Devour Pt.7

  • 2 days ago
Got close to winning. Also checkout and and and and
00:00The woods are so dark for me.
00:11Hardcore parkour.
00:12He didn't turn around.
00:13Hardcore parkour.
00:28I don't see you.
00:38Just big hill you can run up.
00:41I have gas.
01:11Did you light the fire?
01:29Because remember, it stays lit forever.
01:33There's gas.
01:34There's now five gas.
01:35There's gas over there, yeah.
01:36Six out of ten.
01:38I have the key.
01:46Are you gonna just run and get more gas and put it there?
01:49You can.
01:51I want to.
01:52Go do it.
01:53We have six, we just need four.
01:56Alex, are you talking?
01:58Because I can't hear you.
01:59No, I wasn't talking.
02:01Can you hear me now?
02:04Staying quiet, you weirdo.
02:07Yeah, I was really focusing on looting.
02:10I don't think we can get any more, by the way.
02:13I think we have to open it up now.
02:15All right, we'll open up the gate.
02:19Watch them bust down there.
02:20Check over here for a second.
02:25Open it.
02:30You got an achievement?
02:37Um, hide and seek.
02:38Release skeletons from the cage.
02:41It acts like you've never done that?
02:44Yeah, it gave me the achievement just now for it.
02:46Oh, there's a rose.
02:49One out of twenty-five.
02:51I got roses before.
02:52Three sets, I think.
02:54That's bullshit.
02:57Is there a rose in this for you?
02:59Over there there was, yeah.
03:02The vase?
03:04I saw where you were standing.
03:06No rose for me.
03:09Only one can be beautiful.
03:13Where are you guys?
03:14In the basement.
03:15We went in.
03:16Oh, you went in.
03:18There's a key on the table down here.
03:19Fuck your mom.
03:23That's not...
03:24Basement key.
03:25Seventh gas.
03:27Unfavored seventh fart.
03:32Are you going to run and place it?
03:34You should.
03:35Before opening that.
03:36That releases her, doesn't it?
03:38Oh, no.
03:39No, you have to do the cutscene.
03:40I know.
03:41I forgot.
03:42The interaction.
03:43Wait, wait.
03:48Run, Forrest, run.
03:50I'll just drop this in the path.
03:51We'll see it.
03:52They're going to beat the shit out of you, boy.
04:00Don't use your blacklight.
04:02There's jizz everywhere.
04:05These handrails, jizz.
04:09The eighth gas.
04:14Hey, sexy girl.
04:16Is there gas upstairs?
04:19I don't know, but we have eight now.
04:21I'm asking Alex.
04:22No, there wasn't.
04:26Oh, sorry.
04:27No, it's fine.
04:29I just pictured you as a deaf lady.
04:31I'm just kidding.
04:34You ready to run at her?
04:35You want to go spook her?
04:38Go balls.
04:39Do it.
04:46Hit it.
04:49Oh, that's a med kit.
04:54All right, that's nine.
04:55We just need one more.
05:03Gas, sweet.
05:04You want to drop it off?
05:05I'll take it.
05:11This map might actually run a little bit worse than the other map.
05:16Yeah, which is shocking.
05:18Because there's not really a lot going on.
05:19We only need one gas now.
05:21I have a gas.
05:24We have all the gas we need.
05:25You should deposit it to Dalton or on the way there.
05:30I am running to the back right now.
05:35I feel like that was a very good plan.
05:39I feel like it was the only plan.
05:44We don't have to worry about grabbing gas and just getting...
05:48Office key.
05:54Door opened.
05:56Another key right here.
05:58Door's open.
05:59By this fireplace.
06:00In the living room.
06:03Gas over here.
06:05Right here.
06:06You want me to get the key then?
06:07Dude, my frames are about 24.
06:09Find a steep bedroom.
06:11Like it works.
06:12But I don't want a chance getting lag killed with a key.
06:18Know what I mean?
06:21Where are these goat at?
06:26These goat eyes.
06:28The goaks and...
06:41I hate the crawlers too.
06:45I kind of like the wheelchair ones more.
06:48They make more noise and they're prettier.
