khalas ya omri
01:55Khalas ehdi shwe
02:00Ana bikra haik Aslim
02:01W binti yaha trouh
02:04Binti yaha trouh
02:05W ttlaa'i men hayati
02:13Lissan bareh
02:16Kinet habibto laa'i awzan
02:17W rouh
02:21Bis helak ana ma'at
02:22Eli ando imi
02:23Ebedan wala wujud
02:26Ana bikra ha kteer
02:29Binti yaha khalas
02:30Ttlaa'i men hayatna baqa
02:32Khali ya tkhtfi
02:33Men wujdi ma'at
02:36Tamaam ya binti
02:37Rahi mda
02:39Khalas kel shay
02:40Rahi mda
02:43Naa rahi mda
02:46Ana kzabet
02:47Al kelli ya ammi
02:49Ana ma'a nqst
02:50W la awzan
02:52W helak kzbet
02:53Al kelli ya ammi
02:55Kelli hayatna nkeshf
03:00Tkif bidi ittlaa'i bi wujdi nnas
03:06Awzan ma baqa yihabni ebeda
03:10Ya rouhi
03:11Binti habibti
03:12Ya rouhi
03:14Ya omri ana
03:16Inhala tghalabna aksir soobat
03:18Lissa ammik ma matit
03:20Ana rahi laa'i hal
03:23Enti wsaqibi ammik
03:26Bahal kelli shay bwadik
03:34Ana bdi tamam
03:44Shwa al wahmi al gharibi
03:46Ta'arif kel ma shufa amshabihala shay tani
03:49Bershin ma lazim tesma' bi hal shay ebeda
03:52Izza arfit eno Aslim bint Tariq
03:54Tinhaar marra tani
03:57Ana minhaara kteer sivil
04:00Ma ba'arif lawan biddi rooh wallah
04:03Bitraja ke tsa'adini
04:05Lazim itkhallas min hal haml
04:07Izza arfu abi wa emmi wallah layinhaaru
04:10Tamam habibti Aylul
04:11Mishani khalas laa tbki
04:12Ana rahi amal kersh bi itlaa'i bi edi
04:14Khallini dawar a tariqa tamam
04:17Natra khabar minneke
04:19Bitraja ke tsa'adini
04:21Tala'i feyni
04:23Wain abu la hal walad?
04:24Lash huwa ma 3amil shay ebedan?
04:27Lakin ma 3andu khabar
04:30Wa ma bia'arif ebedan bi hadhal haml
04:33Wadha' madam Aylul kteer minih
04:35Bas ma haik lazim tintebha 3ala 3ala
04:37Daroori kli
04:39Sayer ma'i nazlat berdib ma'atti akit
04:41Lakin ma bintebha 3ali
04:43Bas hella doktor wasaf li dawah ya'ni
04:45Wa lamma bakhud el edwi ya li ata'ni yaha
04:47Rahi rooh mo haik?
04:53Aye Aylul khalo, rahi rooh
04:56Mentekat bas hey?
04:58Kek anu ente kenit rahi tool shay tani
05:00Haye sma'at, ana miniha, ma fini shay
05:03Shukran 3a kel shay yameltaw doktor
05:053alik el 3afi
05:11Akid ente miniha?
05:13Ma fi shay tkhabrini ya?
05:15Sma'atat doktor shu qal eno ana miniha?
05:21Yalla nrooh minhon
05:233anna shugl kteer
05:30Ma lazim ya'arif Yagiz abadan eno ana tla'at haamel
05:42Inshallah tkoen Aylul hakya sah
05:44Inshallah ma fi shay sayyi yamkhabbitu 3anni
05:46Ana ma fini 3ayesh izza tarketni Aylul binte?
05:49Ma fini
05:51Wuldat binta la sakinah, khalini ittisal fiyah, mo hellak ba'da liftur
05:56Hadeek el binte ma kanit mitzawjeh
05:58Itzawajit jdeed, bas sakinah ma hadat balah, biddi hafid, biddi hafid, biddi hafid
06:03Mahalfita yamin a'azim la el binte, mshan itjib walad awal ma titzawaj
06:09Aye ma'a haq tab'an, fi ahla min el hafid lo zghir
06:13Wa awal ma itzawaj Yagiz, rahi jiblna hafid helo kteer, mitlo kaman inshallah ya rab
06:18Mo hek ya ebne el helo?
