• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi Shia, for those who's watching me, thank you for watching.
00:10In this video, this video is going to be addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:15And I have this camera that is recording the backup.
00:22The only problem with this ring is it's motion censored, so it will turn off.
00:28However, it's actually not a bad thing because it might be a little bit stressful to keep a camera on 24-7 anyways.
00:40So in this video, Shia, I'm going to explain to you and show you some things I recorded.
00:48And basically, this is going to be used to document the torture techniques that they're using.
01:06And I've been threatened that this can be used against me.
01:16It cannot be used against me because that would be manipulating and framing me illegally.
01:31Honestly, Shia, I'm like dying and I need to know the truth of how sick I am and how tortured I am.
01:37And I am a torture victim.
01:39And there's lots of people that expose crime on the internet that's being done to them.
01:45And I may have a disability and have a problem with a brain injury.
01:50However, it's being exasperated by the torture.
01:53And you cannot be completely healthy when you're a victim of torture, chronic 24-7 torture.
02:01So I'm going to show you some clips from the camera.
02:09And if I do wave, it's because the blue light shuts off and I have to put the sensor back on.
02:20So I really need to explain to you, Shia, that this is very important that you see how I act
02:27because what you see in the camera is not how I am all day long.
02:31I'm chronically 24-7 tortured.
02:34And you're going to see a little bit of it.
02:37I got triggered. I did get triggered watching myself.
02:42And what's nice with this app, Shia, you can star. Where's all the stars?
02:47You can star the videos that you want to play back.
02:50So I've starred videos and I've written a list of the times of when to show you how I act.
02:59And I was told that you're going to get a camera for the indoors and record yourself.
03:08This is more important right now than the front door.
03:11If there is a door knock or bell, I'm going to call security immediately.
03:15And then that will be a witness.
03:17There will be a witness that they see the person at my door.
03:20So for now, this is going to be recording myself.
03:25And I have 180 days to download the data and save it on something.
03:33Right now, I've started to take a few clips on this camera.
03:38The problem is I really don't like the quality of this camera and the volume.
03:43So in regards to possibly getting another piece of some kind of video or recording,
03:52I think I might get a new camera because the lens is kind of breaking.
03:57The volume can't pick up enough sound.
04:04And I just saw it turn off.
04:07So let me explain to you.
04:11If anybody is watching these videos and watching how I act in these videos,
04:17you just have to know I've been involuntarily speaking with artificial technology,
04:26etheric implants that these witches and criminals installed in my body.
04:31If anybody does not believe me, this video is only for my twin flame, basically,
04:37and anyone who wants to help Shia and Lisa, not hurt Shia and Lisa.
04:41I'm not really making these videos to show people how I act.
04:45I have to put Shia if I die.
04:48Or before you meet me, I'd like to know.
04:51You need to know how sick and pathetic I feel in acting.
04:55It's not just a brain injury.
04:57I have been in severe torture since 24 years old.
05:03However, the talking out loud, forced talking out loud, has been since eight years now.
05:16So I want to go in and show you quickly.
05:20Let me make sure I explain myself.
05:24It doesn't necessarily matter if I lose my reputation.
05:29I've been a loser and I've been rejected.
05:33Not a loser. I've been rejected my whole life.
05:36And I don't know if you know,
05:40I've been a loser and I've been rejected my whole life.
05:43And I don't know if you notice, but victims of crime and torture,
05:49after the criminal gets caught for torturing someone for a year, two years, ten, twenty, whatever years,
05:58and they get caught and go to jail and go public,
06:01the victim does not get popular.
06:04The victim does not get...
06:07My life is already...
06:09My reputation is already over because I'm a victim of torture.
06:12It ruins the person for life.
06:15So there's nothing...
06:18I'm going to...
06:21This can't be on camera.
06:23It can't be seen on the internet.
06:26However, people with AI, even good AI, can see how I act and know how tortured I am.
06:34But I'm getting a little overwhelmed, Shia, with this camera,
06:37because there's so much I want to document.
06:40And this could really drive someone crazy.
06:46If, like, say, like, something...
06:51The demonic possession is really the most obvious in these videos.
06:57It's the demon possession.
06:59More than the brain injury.
