Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 3 Control Factor

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Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 3 Control Factor


00:00I'm sorry.
00:25Excuse me.
00:31Hi, it's Marlo.
00:33I changed my mind.
00:34I can't do this right now.
00:38You're here?
00:40At the club?
00:47I can't meet you.
00:48I have to get back to my daughter.
01:14Where are you?
01:24I'm sorry.
01:55You don't trust me.
01:57It's such a control thing, admit it.
01:59Admit it!
02:00You're reluctant to leave me in charge.
02:03Then why haven't you gone yet?
02:07Why are you trying to get rid of me?
02:08You haven't had a vacation in six years, Cal.
02:10Come on.
02:11But you are trying to miss your flight.
02:13I'm not!
02:14I am not!
02:15I am trying to find the Anderson file!
02:17The Anderson file!
02:18I've got it!
02:20I can take care of it.
02:21Come on.
02:22Stop stalling.
02:23Where are you going?
02:26The cab is outside waiting for you.
02:27Grab your jacket.
02:28Let's go.
02:29You deserve this.
02:30Emily's waiting for you.
02:31Come on.
02:32Don't push me.
02:33Don't push me.
02:34Come on, let's go.
02:35Stop touching me.
02:38Oh, give me your cell phone.
02:39You don't need to check in while you're gone.
02:40It's just going to stress you out.
02:41Come on.
02:42No kicking and screaming?
02:44I have absolute faith in you.
02:47And my staff.
02:49You don't want to go then?
02:52Have a good time.
03:19Are you really working?
03:21We've only been here two days.
03:24You really need to learn how to relax, Dad.
03:26People who can't relax die younger.
03:28I learned that in health class.
03:31Don't worry about me, love.
03:32What are you looking at anyway?
03:35You're spying on the office?
03:38Look, I'm my own boss.
03:40That's a 24-7 job.
03:42Someday, when I'm a stressed-out workaholic, I'll abuse it.
03:45When did you become such a know-it-all?
03:47We had an agreement that if I behaved immaturely,
03:50you would treat me like an adult.
03:51So, as an adult, I'm telling you to relax
03:54and stop it with the creepy snooping.
03:56If you don't, I'll just go pick up boys by the pool.
04:00All right, deal.
04:01Here you go, sir.
04:03Oh, I'll have one of those too, thanks.
04:05Make it a virgin?
04:06Yes, sir.
04:09Dr. Cal Lightman?
04:13My name's Lou Nemiroff.
04:14I'm with the American Embassy.
04:16There's an urgent matter that we need your help with.
04:26An American woman, Marla Seeger,
04:28disappeared two days ago from the Oceana Hotels
04:31just down the beach.
04:33She was last seen at the hotel bar.
04:35This is some local news footage.
04:42This is the bartender who last saw her.
04:44She says that she was drunk, coming on to several men,
04:47and that she eventually left with one of them.
04:53The local police, they aren't doing anything.
04:55They believe that she left voluntarily.
04:58She's a really good mom.
05:00I just want to find her.
05:02Mom, if you're watching this, please come back.
05:09That's her 12-year-old daughter.
05:12Oh, my God, that's so sad.
05:15What's the State Department doing about this?
05:17Their official policy is to leave it in the hands of local authorities.
05:21That's for nothing.
05:23They're doing nothing.
05:25Which makes me wonder why you're here.
05:28Your boss doesn't know about this little field trip of yours, does he?
05:32I can't ignore what's going on in Mexico.
05:34Which is what?
05:35More than 200 Americans have gone missing in the last few years,
05:39mostly collateral damage from the drug cartels.
05:41But unless it's some pretty blonde teenager, nobody even wants to talk about it.
05:46All I need to know is if somebody on this video is trying to hide something.
05:51Yeah, the detective in charge of the case and the bartender.
05:56Dr. Lightman, can you help us find Marla Seager?
06:02Come on.
06:05Some people at the hotel, they said that they saw your mom crying.
06:09Why was she sad?
06:11I don't know.
06:13Everyone's saying she was a bad mother, but she always took good care of me.
06:18Yeah, I bet she did.
06:20You think you can find her?
06:22Oh, absolutely. He's definitely going to find your mom.
06:29I don't know.
06:32I don't know.
06:34I don't know, love.
06:37You ever think that grown-ups are full of crap?
06:42Yeah, lots of times.
06:45Usually it's because we've made a mistake, done something wrong,
06:49but we don't want to talk about it, we don't want to admit it,
06:53which makes us hypocrites.
06:58I think you've got a secret.
07:01And you're too scared to talk about it.
07:20My mom always picks off her boyfriends, so I signed her up for an online dating service.
07:26This is the guy you found for her?
07:28He said he traveled a lot and I told him we were coming here.
07:31What did he say?
07:34He said he'd meet me.
07:36I wasn't aware of this.
07:38J-Rod, 25.
07:40My mom was supposed to have dinner with him last night.
07:44But what if he did something to my mom?
07:48But what if he did something to my mom?
07:55We rushed over here right away. Did we hear right?
07:57Three patients have been affected by tainted blood.