06:21La mo hek, la wahid wala tlateh, bas yisir annah kenne kwayse binte halal, inshallah biddi jiblna koumet ahfad zibyan
06:29Esasen andak 4 ahfad, shu hal ajali?
06:32Wulad ikhtak ghayr shi ebni, la anne wuladak ente li rahi hamlou ismi
06:37Rahi hamlou nasab ayletna wa ism ajdadak
06:43Ana rayiha shghal, saha wana
06:57Shayef, mo hek? Lissa aqlo biha dik el binet
07:01Kel yom wabwajih ba'adhon, kel yom wabwajih ba'adhon, hada li yam yisir, kif iddo yensaha?
07:05Lazim illa yihalla hada shi, darour yinhawal intibah el wulad la makan tani
07:09Amfakir bnafse shi yadna, ana rahi abad khabar aqadana fawran izahik, khalyani laqouna binte tnaasbou, tkoun binte halal wabitnaasibna
07:23Wushu lissatak natra? Saar kteer darouri innu nurbot rasu la hada el wulad bi asraa waqt ba
07:39Ammi, ana tala ma bdiyat akhar a shghal, aye?
07:44Ahna wa sahla, khalti radiyah
07:47Ahlan fiki ya binte lhalwe, habibti nuran ya sharb, bekhatu lbshara, jaye tofil tofil jaye
07:55Yirba ma ammo abouh inshallah, tofil shu, min hamir
09:27Meen hamil ya bint, meen kouli la nshouf
09:30Koulik, haye el binte el moumassila bil mousalsal li bhibk itfarraj alayh, hadik hamil
09:35Haye el binte el moumassila bil mousalsal li bhibk itfarraj alayh, hadik hamil
09:38Haye el binte el moumassila bil mousalsal li bhibk itfarraj alayh, hadik hamil
09:45La ttahake, enti btaarifi el binte amra zghir, haye binte lissata, sabiha zghira kteer, tlat haamir, rha tjiyib baby
09:55Allah yisamahik, kawaftini kteer
10:04Binti, lashe esfarwushik haik
10:07Amtdoukhi shi?
10:10Ayloul, kaman amtdoukhi ya binti?
10:14Enti mniha habibti?
10:20Lek haye el binte el bhibha bil mousalsal kaman haik arfet ena haamir
10:24Ayloul bil majalli amthesb el ghasayan, wa amtdoukhi w titaabe kteer
10:30Lek ayl ma shafet hala ghar ena haamir
10:33Radiyah khanum, enti amtisma3i shu amtahki?
10:36Shu hal hakihat?
10:41Ya sharbik, yani ilt la hali bmezah mezha zghira hon, habet ntahak shu fiya w enti fouran assabit
10:48Aaa, aslan el binte azba, kif raht kon haamir?
10:51Madama bta3rifi ena azba, entibhi shu amtahki
10:56Aaa, ana lazam rooh al shugla, etakharti
10:59Sal3i fini, rahat roohi fouran 3a doktor el jama, assabit metwetra, la haik 3am yisir ma3ik haz shi
11:05Khaliyan ya2touki dawa ya binti
11:07Tamam, la tkhafi, ana mniha w bhilla, yalla bkhatirkon
11:21Oh, Ozan, ya3tik el 3afi, enti la shu 3amel haik? Tajheez la shuhad, kif tala3 halou?
