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00:00You're not gonna believe this.
00:01I found bunnies in our window well.
00:03Oh my goodness.
00:05And there's one back there too.
00:06I'm gonna go find my dad.
00:07We need to leave.
00:08Guys, guys!
00:09There's bunnies in the window well!
00:12They're in the guest bedroom!
00:13Are you joking?
00:14No, I'm not joking.
00:15They're actually there.
00:17Like stuffed bunnies?
00:18No, look.
00:19Oh my goodness.
00:20Oh, they're so tiny!
00:22They must've fallen down.
00:23They're all little bunnies.
00:24They were probably with their mom or something
00:26and she hopped on there and they fell through the crack.
00:28I wonder how long they've been there.
00:31Hey, who's gonna get them?
00:33Peyton, you're the bunny whisperer.
00:36Go get it, Pey.
00:37Come on, Pey.
00:38There are bunnies under the roof.
00:41What, what?
00:42Oh, it ran so fast.
00:44You okay, buddy?
00:45Oh, oh, oh, oh, dear.
00:46Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
00:49Shut the door, shut the door!
00:51Don't let it go in the vent.
00:53Don't let it go down!
00:55Peyton, shut this door too.
00:58Where's the other one?
00:59We left Peyton alone in there.
01:00Brayden got it, Brayden got it.
01:01I got it.
01:02Oh, Peyton got that one.
01:03You got it?
01:04Yeah, I got it.
01:07Let's see it, let's see.
01:08It is so cute.
01:11Are they okay?
01:12They're just really, really scared.
01:13They were scared at first,
01:14but I think they're calming down.
01:15The bunny likes her already.
01:16See, this is why she's the bunny whisperer.
01:18Paxton, go get the bunny cage ready.
01:21Got it!
01:22Guys, we have a bunny cage because we have bunnies,
01:25but they are staying with some of our friends
01:28because we couldn't take them with us to Puerto Rico.
01:31And now we're back in the States for a little while,
01:34so we have a bunny cage that's just sitting empty.
01:37It's so convenient.
01:42So we have this little red on this bag
01:46to get a little red hair.
01:47Oh, so what are we gonna do?
01:51They are wild bunnies,
01:52so I don't know how long they've been in the window.
01:55There's not really food in there or water.
01:58Maybe we can get them fed a little bit
02:00and make sure they're okay and then release them back.
02:03Maybe give them a little bit of time
02:04to get their strength back and grow a little bit bigger
02:07so they have a better chance to survive.
02:09I wanna go outside and look for the mommy.
02:11She's probably so worried.
02:13Is that what you think?
02:14That is what I think.
02:15I think I'm gonna go look for a big bunny.
02:17Okay, good luck with that.
02:19We just got the cage set up,
02:20so we're about to put the bunnies in.
02:22What are the chances they get out
02:24between these bars and leave raisins all over?
02:26Because that's my main concern here.
02:27Raisin this, doo, doo, doo.
02:29It's raisin time.
02:34Whoa, my goodness.
02:36It was a bunny.
02:36We gotta get some slow motion of that.
02:38That's gonna be so sick.
02:42Guys, you are not gonna believe this.
02:44We just told our friends that we found some bunnies,
02:46and they told us they found bunnies too.
02:48Check this out.
02:49Theirs are way smaller than ours.
02:52I'm thinking that they were probably two days old
02:54when we got them.
02:54So I'm thinking they're five days old.
02:56They were just brand new newborns.
02:59These little guys are so cute.
03:02Five little bunnies.
03:06The day has come.
03:07We're gonna release the bunnies.
03:08We've had them for what, about four weeks now?
03:11Look how much bigger they are.
03:12Yeah, they've gotten way bigger.
03:13They're fast too.
03:14These are not your normal house bunnies.
03:16They are so fast.
03:18They're so cute though.
03:20They are definitely ready to be free bunnies again.
03:24We're going to carry the cage out to the woods.
03:27They've been living in this cage for most of their life
03:30since they're only like six weeks old.
03:32So we're gonna open it up and give them a chance
03:35to go free on their own.
03:36So let's see what happens.
03:44Guys, these are so cute.
03:45I don't know if I wanna let them go.
03:47Guys, I really like bunnies.
03:49They are kind of hard to take care of sometimes.
03:51I'm a little sad to let them go,
03:52but I think that, you know, they're wild bunnies,
03:54so they should go home.
03:55And we have our own bunnies.
03:56We have our own bunnies.
04:04We've brought the bunnies out to the wilderness
04:07and it's time to see if they're ready to be set free.
04:10First, we're gonna put them in the cage
04:11and we're gonna leave the lid open,
04:13see if they try to get out.
04:15Nothing's happening.
04:17They're happy in their little bunny home.
04:20But it's time to be free.
04:22What do you guys think?
04:23Cage bunnies or free bunnies?
04:25They were born free, they should be free.
04:27Come here, little guy.
04:29The test is if he hops back in.
04:34She's not coming out of my hands.
04:36She's like, ooh, it's dirty.
04:38I don't wanna get dirty.
04:39Here, put your hands in the bag.
04:41I'm gonna put my hands in the bag.
04:42It's dirty, I don't wanna get dirty.
04:44They're privileged bunnies.
04:45She's not getting out of my hands.
04:52You had your both hands on.
04:54Here you go.
04:56He's already about to jump out.
04:57He's gonna jump already.
04:59Oh, yep, look, look.
05:01He's touched the ground.
05:02That one's the crazy one.
05:04It's always trying to run away.
05:06Since these ones have been with us for about a month,
05:10I wonder when they get big and older.
05:13Maybe they'll come visit.
05:13I hope they don't get eaten by a bird or a snake.
05:16There he goes.
05:17Oh, there he goes.
05:18Look, look, oh, oh my goodness.
05:21This might be it.
05:23Maybe only this one will visit.
05:25Your brother just ran away.
05:28I wanted them to be together.
05:29That's bittersweet.
05:30It's so cute.
05:32And now it's gone.
05:33We might not ever see him again.
05:34Now I'm sad.
05:35Anybody wanna see if this one will run from your hands?
05:40Let's see what happens.
05:43He wants to stay.
05:44I've fallen in love with these little bunnies.
05:46They're so adorable.
05:48How about we keep this one?
05:48But it is time to let them go.
05:50But this one wants to stay.
05:54All right, let's see what happens.
05:56Is it gonna go back to the cage?
05:57Is it gonna come visit every so often?
05:59It's just like, what do I do?
06:01I can do anything?
06:04Oh, oh.
06:06He's going towards the house.
06:09He's exploring.
06:16He stepped on a door and it was holding its foot up.
06:19Oh, look at its foot.
06:20It's holding it up.
06:22Your foot okay?
06:24I'm gonna check his paw.
06:27Like, what are you doing?
06:29I think it's good.
06:29I don't feel anything.
06:30You should take him by his brother.
06:32Try and get him closer.
06:34I don't wanna jump.
06:35That'll freak him out.
06:37You don't know my version.
06:39Oh, I'm sorry.
06:41I'm so mad at you.
06:42I'm sorry.
06:43Look, his paw, he's still holding it up.
06:45I guess he wanted out of my hands.
06:48He's going.
06:51He's gonna go find his brother.
06:52Bye-bye, bunny.
06:55Well, it looks like we have successfully released
06:57the bunnies back into the wild.
06:59That was a fun adventure.
07:01I love wildlife and it's important to respect wildlife.
07:04Anyway, we'll catch you guys next time.
07:06Thanks for being awesome.
07:08See ya.
07:09Peyton wants him back.
