Latest Hollywood Action Movies

  • 3 weeks ago
Latest Hollywood Action Movies [ Hd ](360P)

00:00:00Okay, Ms. Mike, you're in.
00:00:25Watch your ass.
00:00:32Definitely tell a man Presley's here.
00:00:36Not a lot, but they're here.
00:00:41If you see Ben Lott, you can give him a big New York kiss.
00:00:47Then chop his nuts off.
00:00:48He can wear his earrings.
00:00:49Roger that.
00:00:51Some old guy's making eyes at me.
00:00:52Damn, I can't see anything out of this.
00:00:53Just bring that outfit back to the States and wear it again for Halloween.
00:00:55Next time you're wearing the dress.
00:00:56Greg, I've got a problem with the old guy.
00:00:57Take it easy.
00:00:58He's not taking his eyes off me.
00:00:59This guy knows.
00:01:00I think he knows.
00:01:01Hang in there, Mike.
00:01:02to the States and wear it again for Halloween.
00:01:04Yeah, next time you're wearing the dress.
00:01:08Greg, I've got a problem with the old guy.
00:01:11Take it easy.
00:01:13He's not taking his eyes off me.
00:01:15This guy knows. I think he knows.
00:01:17Hang in there, Mike.
00:01:33Assalamu alaikum.
00:01:41Control, we have an unexpected visitor.
00:01:43Request positive ID. Over.
00:01:50The visitor is a friendly VIP.
00:01:52Repeat, the visitor is a CIA contractor.
00:01:55Abort mission. Over.
00:02:03This is not good.
00:02:05Greg, do you read? I am in deep shit, man.
00:02:07The old man's ratted me out.
00:02:11Did you get that?
00:02:13Captain McKenzie, do you understand me?
00:02:15You are to abort this mission.
00:02:27Mike, if you're in trouble and you can't speak, just cough.
00:02:33Cough. Cough.
00:04:14What the hell are you doing here, soldier?
00:04:16Where's the rest of your unit?
00:04:20Listen, these ragheads would love to slit your throat.
00:04:23Now I need to know how many of you there are and what you're doing here,
00:04:27so I can try to save your necks.
00:04:30You just don't get it, do you?
00:04:49I'm a gun! I'm a gun!
00:04:51I'm a gun!
00:04:58Let me spell it out to you.
00:05:01I work for CIA.
00:05:04Now, I cannot allow one lost soldier to compromise my entire operation.
00:05:13Your choice.
00:05:21Back him up!
00:05:32You know what I think, soldier?
00:05:35I think you are dressed like a woman,
00:05:39because secretly you don't want to be a man.
00:05:51I'm a gun!
00:06:11Captain McKenzie, your orders are to stand down. You are not...
00:06:17when I'm done cutting you,
00:06:20these boys will finish making a woman out of you.
00:06:28Boy, am I glad to see you.
00:06:37Hey, you all right?
00:06:40Oh, man.
00:06:42My wife's gonna be relieved.
00:06:44My control's gonna cut your balls off, man.
00:06:46That guy was CIA.
00:06:49Seems to me you're partying with the devil. God ain't ever gonna help you.
00:06:52Come on. Let's go.
00:07:19Let's go.
00:07:47I'm all in.
00:07:49Come on. Let's see what you got.
00:08:00How about you give me a loan and hold on to my bike as collateral?
00:08:03When are you gonna learn, soldier? You're out of luck, not cash.
00:08:07I've never seen anyone unluckier than you.
00:08:11So, how'd you get out of the Army alive, anyway?
00:08:15You know what they say.
00:08:16Lucky in war, unlucky in life.
00:08:25So, how about the loan?
00:08:28There you go, soldier. A nation's grateful thanks.
00:08:33Till the end of the month.
00:08:39All right, hands on the table. Nobody move.
00:08:41Hey, cool it, kid. What's the problem?
00:08:43The problem?
00:08:45Two aces of spades?
00:08:46It's just a silly mistake.
00:08:48You stacked the deck, Tony.
00:08:49I let you win every once in a while.
00:08:56Didn't you hear what my friend said? Put your hands on the table.
00:08:59Trust me, this is not the way you want to resolve this.
00:09:01Shut up, all right?
00:09:02What's your deal?
00:09:03I don't know.
00:09:04Put your hands on the table.
00:09:05Trust me, this is not the way you want to resolve this.
00:09:07Shut up, all right?
00:09:08What, you think you can cheat us like your loser buddy over here?
00:09:11We're taking the money.
00:09:16Look, kid, just take the money and get the hell out of here.
00:09:18He's a cheater. Give him your purse.
00:09:20All right, put the money in the back, all right?
00:09:27All right, you're next, cowboy.
00:09:28Your turn.
00:09:29Put the money in the back.
00:09:31Put the money in the back!
00:09:34Put the money in the back!
00:09:40All of it.
00:09:43All of it!
00:09:54You can put the gun down now. It's only loaded with blades.
00:09:57Really? Let's check.
00:09:59You really want me to pull the trigger?
00:10:02Let her go, McKenzie.
00:10:03Hey, what the hell's going on?
00:10:17What the hell's going on?
00:10:18They hired stunt guys.
00:10:24They want to do business with you.
00:10:30Just wanted to see if you still had it in you, soldier.
00:10:34Captain McKenzie, we need a man like you.
00:10:42I don't need you. All I want is my loan.
00:10:47Thanks for the show.
00:11:12So what do you think they wanted?
00:11:16There's only one thing I'm good at.
