DON'T TURN OUT THE LIGHTS is a terrifying horror film that follows a group of friends on a seemingly harmless road trip to a music festival. As darkness falls, their joyous journey takes a sinister turn as they encounter a malevolent force that feeds on fear. The trailer teases chilling moments of suspense, eerie atmospheres, and shocking jump scares. With the lights out, the group must confront their deepest fears and fight for their survival against an unseen evil.
Short filmTranscript
00:05Have planned a weekend filled with sex
00:16It's girl gobster here, and we are in the middle of nowhere
00:23Everybody hold on to something
00:30Okay, no one's gonna die on my birthday. Okay. I'm calling the cops. I lost a single again anyone got a signal
00:38I'm sure that you've heard this before but we might be kind of lost
00:44Michael what the hell is
00:47Stop it who is this stop it?
00:52What do you want
01:00There must be a camera mounted around here somewhere if so, where are you?