11:38Bi jenni
11:41Bti balesh kel shi jdeed ma3 asli, ma bti aye shi z3ajn bnou
11:473am n3hawli n33esh 3alaa mndoun aya khawf, wa 3aratta 3alaiha z3awaj 3abla bmrra, bas inshallah t3kmal 3almrra
11:55Enno tkounou ma3 ba3ad mndoun khawf enno t3fuslou, hada sa3b kteer
11:59Bas btmna tkounou sawa, btmna tkounou mabsoutin t3lul 3amr, akhi
12:05Shukran kteer
12:07Inshallah, el habaib kelloun yishtemou mtl
12:12Ala kulli, ana lazam khalas abl ma tiji asli
12:16Ana lakan rah sa3adak, wa yikoun ilay naseeb bsa3adetkou
12:21Shouf hadi
12:23Yalla, arh afteha
12:44Kamli biha ttariq yali rahi waslik la 3andi
12:47Rah tkoun el rahla el akhira yali rah ttla 3aya la 3ali
12:50Ba3da el yom ma rah tmshi bi ayi tariq la 3ali
12:53Bi kel makan rah trohi 3alai, wa bkel tariq rah tmshi, rah koun janba
12:58Fi edamna tariq taweel, bidna nmshi, sawa ana wa inti habibti
13:15Inti shou 3alek shagl hou?
13:19Bi ayi wesh 3am tkadri tiji?
13:22Jolida, betrajak yisma3ini
13:25Ma beti isma3 wala shi rouhi min houn, yalla
13:28Jolida, tamam habibti, ehdi shouy
13:33Kinna rifqa la 3sneen taweel, khalini waddah lek, betrajak
13:38Shou li bidek twat3hisi bal?
13:40Kintu 3am tkhatat wa khatat rahiba, wa ebni 3am bisare3 hounik mshan 3ayish?
13:44La y3ani kif kazabto 3alakazib, kif bte3amlo 3al shi?
13:48La nqol barcheen tifli wa 3amleta, enti kif ebilti?
13:52Ma bidi shouf wesh shagl, rouhi min houn wala 3at tiji ebada
13:59Fadda lasybar
14:17Asbi 3alayeh edma bidek
14:19Ayti, srkhi, z3ali
14:21Leki, beqbal bekel shi
14:23Bas ana kel shi sawetoh
14:25Wa 3ameltoh mshan ehmikoun min hedik al3ayli
14:31Wa 3aylti kaman
14:35Hedykel bintu wa emma kano, rahi damro 3al3ayli
14:42Hedykel bintu wa emma kano, rahi damro 3al3ayli
14:50Hedon shayateen
14:55Wa ma kan bidi haroukoun entu kaman
14:58Hedykel bint
15:00Beyni min emma shouhiye
15:03Hedykel mara
15:08Fiya 3alaaqa beynna wa beyn Tarek
15:32Weyna hey el bint ya
15:39Ma 3amlaqia la Aslim, mana mawjoudeh
15:41Tulat la tishteri khebz, wa ma 3amtrida 3a mobayla
15:44Ana 3alqaani 3alaiha kteeh
15:46Ey, wa enti jaye, ma shefti el ashum yali bi awl shari wa 3ala kelli ttareek?
15:51Ozan 3aml mufajik la Aslim, hala hennem ma ba3ad
15:54Anjad 3amtahki?
15:56Shayef hel bint 3aday majnouneh, ma 3amt khabirna bishy
16:01Hedol shabab hediyeh, ya3ni 3aklom ma lo birasoun
16:07Wa ana natartek tatla3e min el beyt
16:11Ya3ni, la3no ma bidek ya3ni roohu iji 3ala beytek
16:14Fa natartek hon
16:38Yes, my love
16:40We are very beautiful together
17:07And I love you very much too
17:50Bil la7za yali elta3yna fiya, hasyat el koun kelli tkhayar
17:54Wa ba3d hadyek el la7za, kel qata3 meni, kel zikra saru ilik
17:57N3hna martabteen bi ba3b bi rawabit ma ttel shaf
18:00N3hna wahid
18:02Mahma hawalu yifarqouna, wa mahma hawalu yiba3douna 3an ba3d
18:05Bin nihaya ra3la3y ba3dna
18:08R3hna elta3yna
18:16T3kdri tftahi bu3b ktire bhal muft3h
18:19Beyt, qalb, ayat
18:21Enti basa tlabi
18:23Bikafi ennek ma3y wa la3y
18:25Ana natartek
18:35Enna fakhour fikoun, akhi
18:37Rghm kel shi hafistou 3la habkoun
18:39Sartou sanad laba3b
18:41M3qa lqab
18:43M3qa lqab
18:45M3qa lqab
18:47M3qa lqab
18:49M3qa lqab
18:51M3qa lqab
18:53M3qa lqab
18:55M3qa lqab
18:57M3qa lqab
18:59M3qa lqab
19:01M3qa lqab
19:03M3qa lqab
19:05A3shna oja3 kbire
19:07W kafahna ktire
19:11W osalna la darje krehna ba3d
19:15Bas marret hal ayam
19:20Sa3ba ktire
19:24Aqbalna n3hna kamal
19:48A3m jahez mshan asnin
19:50Bas kani marh lahay
19:52Btsa3dina anti kamal
19:54Kenti ktire haba sa3dkoun
19:56Bas andi chouyar shagl
19:58Ma fiy shagl ktire bil kafeterya
20:00Iza bidak fike tsa3dina
20:08Enti 3la tol kenti waqfe jamna
20:11Lahayj sa3dina, yalla
20:22Laka nkoun chou bidna nsawe?
