• last year
2015 Monged FULL HOT MOVIE
00:00:001, 2, 3, stick to me
00:00:16Never doubt in your fantasy
00:00:22They'll burn your house, they'll steal your car
00:00:28So save your love
00:00:59And that's the end of you shites for another week
00:01:03Important to be nice
00:01:13How's it going mate?
00:01:14What the fuck is the story?
00:01:16It's not my fault man, there was a fuck up
00:01:18Ken had me make a pick up only 20 minutes ago
00:01:20Me bollocks
00:01:21Woah, woah, woah
00:01:22We arranged here, half four, you're fucking me about by
00:01:26You arranged with Ken, line of communication got fucked up man
00:01:29Human error you know, I'm not fucking you about
00:01:31Me bollocks
00:01:32Are you setting me up?
00:01:34Nobody is setting you up Roy
00:01:36I'm sorry you had to wait around
00:01:38Wait around?
00:01:39I've been sitting on me arse, here, with this, for half an hour
00:01:47That's a bit more than I was expecting
00:01:50This is too much, I can't shift all these
00:01:52You're fucking me about boy, you're going to take them all
00:01:55New supply, new rules, new target, do you get me?
00:01:59What are they?
00:02:01Flippers, they're brand new
00:02:03Are they any good?
00:02:05Ah yeah, they're lovely
00:02:11We good?
00:02:12I'll take the rest for Monday
00:02:14Mate, I'm not a drug dealer
00:02:16I'm giving you the whole weekend
00:02:18Don't fuck me about boy
00:02:22For fuck's sake
00:02:24Fucking hell
00:02:26Fuck, I didn't even know it was loaded
00:02:28You're going to fucking shot me you prick
00:02:30Here, you relax
00:02:31Just put the gun away yeah, please
00:02:33For fuck's sake
00:02:34Cheap guns, that's what it is
00:02:36Look at that
00:02:38The catch was off
00:02:39Right yeah, ok
00:02:40Fucking relax will you?
00:02:42I'll see you Monday
00:02:54Ken, what the fuck have you got me into?
00:03:08That's a lovely shirt isn't it?
00:03:12Where's the tie I bought you?
00:03:16I'll put it on after dinner mum
00:03:23Thank you
00:03:31Oh yeah, now that's better
00:03:34I can't help you looking prettier than me
00:03:36That took me ages
00:03:37It's just a night out with the boys, what do you care?
00:03:41You working?
00:03:43No, I feel a bit rough
00:03:45Might blow it off
00:03:48And Linda, you can't keep Skyping off, they won't let you go
00:03:51I said maybe
00:03:53I'll call you later
00:03:55I'm serious
00:03:56You're always serious, come here
00:04:00Just em
00:04:02Dave's not going to be there is he?
00:04:04Oh Linda, leave it
00:04:05Stay clear
00:04:07You know he's always trouble
00:04:14It'll be grand
00:04:15Don't worry about it
00:04:38Hi, I'm Bernard
00:04:39We're at Buck
00:04:52Hey, how's it going?
00:04:54Pretty good
00:04:57You hair long?
00:05:01Do you work in insurance?
00:05:11Do you want a joint?
00:05:14No thanks, I don't smoke
00:05:19You know where I'm right?
00:05:28Would any of you like a can?
00:05:44Cheers man
00:06:17Don't stop
00:06:19Fuck off
00:06:26Dave, Dave
00:06:27This is it
00:06:28Yeah, this is right
00:06:29You have a drink, you'll be fine right?
00:06:31I'll see you to the club
00:06:32My hair's going to stink of barbeque later
00:06:34Yeah, well who's going to be smelling Matt's hair?
00:06:36You'd be surprised
00:06:37I'd be surprised wouldn't I?
00:06:44Sight log in
00:06:48How are we?
00:06:49About earlier right?
00:06:51No hard feelings alright?
00:06:53Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:06:54No hard feelings
00:06:55Get it done
00:06:57Or next time there will be
00:07:00Dave, this is too much
00:07:02It's not what you signed up for
00:07:03Bit of extra cash, a cub of fucking guns
00:07:05Look, it's cool, right?
00:07:06It's Ken's problem, something like that
00:07:13I know these fellas
00:07:14And you're not one of them
00:07:15They're fucking skinny Dave
00:07:19You reckon yeah?
00:07:20Look at me
00:07:21Hair's the fucking cool one
00:07:22Feel that shit
00:07:23Feel it, go on
00:07:24Yeah, see what happens when you pull that bit
00:07:33Did you ever see that guy before?
00:07:35I've never seen him before
00:07:41I don't think Dave's going to show up tonight
00:07:44Relax Aiden
00:07:46He hasn't seen you yet
00:07:48He'll be back in a sec
00:07:54Ah, hey Ray
00:07:56There he is
00:07:59How are you doing?
00:08:00How are you my brother?
00:08:01I'm good man, good
00:08:02New shirt?
00:08:03Yeah, fucking D&G bro, you like that shit?
00:08:05My choice
00:08:06Makes him look slightly less of a prick, don't you think?
00:08:08Yeah, I wouldn't go that far
00:08:09Yeah, fuck you very much
00:08:11Hey, we'll see how bald pants are, what?
00:08:17You're beautiful
00:08:19Don't be such an asshole
00:08:23There's Aiden Bollard over there
00:08:25He'll fucking take a few pills actually
00:08:37Do you know Gwen?
00:08:42This is her party but I just can't seem to find her
00:08:46We work together
00:08:49Standard alliance, just
00:08:51Not full time really
00:08:53That's nice
00:08:55Yeah, just
00:08:56Working for a mortgage
00:08:58Deposit, you know
00:08:59The whole property laterally
00:09:05Just trying to move out of the home
00:09:08Independence and all that
00:09:13So what do you do?
00:09:16I'm a model
00:09:21That sounds nice
00:09:24Yeah, it's alright
00:09:28Maybe after this we work a few more days
00:09:29And then we can call it quits, yeah?
00:09:31What are they?
00:09:32They're called flippers mate
00:09:33They're fucking flying off the shelves, they're lovely
00:09:35No, I don't know
00:09:37Listen mate, I'm actually doing you a favour
00:09:38You should be thanking me
00:09:39I picked up a few extra
00:09:40So maybe if you took 50
00:09:42I could actually get 10 to give you a discount
00:09:44Nah, you're grand
00:09:45Listen mate, I didn't even want to fucking bring her up
00:09:47I'm going to be late
00:09:48I'm grabbing a fucking taxi
00:09:49You can stay here as long as you like
00:09:51Fucking hell
00:09:57Do you think I'm going to hang around
00:09:58If you get cut up or nabbed?
00:09:59Well that's not going to happen so
00:10:02Tell that to me dad
00:10:04You haven't a clue
00:10:06Do you even give a shit about this?
00:10:07You fucking know I do
00:10:08I haven't heard anything from you
00:10:11What do you want to hear?
00:10:13Look, you've had your fun, okay?
00:10:15Sort yourself out
00:10:16Because this is getting out of hand
00:10:17Okay, cool
00:10:18After this I'm done
00:10:19You're not fucking stupid Dave
00:10:20Remember that
00:10:21Listen, okay
00:10:22I'll pick you up later on
00:10:23Alright, bye
00:10:24Sorry, seriously
00:10:25Stop Dave
00:10:26Don't just
00:10:27Get off me
00:10:30What's up with her?