06:53And they're easier to see.
06:56Gas and another key over here.
07:01What's the cellar?
07:04There's got to be a goat up here, right?
07:09There's going to be more goats up here.
07:11Oh, there she is.
07:13Get the attic cage key.
07:18Go over and go right.
07:25Hi, honey.
07:28Very pretty.
07:30Yeah, the blouse is really working for her.
07:35There's a cage here.
07:36Should I let him out?
07:37Dalton already did.
07:38Oh, she's mad.
07:41And you're right there, so.
07:45I guess she didn't like you talking about her.
07:49I just saw you somewhere.
07:50Oh, God.
07:53In the other room.
08:00Brother, this may be goodbye for you and me.
08:05I didn't know she was enraged yet.
08:13We don't need more gas, right?
08:15Why didn't you say you got grabbed?
08:18I thought we were still being hunted.
08:21Oh, no, no.
08:24I have been dead.
08:26I'm crawling.
08:28I'm outside.
08:29Oh, she's in the basement.
08:31She's in the base.
08:33Oh, you're a bad team player.
08:36We might get right up here.
08:38Me and Dalton were just chilling in that bedroom, hiding.
08:42Oh, sorry.
08:44Where are you?
08:45I'm running out the front door.
08:48At the master bedroom key.
08:52Oh, I'm on the wrong side.
08:57I'm at the front of the house, apparently.
08:59Oh, shit.
09:00I'm going to run to the back.
09:03Oh, I'm already at the back.
09:06I'm on the front, the entrance.
09:08God damn it.
09:11I heard a go.
09:31You saved her, right?
09:32Or is she still down?
09:34Yeah, I got her.
09:35I got her.
09:36All right.
09:37No one lit the fire.
09:40Uh, no.
09:41I'm going to kill the goat.
09:44I can come down there.
09:45No, I can place the goat.
09:49You can place it and then burn it.
09:52But for quicksies, it should have been on fire.
09:58My bad.
09:59No, it's fine.
10:00Who was that?
10:03I heard her over there.
10:05You heard her feelings, didn't you?
10:10Move, please.
10:14Couldn't even see the goat.
10:16Oh, my God.
10:17Alex, take the hit, please.
10:22I would have dropped my goat.
10:24No, this is better.
10:25This is better.
10:27All right.
10:28We got to grab Daniel.
10:29She's going to need to be rezzed.
10:30All right.
10:31I'm going to look for...
10:32We got a goat in place slash burn.
10:33All right.
10:34Where are you?
10:35I'm in the attic.
10:36I got a med kit.
10:37I'm going to come down.
10:38Oh, shit.
10:39I'm stuck.
10:40You're pathetic.
10:41All right.
10:42Stop crawling.
10:44Oh, my God.
10:45Oh, my God.
10:46Oh, my God.
10:47Oh, my God.
10:48Oh, my God.
10:49Oh, my God.
10:50Oh, my God.
10:51Oh, my God.
10:52Oh, my God.
10:53Oh, my God.
10:54Oh, my God.
10:55Oh, my God.
10:56Oh, my God.
10:58Oh, help.
10:59Oh, don't whine at me.
11:02Your lady was like, oh.
11:03All right.
11:04I'm placing the rat.
11:05All right.
11:06The rat.
11:07The rat goat.
11:08Fuck off.
11:09Did you just laugh, you crazy bitch?
11:13It's because I'm Molly.
11:21I hear her.
11:22She's coming.
11:23I know.
11:24Remember, your UV will slow her.
11:46Edges, man.
11:47They stop me.
11:51I see a friend nearby.
11:55If only we could see goats.
11:59Oh, God.
12:03Was she up here?
12:06She's going to be.
12:09Oh, demon.
12:23Oh, you look beautiful.
12:24You look beautiful.
12:25Slow down.
12:28She got me.
12:29She got me.
12:30I think.
12:31Wait, what?
12:33She got me.
12:41She get you to a rat.
12:43Oh, my God.
12:44Not a rat.
12:45A crawler almost got me because I was stuck on him.
12:49Oh, yeah.
