Negara Berkembang Berkontribusi 40% ke Ekonomi Dunia

  • last month
Kementerian PPN/Bappenas mengungkapkan, negara-negara berkembang atau disebut negara kawasan Selatan atau Global South, memberikan kontribusi hingga 40% ke produk domestik bruto dunia. Padahal negara-negara berkembang, memiliki sumber daya mencakup 2/3 populasi dunia.


00:00Indonesia's Global South
00:05The PPN state, Bapanas, announces that developing countries, or so-called southern regions,
00:11or Global South, contribute up to 40% to the world's domestic products.
00:18Whereas developing countries have resources that cover two-thirds of the world's population.
00:24Bapanas hopes that working with Indonesia and the Global South countries
00:28will provide a real contribution to global development.
00:36The PPN state, Bapanas, announces that developing countries, or so-called southern regions,
00:43or Global South, contribute up to 40% to the world's domestic products.
00:48Whereas developing countries have resources that cover two-thirds of the world's population.
00:53The Indonesian government sees a greater opportunity for cooperation with other developing countries.
00:58According to Bapanas, with the presence of Indonesia's cooperation with the Global South countries,
01:02it will provide a real contribution to global development.
01:06The practice confirms that Indonesia continues to maintain good relations with developing countries.
01:10Cooperation is done through the step of sharing knowledge about the advantages of each country.
01:17Global South contributes up to 40% to the world's domestic products.
01:24Whereas developing countries have resources that cover two-thirds of the world's population.
01:33This means that the Global South is an opportunity for Indonesia to continue to contribute
01:42by cooperating more closely with the southern countries.
01:46Because the potential is not just a challenge,
01:50but the opportunities and potential for the future will be very large,
01:54which can be beneficial for the development of Indonesia in particular,
01:58and also for the development of the world in general.
02:03The Indonesian government also cooperates with other development partners
02:07in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development goals.
02:11Moreover, Indonesia has reached the SDGs target of 69% in 2023.
02:17If viewed globally, the SDGs target has just reached 15%.
