Während der Zeit der Besiedelung des wilden Westens rast eine Lokomotive durch die einsamen Rocky Mountains. Sie ist in geheimer Mission unterwegs zu einem abgelegenen Außenposten der Armee. Doch ihre Passagiere werden - einer nach dem anderen - ermordet. Ihre letzte Hoffnung ist John Deakin (Bronson), ein mysteriöser Strafgefangener auf dem Transport. Er muss um sein Leben - und um das seiner Mitreisenden - kämpfen. Denn als er ein tödliches Geheimnis aufdeckt, löst er damit eine ganze Kette weiterer, schockierender Enthüllungen, atemberaubender Kämpfe und hitziger Feuergefechte aus. Die Spannung in Nevada Pass lässt nie auch nur eine Sekunde nach.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/nevada-pass
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/nevada-pass
00:00To begin with, trust no one, don't, and believe half of what you see.
00:14Because nothing is as it appears and nobody is who they seem to be.
00:20You need what?
00:21Now, from the master of action, suspense and surprises, Charles Bronson in Alistair
00:34MacLean's Break Heart Pass.
00:40All that lies between Fort Humboldt and the nearest town is 400 miles of frozen desolation
00:46connected by a thin lifeline of steel.
00:49And all that lies between the men of Fort Humboldt and death are the people on this
00:58But are the people on this train on a mission of mercy or murder?
01:03Nobody heard anything.
01:04Nobody saw anything.
01:06Nobody knows anything.
01:07The deacon is right, Dr. Mulliner was murdered.
01:10Looks like somebody knocked him out, stuck a thin surgical probe up under his wrist.
01:16I can't find the reverend.
01:19The telegraph line to Myrtle no longer works.
01:22Someone is trying to stop this train.
01:25Oh, my God!
01:28Hey, we're going backwards!
01:32Now, we're going to all be on this train for a while.
01:44We just might find out what happened before we have to get off.
01:48There's a conspiracy on board this train that goes beyond murder.
01:52But who is part of it?
01:55And who is expendable?
01:59The answer waits at Alistair MacLean's Break Heart Pass.
02:30Trust no one.
02:33And believe half of what you see.
02:37Because nothing is as it appears.
02:41And nobody is who they seem to be.
02:44He told us what he's not.
02:47But not what he is.