12:50See, I like the wheelchair ones better.
12:53I have a med pack.
12:55I got her.
12:56I don't know how I outran that little bitch.
12:58I was moving like a fucking ninja boy.
13:01Are you good?
13:04I could on the bench there, too.
13:13Rats are easier to find, actually.
13:17There's rooms that we haven't gotten to yet, I don't think.
13:21I'm so lost.
13:24Oh, shit.
13:29And where do you have an office key?
13:31Because downstairs there's an office that needs to be open.
13:33Oh, shit.
13:35You can look at your keys.
13:37Hey, goat.
13:38How's it going?
13:39I think it's K for keyboard.
13:40I haven't found anything.
13:42Here we go.
13:45I'll try and burn it.
13:46That's your phone.
13:54He's downstairs in the basement.
13:59Looking upstairs into the house, sadly.
14:03I'm in the yard.
14:04Should I look?
14:06You might as well.
14:07It's ground floor.
14:09In front of the house.
14:10I don't need to be here.
14:15Are we going to let the other goats go once we find all these?
14:23I don't know.
14:24We have to find the key for it.
14:26If you have the key, yeah.
14:30It's a different cage key, right?
14:38It's a different cage key, right?
14:41For the attic?
14:43The attic cage key.
14:47Fuck this bitch.
14:49Okay, I saw a rose pop up on the bottom of my screen.
14:52I think multiple people can get it.
14:54At least this map stacks.
15:07Oh, God.
15:12All I'm thinking is, baby, come back.
15:14All I'm thinking is, baby, come back.
15:18How's it go, Dalton?
15:19Bring it all on me.
15:22I went the other way.
15:26Oh, God.
15:27Be here with you, bro.
15:28Oh, God.
15:29Oh, he vanished.
15:31Yeah, my light was on.
15:32I think she's coming.
15:33She just pulled a vanishing act right in front of me eyes, brother.
15:36I know.
15:37I'm fucking squirrelly.
15:42That's how it got...
15:43She'll never find us, right?
15:45She is getting close.
15:48She is not happy.
15:55Oh, God.
15:56She's coming for us.
16:04Go away, whore.
16:07Go away.
16:08Yeah, it'd be nice if we can hide.
16:11Like in the cupboards?
16:12I don't think that'll help.
16:14No, I don't think it does.
16:15I think we've tried hiding before when she came in.
16:19Although she left us.
16:22Oh, God.
16:25Oh, and she's probably coming back.
16:30I don't even know which way to go.
16:38I think she's on the left.
16:43Are you moving around, Dalton, or are you hiding?
16:46I'm moving.
16:47Okay, she isn't...
16:48They might be about to get grabbed right now.
16:58All right.
17:07Oh, I made it to my safe!
17:09Oh, I made it to my safe!
17:14I don't know if he got grabbed, because I can hear it.
17:16I got stuck on a chair.
17:20This level...
17:21This map is like...
17:22You walk by a chair, and it, like, catches you.
17:25You know what I mean?
17:26I'm in the yard.
17:27What do you mean?
17:28Oh, I can see...
17:29Alex, do you have a med kit?
17:30Stupid evil demon girl.
17:35Yeah, is there a med kit around?
17:36Do you see?
17:37There should be.
17:38I have it.
17:40I move so fast.
17:43Father's at you.
17:46Oh my god.
17:52This is rough.
17:53Father Cornell.
17:54I don't know why this little house is, like, harder than the asylum.
17:59Yeah, we need to just find the goddamn doors.
18:01We need more goats.
18:02We need the upstairs goats.
18:03We need to find a key.
18:06It would be funny if Alex had the whole time.
18:09I thought about it, but I don't think she would do that.
18:13No, I'm not stupid.
18:17I feel like I keep running into the same rooms I've already been in.
18:21Because it's a house.
18:24You know what I mean?
18:26Office key.
18:27It's a house, so you're going to run into the same...
18:29There's an office on the ground floor that's locked.
18:32Yeah, there's a door here to an office.
18:38Goddamn it.
18:45There's two office areas.
18:48Right here. I'm at it.
18:50You're at what? The office?