07:02Because there's demons in me that are hooked up to automatic AI
07:08that automatically say and do things through me.
07:13However, it is controlled by the lumarians.
07:16They can't do everything they want through me.
07:20It's not possible.
07:22I'd be dead if they did.
07:33So, Shia, you're actually going through the same thing as me.
07:37You're having all of the symptoms I'm having.
07:40And that's why it's really...
07:42I really, really would love to see you on camera, Shia.
07:44I would be so happy to see you, see how you act.
07:49So I've been rejected my whole life.
07:53My life's over.
07:58Most victims of crime do not become successful.
08:03They just kind of go away.
08:06And, like, they don't, like...
08:08Actually, that's not completely true.
08:23But they said that you're going, Shia.
08:25You're going to do it. You're going to get a camera.
08:28And we're going to heal from this, because I've noticed my body looks really...
08:32Not just haggardly, it looks...
08:34You know how, like, when someone gets so sick and disturbed,
08:38they kind of, like, feel like they're turning into, like, a blob?
08:43Like, they're just turning into, like, a blob.
08:46Like, that's how I'm feeling.
08:49And it's kind of scary.
08:51So being able to see this...
08:54I'm going to have this camera going all the time.
08:56And I'm going to start getting healthier.
09:00Is this going to trigger me to the point where...
09:03And also to be able to tell, show you how I'm feeling?
09:08It really only matters that you see these videos.
09:11It doesn't matter that anybody sees it.
09:13It really matters to me, Shia, that you see what's going on.
09:16Another thing is...
09:20This is... Watching yourself on video is extremely entertaining.
09:26It's very painful at this point.
09:29And not really entertaining.
09:33It is actually really entertaining.
09:36However, it's also very, very painful.
09:38And it's triggering me.
09:40And it's going to trigger you, Shia, when you watch yourself.
09:43Because I look so sick and pathetic.
09:48But I'm so sick, Shia.
09:50And you're going to see proof that I am.
09:52Because talking to you with sitting down in a chair is not showing you how sick I am.
09:58I am an extreme torture victim.
10:01Extreme, extreme torture victim.
10:03This is the proof, also, of kidnapping that's going on.
10:07It's proof of the brain injury.
10:09It's proof of mental health symptoms that are being exasperated by the torture.
10:16It is pure A.I. demon possession.
10:20The whole reason I act like this is because I'm being tortured to death.
10:26And so many people want me dead and are trying to kill me.
10:29And have been trying to slow kill me my whole life.
10:32So I'm... I feel like all of the...
10:41My scalp's kind of dry.
10:43I have to...
10:48So it feels like it kind of... You're going to notice that my brain is going.
10:52My brain is, like, leaving.
10:54My brain's leaving because the torture, I can't take it anymore.
10:58And I know this is going to hurt you, Shia, but this is going to help me heal.
11:02And it's going to help you heal.
11:03It's going to show me what I can do.
11:08But I had a hard day yesterday.
11:10I did a lot of errands, so I was tired, too.
11:14But I am getting triggered watching myself.
11:16But it is entertaining.
11:18However, it's going to be very overwhelming.
11:22So I'm going to have to...
11:23Because they're going to try to use it against me.
11:25Like, anything I do is used against me.
11:29But I want, when we meet and be together, Shia, I want to use these indoor cameras.
11:36We can use them to record our conversations and review our conversations.
11:41We can...
11:43We're going to be able to use these indoor cameras,
11:49indoor security cameras as a tool.
11:53So it also, right now, it's being used to surveillance the crime that's being done to me and you 24-7.
12:06So I've started a lot of the videos I want to show you.
12:10It's not going to be too long.
12:17If they try to use it against me, they really can't.
12:21Because they really can't.
12:27I'm 100% drug and alcohol free.
12:29This is pure demonic possession brain injury.
12:32It is being controlled by God and the lumarian spirit guides.
12:40The camera's not going to always be on.
12:43However, it's actually, I think it's a good thing.
12:47Because if I was surveillance 24-7, that might be stressful.
12:51And what I like about this, Shia, is that you can just carry it around and place it wherever.
12:59And you can check on it.
13:02Click live.
13:04When you go under...
13:10You click on it.
13:12Tap to go live.