00:10:31Listen, never mind
00:10:32I picked up a stack of yolks earlier
00:10:33You fancy them?
00:10:34Oh yeah, what are they?
00:10:35They're flippers
00:10:36Never heard them
00:10:37That's because they're brand new
00:10:38So you want me to try them out
00:10:39Be the test pilot?
00:10:40Hey, it ain't like that my friend
00:10:41Where'd you get them?
00:10:42I got them off fucking Caine's contact
00:10:43The cork fella
00:10:44Dave, that fucking lunatic
00:10:45Right, he's a little bit unconventional man
00:10:47But trust me, this shit's legit
00:10:48Yeah, well then why aren't you on him?
00:10:49Because I've got to sell them off man
00:10:51I've got to keep a clear head to do that
00:10:52But I'm going to be doing one later
00:10:53I fucking
00:10:54I promise you I'm going to do it later
00:10:55Yeah, right
00:10:56I'm not taking your rat poison
00:10:58I nearly shit myself for three days
00:10:59The last time you bollocks
00:11:01He's never going to let it go, is he?
00:11:02Come on, fuck you then
00:11:03I'll find some other spot to do it
00:11:04Yeah, do it
00:11:05Yeah, I will
00:11:06Thank you
00:11:07You're lost really
00:11:11That's a nice glass
00:11:21Alright there buddy
00:11:24Never mind that yo
00:11:27Sorry pal
00:11:28I'm Dave
00:11:30Bernard, yeah
00:11:31Nice to meet you
00:11:32Have you seen Gwen about?
00:11:36Gwen does her party
00:11:37But I can't seem to find her
00:11:42Mate, this isn't Gwen's party
00:11:44This is Michal's barbecue
00:11:46Gwen's an arse-faced bitch that sent you here as a joke
00:11:49No, she wouldn't do that
00:11:51You tried ringing her?
00:11:52Phone's out of service
00:11:57That's WhatsApp
00:11:58Jeez mate, Facebook?
00:11:59We're not friends on Facebook
00:12:03Ah, listen mate
00:12:06It happens to all of us, right?
00:12:08I'm such an idiot
00:12:09Oi, go for that now, I won't hear it
00:12:11Consider it a fucking rite of passage, yeah?
00:12:17Ray, this is Bernard
00:12:18Hey Bernard, how you doing man?
00:12:21Hi Ray
00:12:24This chap's going to make a fucking great test, boy
00:12:26What's that?
00:12:27Look, here, get that into you
00:12:29And cheer up, yeah
00:12:30It's a fucking party, smile
00:12:31I'm going to introduce you to a few people, yeah?
00:12:33Come on
00:12:46So, how do you two know each other?
00:12:49Since school
00:12:50This poor little bastard, we helped him get through PE
00:12:52And he's been following me around ever since
00:12:57Here, would you like a pill?
00:13:00Pills, we do them, I've got loads of them
00:13:03Yeah, what's your fucking...
00:13:05I've got them to go in the morning, deal?
00:13:07Well, just work, but...
00:13:12I've never done an E before
00:13:15Come, we don't have to do one if you don't want to
00:13:20He's never done a pill before
00:13:24Listen Bernard, if you don't want to do an E, don't do an E
00:13:27Listen, they're call flippers, they're brand new, they're fucking lovely, yeah
00:13:32You too
00:13:34How come yours are different colours?
00:13:35Ah, they just come in different colours man, but it's all the same booze, yeah?
00:13:40It's just that...
00:13:42What else are you going to be doing, man?
00:13:43We're giving you free drugs here, man
00:13:44Well, look, I didn't say that I...
00:13:48Mate, we haven't done it for years
00:13:49Then we're still here, you'll be Grant
00:13:52Yeah, we're still here
00:14:01Now we're on the same booze, yeah?
00:14:04Right, get over there and slap on some proper tunes, yeah?
00:14:08So, what happens next?
00:14:38You're a fucking legend
00:14:39First time's always the best time, bro
00:14:42You're a fucking hero
00:14:44Scorpio, yeah?
00:14:45Nah, fuck that, Oasis man
00:14:47Fuck Oasis, I hate that fucking place
00:14:49Oi, on three, yeah?
00:14:50Alright, here we go
00:14:51One, two, three
00:14:52Every fucking time
00:14:58You know that fucking DJ music?
00:15:00Ray, didn't you used to fucking DJ?
00:15:02Did you DJ, Ray?
00:15:03Why don't you do it anymore?
00:15:05Because he started playing shit music
00:15:08on a shit radio station
00:15:10for a bunch of shitty little shitheads
00:15:12and Ray Ray wasn't so cool anymore
00:15:13Yeah, right
00:15:14Ray Ray?
00:15:15Ray Ray and the Afternoons?
00:15:16That's him, yeah
00:15:17I used to listen to that show every...
00:15:18Hey, what's that?
00:15:19What's the guy called?
00:15:20He's the...
00:15:21You don't see
00:15:22He's the...
00:15:23He's the...
00:15:24He's the...
00:15:25He's the...
00:15:26He's the..
00:15:27Working for a...
00:15:28Working for a fucking...
00:15:29Working for a...
00:15:46I've got some boys
00:15:47I'm gonna catch us a day, yeah?
00:15:48I gotta go, I'm gonna do a bit of business, yeah?
00:15:50Hold on man
00:15:54Go grab us a couple of drinks, will you?
00:15:55Two Vodka Tanks.
00:15:56You don't know anyone selling pills around here, do you?
00:16:00What can I do now?
00:16:01Great, I'll take ten.
00:16:06You're looking well.
00:16:08You too.
00:16:10Still with that girl?
00:16:12Linda, yeah.
00:16:14Still feeling yourself?
00:16:22Oh, shit.
00:16:23I'm sorry.
00:16:24Your shirt.
00:16:25I'm sorry.
00:16:26I'm sorry.
00:16:27You didn't forget your shirt anyway.
00:16:29It's a nice shirt.
00:16:31So, what are you drinking?
00:16:33I should get you a drink.
00:16:34Just I'm sorry.
00:16:36No, no, no.
00:16:37Don't be silly.
00:16:38Let's dance.
00:16:47I love your accent.
00:16:48Oh, my English is not perfect, no?
00:16:50No, no.
00:16:51I love it.
00:16:52It's different.
00:16:54I like your accent too.
00:16:55It's cool.
00:16:56Do you?
00:16:57What's your name?
00:17:00Burn it.
00:17:01Fucking moron.
00:17:02I had it.
00:17:03I had it in me.
00:17:04I had it sitting here somewhere.
00:17:06Bear with me.
00:17:13He looks like an epileptic frog.
00:17:18Kind of cute though.
00:17:19I know where we're going.
00:17:22Whatever you're into, love.
00:17:23Safety, yeah?
00:17:25Here, have a good night.
00:17:26And if you need any more, come find me, yeah?
00:17:27I do.
00:17:42So, do you work here?
00:17:44Do you know Chris Dobbs?
00:17:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:17:46Great sandwiches.
00:17:48Okay, five pills, that's 50 quid.
00:17:49Nice one.
00:17:51How about you?
00:17:52Just five, yeah?
00:17:53If I get you to do the money.
00:17:54I'll do it.
00:17:55I'll do it.
00:17:56I'll do it.
