• last year
In the distant future, humanity has colonized the stars. To maintain peace and order across mankind's New Frontier, Earth's Cavalry Command develops the "Ramrod Equalizer Unit", a transforming battleship operated by their elite unit of special operatives, the Star Sheriffs, to defend the settlers of the galaxy. Their biggest threat? The Outriders, a group of extra-dimensional beings that intend to conquer our dimension and enslave humanity with their superior technology and weaponry. Armed with their wits, courage, and of course, Ramrod, it's up to Saber Rider and his team to stop the Outriders once and for all and bring peace to the universe!

Rob Paulsen -Townsend Coleman -Pat Fraley -B.J. Ward -Cam Clarke


00:00Saber Rider
00:06Saber Rider
00:11And the Star Sheriff
00:14Saber Rider
00:19And the Star Sheriff
00:21Look at the sky
00:23Can you feel the thunder inside?
00:25Saber Rider
00:30Make the lightning crack as you ride
00:33Saber Rider
00:55Saber Rider
01:04Saber Rider
01:08And the Star Sheriff
01:11Saber Rider
01:16And the Star Sheriff
01:18Look at the sky
01:24Saber Rider
