Emmerdale - Will Is Worried About His Blackmailer Trying To Ruin His Life (2nd September 2024)

  • 2 weeks ago
No copyright infringement intended (owned by ITV)


00:00No problem. It's too big or too complicated that it can't be run away from.
00:09Charlie Brown.
00:10Rose hasn't replied to my message, which, if it was her, she would do, just to gloat.
00:17OK, process of elimination. If it's not Lydia or Dawn, what about Billy?
00:23No, Dawn won't let Billy do this.
00:26He might have gone rogue. At any rate, you need to rule him out. And while we're at it,
00:31what about Ruby and Caleb? He's always wanted to get his hands on Home Farm. And she hired
00:37Rose to try and destroy you all.
00:39Oh, don't worry. They're on my list.
00:46You working here now?
00:47Oh, just a bit of shelf stacking. Keeping my hand in.
00:50Where's Eric?
00:51No idea. No one tells me anything. Choice is out the back, though. Powdering her nose.
00:56Let's face it, her mug needs all the help make-up can give it.
00:59And she trusted you alone with the till?
01:01Well, I might just chop a little of these, too.
01:03Don't worry, I won't tell.
01:05Ha! Much.
01:06Oh, yeah, I forgot. You're a lot better at keeping secrets than I am. How is Rose?
01:11I've no idea. She served her purpose, so if she reared her head again, I'd ghost her.
01:16So who are you playing war games with these days?
01:18Certainly not you lot. I am so over that Tarzan feud. It got old fast. So you're quite safe.
01:26Look, when are you going to get the message?
01:39For the kids. Give them some treats.
01:41You're unbelievable.
01:42I'm still their grandad.
01:44Look, we've made it clear we don't want you or Kim anywhere near the kids.
01:49Lucas and Clemmie must be missing us.
01:50Look, we've convinced them that they need to stick to our bubble, and they finally get
01:55Look, the money will be getting tight for you now.
01:56You can't buy your way back in.
01:58I'm not trying to.
01:59Well, it's just as well, then, because your money's no good here.
02:11Is everything all right? You look rattled.
02:17I've just seen Billy. He's still furious.
02:20Well, you said it yourself. They need time. Nothing's forever, good or bad.
02:27We are, I hope.
02:28Well, I'm still here, and as long as there are no other nasty surprises, we'll keep working
02:34on it.
02:37Will, I want the truth. Now.
02:42Yeah, it's the paperwork for these haulage fines. They're taking ages.
02:48Can I help?
02:49No, nothing I can't deal with, thank you.
02:51Well, in that case, I've got my date with Peter.
02:54Oh, the very dashing Peter.
02:57They're very same. You know, maybe you need to whop your game. Take me on a date night.
03:04Tonight? Where do you want to go?
03:07Well, there was that charity casino night that we RSVP'd to. I forgot to cancel, so
03:13we could still go.
03:15Black tie? Yeah, why not? Let's do it.
03:20We should enjoy our life together. Things we could so easily have lost it all.
03:45You said you had news.
03:49Yeah, I didn't want to put it in a text.
03:53Spill the beans, then.
03:54It's not Ruby and Caleb. I sussed her out, she was clueless. Ditto with Billy.
04:00So it is Rose?
04:01Yeah. She sent another text message and all.
04:04You're not calling her, are you?
04:06I'm calling the phone that sent the text messages, and when Rose answers...
04:10Hello? Voicemail.
04:13Hang up. Think about what you've got to say.
04:16Guess who? Yeah, it's me. Stupidly, I expect a better from you now, but
04:22seems like you haven't changed one bit. You're not getting any more brass.
04:26You've got no proof. It's your word against mine.
04:29And I know you think you know me, Rose, but you have no idea what I will do to
04:34protect my marriage and my life here. So give this up before you find out.
04:49I've been expecting you, Mr Bond.
04:53International espionage getting to you, is it?
04:56How's the process of elimination going?
04:59Rose is not my blackmailer. Just updated her socials.
05:03This is her dancing the night away.
05:05Where is she?
05:06It's a bar in Ibiza. Look at the banner.
05:08It was a one-off event. I've looked it up and this was definitely taken just last night.
05:12Yeah, but she still could have phoned you from there.
05:15Except when I called our friendly neighbourhood extortionist.
05:19It was a UK dialing tone, so it couldn't have been her.
05:22Right. Got you.
05:25Then who the hell is it?
05:27I don't know who, but I do know one thing.
05:30I've only just got Kim back and this person, whoever they are,
05:35they could destroy my whole life.