13:14And you can see yourself recording.
13:24I'm probably not going to do this, show these to you all the time.
13:31But I have to at least give you an idea of what's going on.
13:36And I did email the detective the photos of the people in front of that door.
13:43And I did tell security.
13:45When security was out there, Shia, and I showed you, I said those girls were being rude.
13:50And someone's been knocking on my door, blah, blah, blah.
13:54Someone's been knocking on my door for two and a half years and I want to figure out who it is.
13:57And security said I'll make a note of it.
13:59But when I said I want to figure out who it is, I didn't say anything, but I pointed.
14:05And then security said I'll make a note of it.
14:09So I sent those because those two in front of that door.
14:15Those two ladies.
14:19They're going to be...
14:27They can be used.
14:29I guess.
14:32But I really like how I'm being involved in trying to catch the crime.
14:44So I'm going to eventually get a camera outdoor, but I have to find a ring one.
14:51I want to get a ring brand because I now have subscribed to the ring.
15:01I have the Protect plan, which is only $10 a month.
15:05And the $10 a month plan, you can have many cameras.
15:12It covers all the devices, so you can have more than one device connected to the plan.
15:19So set up device.
15:22Set up device.
15:24You can see you have multiple devices going at a time.
15:46So now I'm going to show you Shia.
15:48I'm going to show you the fit footage.
16:02I'm going to show you the footage on this camera.
16:06Because I don't have enough data to record on this camera.
16:13So I go under history.
16:16I'm going to backtrack. I'm going to start from last night.
16:31Oh, first I want to show you what I do when I hug you, Shia.
16:40So I wrote down 1155.
16:44It likes the videos.
16:50All listed under the time.
16:54So it starts here.
16:57So this is...
17:01This is what I do when I hug you, Shia.
17:32So now I'm going to show you...
17:47September 1.
17:52The itch torture.
17:55September 1.
17:58The itch torture.
18:02This is going to be a little annoying, Shia.
18:04Because it might take a little bit while.
18:15So 9-18-29.
18:27So I'm going to skip to 9-18-29.
19:17And then I'm going to show you the itch torture.
19:22So that's the involuntary.
19:31See, I'm going to get a little bit... I'm going to have a little bit of a hard time with...
19:45Yeah, it's right here. It's right here.
20:08You hear that sigh?
20:10That's when people are victims of torture.
20:14At this point, I have to kind of sigh from the torture and the pain.
20:20It's like a... kind of like a...
20:24Like a... kind of like...
20:26You have to, like, express the pain of the torture.
20:31So now I have to show you 9-22-21.
20:44Hey, this isn't it.
20:50Where's 22?
21:23Oh, yeah.
22:48See the face?
23:08See it again? I'm getting attacked.
23:14So they'll say evil things to me, and I'm forced to make those expressions to make it, like, extra painful.
23:28What was I going to say?
23:30I'm just... I'm on the camera looking... doing the research of watching myself with the ring thing.
23:38The ring camera.
23:40So now I'm going to show you...
23:43Let me check off the ones I showed you.
24:16It's being under a chronic state of stress.
24:19Chronic state of stress.
24:39See how I'm flipping through the front of the YouTube page to see the advertisements?
24:46See, look at my face.
24:49Did you see that?
24:52That's creepy.
25:03That's creepy, the way I made that face.
25:10I'm pretty sure I was uploading the videos on YouTube of myself to you.
25:16So when I click on the front page, sometimes...
25:21At this point I feel compelled to scroll through to see if there's some obvious evidence.
25:28And there is. I'll show it to you.
25:32I was logged off of Instagram.
25:38And this was on the front page...
25:41This was on the front page of Instagram after I got kicked off.
25:47And this was on the front page of Instagram. I've never seen that before.
26:00And then on the bottom of it...
26:12Hold on.
26:15I didn't end up taking photographs.
26:17I don't have the time and energy to take photographs of every single evil attack on the Internet.
26:26So now 9-27-32.
27:03I'm just pulling my stuff away.
27:11I'm just pulling my stuff away.
27:41I'm just pulling my stuff away.
28:11I'm just pulling my stuff away.
28:42I'm acting a little bit quiet and normal because...
28:48They worked at some point trying to not make it noticeable what they do 24-7 to me.