20:24Isma3y, entu eletnayen red bohroun
20:26Wa ana bjehez loroun
20:28Aslim hala 3tareen
20:42Ana masheft wahde mal3ouna w khabeesa mitl hdiyeh
20:45Hawalet ma3 3tarek w bilakhir zabbatoto
20:513tarek bsababa tarekni
20:56Belki haye Aslim 3am tel3ab 3taren
21:02Haye Aslim belki 3am tel3ab 3taren
21:05Hawo Sibal
21:12Asli belki Aslim
21:14Betkoun 3am betsa3d emma bimawdouh zawaja 3tarek
21:22Binihaya zalama yghani
21:25Wbis tzawaju emma tab3an betertah Aslim
21:28Ma3 enno ma3lka ozan wa sandi dhahra fiy minih
21:36Hedoun eletnayen sayadeen erjahal agniha
21:44Talama Sibal 3am tahke bihadar wadouh akit fiy shi bet3arfou
21:47Iza bedek khalina nisma3ou
21:48Tab3an fiy
21:49Fikri ya Jolida hedike elbint Aslim
21:51Chou jabit 3ras ozan ghar elbalawi
21:54Ozan tsawab wa wasal elmoud kello bsabab hedike elbint
21:59Ba3di ibnek 3an Aslim
22:00Wa ella binhed betek 3rasek metlik
22:11Lama tsawab ozan
22:15Wa nhar edam ayni ana mas3ht Aslim minhayat
22:19Bs hella la tkhafe
22:21Mar3 hasma3
22:30La3 aya shakhs minkon ya3zi ibni ba3di elyoun fahmani
22:44Ishtari ka3ke
22:45Wa kaset chai la kell wahid ha
22:47Met el ayam tfouletna
22:49Ayam el sanawi
22:50La la shukran elak
22:53Enta chou kent bedek tkhake
22:58Ba3tisr minnek kteer bin niyabi 3an Sibal
23:01Ana kel ma3 hawil eno ma tenza3ji
23:033am tseer el omour aswaq be kell marra bs
23:08Ma3ad rah ismahla le Sibal te3ziki ebadan
23:11Betrajak Tariq
23:12Betrajak enta la todakhal be hel mawdou
23:14Meshani la todakhal
23:19Ana rah talek Sibal
23:28Ma yikon bsababi ana?