00:17:57All right.
00:17:58I'll do it.
00:17:59I'll do it.
00:18:00All right.
00:18:01I'll do it.
00:18:02You do it.
00:18:03I'll do it.
00:18:04I'll do it.
00:18:05I'll do it.
00:18:06I'll do it.
00:18:07I'll do it.
00:18:08So what are you applying for tonight anyway?
00:18:15I don't want some pills man, I don't want to be a fucking agent.
00:18:23Do you work?
00:18:24Yeah, well, yeah, sort of, just like a part-time, um, office-y kind of job, just for a deposit,
00:18:30you know, getting the payment.
00:18:32Wow, cool.
00:18:35I'm sorry, I'm off level.
00:18:37What level?
00:18:38I'm talking too much.
00:18:39A little bit too much.
00:18:41What's the fuck you want?
00:18:43Have you seen Ray?
00:18:44No, I'm sorry.
00:18:45The bunk I came in with?
00:18:46No, you haven't seen him have you?
00:19:01Oi, mate, have you seen the fuck that's been in here?
00:19:03You know, he has the frickin' alarm coming on, you know?
00:19:04Oh, for fuck's sake.
00:19:06Hey, wait, wait.
00:19:07Steve, mate, have you seen Ray?
00:19:09You know, he used to fuckin' work here as DJ, no?
00:19:12For fuck's sake.
00:19:31Jesus Christ.
00:19:33Ray? Ray, you in there, mate?
00:19:36Ray, if you're in there, bro, please, open the fuckin' door, man.
00:19:39I'm in trouble here.
00:19:40Ray, open the fuckin' door, come on.
00:19:43You fuck off.
00:19:44Fuck you, too, you fuckin' spa.
00:19:47Ray, you cockhead, where are you?
00:19:50Oi, Bernie, Bernie.
00:19:52What is it, Dave?
00:19:54What is it, Dave?
00:19:55What is it?
00:19:56What is it, Dave?
00:19:57What is it, Dave?
00:19:58What is it, Dave?
00:19:59What is it, Dave?
00:20:00What is it, Dave?
00:20:02I need you to do something, bro, yeah?
00:20:03Don't make it obvious.
00:20:04Just take these.
00:20:05Put them in your pocket.
00:20:06Put them in your pocket, bro, yeah?
00:20:07Listen, I need you to meet me downstairs in five minutes, yeah?
00:20:09Don't push the bag.
00:20:10Five minutes.
00:20:11Five minutes.
00:20:12Downstairs, yeah?
00:20:13Is that OK?
00:20:15You understand what I'm saying to you?
00:20:16Yeah, me and Nadia are really getting along.
00:20:17Yeah, yeah.
00:20:18Is that her name, Nadia?
00:20:19Nadia, yeah.
00:20:20She's a fuckin' cracker, isn't she?
00:20:21She's a dog, you know?
00:20:22I am, aren't I?
00:20:23You're so dark-horsed, aren't you?
00:20:24Listen, Bob, get stuck in there, right?
00:20:26Five minutes, please, yeah?
00:20:29I'd better go outside and check what's going on.
00:20:31Why are you still hanging around with that prick?
00:20:34Listen, listen.
00:20:35I shouldn't be in here, OK?
00:20:40It's fine.
00:20:45I have to help him right now.
00:20:46I need to go right now.
00:20:47Oh, do you want to see me again?
00:20:50Yeah, yeah.
00:20:52Yeah, absolutely, yeah.
00:20:53Do you have a pen?
00:20:56Call me.
00:21:02What the fuck?
00:21:03Were you in there the whole time?
00:21:05I was taking a piss.
00:21:06What the fuck is the matter with you?
00:21:07Taking a fuckin' piss.
00:21:08Come on, we've got to go.
00:21:09Hold on, where's the test?
00:21:10We've got to go right now.
00:21:11He's downstairs.
00:21:12Ah, Dave, not again, you fucker.
00:21:13Get out now.
00:21:14Chill the fuckin' beep.
00:21:15Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:21:16Jesus Christ.
00:21:17Get out.
00:21:18Fuckin' hell.
00:21:19We work here.
00:21:43Dave, how much?
00:21:49Well, a few grand.
00:21:52Maybe ten.
00:21:54Ten fuckin' grand.
00:21:57Ten fuckin' grand.
00:21:59Listen, right.
00:22:00If I shift this shit by Monday, it'll be cool.
00:22:03You probably won't, uh, shoot me or whatever.
00:22:06I think I'm in love.
00:22:08Oh, there he is.
00:22:09How we doing, brother?
00:22:10All right, Brian.
00:22:11You good?
00:22:12This has been the greatest night of my life.
00:22:14Well, it's not over yet, bro.
00:22:15I've got loads of fuckin' dogs in me.
00:22:16We'll have a good time, man.
00:22:18Big fuckin' surprise.
00:22:19Ronnie's with.
00:22:20Fuck him.
00:22:21Burn it now.
00:22:22Burn it now.
00:22:24Burn it.
00:22:25Come on.
00:22:26No, shut up.
00:22:27Burn it.
00:22:28Burn it.
00:22:29No, it's Burner.
00:22:30Ray's friend.
00:22:32Ray's friend.
00:22:34Burn it.
00:22:35Put the phone down.
00:22:37Put the...
00:22:38Burn it.
00:22:39Sound like a warm marshmallow.
00:22:40Sounds lovely.
00:22:41What would you say?
00:22:44Like a warm marshmallow.
00:22:46I fuckin' love you, man.
00:22:48No, no, it's Burner.
00:22:49He's whipped like a motherfucker.
00:22:50It's very special right now.
00:22:52Well, have you ever been to a place called, like, the C-Note before?
00:22:55Uh, Carlina, how we doing tonight, sweetheart?
00:22:58Lucky chips only, please, yeah?
00:23:00That'll do.
00:23:01Cheers, love.
00:23:05It's time to teach me how to win.
00:23:17This looks like chance, but there's actually skill involved.
00:23:19Just get 21.
00:23:20Just get 21.
00:23:23Hit me.
00:23:25You can't ram on this shit, can you?
00:23:27Hit me.
00:23:29What's this?
00:23:32Should I try and play?
00:23:34Yeah, man, go on.
00:23:35Knock yourself out.
00:23:38Always split on eights, man.
00:23:40Hit me.
00:23:43Hit me.
00:23:46You absolute hero!
00:23:47You absolute hero!
00:23:48You strange, strange little man.
00:23:50Play some cards while running a hot streak.
00:23:52Oi, can we get some more drinks over here?
00:23:54Rock him up, bro.
00:23:55Let's play for her.
00:24:07Here we go, baby.
00:24:08Here we go.
00:24:10I believe in you, bro.
00:24:11I believe in you.
00:24:12Come on, Bernie.
00:24:13Come on, baby.
00:24:14Make it happen.
00:24:19Oh, I'm getting a hard on.
00:24:22It was a good night, love.
00:24:23There you go.
00:24:24One, two.
00:24:25Get them up there, bro.
00:24:28Love, where have you been all my life, mate?
00:24:30Where have you been?
00:24:31Back home.
00:24:32You're a fucking looking charm is what you are, bro.
00:24:34That's it.
00:24:35Coffee, bro.
00:24:36Come on.
00:24:38You can give me some.
00:24:39I'm feeling it.