29:00And I know how bad I look.
29:05It's from the torture and the brain injury.
29:11It's from the torture and the brain injury.
29:41It's from the torture and the brain injury.
30:12Watch the eyes and the face expressions.
30:22This goes on all day long.
30:25Pure torture.
30:37See the fear?
30:40She sensed the fear and stress.
31:10She sensed the fear and stress.
31:13She sensed the fear and stress.
31:39That's not an expression I would ever do.
31:43That's not an expression I would ever do.
31:57And I'm taking photos of evidence right there.
32:03I'm going to try to get a stand, Shia, so that I can not make me wobbly.
32:09Only a few more, Shia, to go.
32:12This is a little bit long.
32:18Actually, no, I should show you that one.
32:2311-26 to 11-28.
32:27So now I'm skipping at 11-26 p.m.
32:33I was playing music in the background in a lot of them,
32:36and I don't want to have an issue with the music being in the background.
32:42Oh, I showed you this one.
32:44I already showed you the one where I'm hugging the pillow, hugging you, Shia.
32:48Now, 11-47.
32:51I starred him, so I shouldn't have a problem.
32:54Here it is.
32:57Now, this is in 11-47.
33:06This is me lying on my bed. I look really pathetic, Shia.
33:36Oh, this wasn't the one I wanted to show you.
33:42I don't know why I wrote 11-47.
33:46Oh, this was the one.
33:52You can see in my body the way it's shaped.
33:56There's something wrong with me.
34:00Oh, here it is with the voices.
34:07All day long.
34:17All day long.
34:19All day long and loud, not whispering all the time.
34:24It's very, very painful.
34:34And I was just looking at the ring.
34:37I don't look up anything on the internet.
34:40I do check social media once in a while.
34:46Just to check on the views and to see.
34:50I don't actually look at any social media.
34:53And now, one more.
34:59There was a lot more, but I just didn't.
35:03Why does this one start?
35:06This is today, this morning.
35:24You can tell. You can tell that I'm a torture victim.
35:27I'm brain-injured.
35:29And I'm sick all day.
35:39I'm sick all day.
35:42I'm sick all day.
35:45I'm sick all day.
35:48I'm sick all day.
35:51I'm sick all day.
35:59Well, I'm checking the video to show you.
36:06It was the beginning, the facial expression.
36:20This looks... I look really sick.
37:20I'm so sick.
37:24I have a lot of lip movement, mouth movement.
37:27That's a brain injury.
37:30That's a brain injury.
37:33It's like an involuntary thing.
37:36So, I thought that there was...
37:38This was actually really, like, traumatizing for me.
37:41And, like...
37:53I thought it was worse than...
37:58But I look sick.
38:03I'm so sick.
38:07I'm in so much pain.
38:10So, I don't think that was enough of a glimpse of...
38:15I don't think that really was enough of a glimpse.
38:19However, for now, that's enough.
38:24Well, it's 38 minutes.
38:29So, I'm not going to do this all day long.
38:32I'm going to make sure...
38:34Because I could go a little crazy
38:36and, like, just do this all day long
38:38and then never do it again.
38:40And I'll feel guilty if this isn't, like, recording.
38:44Something that should be recording.
38:47However, I'm going to make sure I try not to act like that
38:51because they're going to try to use this against me
38:54to make me at least stop.
38:57So, in regards to the storage,
39:01I've clicked 180 days
39:05until the videos get deleted.
39:10So, there should be no issue.
39:1414 days for snapshots.
39:17180 days of video storage
39:21before it gets deleted.
39:23I can download all the data, put it on a USB.
39:26I could go to...
39:31I could probably go to the library to do that
39:34and bring a USB.
39:36Let me see if I have to show you any more videos.
39:41Yes, last night I had the noodles.
39:43Oh, here's one.
39:46Uh, I was looking at...
39:48set up the stick-up cam.
39:51This, uh...
39:55Wash me downsize.
39:57Let's see.
40:00Up coach jelly tabby.
40:03That's, um...
40:06That's some kind of attack.
40:09It has nothing to do with...
40:13And it says new.
40:18So that's under, like, an advertisement.
40:28I had some collard greens.
40:30The mixed greens.