23:30La ta3mela
23:31La ta3mela
23:32Betrajak a3tiya firsa la Sibal
23:34Ana a3tita la Sibal firsa poul el 3omr
23:38Bas ma stafedet
23:40Sibal ma saret insani mi3ha
23:43Wa ana kent ablan behal shi kaman
23:46Lama shift eno binti saret btishbaha bel atba3
23:50Arafet eni ghlotet ghalta kbire
23:57Ana kab
23:59T3hmelt Sibal wa kel shi
24:01Meshani tkoun barchen insani mi3ha
24:06Bas mbar3h lama shift Amayelon hiye wa emna ma3a Ozan wa Asliman sadamet
24:11Mo bsababkon rah talek Sibal abadan
24:16La3nna ma rabbet binti terba3yem ni3ha
24:18Wa ana ma bardha bihal shi abadan
24:46Ah ya Hadiye
25:02Enti bas waqfi
25:04Wa ana ba3raf shu bd a3mal fikoun
25:16Lama r3hna elte3yi wesh la wesh r3han bsat mtl eloulan
25:29La tnatreyni kteer habibti
25:30Ta3ali beqa
25:32Shukrani kteer
25:46Shukrani kteer
26:10Kobra a3matatase
26:11Na3am Kobra
26:14Bsaret 3ankou
26:15E lakan arrabet
26:18Yalla kallouna el3sri3a r3htousa el3sri
26:20Lesh akhi shoudan
26:21Has sou3r lazam tet3allak 3allak 3allak 3allak 3allak
26:23Tamam ana ba3allokon yalla
26:27R3h nadf el3rd laka
26:30Tamam terkiye ana b3halla
26:31Khalas ente sa3ad Ozan
26:34Eloul laki entebhiye r3htou3a3
26:36Asasan ma n3kem ne3ha 3am el3dou3khi
26:38Ana maddet tofoulti 3a r3as el3sri3ar ma b3sir shi3 alayhi
26:41Yalla ente ro3h sa3ad ola Ozan
26:43Ya Allah Eloul
27:01Eloul m3ne3ha ente?
27:05Eeeh eeeh m3ne3ha
27:07Bas r3jli za3htet shwe
27:10Ana el3ta l3k
27:11Bas ma kente t3sma3i kalami
27:12Tfadhali kaman w3a3ti
27:143a kel3 hal
27:15El3hamdulillah kente hon wa m3saktik
27:17Eeeh shukran
27:19Yalla ente tla3e zahid
27:21Bas entebhi es3hak t3ou3a
27:23Wa sh3i ma fini m3skak
27:24La t3elayi Eloul khano
27:25Ana ma b3sir li shi3
27:30Yalla ana k3llini sa3ad Ozan
27:37Ente a3kid m3ne3ha?
27:39M3ne3ha m3ne3ha
27:40Eeeh tamam
28:03S3rt ahsan?
28:12Kife idrti hadiye?
28:16Wa ente 3a m3ta3ani m3l3 m3shakel m3a abuwa
28:19Wa m3a kel3 hal3 fiqr
28:21Kife rabbeti Aslim la tkouni ensan m3ne3ha wa sad3qa?
28:26L3sh b3rsheen ma rabbet h3ik?
28:30Ana bas
28:32Bas 3ab3ta
28:343ab3ta k3teer
28:36Imken m3kder t3jib la k3l shi b3daya
28:39Wa m3kder t3kdem la 3ayat h3lwi
28:42Bas 3ab3ta k3teer
28:45Wa m3ta b3t3hab3a k3teer l3 b3rsheen b334a d3sh
28:50B3rsheen bes4ata sab3ya zg3yre
28:54Wa k3l ensan b3khl3q barik
28:57K3man k3l ensan
28:58B3koun da3man a3qrab l3 kh3ir m3n el sh3rb k3teer
29:01Wa b3rsheen k3man r3h t3t3hassan
29:04R3h t3sir b3nti m3ne3ha b334a m3t3kder
29:08Enta ile ya ozan
29:10Ana ek3ter wahde b3t3hab3k
29:12I'm the only one who deserves you.
29:14There's no girl named Aslim.
29:18I'm going to destroy her.
29:20I'm going to destroy her.
29:45Aslim, open the door. I'm here.
29:49Open the door. I want your blood.
29:52I want your death. Do you understand?
30:13She'll be next to me in a little while.
30:25Guys, this little lady is going to propose to Aslim.
30:34How beautiful you are, my soul.
30:42Hello. Watch out for the little princess. I have to talk to her.
30:47What's your name?
30:49Your name is beautiful.
30:51Is it your mother who gave you your hair?
30:53Yes. Can you come with me to my brother's house?
30:55What do you think of this idea?