00:11:21You know, Craig, I'm so broke, man.
00:11:28I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make some money.
00:11:32The banks...
00:11:34Fucking banks, they already took everything, you know?
00:11:40There's no work here, man.
00:11:41There's nothing for a man with a dishonorable service record.
00:11:49We both fought for our country, Mike.
00:11:51We got nothing for it.
00:11:55Maybe now we need a man like you.
00:11:59Maybe now we need to start fighting for some money.
00:12:02Some of the guys from the old unit are pulling in loads of cash as mercs in Mexico.
00:12:07And then...
00:12:10Hey, baby.
00:12:11What are you doing up?
00:12:13It's not me who can't sleep, Daddy.
00:12:17It's Winston.
00:12:19Come on, darling. Let's get Winston back to bed.
00:12:23Look at that. Look at what your nuts made.
00:12:25I saved those nuts.
00:12:27Good night, Daddy. Good night, Craig.
00:12:31Good night, guys.
00:12:32Good night.
00:12:37You love Joanne and Elise?
00:12:40Of course.
00:12:42Now forget about fighting.
00:12:44We'll find some other way to make some money.
00:12:46I've got about two more weeks before the banks change the locks on my doors.
00:12:57Soldiers of Fortune. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
00:13:02If you've received this link, then your network pre-qualifies you for the Soldiers of Fortune Adventure Program.
00:13:08The ultimate in extreme vacationing.
00:13:11On your adventure mission, you'll experience the adrenaline rush of combat in an actual war zone, but without the risk of losing your life.
00:13:19After all, you've worked too hard for your millions not to enjoy them until a ripe old age.
00:13:24Whether you're sniping enemy mercenaries, clandestinely delivering a cache of weapons, or blowing up a compound,
00:13:30you'll be protected every step of the way by our qualified action team.
00:13:37Every member on our staff is a highly decorated Special Operations veteran.
00:13:42You prove your manhood, they ensure your complete safety.
00:13:46All the proceeds support the freedom fighters of a small island nation.
00:13:49And unlike other charities, you'll be able to personally oversee how your contribution is delivered.
00:13:55While your peers boast about that luxury cruise in the Caymans, you fought for liberty and freedom in a war zone.
00:14:02We offer the ultimate in bragging rights.
00:14:06The best part is, it's all tax deductible.
00:14:19You knock it off, I'm trying to sleep!
00:14:22Good morning.
00:14:25Have you had breakfast yet?
00:14:28No, I haven't.
00:14:30You haven't?
00:14:32No, I haven't.
00:14:34You haven't?
00:14:36No, I haven't.
00:14:38You haven't?
00:14:40No, I haven't.
00:14:42You haven't?
00:14:44No, I haven't.
00:14:46You haven't?
00:14:47You haven't had breakfast yet?
00:14:50I'm warning you.
00:14:52You're wasting your time.
00:14:55Sit down, Craig.
00:14:57How's business?
00:15:07Whoa, nice.
00:15:10So how's your brother's beak?
00:15:12Who told you Ernesto is my brother?
00:15:17How'd you find me, the Yellow Pages?
00:15:19I know almost everything about you.
00:15:22Captain Craig James McKenzie.
00:15:2523 special ops and not one soldier dead under your command.
00:15:30You were a legend.
00:15:32And then you were court-martialed for insubordination and unbecoming conduct.
00:15:36That's old news.
00:15:38And dishonorably discharged.
00:15:40No, no, no. There's nothing dishonorable about saving your best friend's testicles.
00:15:43Your unit was disbanded in disgrace.
00:15:45I can just imagine how many people told you thanks for that.
00:15:49Just one guy and his wife.
00:15:51It's plenty for me.
00:15:53Look, thank you for the breakfast, but I got some things I gotta do.
00:16:01You lost everything because of this man.
00:16:04Carter Mason.
00:16:06All right, look, no more games.
00:16:08Who the hell do you work for?
00:16:10We're not playing games.
00:16:12We need your help and you need the money.
00:16:13Your friend, Captain Reed, needs it.
00:16:16I am through with fighting.
00:16:18That's good, because we don't need you to kill anybody.
00:16:21We need you to make sure nobody gets killed.
00:16:24You want me to protect him?
00:16:26No, we need you to protect some people from him.
00:16:35And this man is Colonel Lupo.
00:16:38Nice casting.
00:16:40In Eastern Europe, by the northern seaboard of the Black Sea, is Osterev Zeminy.
00:16:45Also known as Snake Island.
00:16:48Its mountains are rich in minerals and rare earth metals.
00:16:52During the Cold War, there was an Allied military base there.
00:16:56Now, nobody knows who owns it.
00:16:59Romania or Ukraine.
00:17:01So it's no man's land.
00:17:03Colonel Lupo seized power there four years ago with a mercenary force.
00:17:07His head of security is Mason.
00:17:12Colonel Lupo's regime is brutal and oppressive.
00:17:18They kill anyone who dares to speak up against Lupo.
00:17:23There is a resistance.
00:17:25But we don't have the weapons to fight.
00:17:28Our freedom fighters have been unable to resist Colonel Lupo's mercenaries.
00:17:32All criminals on the run.
00:17:34The scum of the earth.
00:17:35They make life a living hell for the people of Osterev Zeminy.
00:17:39So who's the girl?
00:17:41That's Magda.
00:17:43She's Colonel Lupo's daughter and the only person he cares for.
00:17:47She's pure evil.
00:17:58As long as Lupo finds buyers for the island's metals,
00:18:01he can finance his mercenaries and brutalize the people.