18:51The office door.
18:52Yeah, there's two.
18:53Locked office door.
18:54Yeah, there's two.
18:57Because I'm by one, too, right now.
19:00There's one in the hallway by the kitchen.
19:02And then one by the outside area.
19:06I think so, yeah.
19:08Where would the office key be?
19:13It's so flabbergasting.
19:14We spent the least amount of time upstairs.
19:16Probably up in the attic.
19:20Up in the attic?
19:21We went the whole area? Both sides?
19:25I think so. I'll look again, though.
19:34What was that?
19:41That was a spoon.
19:44What was that sound?
19:47That was me hitting the lock on the cage.
19:52I don't like that.
19:55Yeah, I hit the lock, too.
19:59Heard that.
20:02He did, too.
20:05Already here.
20:15A wagon?
20:16The key in here.
20:18Office key!
20:19Where'd you find it?
20:20Found it.
20:22It's in a bathroom behind a door.
20:25It cocked away.
20:27Cocked away?
20:31Cocked away.
20:32Cocked away.
20:34Alright, so I'm gonna go ground floor and open that door.
20:37Yep. Open both, please. If you can.
20:40How do you know of this one?
20:42Okay, the other one? Follow me.
20:46There's a goat there, too.
20:47He's towards that.
20:48I'll follow you.
20:49I thought it was over this way.
20:54Got the goat.
20:56Go burn it. As fast as you can.
20:59Um, sorry if I leave you around a minute.
21:02I fucking hate this house.
21:04I thought it was over this way somewhere.
21:06Back around here?
21:09Holy shit!
21:10This was it.
21:13Get the attic cage key.
21:16I'm gonna grab this medkit real quick.
21:23It's one.
21:24I'm gonna go open the goat thing.
21:27Because that's all we need now.
21:29Hell yeah.
21:34Oh, what the fuck?
21:35Did she grab you?
21:36Yeah, I literally didn't even hear her or see her.
21:43Goats have been released.
21:44She lost her freaking goat.
21:46She got me, too?
21:52Oh, she was running with Alex, I think.
21:57What a little bitch!
21:59Where are you?
22:01She's up.
22:02I got her.
22:03Okay, I'll get my straw.
22:04I brought her to me, and I already had a medkit.
22:12Get some straw and look for some goats, my dudes.
22:16I'm gonna go see if I can get my other goat back.
22:21Remember, there's a lot of demons.
22:24Yeah, there was a shit ton.
22:26There was, like, three that I had to kill.
22:29Oh, my goat's still here.
22:40Remember to light the fire.
22:44Wait, how do I light it while I'm holding a goat?
22:47You have to put it in, and then put the gas.
22:51Oh, I see.
22:52Okay, good.
22:54We don't have the cellar key, or someone should've...
22:57Oh, my god.
22:58Why'd you shut the door?
22:59Now it's locked.
23:00What the fuck?
23:01What the fuck?
23:02It didn't.
23:03Well, the cellar door is shut, and I need the cellar key.
23:07The one we came in.
23:08Give me a second.
23:13Where did my fucking goat go?
23:15Come on, you little cocksucker.
23:29Oh, she got me.
23:41She holds me like I'm her selfie camera.
23:44Oh, somebody didn't light the fire.
23:49You can put your got goat in the thing and then light it.
23:52Oh, okay.
23:53Hey, you see any medkits nearby?
23:56I'm, I can't see anything right now.
24:02Oh yeah, right, wait, is that a gas or med, that's gas, god damn it.
24:08I'm gonna get caught.
24:10I'm about to get caught.
24:11Down, one floor down, I see some, a medkit, I think.
24:17How the fuck do I get to it?
24:24You stupid animal.
24:26Alright, medkit, got it.
24:30I don't know where he went.
24:32Get off!
24:41I watched that.
24:44It wouldn't let me walk.
24:47I turned my light on and I got stuck.
24:52So if you could revive Dani, that'd be great.
24:54I'm outside.
24:55I don't know where she even is.
24:58Oh my god.
25:00What, did you die from crawler?
25:07She's still out here.
25:09Why do you keep crouching?