00:24:40Thank you so much.
00:24:41Here, here's one for yourself, yeah?
00:24:43Good night.
00:24:45Come here to me.
00:24:48I just want to get these.
00:24:49Band of brothers.
00:24:50Band of brothers.
00:24:54Band of brothers.
00:24:55That's it.
00:25:18I'm the playground elf king.
00:25:19Look at you.
00:25:20The elf.
00:25:21Look at your hair.
00:25:23Why is my dick so small?
00:25:25Give it a fucking poke there.
00:25:26Maybe it'll grow back here.
00:25:27Burn it.
00:25:28Burn it.
00:25:29Burn it.
00:25:30It's the drugs.
00:25:31It's OK.
00:25:33Burn it.
00:25:34It's the drugs.
00:25:36How are you feeling, bro?
00:25:38The elf.
00:25:39Look at your hair.
00:25:40He looks like he's going to come.
00:25:47It's nice here, isn't it?
00:25:49I come here sometimes, I think.
00:25:50I feel like I've known you guys ages.
00:25:51It's great just talking and stuff.
00:25:53Everyone's your mates on pills.
00:25:54It just happens like that, Bernard.
00:25:55Yeah, yeah, I know.
00:25:56But I feel like I can talk to you guys.
00:25:57Not like at home.
00:26:15It's just like at home.
00:26:17It's like you're invisible.
00:26:22Like you're a whisperbear.
00:26:27Do you ever get that?
00:26:28Like you're there, but you're not.
00:26:34You guys get the real me.
00:26:41That farm bear tonight,
00:26:42is she serially you?
00:26:44I'm mad at you. She's gorgeous.
00:26:47You've had a lucky night, man.
00:26:50It's still not over yet.
00:26:58Oh, shit, I haven't been working a half hour.
00:27:02The guards.
00:27:04Come on, Bernie, we have to go. Come on.
00:27:10Hey, police!
00:27:15We've got to go, guys.
00:27:17Oh, man, fuck work. Yeah, come here.
00:27:19They're still ripping us, bro.
00:27:20I can't lose my overtime.
00:27:22Bernard, give me a bit if you have any problems, OK?
00:27:25And listen, loads of water.
00:27:28I had a great night.
00:27:30Yeah, good man.
00:27:34I hope you haven't poisoned him, Dave.
00:27:36You know, you'd lose half your audience there, wouldn't you?
00:27:45Oh, bollocks.
00:27:59Your boyfriend sounds nice.
00:28:12It's Bernard, Linda, we're not in Paris.
00:28:17I'm sorry.
00:28:19Sorry for not texting back or calling you or anything.
00:28:22I ran out of credit.
00:28:25I'm late.
00:28:28Now, Linda, they're going to fire you from that job.
00:28:31Don't come crying to me when you get that notice.
00:28:39I'm pregnant.
00:28:45That's unbelievable.
00:28:50That's unbelievable.
00:28:53Oh, I knew you'd be excited.
00:28:58Oh, my...
00:29:00You're happy, yeah?
00:29:03I'm just surprised.
00:29:10That's our baby.
00:29:33All right?
00:29:36Didn't think to call me back.
00:29:39What's it like now?
00:29:41Left me in the club like a muppet.
00:29:44I was just out showing this new guy around.
00:29:50Doing yokes, getting pissed.
00:29:52All of the above.
00:29:55All of the above, yeah.
00:29:57For fuck's sake, Dave.
00:30:00You're not a dealer.
00:30:02And you're a really shitty card player.
00:30:04I actually didn't lose any money tonight, bro.
00:30:07Fucking do.
00:30:11Do you even care how I got home?
00:30:14A taxi?
00:30:17OK, I give up. Come on, how did you get home?
00:30:20Your mate Ken showed up.
00:30:22He offered me a lift.
00:30:24What the fuck was he doing there?
00:30:26I don't know.
00:30:28Don't care. He was there and you weren't.
00:30:33He's using you, Dave.
00:30:35He's going to chew you up and spit you out.
00:30:38It's under control.
00:30:40Is it?
00:30:42I'm going to meet Ken tomorrow,
00:30:44and we're going to sort all this shit out with the cork fella.
00:30:46I trust him as much as I trust you.
00:30:52Did you get your nails done today?
00:30:56Yes, I got my nails done.
00:30:58They're nice. Expensive, yeah?
00:31:02I'm going to miss you.
00:31:04But I'll fucking go if you don't get this wannabe gangster shite out of your system.
00:31:20Hey, Bernard.
00:31:30You look really incredible this morning.
00:31:32Really beautiful.
00:31:34Did you do something to your hair?
00:31:36No, I just...
00:31:38Well, I did, actually.
00:31:40I can't believe you noticed. Nobody ever notices.
00:31:46You OK?
00:31:48Huh? Yeah. Why?
00:31:51It's just...
00:31:53Your face looks a bit red.
00:31:55Oh, I was rushing a bit to get in this morning.
00:31:57Late as usual.
00:33:11Hi, Ray. Bernard.
00:33:13Oh, hey, man. What's the craic?
00:33:15Listen, you don't have sunburn on your face or anything, do you?
00:33:24You're not sunburned.
00:33:26No, I'm sunburned because of too many pills.
00:33:28Is that dangerous?
00:33:30No. No, no, you should be all right.
00:33:32You're not shitting funny or pissing blood, are you?
00:33:36No, why should I be?
00:33:38Well, corks, fellas, pills, you never know.
00:33:40But no, you should be grand.
00:33:42Hey, listen, I'm doing a set in Wax tonight if you want to come.
00:33:46I don't know. I'm feeling pretty shattered.
00:33:49I should probably just stay at home.
00:33:51Well, if you change your mind, I'll put you on the list, all right?
00:33:54I'm on the list. Cool.
00:33:56Yeah. Bring that girl from earlier. Nadia.
00:33:59Yeah, yeah, definitely. Great. That's an amazing idea. Fantastic.
00:34:02Thanks, Ray. Thanks very much.
00:34:04Oh, yeah, Bernard. I'm hanging up now.
00:34:06OK. Cool. See you later.
00:34:12I'm on the list.
00:34:16Oh, shit!
00:34:27I had a call from my little cork friend earlier.
00:34:30He's a fucking psycho, man.
00:34:33He is, yeah. He told me he gave you more than usual.
00:34:36I was paranoid as fuck, man. He practically threw it at me.
00:34:48I'm not paying for those.
00:34:54You shouldn't have taken them.
00:34:58The guy stuck a gun in my face.
00:35:00I couldn't exactly say no, you know. It wasn't that kind of conversation.
00:35:03Can you not just shift a few extra?
00:35:05Fuck that. I'll take what I normally take.
00:35:08You'll have to get rid of the rest yourself and quick,
00:35:11cos he wants the money next week.
00:35:13And how exactly am I supposed to shift that many pills so quick?
00:35:16It's the weekend. Loads of hungry little pill heads about.
00:35:19Hit the streets. Jesus, Ken.
00:35:21I thought I was past that. I told Samantha I was done.
00:35:24I mean, the gun thing's really freaking her out, man.
00:35:27Not my problem.
00:35:29Jesus, Ken, come on!
00:35:32Not my problem.
00:35:34Fuck's sake!
00:35:39That'll help get you started.
00:35:43Yeah, nice one.
00:35:45Good stuff, that. Peruvian.