40:31Turnip greens and mustard greens.
40:34With the noodles.
40:36With soy sauce, onion powder.
40:38I don't like the...
40:40I didn't like the greens.
40:41Because they put a smoke flavor in it.
40:43I don't like that.
40:44So I put the sticker.
40:47The ring sticker on my door.
40:54Protected by a ring.
40:57So if someone breaks in here, I have a camera.
41:00And this will go on automatically no matter what.
41:05And capture.
41:07Protected by a ring.
41:12Protected by a ring.
41:16Protected by a ring.
41:17Audio video recording.
41:26I wish I unboxed...
41:29I wanted to unbox the camera to show you.
41:32I should have unboxed it and showed you.
41:38I was on Facebook.
41:42See this?
41:45No, this isn't it.
41:49I wasn't...
41:50See this link?
41:53Is this a fake link?
41:56Because it says I'm temporarily blocked when I opened Facebook.
42:01And I kind of freaked out.
42:04Looks like you're misusing the feature.
42:06I wasn't on Facebook that day at all.
42:10I logged in and there was no block.
42:13I wasn't blocked.
42:14I logged in.
42:15I entered my email and password.
42:19And I wasn't blocked.
42:21But this was immediately popped up.
42:23So the hacker tried to make me think that.
42:29More public figure on Dailymotion.
42:36Weird how that word is there.
42:50Look at someone on this floor puts a stupid carton of milk like that.
42:57Who does that?
42:59Who crushes a carton of milk and just spills it on the ground like that?
43:06So I'm sure maintenance put this there so that it would eventually get cleaned up.
43:10It's not their job to clean things up.
43:25There's other people getting tortured, Shia.
43:27We're not the only ones.
43:30This was when I was going around.
43:36To Poway and Carmel Mountain Ranch.
43:40Which I'm definitely going to go back.
43:42I saw this plaza when I saw it in the Amazon Fresh.
43:47But it's not a grocery store.
43:49You can't walk in.
43:52It was all like all the windows were closed.
43:57But this is a very nice area.
44:01This is where the Vortex is that I've never been to.
44:06My spine is not doing good today.
44:10I need to lay down.
44:13But this...
44:15See how this is kind of like the mountains?
44:19Poway is in kind of like the mountains of California.
44:23Like over here.
44:25So it's like there's something over there in Poway.
44:28It felt kind of like a ghost town-ish.
44:30All really powerful energy Vortexes.
44:39Here's an attack.
44:40Remember that Tree Roots shirt with the eyeballs?
44:47Dark green t-shirt that said family.
44:51Dark green. Just like the dark green t-shirt with the roots.
44:59I didn't take a lot of photos of evidence.
45:02Of like things that I saw.
45:04I wish I did.
45:09This is demonic though.
45:11Like I have little tuna fish rolled up with seaweed.
45:15This is ugly eating.
45:17Looks ugly.
45:19This is because of the demon possession.
45:21I'm not that.
45:22I'm not like that.
45:24And for breakfast I had pudding and applesauce.
45:28Nobody should be eating like this.
45:30Nobody should be eating like this.
45:37So that's all I'm going to show for today.
45:42So that's all I'm going to show for now.
46:05That's what I have to show you.
46:08I did not go through all the notes that I have.
46:10I don't want to make this video too long.
46:16I'm sure I'm skipping notes and there's things I need to tell you.
46:25But I'm really looking forward to Shia.
46:28Oh yeah.
46:32There are people that are probably going to go to jail for things that...
46:36Other things that they're doing.
46:39And then eventually me and you, Shia, will be able to prove what they did to us.
46:44So I was told that yesterday after I explained things to you yesterday about what they were doing to attack me.
46:57The battery, this battery, you don't have to really charge it for a while.
47:04You do actually if you use it a lot.
47:10But I don't think it's a problem.
47:12There's a way you can check the device health.
47:15And I don't know why I can't figure it out.
47:22Like I was able to find it very quick.
47:25Quickly the last time.
47:27This is not a hard app to use though.
47:30It's really easy.
47:35So I'm going to stop this video now.
47:38And I'll talk to you tomorrow.
47:41I love you, Shia.
47:43Thank you everybody for watching.
47:45Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