30:57Okay, let's play.
30:59But first, let's take off the jacket.
31:00Let's see.
31:03Should we give this to the sister?
31:07Now I'm going to run. Hold me.
31:17Look what he knows how to agree with children.
31:21My father will be crazy about the future.
31:24Look at him.
31:42My love, do you think we'll have a boy or a girl in the future?
31:49Both. We'll have two boys and a girl.
31:53Four children?
31:58Come on.
32:13Our children and our girls, let them look like you.
32:18Let them look like you.
32:21They have beautiful eyes.
32:22Of course, they can be a little hurt.
32:25And let us run after them to the evening.
32:27And let our children's voices not disappear at home.
32:30But in this way, there will be meaning to our lives.
32:38You will be a better father than me, my love.
32:41And you will be the most beautiful mother in the world, my love.
32:46You and I will have a beautiful house.
33:10You and I will have a beautiful house.
33:35What's going on? What do you want?
33:36Go take care of your husband.
33:38I won't let him hold my wife's hand in the corner of the garden.
33:41Otherwise, I'll make a problem. Do you understand?
33:43What are you talking about, Jankis?
33:44You go take care of your wife.
33:46She's the one who's running around my husband.
33:48You can't succeed in anything.
33:50And I gave you money.
33:51Go look in the house and see what your wife is hiding from you.
33:54Since when do you know my husband?
33:56You're the one who's sleeping anyway.
34:07I know you're inside.
34:10I'm going to destroy your life like you destroyed mine.
34:15Open the door!
34:26I'm not done with you yet, Aslim Khan.
34:28I'm not done with you yet.
34:36What's this?
34:40What's this?
34:48I'm going to show you, Aslim.
34:50Just wait and see.
34:51I'm going to destroy your life.
34:53Ozan will be mine.
35:01Let's see.
35:06Do you like it?
35:13This is for you, my sister.
35:16Thank you so much, Ameera.
35:36Let's go.
35:44It's nice, isn't it?
35:50Aslim will like it a lot.
35:55Maybe you should get ready for Eid too.
35:58And I'll help you in time.
36:04No, brother.
36:05We don't have a future that we can dream of.
36:09Someone stole it from us.
36:12And whatever I do, I won't be able to take it.
36:17It's obvious.
36:20That you love Eid.
36:23I felt that you love it a lot.
36:24But fate isn't solving all our problems.
36:28I wish it could.
36:35I wish it could.
36:45I'm losing a lot of things.
36:49Because of garbage.
36:53I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago.
36:57I'm going to divorce her.
37:01We're responsible for our children's mistakes.
37:03You know that very well, don't you, Tarek?
37:09I mean, it's not just my responsibility.
37:12You're also responsible. Don't you know that, Tarek?
37:16You can't put all the blame on Sibal Khan.
37:19You're so cheap.
37:21You're chasing my husband too?
37:30Why are you so nice to her?
37:33How can you be so nice to her?
37:37I mean, after everything Sibal did to you,
37:40you're still defending her?
37:45Have mercy, Hadi.
37:47What are you calling me, chasing my husband?
37:52I'm just telling the truth.
37:56Think about divorce again.
37:59There's nothing to think about.
38:01I'm going to divorce her.
38:03I'm going to divorce Sibal.
38:07I may not be able to make up for my past mistakes,
38:12but I can write the future again.
38:25What are they talking about?
38:29What are they hiding from me?
38:33What are they hiding from me?
38:55What are they hiding from me?
38:57What are they hiding from me?
39:03What are they hiding from me?
39:26How did it go?
39:28Did he say no?
39:30Good, good.
39:33Good, good.
40:03Good, good.
40:10Asli, my love.
40:12From this moment on, I'm all yours.
40:15Don't you think it's a little late?
40:18We were so far apart.
40:20We were so far apart.
40:22In the end, we'll find each other.
40:24We'll meet.
40:26And we'll forget everything that happened in the past.
40:29Let's start a new page in our love.
40:31Let's start everything over.
40:35I want you to combine your life with mine.
40:40And I want to hide the same dream every night.