00:18:07All right, so those are the bad guys.
00:18:10Who are the good guys? You?
00:18:14I was born on the island.
00:18:16I want to set it free.
00:18:18The resistance is dying, but now there is hope.
00:18:22Ernesto and I have found five very rich men who are willing to help.
00:18:26You know something, lady?
00:18:28I've never met a rich guy who's willing to give away something for nothing.
00:18:32What do your backers want for their money?
00:18:35Kicks and thrills.
00:18:38With our Soldiers of Fortune adventure program,
00:18:41we've set up a basic training camp for our clients in Romania.
00:18:45With their charitable contributions,
00:18:48we've purchased the firepower to finally resist Colonel Lupo.
00:18:51Ernesto leased a ship to transport the weapons.
00:18:55We know that Lupo's mercenaries do not patrol the uninhabited east side of the island.
00:19:01Our financiers' adventure mission will be to escort the weapons to shore
00:19:06and get them to the resistant space camp, protected by bodyguards at all times.
00:19:11Wait a second. Let me get this straight.
00:19:13You and Ernesto are pimping out on the mercenaries?
00:19:18Wait a second. Let me get this straight.
00:19:20You and Ernesto are pimping out on the mercenaries?
00:19:22Some kind of tourist attraction for a bunch of millionaires
00:19:25and you expect me to be your guide?
00:19:29We need your credentials to assure our clients of their safety.
00:19:33One last op, Craig.
00:19:36You're lucky in war. You said so yourself.
00:19:38With you, everybody comes home.
00:19:47Our clients will never be near actual combat, Craig.
00:19:51And you can save your friends' home,
00:19:54and everybody will be happy.
00:19:56Let's go.
00:20:16Our wealthy warriors have arrived.
00:20:19Tell me what we're dealing with.
00:20:22The first of our soldiers of fortune
00:20:24is Herbert Vanderbeer.
00:20:26Vanderbeer is a genuine American aristocrat.
00:20:29One of his ancestors bought Manhattan from a drunk Indian
00:20:32for 24 silver dollars and a bottle of moonshine.
00:20:35Vanderbeer runs a Wall Street hedge fund.
00:20:37He made a fortune from subprime loans
00:20:39and then another from the bank bailout.
00:20:42It's a shame a lot of ordinary folks lost their homes,
00:20:45but that's Wall Street for you.
00:20:47The rich get richer, the poor can go to hell.
00:20:50I'm going to enjoy watching them under fire.
00:20:52Our second millionaire is Roman St. John,
00:20:55a metals magnate.
00:20:57St. John traded vodka and blue jeans on the black market
00:21:00before the Berlin Wall fell,
00:21:02and then in the anarchy that followed,
00:21:04somehow all his business rivals got murdered,
00:21:06but he survived.
00:21:08Now he owns a huge mining and smelting empire
00:21:11and lived the life of an international playboy.
00:21:14He was last sighted off the coast of Somalia, fishing.
00:21:18St. John does have practical weapons exposure.
00:21:22But he claims without any verifiable military record
00:21:27that he has experience leading troops in naval warfare.
00:21:32He demanded an entourage of five.
00:21:35He settled for one.
00:21:38Our next client is Sam Hausman.
00:21:41I've heard of this guy.
00:21:43Who hasn't?
00:21:45A cell phone pioneer and a permanent resident on Forbes' list.
00:21:49Hausman's lived enough for three ordinary men.
00:21:53He's been married five times.
00:21:56He has eight kids.
00:21:59He's made two huge fortunes and lost one.
00:22:02He's climbed Everest and fought bulls
00:22:04and hunted every kind of big game.
00:22:06Even three species that are now extinct.
00:22:09And he's beaten two major heart attacks as well.
00:22:17And now for the bad.
00:22:19Our fourth client, the Grim Reaper.
00:22:23Grimaud Tenon.
00:22:25Born in French Africa, very little is known
00:22:27about this international man of mystery
00:22:29before becoming the world's most notorious arms dealer.
00:22:34Our angel of death sold weapons to both sides
00:22:36in the civil war in Sudan.
00:22:38Then he started a revolution in Congo
00:22:40just to peddle more guns.
00:22:42Grimaud makes even mercenaries seem like sisters of mercy.
00:22:46He's a profiteer of war,
00:22:48but he's never participated in one.
00:22:49He's selling our new friends their weapons as well.
00:22:52And finally, at the bottom of the barrel,
00:22:55we have Tommy Sin.
00:22:57Sin is the creator of Death Porn,
00:23:00the mega violent fantasy video game.
00:23:04Five teenagers decapitated their parents
00:23:07after playing his smash hit game.
00:23:09Each time Sin is accused of incitement to murder,
00:23:11he's acquitted.
00:23:13Sin probably thinks war is just a game too.
00:23:16Apart from his addiction to video games,
00:23:18this lunatic just broke his leg.
00:23:42Welcome to our training camp, gentlemen.
00:23:44I'm Captain McKenzie.
00:23:45This is Captain Reed.
00:23:47These five men are gonna be your bodyguards.
00:23:50You will obey their every command.
00:23:52Whose buck is this?
00:23:54How about they obey our orders?
00:23:58If any of them is going to be my bodyguard,
00:24:01it is they who need the training, not me.
00:24:04Yes, sir, Captain, sir.
00:24:07Three bags full, sir.
00:24:11The barracks over there,
00:24:12gonna be your accommodations.
00:24:14Excuse me.