00:35:47Fucking state of this place.
00:35:49I wouldn't know what I'd be floating around under there.
00:35:56Remember those kids, they went looking for their football
00:35:58and they found a severed leg instead?
00:36:00Remember? It was on the news.
00:36:03Fuck, yeah.
00:36:05That was here.
00:36:09All sorts of body parts floating around under there.
00:36:14Body parts floating around under there.
00:36:17Fucking dump.
00:36:42That's a four.
00:36:44Hey, Jo? Mm-hm?
00:36:46Is that a one or a nine?
00:36:48It could be either.
00:36:50That's a good point. I should probably just try all the numbers
00:36:52till I get the correct one.
00:36:54Did you meet someone at Gwen's party?
00:36:56Gwen's an arseface, bitch.
00:36:58Oh, shit, sorry, wrong number.
00:37:04I did meet an absolute goddess, though.
00:37:07Her name was Nadia.
00:37:09But I lost her number.
00:37:12Keep trying, Sue.
00:37:27How's that?
00:37:29It was the daddy.
00:37:31Yeah, good, man, good, yeah.
00:37:33Daddy, how are you, mate? It's your lucky day, pal.
00:37:35It's Dave, man, yeah.
00:37:37Yeah, how you doing?
00:37:40Just having a look at that and plucking off the record.
00:37:42CCTV, could it be Hudson?
00:37:44Yeah, now, listen, man, I'm looking for...
00:37:46Have you heard about these new flippers I got my hands on?
00:37:48They're behind closed doors.
00:38:04Hey, Bernard?
00:38:15I'm going strong.
00:38:17I want to put this secrecy...
00:38:19Hey, it's you around the world.
00:38:21Yeah, no, I'm good.
00:38:23Hey, I think your sister's asking for a ride.
00:38:38Bernard, how are you, buddy?
00:38:40Listen, would you like a few more flippers, man?
00:38:42I don't know.
00:38:44I'm feeling fairly trashed.
00:38:46I'm supposed to go to Raysgate tonight.
00:38:48Perfect, man, right. Listen, I'll meet you beforehand.
00:38:50I'll get you right back in the mood.
00:38:52I lost Nadia's number, Dave.
00:38:54Aw, man, that's terrible news.
00:38:56Listen, how about we meet up later and talk about it?
00:39:00Yeah, man, maybe I can help you find her.
00:39:02Really? OK, I'll see you then.
00:39:05Listen, bro, on a separate note,
00:39:07I didn't want to bring this up with you,
00:39:09but last night was my treat.
00:39:11That was your first time and all that.
00:39:13But if you want to do more, I'm going to have to charge you.
00:39:15I'm fucking sorry, man, but I have to.
00:39:17OK, sure. How much?
00:39:19I'll tell you what, bro.
00:39:21A hundred quid will get you five.
00:39:23That's a fucking belt of a weekend, man.
00:39:25A hundred? That seems a little...
00:39:27You know what? I'm sorry, it's you.
00:39:29You're right. I should give you a special mate's rate.
00:39:31Eighty quid, done.
00:39:33Yeah? Oh, OK.
00:39:35Good man.
00:39:37That's it.
00:39:39There you go.
00:39:41Tell you what, pal, I'll allow you to change, right?
00:39:49I'll do you one better.
00:39:51Did you ever do coke before? Coke?
00:39:53Coke, sniff, charity, you know? Coke, Kenya.
00:39:55You ever done it before? No.
00:39:57Do you want to do this one? What, here?
00:39:59Yeah, fuck it. Why not?
00:40:01OK. Yeah?
00:40:03Good man. What I want you to do, really,
00:40:05is hold your nostril
00:40:07and snort up at the other.
00:40:11Good man.
00:40:13And I love it.
00:40:17Other nostril, yeah?
00:40:19OK. Yeah? Yeah.
00:40:21That's it.
00:40:23Atta boy.
00:40:25Breathe it deep.
00:40:27And tell me,
00:40:29how do you feel right now?
00:40:31Fucking Al Pacino.
00:40:33Fucking Al Pacino.
00:40:35I love it, man.
00:40:39Hey, man.
00:40:41Wax nine club, please.
00:40:43No problem.
00:40:57Listen, mate.
00:40:59You get a couple of shots in, yeah?
00:41:01Then we find a nice little young one for you
00:41:03to put your willy inside.
00:41:05What about a virgin? Whoa!
00:41:07No, we didn't say that. I just mean, like,
00:41:09we'll find you a nice-looking girl, you know what I mean?
00:41:11Put up a little slush puppy to cheer you up or something,
00:41:13you know? Oi, mate.
00:41:15Let's get two tequila
00:41:17and two Jager's.
00:41:19Fuck it, why not, says you.
00:41:21Yeah, I know, mate, but they go down nice and easy,
00:41:23trust me. Listen, pal, right,
00:41:25I'm going to nip off to do a little business.
00:41:27Can you take care of that, yeah? I'll be right back to you.
00:41:35Hey, fuck, I love it.
00:41:37How did you know it was a virgin?
00:41:41Listen, mate, you're fucking wearing on you,
00:41:43you know what I mean? You walk around too
00:41:45fucking tense, too well-loved.
00:41:47You look like you want to take a shit half the time.
00:41:49We need to sort you out with a fucking tasty
00:41:51little Brazilian with a fat ass. That might cheer you up a bit,
00:41:53what? Fuck you. Yeah, fuck me, that's right, man.
00:41:55Fuck you. Fucking right.
00:41:57I'm a complete fuck-up, bro.
00:41:59Listen, what happened with your woman last night?
00:42:01You're not a foreign woman.
00:42:03She wrote her number on my arm, but it smudged away.
00:42:05Oh, fuck off, mate, that's tragic.
00:42:07You see?
00:42:09I tried to call, like, 234,
00:42:11possibly in common aces, but I couldn't get through.
00:42:13You didn't, mate, that's fucking, that's desperate,
00:42:15I'll give you that. Fair play to you, man.
00:42:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
00:42:25oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
00:42:27oh, oh, oh, oh...
00:42:29Oh, oh, oh...
00:42:31oh, oh, oh...
00:42:33Ah, oooow!
00:42:35How's that, my troll?
00:42:37Get into you.
00:42:39Ah, ho, ha, ow...
00:42:41Oh, oh, oh, oh...
00:42:43one number, too, brother,
00:42:45that's it.
00:42:47Little bit of chubbly.
00:42:49Little bit of fucking chubbly.
00:42:51I think I'm fucking high.
00:42:58I'm just going to ask the barman.
00:43:03Yeah, go for it man.
00:43:04I'm looking for a girl called Nanny.
00:43:06She was here last night.
00:43:07Beautiful eyes?
00:43:10Help the fucking man here.
00:43:11Yeah, come on.
00:43:12Two beers, please.
00:43:13How we doing, folks?
00:43:15Good, yeah?
00:43:17Listen, you're the only one selling pills around here, yeah?
00:43:21Well you're fucking doing it with Sweetheart.
00:43:22Fuck off.
00:43:23Why don't you have the fucking beans there, pigman?
00:43:24Oh no, shit.
00:43:26All right, we've got another one.
00:43:27We've got to go.
00:43:28Look, I can't find her.
00:43:29Yeah, we're going to have to look for her again, man.
00:43:30We've got to go.
