Good Habits for Kids _ Personal hygiene

  • 2 days ago
00:00Good Habits
00:14In this video, we are going to learn various good habits or you can say good manners which
00:20we need to follow in our daily life.
00:24Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
00:31You should always remember we need to go to the bed on time and we need to wake up early.
00:41Brush your teeth twice a day.
00:47Take a bath daily to keep yourself safe from the germs.
00:56Always flush the toilet after every use.
01:06Trim your nails regularly.
01:11It should not look dirty.
01:17Comb and oil your hair regularly.
01:25Wash your hands before and after each meal and even after coming from the washroom.
01:36Always eat healthy and balanced diet.
01:42Add more fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
01:47Chew your food properly.
01:52You should not eat fast.
01:57Never waste your food.
02:00Always take the amount which you think you can finish by your own.
02:05Never waste the food.
02:10Drink plenty of water.
02:12Water is very important for the digestion of the food.
02:20Exercise daily.
02:22In order to get a fit and active body, we need to exercise daily.
02:32Study daily.
02:34We should keep a proper time for the study and we should keep our study table neat and
02:41organised always.
02:45Use hand sanitizers while going out.
02:53Use handkerchief while sneezing and coughing.
03:02Wear clean and ironed clothes whenever you go out.
03:11Always throw garbage in dustbin and keep your surrounding neat and clean.
03:21Love your family and be thankful to them always.
03:27Never talk rudely to others, specially your parents and your elders.
03:38Sharing is caring.
03:40We should always share with our friends as sharing gives us more happiness.
03:47Keep your room neat and tidy.
03:55Always arrange your cupboard.
04:02Pray to God daily.
04:05We should always thank God for everything.
04:11In the morning, we should thank God for a beautiful day.
04:16Before going to bed, we should thank God for keeping us safe throughout the day.
04:23Do not scribble on the walls and on your notebook.
04:31Never tear the pages of your books and your notebooks.
04:38Always keep your classroom neat and tidy.
04:44Don't throw pages and anything here and there.
04:51Do not hurt animals.
04:55We should always love the animals as they too need our love.
05:00We should never hurt them and we should never throw stones on them.
05:07Never tell a lie.
05:09Don't hide anything from your parents as they love us and they will understand us.
05:20Respect your parents and elders.
05:24We should always wish them good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night.
05:35Always use magic words while talking.
05:39Thank you when you get something.
05:42Please when you want something.
05:45Sorry when you make a mistake.
05:48These are the magic words which can bring a lot of happiness around us.
05:56We should always help others.
06:00Whenever we get a chance to help others, we should always be ready to do so.
06:08We should not talk to strangers as strangers can be danger.
06:16Always be alert and be safe.
06:22I hope this video is very much informative to you and you are going to follow all the steps.
06:29Thank you so much for learning with us.