00:24:16I trust we all have our own rooms.
00:24:22Over the next few days,
00:24:24you're gonna learn how to survive in a hot zone.
00:24:26Just remember,
00:24:28the only thing worse in action than a coward is a hero.
00:24:30Got it?
00:24:32Now go stow your bags.
00:24:36General, Colonel,
00:24:38can someone carry my bag for me?
00:24:39Because my leg's...
00:24:41My leg's done.
00:24:43A little help?
00:24:45I can't... I can't carry it.
00:24:47I've got a bum leg.
00:25:02Jesus Christ, no, I told you about the fucking funds.
00:25:05I pressed the button myself.
00:25:27Oh, it's like that.
00:25:36Helena and I will take the dining room.
00:25:57What's playing there, son?
00:25:59Baby killer. On the top level.
00:26:01I'm in the maternity ward.
00:26:10Hey, Grimo, can you feel it?
00:26:12Feel what?
00:26:14The thrill of being a kid again,
00:26:16playing war games with pop guns in your backyard.
00:26:19This isn't a kid's game.
00:26:21We're playing with real weapons now.
00:26:28The Grim Reaper.
00:26:32Big gun.
00:26:36Son, you know,
00:26:37it's not the size of your gun that matters.
00:26:40It's where you stick it.
00:26:42Let me show you a real hunter's weapon.
00:26:47this here is Irene.
00:26:49Irene's a bitch.
00:26:51She would have sniped that Grim Reaper of yours
00:26:53at a thousand yards
00:26:55before you even knew she was there.
00:26:57Oh, that's nice. May I?
00:26:59Yeah, sure.
00:27:01Oh, thanks.
00:27:08What are you doing?
00:27:14You know,
00:27:16I lost 20 million dollars
00:27:19when Lehman Brothers collapsed on Wall Street.
00:27:25Oh, yeah?
00:27:27Screw you, too, banker.
00:27:31Screw you, too, game boy.
00:27:33Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:27:35Simmer down! Simmer down!
00:27:37Simmer down now, boys.
00:27:39Take it easy, big fella.
00:27:41How about
00:27:43we have a party
00:27:45to celebrate you two losing your cherries?
00:27:48I agree.
00:28:05Don't mind if I do.
00:28:10There's mud in your eye.
00:28:21That was a vintage year.
00:28:23Was she that pretty, Sam?
00:28:25Yeah, well, whatever she was.
00:28:27She's probably a grandmother by now.
00:28:29Just a good living.
00:28:31What a quick death.
00:28:33Cheers, Sam.
00:28:36Champagne, Sam.
00:28:48I bet you
00:28:50I kill more bad guys
00:28:52than you do.
00:28:57Make it a hundred grand,
00:28:59you're on.
00:29:00A hundred thousand?
00:29:04I bet a million bucks
00:29:05you both get blue balls.
00:29:07Neither of you are man enough
00:29:09to kill a man for real.
00:29:14Good draw.
00:29:18I hate a party when I'm not invited.
00:29:21Let them have their fun.
00:29:23We're getting paid, aren't we?
00:29:25Those bastards are right.
00:29:27Their bodyguards do need to train.
00:29:35That's an angel.
00:29:37That's an angel.
00:29:43I'll give you a hedge fund.
00:29:49Why do you ask?
00:29:56Just heard some rumors, that's all.
00:29:59You know how when the tide goes out,
00:30:01wrecks get exposed?
00:30:07I like the way you move, girl.
00:30:09Oh, you move me.
00:30:13Witty old boy.
00:30:21What the hell's going on?
00:30:25Damn, we're being attacked.
00:30:28Let's make a run for it.
00:30:46your throats have all been cut.
00:30:50Sorry to interrupt your party,
00:30:52but after all you did say
00:30:54that your bodyguards do need to train.
00:30:56Thank you, bodyguards.
00:31:02Well, at least we know who the most vulnerable are.
00:31:03Vanderbeer and Sinn will be killed
00:31:05on our first contact.
00:31:07Grimm doesn't stand much of a chance.
00:31:09And Housman and St. John,
00:31:11I don't see them lasting very long.
00:31:14Thank you, gentlemen.
00:31:16Anybody's interested, training begins at 0600.
00:31:18That's like 06 in the morning, isn't it?
00:31:30You think your adrenaline junkies will show up?
00:31:34If they don't, let's just go home.
00:31:37I've got a bad feeling about this op anyway.
00:31:42Oh, shit.
00:31:50What happened to your lady?
00:31:52I, uh...
00:31:54I sent her away.
00:31:56It's time for business.
00:31:59What about you, huh?
00:32:01What did you do with your valet?
00:32:03Gave him a Vicky.
00:32:07He's been asking for, uh,
00:32:17All right.
00:32:19Let's get started.
00:32:21Drop and give me 50.
00:32:27Here you go, boys.
00:32:29Kiss that head out.
00:32:35Come on, Grimm!
00:32:37Come on, Grimm!
00:32:39Let's move it!
00:32:41Come on, kick ass!
00:32:43Let's go, man!
00:32:45Housman, get your ass on that wall!
00:32:47Let's go!
00:32:49Let's go!
00:32:51Move your ass!
00:32:53Move your ass!
00:32:54Let's go!
00:32:56Let's go!
00:33:14Come on!
00:33:16Come on, move your ass!
00:33:18Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:33:20What's that noise?
00:33:22What are you doing?
00:33:23What's that? Is that a phone?
00:33:25Hey, Homer.
00:33:27What'd you do now?