00:43:31Just focus, quick.
00:43:32Just take the fucking beers, would you?
00:43:33Here, come on.
00:43:35Fuck you too, yeah?
00:43:36Find a new beginning laid in some sailor's arms.
00:43:37All those quick solutions get old.
00:43:38You'll find your restitution in copper.
00:43:39It's deeper than your heart.
00:43:40In your head bone.
00:43:41Connected to the neck bone.
00:43:42Connected to the back bone.
00:43:43Take it down and do the bone dance.
00:43:44From your rib cage, either in your shoulder blade.
00:43:45Sliding down your spine.
00:43:46Down your spine.
00:43:47Down your spine.
00:43:48Down your spine.
00:43:49Down your spine.
00:43:50Down your spine.
00:43:51Down your spine.
00:43:52Down your spine.
00:43:53Down your spine.
00:43:54Down your spine.
00:43:55Down your spine.
00:43:56Down your spine.
00:43:57Down your spine.
00:43:58Down your spine.
00:43:59Down your spine.
00:44:00Down your spine.
00:44:01Down your spine.
00:44:02Down your spine.
00:44:03Down your spine.
00:44:04Down your spine.
00:44:05Down your spine.
00:44:06Down your spine.
00:44:07Down your spine.
00:44:08Down your spine.
00:44:09Down your spine.
00:44:10Down your spine.
00:44:11Down your spine.
00:44:12Down your spine.
00:44:13Down your spine.
00:44:14Down your spine.
00:44:15Down your spine.
00:44:16Down your spine.
00:44:17Down your spine.
00:44:18Down your spine.
00:44:19Down your spine.
00:44:20Down your spine.
00:44:21Down your spine.
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00:44:25Down your spine.
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00:44:27Down your spine.
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00:44:33Down your spine.
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00:44:57Down your spine.
00:44:58Down your spine.
00:44:59Down your spine.
00:45:00Down your spine.
00:45:01Down your spine.
00:45:02Down your spine.
00:45:03Down your spine.
00:45:04Down your spine.
00:45:05Down your spine.
00:45:06Down your spine.
00:45:07Down your spine.
00:45:08Down your spine.
00:45:09Down your spine.
00:45:10Down your spine.
00:45:11Down your spine.
00:45:12Down your spine.
00:45:13Down your spine.
00:45:14Down your spine.
00:45:15Down your spine.
00:45:16Down your spine.
00:45:17Down your spine.
00:45:18Down your spine.
00:45:19Down your spine.
00:45:20Down your spine.
00:45:21Down your spine.
00:45:22Down your spine.
00:45:23Down your spine.
00:45:24Down your spine.
00:45:25Down your spine.
00:45:26Down your spine.
00:45:27Down your spine.
00:45:28Down your spine.
00:45:29Down your spine.
00:45:30Down your spine.
00:45:31Down your spine.
00:45:32Down your spine.
00:45:33Down your spine.
00:45:34Down your spine.
00:45:35You're in a good mood.
00:45:36Sorry, man.
00:45:37A lot on my mind.
00:45:38Maybe you're right.
00:45:39Just forget women.
00:45:41Let me cue in the next track, right?
00:45:42See this?
00:45:43Channel three.
00:45:44When I give you the signal, hit it up full blast.
00:45:45You all right?
00:45:47This one.
00:45:48This one.
00:45:49Here we go, Bernard.
00:45:51Hit it!
00:45:52Hit it!
00:45:53Hit it!
00:45:54Hit it!
00:45:55Hit it!
00:45:56Hit it!
00:45:57Hit it!
00:45:58Hit it!
00:45:59Hit it!
00:46:00Hit it!
00:46:01Hit it!
00:46:02Hit it!
00:46:03Hit it!
00:46:04Hit it!
00:46:05Hit it!
00:46:06Hit it!
00:46:07Hit it!
00:46:08Hit it!
00:46:09Hit it!
00:46:10Hit it!
00:46:11Hit it!
00:46:12Hit it!
00:46:13Hit it!
00:46:14Hit it!
00:46:15Hit it!
00:46:16Hit it!
00:46:17Hit it!
00:46:18Hit it!
00:46:19Hit it!
00:46:20Hit it!
00:46:21Hit it!
00:46:22Hit it!
00:46:23Hit it!
00:46:24Hit it!
00:46:25Hit it!
00:46:26Hit it!
00:46:27Hit it!
00:46:28Hit it!
00:46:29Hit it!
00:46:30Hit it!
00:46:31Hit it!
00:46:32Hit it!
00:46:33Hit it!
00:46:34Hit it!
00:46:35Hit it!
00:46:40Hit it!
00:47:03Yeah, it's all right, man.
00:47:04What's up?
00:47:05A little mad.
00:47:06Just feels a bit gay in here or something, doesn't it?
00:47:07Jesus Christ.
00:47:08Come on, man.
00:47:09We're going.
00:47:10Right, we're going.
00:47:11Have a good night out.
00:47:12Take it easy.
00:47:13See you.
00:47:14See you.
00:47:15See you.
00:47:16See you.
00:47:17See you.
00:47:18See you.
00:47:19See you.
00:47:20See you.
00:47:21See you.
00:47:22See you.
00:47:23See you.
00:47:24See you.
00:47:25See you.
00:47:26See you.
00:47:27See you.
00:47:28See you.
00:47:29See you.
00:47:30See you.
00:47:31See you.
00:47:33Thanks, man.
00:47:35Thanks so much, man.
00:47:41Would you mind if I crash with you tonight, bro?
00:47:44Yeah, that's cool.
00:47:46You all right?
00:47:49Uh, Linda's coming down with something I...
00:47:51I can do without being around her for the night.
00:47:54Let's go and listen.
00:47:56First of all, yeah...
00:47:58Look, look.
00:48:03Dave, are you a drug dealer?
00:48:09Now, why would you ask me that question?
00:48:12Because I seem to be selling a lot of drugs tonight, so...
00:48:20Yeah, well, I'll tell you what I am, really.
00:48:23I'm an asshole.
00:48:26Well, there's a lot of friends.
00:48:30And right now I have a lot of drugs.
00:48:33And I'm trying to make everybody happy.
00:48:41You know what I mean?
00:48:43Like Al fucking Pacino.
00:48:46Al fucking Pacino. That's it.
00:48:48Al fucking Pacino.
00:48:51Lovely eyes.
00:48:52You reckon?
00:48:54You're very fucking sensitive with me eyes.
00:48:57I don't know.
00:48:58Fuck, I needed that.
00:49:02You all right?
00:49:11Dave's in the house, baby.
00:49:13Anybody who needs anything, come to me, yeah?
00:49:16That means anything you need, you come see me,
00:49:18because I can fuck you up, baby.
00:49:20Ah, fuck off.
00:49:23You're one of us.
00:49:24New shots, boys?
00:49:26Get into it, man.
00:49:29Where'd you get all this whiskey?
00:49:30Right, don't hold it on me.
00:49:31You need more than I do.
00:49:34Come on.
00:49:35Let's do this, man.
00:50:14You look like shit.
00:50:15You need to slow down.
00:50:16Cheers, mate.
00:50:17You too.
00:50:19I'm serious.
00:50:20It's not coffee.
00:50:21Mind, body, soul.
00:50:23I'm serious.
00:50:24Who the fuck do you think you are, man?