40:45Will you share the rest of my life with me?
40:48Ready to share the days of my sadness, joy, and laughter with me?
40:52I hope you're ready.
41:02My love.
41:05My love.
41:08Everything is so beautiful.
41:11And like a dream.
41:15Our dream hasn't started yet.
41:19Will you marry me?
41:25A thousand times, yes.
41:27I will.
41:28A thousand times, yes.
41:30I will.
41:54I will destroy you.
41:55I will destroy you.
41:57I will destroy you.
42:05I will kill you, Aslim.
42:08Thank you for everything, Hadiyeh.
42:10Because you heard me and stood by my side.
42:15I wish you all the best, really.
42:19God willing, everything will be fine.
42:22God willing, everyone will be happy like Ozan and Aslim.
42:29Aslim is the only one affected by these events.
42:32Apologize to her on my behalf.
42:37I will.
42:49Send my regards and love to Aslim, my lord.
42:53He means a lot to me.
42:55I will.
42:56I will.
43:17What is this weird thing?
43:19Every time I see it, it looks like something else.
43:23What's going on?
43:26This can't be true.
43:29Is Aslim Bintarek possible?
44:19You should dance together like a wedding.
44:23You love each other, don't you?
44:30I love you so much, Yusuf.
44:33Despite everything that happened between us, I still love you so much.
44:36I love you so much, Eru.
44:38Despite everything that happened between us, I still love you so much.
44:48What happened?
44:51For us, everything is over.
44:55Look at your brother Awazan and your sister Aslim, okay?
44:58Yes, that's right.
45:00For us, everything is over.
45:05He's starting all over again.
45:23For us, everything is over.
45:34Come here, you immoral person.
45:36What are you doing?
45:38Come here, you immoral person.
45:40Let me go.
45:42What is this?
45:44How do you know this girl?
45:46Tell me, how do you know her?
45:48Did you bring Aslim from him?
45:50Are you fooling me with this girl?
45:52You immoral person.
45:54You immoral person.
45:56Jengiz, what are you doing?
45:58Look, for God's sake, how can this happen?
46:00Jengiz, calm down. Let us talk.
46:02Come here. Come here.
46:04Come here, you immoral person.
46:06Come here. I'm begging you.
46:08Come here.
46:10Jengiz, I'm begging you, don't do this.
46:12Open the door.
46:14Open the door, you immoral person.
46:18Where are you running to?
46:19Where are you running from me?
46:36I thank you for everything.
46:39I am the one who thanks you.
46:41Because you accepted me in your life and because you loved me.
46:45I am so excited that I feel like my heart is going to fly out of happiness.
46:51We deserve this happiness.
46:53We worked so hard and worked so hard, but it didn't leave us from the love that unites us.
47:07Did you see it with your own eyes?
47:10We are in pain here.
47:12We are in pain here.
47:14And they are happy in their lives together.
47:20I'm so scared, Oza.
47:23I'm afraid that after all this happiness, something will happen and our happiness will be ruined.
47:30We don't need to be afraid anymore.
47:32I took all our precautions.
47:34I don't want to waste any more time.
47:37What do you mean?
47:39Tell your mother that we will come and ask you tomorrow.
47:49God damn you.
47:51Look, all this is because of you.
47:54Because of your mistake, look what you did to us.
48:04And you have improved a lot, Ozan.
48:07You have improved a lot.
48:10Don't do this, please.
48:12For God's sake, don't hit my face.
48:14For God's sake, don't tell Aslim, Zaha, or my daughter.
48:17Don't argue with your daughter.
48:19Don't argue with her.
48:21Don't argue with her.
48:23You are a disgrace.
48:25You worked for 20 years like a dog.
48:27And your husband was yours, and your daughter's father was Aslim, who is unknown to her father.
48:30You worked like a dog.
48:32And now you are going to live a rich life, and I'm going to live alone, right?
48:34I'm going to show you.
48:36I'm going to show you.
48:38You can't do this, son.
48:40You can't do this.
48:42That's enough.
48:44Don't come near me, or my daughter will get divorced from you.
48:46Get out of here.