00:33:33Hang up that phone!
00:33:35Hang up that phone!
00:33:37You do that again, I'll kill you myself!
00:33:39Come on, move it, move it, move it!
00:33:41You're moving like a senior citizen!
00:33:43Come on, man!
00:33:45Your valet's not here to do it for you!
00:33:53Come on, move it!
00:34:11If you can't get through that hole, please call home!
00:34:23Let's go!
00:34:54Work with your bodyguards!
00:34:58Protect the money!
00:35:03Another cell phone addict?
00:35:05You're all dead, dead, dead, dead!
00:35:11Now, gentlemen.
00:35:13The rules are simple.
00:35:15Protect your flag at all costs and capture theirs.
00:35:19And try to work together with me.
00:35:21And try to work together as a team.
00:35:24Shoot at anyone with a green armband.
00:35:29You stay in the bunker and protect the flag.
00:35:31St. John.
00:35:33Sin, you flank left.
00:35:35Me and Holtzman will flank right.
00:35:46All right.
00:35:47Let's see what you wealthy warriors are made of.
00:35:55What is wrong with you?
00:35:57You must obey my orders.
00:35:59When is this your command?
00:36:01Since now.
00:36:03I'm the one with the most military experience here.
00:36:05Son, just because you peddle a lot of guns
00:36:07to a bunch of tin-pot dictators,
00:36:09that don't make you our leader.
00:36:11Don't call me son, old man. You're not my father.
00:36:13How do you know?
00:36:15I should be in charge.
00:36:1750 million units. That's five-zero.
00:36:19So what?
00:36:21My great-great-uncle was a general in two world wars.
00:36:23I should be in command.
00:36:35I'm not obeying a virgin.
00:36:37Who are you calling virgin?
00:36:39You've never killed a man, have you?
00:36:41That's what men are made for.
00:36:43Fighting, not fucking.
00:36:45Well, maybe I'll shoot you.
00:36:47I'm not a virgin.
00:36:49Just try it, and I'll cut your bourgeois throat.
00:36:51Come on, try it.
00:36:57Excuse me, ladies.
00:36:59Hey, where are you going?
00:37:02I got nothing to prove to your pussies.
00:37:05I signed up for a fight.
00:37:14Ah, straight in my face!
00:37:48Ha ha ha!
00:37:52Now, that's what I call a hostile takeover.
00:37:55You know the only rule in life?
00:37:57You've got to win.
00:37:59We won!
00:38:01We're dead, but we won.
00:38:18Come on, come on!
00:38:20Come on, come on!
00:38:22Move it, move it, move it, move it!
00:38:28Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:38:30Keep moving, keep moving!
00:38:35Move it!
00:38:37I know you've got a bum leg!
00:38:39I don't care!
00:38:41I don't care!
00:38:43You signed up for this, didn't you?
00:38:48Get through there!
00:38:50Hop over it!
00:38:52There you go!
00:38:56All right.
00:39:00Come on in, Grim!
00:39:02Come on, Grim, let's move it!
00:39:04Let's go, let's see where they call you the killer!
00:39:06Let's go!
00:39:08Cover the money!
00:39:28Game over.
00:39:32Tomorrow, we leave for Snake Island.
00:39:35For your own safety, all of your personal possessions are now going to be collected.
00:39:39Place them in this bag.
00:39:42Anything you can think of that can be used to positively identify you.
00:39:45Cell phones, documents, wallets.
00:39:48You're not taking anything with you.
00:39:50Until our mission is complete, you will have no names.
00:39:54Come on, move it, Vanderbeer.
00:39:56Get your cell phone in there.
00:40:01And get some shut-eye. We leave at 0500.
00:40:34How long till we take off, Captain?
00:40:36As soon as we're done loading the weapons.
00:40:42All right, guys, let's go!
00:40:43Come on, come on! Hurry up!
00:40:45Move it, move it! Hurry up, fellas!
00:41:13Come on, come on!
00:41:28Come on, kid!
00:41:44Five minutes to landing.
00:41:46Roger that.
00:41:56We got a problem, buddy!
00:41:58I hear you. Where's it coming from?
00:42:00Okay, take her out. Fire!
00:42:11Crack is getting hot!
00:42:13What the hell's going on, Captain?
00:42:15She said the shoreline was safe!
00:42:17Lying bitch!
00:42:25Give him a scare. Fire!
00:42:39Look who we have here.
00:42:44Get up!
00:42:49Spin the wheel. I know how we can beat the system.
00:42:52What are you talking about?
00:42:54The shells take five seconds to arrive.
00:42:56The fighter-crow computer projects target movements five seconds ahead.
00:43:01If you zigzag fast enough, you can beat the computer.
00:43:04All right! Fight!
00:43:06Zigzag! Zigzag! Head for the coast! Head for the coast!
00:43:13Head for the coast!
00:43:43Port side post! Fire!
00:43:52Mike! Mike!
00:44:07Get down! Get down!
00:44:14Get down!
00:44:22Okay, grab whatever gear you can and take cover in those rocks!
00:44:30Come on! Come on!
00:44:32Welcome to Stake Island, gentlemen.
00:44:34You may never leave.
00:44:36Come on! Come on! Move it! Move it! Move it!
00:44:56God damn!
00:44:58That'll pucker your rear end.
00:45:02Any injuries?
00:45:11This is Tommy, Sam.
00:45:13Didn't I say no cell phones?
00:45:18And you! How much are you getting, huh? What are they paying you? My friends are dead!
