• last year
(Adnkronos) - Unico film italiano in concorso alla Settimana Internazionale della critica.


00:00Loredana Enrico, ADN Kronos.
00:02So, Milad, do you want to tell me how the idea of this film was born?
00:07Yes, absolutely.
00:09Look, in 2018 I got closer to this world of riders,
00:14especially, in my opinion, because of the kind of people it was composed of,
00:19Italians, foreigners and foreigners who were here maybe recently.
00:23Because, you know, it's a job that sometimes people do without documents
00:29or those who don't even know Italian very well, because you can show your phone anyway.
00:34So, it has characteristics that attract a certain part of the society that interested me a lot.
00:40So, I went around the whole state with a Senegalese rider
00:44to make deliveries in the wait, in the streets, in the restaurants.
00:49And so I was very interested,
00:52especially in the fact that this simplicity, an object like the bicycle,
00:57can change people's lives, meaning their survival or not.
01:01So, let's say, this was the beginning of everything.
01:04I was lucky because my father was a great cinephile,
01:09a great lover of Italian cinema, of Rosi, of Sconti,
01:13he always talked about Marcello, Sofia.
01:16So, I was lucky to see the film by De Sica when I was very young,
01:21when I was 7 or 8 years old.
01:23I was very aware of this similarity with De Sica's great masterpiece,
01:32but obviously I never had the intention of doing a remake, an operation, a tribute,
01:38because it's not worth it, I'm not up to it,
01:41and maybe no one is doing a remake of such a great masterpiece.
01:45But it seemed interesting to me to use that excuse to be able to reflect on now,
01:51on how this bicycle, still 80 years later,
01:55can change some people's lives,
01:58maybe another type of vulnerable of this society.
02:01But these dynamics, good or bad, still exist in our streets here.
02:09I'm not a rider, but I have a friend who rides,
02:13so I'm a little bit there.
02:17How are you working on this project?
02:21For the first few days it was difficult,
02:24but little by little we are moving forward.
02:28Milad told me about it earlier.
02:32What are the two points in common with the character you played?
02:39I would say we have the similarity between Isa and Ibra,
02:49because I also moved from Libya to here,
02:54so I know very well what it means to survive.
03:04This film tells the story of a person,
03:13not just one, but I have friends here who don't have the documents,
03:20so they live the same thing as Isa.
03:25For me it's a story to spread to those who don't have a voice.
03:34I was worried about the plausibility of the world,
03:48because when you come from a documentary,
03:51the fear of the fake comes with you.
03:58The story and the approach were very good.
04:02It was an accompaniment from the documentary,
04:05to be with the guys who are not professional actors.
04:09It was immediately clear that you had to bring the troupe
04:15to the opposite side of the road,
04:18because sometimes, not working so much in the cinema of fiction,
04:21one is used to more controlled situations from all points of view.
04:24In the documentary, you have the humility to be invisible,
04:29to fight in the street with the lives of other people,
04:33you know your measures well,
04:36you have the perspective of the real life of the person very close to you,
04:39which gives you this state of humility.
04:42It was important for me to convey the sense that
04:46the cinema troupe has to be part of the street, not the other way around.
04:51I did two years of locations with the bicycle,
04:56with different lights.
04:59Many scenes were written after the cycles of the bicycle,
05:03with precise indications,
05:06also on the direction of things,
05:08only for a specific place,
05:10in the sense that the story came and many things,
05:13compared to what I saw.
05:15I have to tell you that at least 90% of everything in the film
05:19that I saw in the first person, someone told me.
05:22There is a little more attention to light on all these invisible people
05:26that we pass every day,
05:29who also have a four-year struggle for survival
05:34and many personal and social dramas,
05:37but they are still pushed out of the light,
05:43and I hope that this film, for some people who will see it,
05:48will at least give some depth to these figures
05:52that look like just a rider or a guy who takes you on the beach,
05:56but who knows what's behind them.