48:48Get out of my face.
48:50I'm going to show you my face.
48:55Don't move.
48:57The police are here.
48:59Did you hear that?
49:01The police are here.
49:02I'm going to show you my face.
49:04You can't do this, son.
49:06Get out of here.
49:08I'm going to show you.
49:26Thank you for coming.
49:28You're welcome, my love. We are friends.
49:30Come here.
49:35What did they say?
49:37How much does it cost to have a baby?
49:39Excuse me?
49:41Can I have a glass of water?
49:43Wait a minute.
49:46Son, listen to your mother.
49:48Leave this job.
49:50I don't want you to be with this girl.
49:52I'm sure she wants to take advantage of you.
49:55Mom, I have a lot of work to do.
49:57We'll talk later.
49:59I'm going to close the door.
50:03This job will cost you a lot.
50:05They said 100,000.
50:11This is a new job.
50:13It's a good price, but it's not bad.
50:15Don't worry.
50:17How can I get 100,000?
50:19I can't save all this money.
50:21What's going to happen?
50:23This is your health.
50:25You have to think about it.
50:27Tell me what's going to happen to me.
50:50Honey, I'm here.
50:52Where are you?
51:01Are you here, Mom?
51:03Where are you, Mom?
51:07Are you here, Mom?
51:09I missed you.
51:11What's up, honey?
51:13Were you with Ozan?
51:15Yes, Mom. I was with Ozan.
51:17He prepared a very nice surprise for me.
51:19You won't believe it.
51:25How did this break?
51:27I was cleaning it.
51:28It broke from my hand.
51:30It's okay.
51:32Come on, Mom.
51:35Mom, leave the work and come sit with me.
51:38I have a lot to tell you.
51:40Come on.
51:42But don't get mad at me.
51:44What's wrong?
51:46I'm curious to know.
51:50I want to tell you that Ozan and his family came to ask for me.
51:58I want to tell you that Ozan and his family came to ask for me.
52:06My beautiful daughter,
52:08you've grown up so much.
52:24Take care of yourself.
52:32when Ozan comes, I'll talk to him.
52:34He has to stay away from Aslim.
52:36I don't know what to say, Omri.
52:38Ever since Aslim and his mother came into our lives,
52:40they've only brought trouble and problems to us.
52:43We have to keep them away from our family as soon as possible.
52:48what do you think?
52:50We should send Ozan to another city for work.
52:55So he can stay away from Aslim.
53:02Mom, I have news for you.
53:04It's very important.
53:06What's going on, Ozan?
53:08Tomorrow, there's a big task waiting for you.
53:11You're going to ask for your son's daughter.
53:18I'm going to marry Aslim.
53:23No way, Ozan!
53:25You can't do that.
53:27I can't let you marry Aslim.
53:29No way, Ozan!
53:44What's going on?
53:46You've been getting the wrong order twice.
53:48I ordered water from the fridge.
53:50I'm sorry, I'll change it right away.
53:52Wait a minute.
53:53Unfortunately, we don't accept orders from our customers who don't respect us.
53:57They have to respect the employees.
53:59Can you please go outside?
54:06Elul, come with me.
54:12I'm sorry.
54:14This is my fault.
54:16In this cafeteria, no one can make a mistake.
54:18Because he's coming to drink two cups of tea with me.
54:20And this isn't just for you.
54:21This is for all the employees in the cafeteria.
54:23Thank you very much.
54:27By the way,
54:29this is for you.
54:31Why did you give it to me?
54:33I didn't give it to you, I gave it to you.
54:35I'm going to give all the employees 100,000 Lira.
54:38And now, you tell them to come and take it.
54:41I understand.
54:43But where did the idea of generosity come from?
54:45Our work is growing.
54:47We're earning every Lira.
54:49You have a right to it.
54:53I'll tell them as well.
54:58don't you have a problem?
55:01And are you doing well?
55:12Yes, I'm fine.
55:37Can we set a date for the ceremony tomorrow?
55:40I want to finish this work as soon as possible.
55:43No, no, I solved this problem.
55:46I want to get rid of the baby as soon as possible.