00:50:26You know what I mean?
00:50:27Chill out on the fucking morality lecture, all right?
00:50:30I'm not in the fucking humor for it.
00:50:31What are you saying?
00:50:32Well, don't just fucking say, you know what I mean?
00:50:34I didn't see you saying that while you were buying a sniffle for your nose.
00:50:37Well, just free it in my eyes.
00:50:38Just ease up on that holier-than-thou bullshit, yeah?
00:50:42I'm a bit worried I have a headache.
00:50:51What's going on with you anyway, man?
00:50:52It's Linda.
00:50:53It's Linda.
00:50:54Big surprise.
00:50:55What about her?
00:50:56She's pregnant, Dave.
00:50:58That's amazing news, man.
00:50:59You must be thrilled.
00:51:00Jesus fucking Christ, Bernard.
00:51:02No, I'm not thrilled.
00:51:03It's bad news.
00:51:04It's not good.
00:51:07Holy fuck, man.
00:51:09I mean...
00:51:11Now you are proper fucked, man.
00:51:16You can't...
00:51:17You can't break up with her because she's pregnant while looking like a scumbag.
00:51:20But at the same time, if he stays with her because of the sprog,
00:51:23he's just going to resent the two of them for the rest of his life.
00:51:26You're fucked.
00:51:27Oh, he's fucked.
00:51:28He's fucked.
00:51:29He's fucked.
00:51:30He's fucked.
00:51:32Just catch her hand and put it on your head.
00:51:35Oh, shit.
00:51:50Come on, boys.
00:51:51I think it's time to go home.
00:52:01Hey, babes.
00:52:02Hey, babes.
00:52:04Hey, babes.
00:52:06What about sorry, babes?
00:52:08Or I hope you got home OK last night, babes.
00:52:11Or I hope you don't mind three fucking stooges on the couch, babes.
00:52:14Fucking babes.
00:52:15I didn't think it long too much.
00:52:17I didn't think.
00:52:18Full stop.
00:52:19And I won't be minding for much longer.
00:52:21Come here.
00:52:22Please, don't be like that.
00:52:26Look, OK, I'm sorry.
00:52:27I am really sorry, but...
00:52:29I'm going out.
00:52:30So you can have all the time you want for your little fucking sleepover.
00:52:43Oh, baby, please.
00:52:45I'm trying to sleep.
00:52:47Not any more.
00:52:50Fuck, fuck, shit.
00:52:52Very cosy.
00:52:53Ray, Ray.
00:52:54Fuck, shit.
00:52:56Who's this?
00:52:58I'm the fella...
00:53:00who gave your pal all these yokes you're lying on.
00:53:04Not the gun, man, please.
00:53:05Put the gun away, yeah?
00:53:06Am I making you nervous?
00:53:08I wonder if the catch is on or off.
00:53:10I can't remember.
00:53:11Look, what are you even doing here, man?
00:53:13You said Monday to me.
00:53:14I've been hearing stories that you're not taking this job as serious as you should.
00:53:18Whoever said that is a fucking liar.
00:53:20Not from where I'm standing.
00:53:22I've been flat out raped.
00:53:24Shut up the fuck, Dave.
00:53:26Do you want to help him pay?
00:53:27No, I'm going to...
00:53:28No, no, no.
00:53:29How about Joe?
00:53:32He's deaf.
00:53:34But this is serious.
00:53:35Yeah, I get it.
00:53:36As serious as a heart attack.
00:53:38On a plane.
00:53:39With snakes on it.
00:53:41Get me?
00:53:42I understand.
00:53:45It wasn't loaded.
00:53:48You fucker.
00:53:49You fucker.
00:53:56You have to go to the guards, Dave.
00:53:59That's what you've got to do.
00:54:05I'm sure, Dave.
00:54:06I'm sure, Dave.
00:54:08There's no fucking way you can shit Dave Grimes with the pills in a Sunday afternoon.
00:54:12Well, I don't have a better idea.
00:54:13Do you?
00:54:17I suppose you have a few thousand mates who are shot in Oxford?
00:54:21I don't really have that many...
00:54:27I don't really have that many...
00:54:29I don't really have that many...
00:54:32I don't really have that many...
00:54:35I don't really have that many...
00:54:37I don't really have that many...
00:54:39I don't really have that many...
00:54:44The bacon.
00:54:46No Bernard, you can have the bacon.
00:54:50I don't care.
00:55:16Jesus, Bernard.
00:55:18Come on.
00:55:25How are you, man? Yeah?
00:55:27Good, good. Listen, great party you had tonight, bro.
00:55:29Are you looking for any pills at all?
00:55:31Are you looking for any pills at all?
00:55:35Yeah, listen, man.
00:55:36Do you know anyone that's looking for any pills?
00:55:38Anyone at all?
00:55:42Grand, grand.
00:55:56Gary, open the door!
00:55:57It's Dave, man!
00:55:58Are you looking for anything?
00:56:02Gary, you fucking...
00:56:08How are you, boys?
00:56:09Are you looking for any fucking pills or anything?
00:56:12Shit, mate, that flipper's a brand new.
00:56:13They're fucking new.
00:56:19Mr. Stardew, is Aunt Maria home?
00:56:25How are you?
00:56:26Are you looking for any pills?
00:57:15Why are they?
00:57:16They're called the Angels.
00:57:17Friend of mine brought them back from Amsterdam.
00:57:19They're dipped in acid so apparently they blow your fucking nut off.
00:57:25Who, deadly?
00:57:27It's a waste in
00:57:32Man that might not be a better time. Yeah
00:57:35Hey, please fucking do as I need to know. Yeah, come on
00:57:39One last time fucker don't I?
00:57:57So, where are we going now?
00:58:10She's 17 she got
00:58:15Brother and all his mod mates are downstairs having a party
00:58:18Fucking hate your brother and all his mates. She's mad about me. I
00:58:22Quite like the mod music don't tell her she fucking hates it
00:58:28Love her face when she's angry. She's real pissed off
00:58:33That's when she still surprises me
00:58:37It's when she still catches me looking at her
00:58:41Since she smiles
00:58:46This is years ago
00:59:01You brought us back to school
00:59:05Best fucking days of my life man
00:59:14We're the last three men on earth
00:59:17So for ever so something
00:59:19So far, this is something bad a war plague
00:59:24some sort of earthquake
00:59:27What wiped out everyone else
00:59:30Who gets to be charged in Aston
00:59:34He was the main man in his day the last man
00:59:40Have you mad
00:59:43Are you listening to me
00:59:59Where are we
01:00:05Sound boys
01:00:07My baby Sam
01:00:11Relax Dave relax. Okay. Well, I'm relaxed
01:00:17I'm max
01:00:19Come on
01:00:21We're going in boys
01:01:01Can't believe I've come this far
01:01:04Rare are you seeing this?
01:01:08the lights
01:01:11all the colors
01:01:13No Burnett, I don't see shit. I didn't take that last joke. What do you mean?