00:45:22Grimoire du Nou does not sell people out.
00:45:24Well, then how'd you know about that cannon?
00:45:26I sold it to Colonel Lupo.
00:45:28He didn't pay me.
00:45:30That's why I'm on this trip.
00:45:32To kill him or get paid.
00:45:34The Grim Reaper always gets paid.
00:45:36Thanks, Pete.
00:45:38Come on! Come on! Move it! Move it!
00:45:40Cover! Cover!
00:45:52You! You said the Sea Route would be safe!
00:45:55Because of you, my men are dead!
00:46:07I knew you were bad news.
00:46:10Before I met you, I never lost a man under my command.
00:46:13What am I supposed to do with your precious sponsors?
00:46:21Fulfill your contract.
00:46:24Lead them to safety.
00:46:32These men need your skills now, Craig.
00:46:34Their survival is in your hands.
00:46:43Once we get to the Resistance base camp, Ernesto can arrange for their evacuation.
00:46:54Come on.
00:47:04Let's go.
00:47:20Let's get the fuck off this island.
00:47:22Grimoire, give me your cell phone.
00:47:24But you wanted to kill a man, Craig.
00:47:26You haven't completed your mission.
00:47:28Yeah, that's very clever. Give me your cell phone.
00:47:30I don't have one.
00:47:32Hey, Sam. You have a cell phone?
00:47:34Now, son, I know things aren't going according to plan.
00:47:38But Sam Hausman didn't come all this way just to turn tail and run.
00:47:41And I'm not sure using a cell phone's such a swift idea either.
00:47:46This isn't what we paid for!
00:47:53How you holding up, Sam?
00:47:55Uh, getting old, Captain. Slowing down.
00:47:58Enjoy it while you can, Captain.
00:48:00Been a long time coming.
00:48:05Hey. Hey. I'm hungry.
00:48:09What do we got to eat?
00:48:11We eat at the camp.
00:48:13Just remember, I'm on a low-carb diet.
00:48:35It's over.
00:48:37Without those weapons, we can't resist any longer.
00:48:42Tomorrow you'll evacuate our sponsors.
00:48:44I'll find us a boat.
00:48:46You'll be paid in full for your services.
00:48:59Definitely not low-carb.
00:49:01I should have brought my chef.
00:49:03Charlie, why the hell did you pay to come on this mission?
00:49:06Just so you could whine about everything?
00:49:09Bragging rights.
00:49:11Such is life on the street.
00:49:13Wall Street.
00:49:16He who dares wins.
00:49:21You already know why Grimaud's here.
00:49:24He's being shot at with his own merchandise.
00:49:27And he hasn't been paid for it.
00:49:29Why are you here, Tommy?
00:49:33Doctor's orders.
00:49:35My psychiatrist said that I'm addicted to shooter video games.
00:49:40She suggested a dose of healthy reality.
00:49:43So you're here to feel the real.
00:49:49All right. That takes care of the logistics.
00:49:52I'll be back in a minute.
00:49:54I'll be back in a minute.
00:49:55All right. That takes care of the logistics.
00:49:58But I'm not leaving this island until we figure out one thing.
00:50:02Why my men were killed.
00:50:05Somebody talked.
00:50:07If I were you, I would move this base right now.
00:50:10What about you, Sam?
00:50:12Sam just wants to hang a human head in his trophy, Covenant.
00:50:17I don't plan on going home.
00:50:20My present wife, I just call her number five.
00:50:23She's suing me for divorce.
00:50:25And according to that prenuptial bullshit,
00:50:28I was an old fool in love enough to sign.
00:50:30If we split, she gets half of everything I own.
00:50:33Whereas if I get killed, my kids inherit the whole shebang.
00:50:38Hell, I've already survived two heart attacks.
00:50:41I've done pretty much everything there is to do on this old planet.
00:50:44And I've enjoyed the hell out of it, too.
00:50:46No, this here's all there is.
00:50:54I say we stay here for the night. Break camp in the morning.
00:50:57Okay, fine. That's your choice, but I'm taking my men out of here.
00:51:01At least what's left of them.
00:51:05Die in battle.
00:51:08That's a hell of a way to screw a gold digger.
00:51:12What are your reasons?
00:51:23Get your things. We're getting the hell out of here.
00:51:55Oh, we got him. We got him here.
00:51:58Take a look.
00:52:02Cecilia! Arrest him! Let's put the band on him!
00:52:24Come on.
00:52:32Okay, left flank. Move in. Wipe them out.
00:52:46What's up, Cap?
00:52:49Want to see what war looks like? Take a look.
00:52:54Come on.
00:53:15All right, wait here. Don't give away your position.
00:53:18Hey, where are you going?
00:53:23Move it!
00:53:37Stop this shit!
00:53:38Get down! Get down!
00:53:51What do we have here?
00:53:53Run, pig, run!
00:54:14Jesus, we're getting torn to shreds down there.
00:54:39So this is what our money brought us.
00:54:42To play war safely, from a distance.
00:54:47So we're going to just hide?
00:54:50Are you saying what I think you're saying?
00:54:55Let's go kill some bad guys.
00:54:57We start firing, they'll spot our position.
00:55:03I'm not going to let them get away.
00:55:05They'll spot our position.
00:55:08Shoot. Can't bake a cake without breaking some eggs.
00:55:35The grim reaper is next.
00:56:21Come on.
00:56:46Got him.
00:57:02What the fuck happened?
00:57:03Which one of you is responsible for giving away our position?
00:57:05Seemed to me our friends down there needed some help.
