Be Rung episode45 part 1

  • 2 days ago
Be Rung episode45 part 1


00:00She told me that the bus broke down.
00:06What? The bus broke down?
00:11Yes, Annie called and told me that everyone is together there.
00:17Uncle, it's too late now.
00:20That's why we both are worried.
00:24Uncle, why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:28It's good that I came myself.
00:31Actually, our driver Munabbar's daughter is unwell. That's why I came.
00:37You are very nice, son. God bless you.
00:41Uncle, please call Annie and ask if the bus broke down or not.
00:48Yes, my phone is inside. I will get it.
00:54Aunty, why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:58I am not a stranger.
01:00Poor Annie, I don't know how difficult it must be for her.
01:04Son, what could I have told you?
01:14Where have I come?
01:23Let's go.
01:48Is everyone settled down?
01:51Let's go. Drive the car.
02:11Is Annie there?
02:21Mehreen, listen. Annie's bag.
02:25So where is Annie? Give it to her.
02:28I don't know. Annie is not there.
02:31What do you mean Annie is not there? Annie must be in the bus.
02:34I was coming from the room. I saw Annie's bag in the room. I thought Annie forgot it.
02:41She must be sleeping at the back. What do you mean Annie is not there?
02:44How is it possible that Annie is not there? Go and check. She must be at the back.
02:46What do you mean Annie is not there? How is it possible that Annie is not there?
02:49Go and check. She must be at the back. Update me.
02:53Didn't you see Annie?
02:57Faiza, did you see Annie?
03:01She must be at the back. Check.
03:17Your sister is absolutely free.
03:21She doesn't care about anyone.
03:24And to be honest, she…
03:27Annie is not in the bus? What do you mean Annie is not in the bus?
03:31Sir, I thought she sat at the back but Annie is not there.
03:36Mehreen, are you telling me this now? Are you coming to your senses now?
03:39Sir, it's not my fault. Please ask the driver to stop the bus. Annie is there.
03:43Annie is there. She is alone. Anything can happen to her. Sir, please.
03:47We have made such a long journey and we are going to reach college in 15 minutes.
03:52Sir, please. Sir, I request you.
03:54Please. She is alone there. If anything happens to her, please tell the driver.
03:59Mehreen, we are already late because the bus broke down.
04:03And parents must have already come to the college.
04:05We can't go back now.
04:06Okay, there is one possibility.
04:08Let us reach the college first.
04:10And then I will take someone in my car and come back to see her here.
04:14There is a limit to irresponsibility.
04:17Should I present everyone like school kids now?
04:20Who got in the bus and who didn't?
04:22There is a limit.
04:37Hello. Hello, uncle. I am Annie's friend, Mehreen.
04:43Annie, I don't know where she has gone.
04:45Annie has gone somewhere? What do you mean, dear?
04:51Uncle, we all got in the bus. I thought she is sitting at the back.
04:55But now I saw that she is not there.
04:57Dear, what do you mean she is not there?
04:59Look again in the bus. She must be there. Where can she go?
05:02And what kind of irresponsible college people are these?
05:06How can someone take the kids like this?
05:10Who is responsible there?
05:12Get me to talk to her.
05:14Uncle, get me to talk to her. Give me the phone.
05:16One minute.
05:19Hello, Mehreen.
05:21Hello. Yes, I am Mehreen. Who are you?
05:23Forget who I am.
05:25Tell me where Annie is.
05:26Tell me where Annie is.
05:31Annie didn't get in the bus. She is not in the bus.
05:34This is so irresponsible.
05:36It is your responsibility.
05:38If someone has gone with you, then bring him back.
05:40Not leave him behind.
05:42Anyway, there is no time for all this.
05:44Send me the location of where you were.
05:46Yes, send it in this number.
05:48Okay, I will send you the location right now.
05:50Okay, bye.
05:53Uncle, don't worry.
05:54First of all, if you have the location, then send it to me.
05:57I will bring Annie.
05:59Son, I will also come with you.
06:01No, no, please uncle.
06:03If you are there, then I won't be able to drive fast.
06:05Don't worry. I am going. I will bring Annie.
06:10Where can she go?
06:13She has troubled me.
06:15Oh God, keep my daughter in your protection.
06:22I will send you the location.
06:30Yes, Jamshed.
06:32This is Professor Jameel speaking.
06:40Is anyone there?
06:42Where has everyone gone?
06:45Oh God.
06:47What should I do?
06:49What should I do?
06:51What should I do?
06:53What should I do?
06:55What should I do?
06:57What should I do?
06:59What should I do?
07:01What should I do?
07:03What should I do?
07:26Where did you go?
07:28I was looking for you everywhere.
07:32I was so worried.
07:34Where did you go?
07:36Stop it.
07:38Annie, I had told you
07:40that I won't go anywhere.
07:42I will always be with you.
07:46You just have to remember
07:48that everything will be fine.
07:51You just have to don't worry.
07:57I can't see these tears in your eyes.
07:58You know that
08:00and you have promised me
08:02that you will move ahead in life after me.
08:05Be happy.
08:07You have to move ahead.
08:10For yourself.
08:12For Umar.
08:14There should be
08:16no place for sadness
08:18and grief in your life.
08:21There should be only happiness.
08:25But not for everyone.
08:29You will have to forget me.
08:37You will have to forget me.
09:37Is anyone there?
09:39Is anyone there? Open the door.
09:41Please help me.
09:43Please. Is anyone there?
09:45Please listen to me.
09:55Let's go. Let's go.
09:58Fariha, listen to me.
10:18Aima, where is Fariha?
10:20Aunt, maybe she is in her room.
10:21Aunt, maybe she is in her room.
10:25Forget about Fariha, mom.