01:01:25Acid-dipped doji's a four o'clock in the morning
01:01:32Fuck that
01:01:35I'm gonna be a dad
01:01:39Like it or not, I have to stop doing shit like this
01:01:49That's a fucking waste sorry not as fucked up as you guys know
01:01:58You're worse
01:02:01Am I
01:02:05You know what your real problem is right
01:02:08What right look at me
01:02:15It's not them to be knocked over
01:02:19That's not your real problem
01:02:24Come on man
01:02:26admit it
01:02:27Just fucking admit it now. Yeah, I'm okay with it. He's okay with it. Yeah, we're secure with shit like that
01:02:33I know loads of folks who would like you
01:02:37Fuck you talking man. You're a vendor
01:02:40That's out the bag you're a gay man, it's okay
01:02:49What the fuck you say
01:02:52If I can see this shit, why do you think things are so fucked up within the problem?
01:02:57Fuck you saying right? What the fuck you saying?
01:03:08Yeah, I might be full of shit, but at least I can fucking admit it just admit it once you fuck
01:03:15Stall it stall it. Who the fuck are you? Why are you still here?
01:03:23I'm just hanging out whopper pills deadly balls. You're fucking clueless as well. Tell him why he's here Dave
01:03:29Just leave him be right even big you be all
01:03:32The only reason you're here is because he wanted to test the pills out on you
01:03:36Make sure they were safe before he sold them. Do you think you're his friend?
01:03:41Do you think you're his friend
01:03:43You're his fucking guinea pig. That's all you are burn it. Is that true Dave?
01:03:48Well burning we're mates now, aren't we? I mean in the beginning the only reason you're here tonight
01:03:54Is because he fucked off so many friends
01:03:58He's known that he didn't know what you gave me there
01:04:03Lots of people take things all the time, but I don't know man. We had a good time me. You would a good time with me. I
01:04:12Trusted you that
01:04:17Thanks, right the cracks dead now, yeah, you've ruined the fucking boys congratulations
01:04:28So go home
01:04:30Sam's worried about you
01:04:32You've any self-respect left go home make things right with her before you get your fucking head blown off
01:04:39It doesn't matter if I can't pay the fucking what if that good?
01:04:59You know
01:05:02Someone you won't say
01:05:04Life was lived forward
01:05:06who understood backwards
01:05:10But they never said at what point you turned around and made sense of it
01:05:17I think I might have missed it
01:05:21Fuck it
01:05:52Don't know
01:05:55Why are you gonna do I
01:06:00Don't know either I
01:06:04Don't know either guys
01:06:07I had the first thing you need to do is move out your parents house
01:06:12You know
01:06:14Get a place with a few mates who'll make you go crazy every once in a while
01:06:18It's actually a good idea
01:06:20Ray could move in with me. There'd be plenty of space for all his gay boyfriends
01:06:27That's not funny burn it you wouldn't have to worry about a place though, you know on account of being shot and all that oh
01:06:33Too soon, bro. Not funny. Well, you've survived you can always come over with some overpriced experimental drugs
01:06:41You can listen the rare in the afternoon
01:06:51What am I gonna do about Linda and the baby
01:07:05The only thing you can do right, you know
01:07:13And all I know is he can't be unhappy and be a good dad
01:07:22Gonna have some stories out of this weekend burn
01:07:28Am so sorry, I didn't get you late man next time. Yeah. Yeah
01:07:39Fuck I'm hungry. Yeah, I mean
01:07:44Nice turkey club sandwich. Yeah
01:07:59They better be off
01:08:02No, I'll go with you
01:08:06You sure
01:08:08Yeah, sure
01:08:10Since you really don't go home there
01:08:46Fuck oh
01:08:49Jeez, it's him. We're at the door. It's hit. No, it's Kurt Bell here. Don't look it. I'll go jack
01:08:54Just shut up, shut up!
01:08:57Hell yeah, yeah?
01:08:59It's some of the money.
01:09:02I mean, like, I've got...
01:09:03No, no, I've got money.
01:09:04Like, er...
01:09:15No, no, I've got all of it, actually.
01:09:18Yeah, I've got all the money.
01:09:23What the hell, man?
01:09:25It was me house deposit.
01:09:30Are you sure, man?
01:09:31This is a lot of money here.
01:09:35Band of brothers.
01:09:37Band of fucking brothers, bro!
01:09:39Holy God!
01:09:42Thank you!
01:09:43Thank you, fucking hell!
01:09:45Oh, you're legends!
01:09:55We'll be seeing you soon.
01:09:56No, we won't.
01:10:01Jesus, Ray.
01:10:03What are you doing to yourself?
01:10:10I've been thinking...
01:10:13a lot...
01:10:15about us.
01:10:18About everything.
01:10:20About us.
01:10:22About us.
01:10:25Is it over between us?
01:10:32I think so.
01:10:36It's gone.
01:10:39What we had.
01:10:44I'm not that person anymore.
01:10:46Yeah, I know.
01:10:48I'm sorry.
01:10:51I'm sorry.
01:10:55I'm sorry.
01:11:09I'm sorry how I've treated you.
01:11:17For ages.
01:11:18This is all...
01:11:21It's all fucked up.
01:11:25But I can't be a dad if I can't be happy.
01:11:29And this isn't where I'm supposed to be right now.
01:11:41Sam, baby.
01:11:49Sam, are you awake?
01:11:53I am now, Dave.
01:11:54You stink.
01:11:55No, I just...
01:11:57I just want to be close to you right now.
01:11:59Not until you've shared.
01:12:00Please, Sam.
01:12:05What's wrong?
01:12:10I'm done.
01:12:13With what?
01:12:16The drug thing.
01:12:17I'm fucking done now.
01:12:18I'm done selling them.
01:12:19I'm done using them.
01:12:20All of them now.
01:12:22Yeah, right. You've said it before.
01:12:24Listen, Sam. Listen.
01:12:28I don't want to fuck this up.
01:12:30Any more than I already have, OK?
01:12:34I love you.
01:12:37If I always loved you, I know I should have said that before.
01:12:40I want to be... I want to...
01:12:42I want to do it right now, yeah?
01:12:45I fucking love you.
01:12:55Yeah, baby?
01:12:57You're a fucking spa.
01:13:48You're a fucking spa.
01:13:49You're a fucking spa.
01:13:50You're a fucking spa.
01:13:51You're a fucking spa.
01:13:52You're a fucking spa.
01:13:53You're a fucking spa.
01:13:54You're a fucking spa.
01:13:55You're a fucking spa.
01:13:56You're a fucking spa.
01:13:57You're a fucking spa.
01:13:58You're a fucking spa.
01:13:59You're a fucking spa.
01:14:00You're a fucking spa.
01:14:01You're a fucking spa.
01:14:02You're a fucking spa.
01:14:03You're a fucking spa.
01:14:04You're a fucking spa.
01:14:05You're a fucking spa.
01:14:06You're a fucking spa.
01:14:07You're a fucking spa.
01:14:08You're a fucking spa.
01:14:09You're a fucking spa.
01:14:10You're a fucking spa.
01:14:11You're a fucking spa.
01:14:12You're a fucking spa.
01:14:13You're a fucking spa.
01:14:14You're a fucking spa.
01:14:15You're a fucking spa.
01:14:16You're a fucking spa.
01:14:17You're a fucking spa.
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01:14:19You're a fucking spa.
01:14:20You're a fucking spa.
01:14:21You're a fucking spa.
01:14:22You're a fucking spa.
01:14:23You're a fucking spa.
01:14:24You're a fucking spa.
01:14:25You're a fucking spa.
01:14:26You're a fucking spa.
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01:16:01You're a fucking spa.
01:16:02You're a fucking spa.