00:57:18Where's Vanderbeer?
00:57:19Last time I saw him, he was in the...
00:57:22Looks like I won that bet.
00:57:24It's a bet you will never collect.
00:57:27Shit! Come on, come on! Move it, move it!
00:57:29Follow me!
00:57:48Come on!
00:58:08Everybody behind the tree, take cover!
00:58:18Come on!
00:58:28See this? Stay down, stay down.
00:58:31Where's that chopper coming from?
00:58:34I said, where is that chopper coming from?
00:58:37Cecilia, you've got to snap out of it.
00:58:39That helicopter's coming from a helipad that serves the mines.
00:58:42It's about three kilometres from here.
00:59:12Come on.
00:59:31What do you know about this base?
00:59:35I used to play in these woods when I was a boy.
00:59:38My father served here during the Cold War.
00:59:41What do they mine here, gold?
00:59:48It's a rare earth metal.
00:59:51And you trade metals, don't you?
00:59:56You want to tell us now why you are here?
01:00:00With Colonel Lupo.
01:00:02I need that metal.
01:00:06You bastard.
01:00:07I understand.
01:00:10People died because of your business.
01:00:12We all believed you wanted to help free this island.
01:00:15Maybe it's you.
01:00:16You who betrayed us for fucking money.
01:00:23Your greed has left you with blood on your hands.
01:00:38Come on.
01:00:45Wait here until I get back.
01:01:04It's too exposed up here.
01:01:07We gotta get back to the group.
01:01:18I'm sorry about your brother.
01:01:21I'm sorry about your friends.
01:01:23But there's nothing I can do to bring them back.
01:01:27Just like there's nothing I can do to bring back mine.
01:01:40This is our chance.
01:01:45You think you can pilot that thing?
01:01:49Piece of cake.
01:01:54Let's wait for Craig.
01:01:56It's a trap.
01:01:57I can smell it.
01:01:58We capture it.
01:02:00We wait for them there.
01:02:01You really want to die on this island?
01:02:04Any moment now, that chopper could take off again.
01:02:08What do you say, gentlemen?
01:02:10Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
01:02:12I mean, let's do it.
01:02:14Come on.
01:02:18Let's go.
01:03:08Come on.
01:03:19See how easy it is to trap fools like you?
01:03:22All you need is the right bait.
01:03:25Take them away.
01:03:26Mr. Luke.
01:03:36Those stupid bags of money.
01:03:40Oh, Jesus Christ.
01:04:00What is this place?
01:04:01It was a NATO base during the Cold War.
01:04:03The whole mountain is tunneled out from the inside.
01:04:06Nice tune.
01:04:07I think we'll have to get out of here alive.
01:04:16Hello again.
01:04:18I'm Sam.
01:04:20I'm Luke.
01:04:22I'm Sam.
01:04:23I'm Luke.
01:04:24I'm Sam.
01:04:25I'm Sam.
01:04:26I'm Sam.
01:04:27I'm Sam.
01:04:28Hello again.
01:04:33Your accommodation awaits.
01:04:40Nice here, huh?
01:04:42Private pool.
01:04:44Room service.
01:04:52Touch me again and I'll kill you.
01:04:55Thank God you're here.
01:05:04Hey, Tommy.
01:05:07I don't believe it.
01:05:09Hey, Sam.
01:05:11Hey, buddy.
01:05:12Charlie, we thought you were dead.
01:05:17Of course not.
01:05:22So what happened to you?
01:05:23Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've never been so scared in my whole life.
01:05:29And I go outside to take a piss, and, uh...
01:05:34At that point, all the shells started dropping, and the sound, and the noise, and the smoke.
01:05:38I got completely disoriented, and...
01:05:40I did not know where the fuck I was.
01:05:44So I eventually found my way back, and the tent was destroyed.
01:05:47You guys are gone, and the soldiers came, and...
01:05:50Now here I am.
01:05:53Does anyone have a cell phone?
01:05:56Just don't.
01:05:57Hey, Charlie.
01:05:58You got any of those fancy cigars of yours left?
01:06:03Sure, Sam.
01:06:05Hey, Tommy.
01:06:07What happened to our captain and that girl?
01:06:09Oh, he's...
01:06:20Do you mind if I have one of those?
01:06:22Of course not.
01:06:24Only 50 bucks a smoke.
01:06:28So, uh...
01:06:29How'd he get killed?
01:06:30Tank shell.
01:06:35I think I've still got some of the captain in my head, Charlie.
01:06:51Some trip this turned out to be, huh?
01:06:54Some trip this turned out to be, huh?
01:07:17Open up.
01:07:18Open up!
01:07:19You fucking piece of piss.
01:07:22You sold us out.
01:07:26Yeah, well...
01:07:27Big deal.
01:07:29Get over it.
01:07:32I'm gonna kick your ass.
01:07:49You shouldn't die, old man.
01:07:52Fuck you.
01:07:56You can inform Colonel Lupe...
01:07:59That Captain McKenzie and the girl are dead.
01:08:09Ooh, the Wild Bunch.
01:08:13So, you see, gentlemen...
01:08:15We do know who you really are.
01:08:22Mr. Simm...
01:08:24I always wanted to be a Nemesis character in one of your video games.
01:08:30Why would anyone want to play a tin-pot criminal like you in one of my video games?
01:08:38Because he can get to do shit like this.
01:08:43That's why!
01:08:48Shove it in the leg!
01:08:56Stay dry under here.
01:09:04Think there are any snakes in here?
