ऐसे नहीं होगा IVF फेल। Children Astrology - Natural Conception or IVF

  • 2 days ago
यदि आप भी संतान पाने की इच्छा रखते हैं तो Children Astrology पर बनी ये वीडियो आपके लिए सहायक हो सकती है।



#childrenastrology #ivf #childyoga #ivftips #dailymotion
00:00I told him the solution, he did the solution and today he has a female child, who is 4 years old.
00:14Namaskar, today let's talk about children astrology.
00:18That is, the astrologer who keeps in touch with children.
00:21After marriage, what is the most important thing that is left or what happens?
00:25That the bride should have children, that is, the whole family should be square.
00:32But there are a lot of brides who have a problem with having children or are not able to have children.
00:41Before marriage, the horoscope is calculated.
00:43If there is a female fault, then it indicates that there will be a problem in having children.
00:49But the problem is that it is not only the female fault that is the culprit.
00:53If both the five emotions are affected and if there is no strength to produce a child,
01:00that is, if the circumference of the girl and boy is not right, then there is a lot of problem in having a child.
01:09So let's discuss children astrology.
01:13If you want to tell someone or if you want to understand what children astrology is all about,
01:18then this program is very special for you.
01:20See, the prediction of a child is possible from your chart.
01:26We can predict children or a child in a very simple way.
01:31I have a case study and I would like to tell you that there is a husband,
01:38who was not able to have a child even after 10-11 years.
01:41And there were problems in his horoscope.
01:44Because the operation was done a couple of times,
01:47the lady's TB was blocked, the fallopian tubes were blocked,
01:51and he was not able to conceive naturally.
01:54Yes, when we did an astrotomy of him,
01:57when he must have done it with someone,
01:59there was no problem in him at that time.
02:01That is, there was no female fault in it.
02:04So I study a small case and give it to you.
02:07The date of birth of the boy is 27th of October, 1982.
02:12And at 6.45 in the morning.
02:14And he was born in Agra.
02:16And the date of birth of the girl is 18th November, 1985.
02:21And at 12.25 at night.
02:23And he was born near Agra.
02:25There is a village nearby.
02:27When he came to me and his marriage was 10-11 years old,
02:31I looked at his horoscope and said,
02:33Look, if you think that your child will be born naturally,
02:39then I have a lot of doubt in it.
02:41Don't try it naturally.
02:44Try it through IVF.
02:47Because I don't see that strength in your horoscope naturally.
02:51Now how do we calculate this strength?
02:53There are many ways that we calculate.
02:56But the most important way is to see
02:59how much is there in the horoscope along with the 5th house examination.
03:09This is very important.
03:11We evaluate the boy.
03:14And we see that the Sun, Venus and Jupiter
03:18are in the 9th house.
03:28And similarly, we see the 6th aspect of the girl.
03:32And that also shows the fertility potency.
03:35And we see that in the horoscope according to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter.
03:39So when I evaluated that and also evaluated the 5th house,
03:42I felt that the chances are very low.
03:45And as many as 30 years of marriage pass,
03:48but that cannot happen.
03:51So I told him that you should go to IVF.
03:55And IVF Astrology is such that through which I give you IVF dates.
04:01With this, when you go to the doctor,
04:04and he will try to do the entire IVF around those dates,
04:09then you will definitely benefit.
04:11Now they left thinking this.
04:14And they must have tried something, IVF etc.
04:17But they did not succeed in IVF.
04:19So after a year, he came to me again and said that
04:23we tried IVF, but we did not get any result.
04:29So I said that IVF is also governed through Astrology for that matter.
04:33Yes, IVF is governed through Astrology.
04:36And you should have asked me those dates.
04:39I would have been able to tell you those dates,
04:43so that you get positivity in the least resistance.
04:47Now we see the star of the girl in this.
04:52Which day she is conducive to be a recipient.
04:58So I told him some dates, which were possible in the future.
05:04And told him the dates of 2-3 months.
05:07And told him to try this with his doctor.
05:11And you will benefit from it.
05:12I told him all the solutions.
05:13IVF was successful for him.
05:15Yes, IVF was successful for him.
05:18And the predominant reason was that
05:22there was child yoga in his horoscope.
05:25Child yoga was there in that horoscope.
05:28But it was subdued.
05:29That is, there was some shadow on it.
05:31When the shadow is removed from there,
05:33they do not benefit from it.
05:34And when your shadow is removed,
05:37the child's conception also happens.
05:40Now there is a very good table in this.
05:42In which it was being taught that
05:44you cannot have it naturally.
05:46It will happen through the assisted means.
05:49That is, IVF will be possible only through astrology.
05:52Or it will be possible only through astrological dates.
05:54Because child yoga is available in the horoscope.
05:56And child conception will happen through it.
05:58So he came to know the dates.
06:00He told the best possible dates according to the doctor.
06:03And according to me, he told the doctor.
06:05The doctor did the IVF procedure on that date.
06:09And IVF pregnancy happened.
06:11And eventually, because IVF was pregnancy,
06:13it was very delicate for 3-4 months.
06:15I told him the remedy.
06:17He did the remedy.
06:18And today he has a female child.
06:22Which is 4 years old.
06:25So it benefited him very well.
06:29Because he took a whole series of astrological consultations
06:33for child issues.
06:34If you have child issues,
06:36and you take a series of consultations,
06:40We address all your problems one by one.
06:44Normally, people think,
06:46I don't know if it will happen or not.
06:48Let's try IVF.
06:50Let's try IUI.
06:51Yes, there is one more thing in this.
06:53If you want to go for IVF or IUI,
06:56We can tell you this by looking at your astrological charts.
07:01So if you are a couple or you know such couples
07:06who are having problems,
07:08So first of all,
07:10They need a comprehensive reading of children's astrology.
07:14Whether it is possible or not.
07:16Number one.
07:17If it is possible,
07:18Then by what means is it possible?
07:20That is, is it possible by a natural means?
07:22Or they have to go for some assisted means?
07:25We will see this.
07:26And this will be found when the child will be in the yoga horoscope.
07:29And then how will the child conception happen after that?
07:33IVF dates.
07:34We do all these comprehensive evaluations.
07:36So you take advantage of it.
07:39And give them the benefits that come out of this problem.