25:13I'm not, I'm not, I'm holding E, I don't know why it does that.
25:16On my screen it kept resetting.
25:19That was weird.
25:20Alright, I got the, I got the medkit.
25:23You can go get him then.
25:35Come on, you piece of crap goat.
25:41I don't know why it does that.
25:43I know, isn't that weird?
25:44I don't know why it does that.
25:45Did you open up that basement door, Dalton, or no?
25:49Oh, I gotta find you.
25:51Oh my god.
25:52I don't even know where that is.
25:54The literal basement to go outside.
25:57There's a goat up here.
25:58So now I gotta go through.
25:59It was open, I ran through.
26:01Not for me, and it said need basement.
26:04Oh my god, now I gotta run around.
26:06Watch, this is where she'll get me when I have a goat.
26:09There's a goat in the front yard where we hopped the fence to get in.
26:13Oh, I'm right next to you just so you don't drop your goat.
26:17There's three goats by me.
26:20I don't know.
26:23If only we could have multi-goats.
26:34Great, and you're good to go.
26:43My dude just started laughing for some reason.
26:46Because we're cult members, dude.
26:50Let's put more fire on it.
26:56So goats in the front yard, and wherever Alex is.
26:59I got one from the front.
27:06Did she get you, or?
27:11I have a goat.
27:12I'm gonna go burn it.
27:13There's three goats in the hallway.
27:16I got a medkit.
27:17Where are you, Alex?
27:19She's out in the backyard.
27:22I'm outside.
27:26Come to me.
27:30She's right next to me.
27:32Yup, come this way, Dalton.
27:33She's not mad, it's fine.
27:36She's mad.
27:37She's mad, she's mad.
27:39Stop moving.
27:40I think you should run.
27:42You should run.
27:47She ran into the house.
27:48I heard her yelling.
27:49That's what I was thinking.
27:50She ran into the house.
27:51God, I had straw.
27:55Alright, here's some.
27:58Can I save two more?
28:00Yeah, there was like two more goats in the hallway that I was in.
28:05The lightning's actually cool.
28:07It illuminates so much.
28:09There's a crawler after you.
28:12God, Alex.
28:13After me?
28:14Yeah, I was almost gonna hit you.
28:17Alright, just go find a goat.
28:19I'll kill these guys.
28:29What the fuck?
28:30Why isn't she making noises anymore?
28:33Because we burned seven goats.
28:36Okay, yeah.
28:37I didn't even hear her again.
28:39She just came running through a doorway at me.
28:43There's two goats up here, Danny.
28:45Up here in the middle of the thing.
28:52Sadly, I have a goat now.
28:54I can find a medkit.
29:05Yeah, I don't see a medkit.
29:07So we'll have to quickly do this.
29:10I think...
29:12That's freaking gas.
29:15God, she's following me! Get away!
29:28There's two in the basement and one upstairs.
29:31That's all I see.
29:33I only have three medkits.
29:36She got me.
29:38I had a fucking goat.
29:41Because I'm at four frames for some odd reason.
29:48Are you Dalton?
29:50Alex, you said there was med-
29:52Alex, you said there was medkits down here.
29:54You lied.
29:55There's two medkits in the basement.
29:59Unless I'm one...
30:00Ground floor.
30:01Ground floor.
30:02And then there's one in the attic.
30:10God, my frames drop when I'm in the house trying to, like, turn.
30:14I'm at, like, eight frames.
30:18And we lost.
30:21He's mad.
30:22Yeah, I keep getting stuck on stuff and I can barely see.
30:28There's so many freaking crawlers, too.
30:32Okay, there's two crawlers in here.
30:36They're medkit.
30:38There's two- There's one next to me, too.
30:43Got it, I think.
30:44No, you got it.
30:48I might be the last of them.
30:51There's- There's one more.
30:53Um, in the attic.
30:55Get off of me! Burn!
30:58Oh, God.
31:00Why are my frames single digits?
31:02Stop! God damn it!
31:07I like this game, but...
31:08Oh, I'm out of UV. I'm out of UV.
31:09Oh, God. I'm getting hit.