01:09:05No, just me.
01:09:10I'm sorry for this challenging assignment.
01:09:13I'm all in.
01:09:14Now we get to save the others.
01:09:15What do you mean?
01:09:16What did you think I was gonna do, leave them all here to die?
01:09:29Breathe hard, Sam.
01:09:30Breathe hard, that's it.
01:09:31Well, you wanted to feel the real game, boy.
01:09:35Now you know.
01:09:37It hurts.
01:09:40How does it look?
01:09:41Am I gonna die?
01:09:47But not from this little scratch.
01:09:52No, I'm okay.
01:09:53I'm all right.
01:09:54Hold him down.
01:09:55I'm okay.
01:09:56I'm all right.
01:09:57I'm okay.
01:09:58I'm okay.
01:10:01Saved the best for last.
01:10:04Goddamn shame to waste good cognac on a flesh wound.
01:10:06Wait, wait.
01:10:12Here you go, son.
01:10:13A little hair and I'll go.
01:10:16I got...
01:10:27Yes, yes.
01:10:28It's over?
01:10:30You should put that around your neck.
01:11:05Morning, gentlemen.
01:11:06We're looking well this morning.
01:11:08Come on, come on, line them up.
01:11:10We got business.
01:11:11He's up!
01:11:12He's up!
01:11:21He's up.
01:11:32Good morning, gentlemen.
01:11:34I trust you've got no illusions while you're still alive.
01:11:39Half of your net worth.
01:11:41That's my price for letting each of you go.
01:11:44Once we agree, my new financial consultant
01:11:48will work out the details.
01:11:55And if we don't agree?
01:11:58Then where you're going,
01:12:00you don't get to take anything with you.
01:12:05Bien, Monsieur Tadal.
01:12:07A grim reaper always gets paid, you owe me.
01:12:14What about you, old man?
01:12:17Old enough to know bullshit when I step in it.
01:12:26Would you rather lose your lives than your money?
01:12:31Are you rich bastards really that tight-fisted?
01:12:36Let's see our choice.
01:12:42Kill this liar first.
01:12:47What about me?
01:12:49I might want to buy an extra life.
01:12:52Tommy, we're not in a fucking video game.
01:12:55This man will kill us.
01:12:57Mr. Vandenberg, how much do you calculate Mr. Sin is worth?
01:13:08My daughter.
01:13:11Next time I kill you.
01:13:13Hey, Lupo!
01:13:18I'm sorry.
01:13:21I'm sorry.
01:13:23I'm sorry.
01:13:26Hold your fire!
01:13:28If you want your daughter back, you let these men go.
01:13:37Release the prisoners!
01:14:09Secure the base! I want those bastards killed!
01:14:12Come on!
01:14:14Come here, my darling.
01:14:15You heard him, go!
01:14:30Cecilia, you go! We'll find another way!
01:14:33Get the hell out of here!
01:14:40That bitch tried to kill me!
01:14:42I'm gonna stop her!
01:14:43Don't worry, she'll be fine. After her!
01:14:45Follow me!
01:14:51Come on, hurry up!
01:14:54Come on, we're going this way!
01:14:56Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
01:15:02Hey, where'd they go? Where'd they go?
01:15:04On the right, guys, on the right! Come on, come on!
01:15:06Take this boat back to Colonel Lupo!
01:15:09There is no one here. Raise the boom.
01:15:23Come on.
01:15:38You lose.
01:15:39Hey, Captain.
01:15:41This is my merchandise.
01:15:43Help yourselves.
01:16:04Open fire!
01:16:11Open fire!
01:16:18Shit! We gotta get the hell out of here!
01:16:20If a bullet hits one of those barrels, we're all dead!
01:16:24Give me a push!
01:16:27What are you gonna do?
01:16:28Don't worry, I'm only going along for the ride.
01:16:34Push, goddammit!
01:16:42Push, come on, push!
01:16:52Head out, head out!
01:17:11Find those guys who can get the fuck off this island.
01:17:14In here!
01:17:22Cover me!
01:17:42Come on!
01:18:05Take them out with grenades, okay?
01:18:08What do you mean, no?
01:18:09Toss up explosives. If they ignite, this whole place will blow up.
01:18:12Shit, okay.
01:18:13Look, you take care of that old man. I'll see you're well paid for it.
01:18:29I'll get back.
01:18:34Where's everyone going?
01:18:45Come on, damn it!
01:19:04Remember me?
01:19:08I told you I'd kill you.
01:19:20Hey, Tommy.
01:19:23Looking for somebody?
01:19:53Why'd you kill me, Charlie?
01:19:56Just answer me one thing.
01:19:59Why'd you do it?
01:20:02Nothing personal, Tommy.
01:20:05I had no choice.
01:20:07You see, I knew my hedge fund was gonna crash.
01:20:11I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in jail, so I transferred the rest of my funds here.
01:20:17Thought this would make quite a nice retirement home.
01:20:21My mistake.
01:20:23Fuck, my fucking leg!
01:20:25Hey, hey, hey.
01:20:27Stop messing around, you little chunky.
01:20:31Don't do it.
01:20:35Video boy.
01:20:37Do it.
01:20:39Do it.
01:20:57Fucking banker.
01:21:07I hope you guys are long gone.
01:21:18Bye-bye, number five.
01:21:29Bye-bye, number five.
01:22:09Nice work, frog slugs.
01:22:59The Grim Reaper always gets paid.
01:24:06Come on.
01:24:44Nice work.
01:24:58Sam, how's it going?