08:00The first patient died this morning in Cottage Hospital.
08:02The second is in critical condition at St. Mary's.
08:05This is Gary Sparr.
08:07The third patient to receive a blood transfusion during surgery.
08:10It should have been a routine operation, but he never woke up.
08:13I need you to seal off that O.R., gather and test everything.
08:17So three different patients at three different hospitals?
08:19It's no longer a coincidence.
08:21We shut down the D.C. Central Blood Bank.
08:24Go help Pat rule out any other possible contaminants.
08:27We're in a real quandary.
08:29We need to protect people, but if there's no blood available for trauma cases and other emergencies, patients may die anyway.
08:36Do you have any idea what's in the blood?
08:38In the worst case scenario, it's a biological or chemical agent.
08:42The F.B.I. has been alerted in case this is bioterrorism.
08:45I know. I'm on my way to the hospital's C.E.O. right now.
08:48What can we do to help?
08:50The people who have access to those blood units all claim no involvement or knowledge.
08:56I need to know who we can trust.
08:59Should we get Lightman back here?
09:01I can take care of this.
09:04Oh, hey.
09:05Hey, what happened?
09:06Well, the tainted blood unit's oil came from an overnight shift at the blood banks.
09:09There were two techs on duty.
09:11I'm taking them down to the Lightman group right now for questioning.
09:14Dr. Cho, I haven't forgotten about you.
09:16As soon as I have a minute, we'll talk.
09:20That little boy has sickle cell anemia.
09:22If he doesn't have a blood transfusion in the next 24 hours, he could have a stroke.
09:27What about getting the blood from an outside area?
09:29There's a real shortage. We're working on it, but it's going to take time.
09:32We don't have.
09:33Oh, Jack, thank God you're here.
09:35Do you know Dr. Foster?
09:37Jillian, what a lovely surprise.
09:40What are you doing here?
09:41The CDC contacted the radar firm to help assist you since Dr. Lightman isn't here.
09:46Where is Cal?
09:48He's on vacation.
09:49And hell didn't freeze over?
09:53Well, now it's a shame he's gone. I was hoping he and I could bury the hatchet.
09:57Is there a problem?
09:58Lightman and I are friendly rivals, so to speak.
10:02It won't be a problem.
10:04Will it?
10:06No. Not at all.
10:13Oh, hey, hey.
10:14The two techs from the blood bank are here.
10:17So tell me, what's the deal with Lightman and Radar?
10:19What, they don't get along or something?
10:21Cal despises him.
10:24Thinks all he cares about is money and publicity.
10:27Well, for once I'm with Lightman on this.
10:29Something tells me not to trust that guy.
10:38You're the detective in charge of the Seeger case, right?
10:41Hi, I'm Emily Lightman. This is Dr. Cal Lightman.
10:45He's a deception expert and he works a lot with the police in the United States.
10:49In the United States, yeah.
10:51This is Mexico.
10:52No, I knew that.
10:54I knew it.
10:55Um, no, I saw some news footage.
10:59And I think that the bartender at Marla Seeger's hotel
11:02is giving false information about her disappearance.
11:05Dr. Lightman, there is no case here.
11:08Okay, we spoke to several of the resort employees.
11:10They said she seemed unstable.
11:12More than likely a drug user.
11:14Based on what?
11:15We found several used needles in her hotel room.
11:17She probably found the fellow drug user left with him
11:20and she will be back when the drugs run out.
11:23I still think you should have another go at the bartender, though.
11:27And I think that you and your daughter should have a very lovely time here.
11:31Okay? Por favor, lleven esta gente afuera.
11:34No, what about the guy that Tyler said your mom was going to meet?
11:39You spoke to Tyler?
11:45There are many people here that will not like the fact
11:48that you have shown interest in this matter.
11:50Do you understand me?
11:51So I'm going to give you one piece of advice.
11:53Stay out of this.
12:00Hasta luego.
12:07Mojito, por favor.
12:09And a margarita?
12:12Coke for the señorita.
12:14Enjoying your vacation, señor?
12:17Well, now I was until that woman turned up.
12:19What's her name again?
12:20What's her name again?
12:22Marla Seager.
12:23I see, yeah.
12:24Hey, you're the guy on the TV, right?
12:27And you saw her that night?
12:29What do you think happened to her?
12:31She was dancing with many different men.
12:34She was looking for a good time.
12:36She left with one of them.
12:37They were sleeping on the beach or getting high.
12:40What did he look like?
12:41The guy she left with.
12:43Don't let this trouble get in your head, señor.
12:45Everything is fine.
12:51You're an awful liar, Miguel.
12:55Now you're terrified.
12:56Why is that?
13:01You work for the police?
13:10Vete a la casa.
13:15I'm so sorry.
13:16We are closed.
13:19I'm so sorry.
13:20We are closing this bar while we restock.
13:25Is there a problem?
13:27If you're here on vacation,
13:29please tell us whatever we can do to make your stay more enjoyable.
13:33If, however, you're here conducting an investigation,
13:36you're not welcome here.
13:44Yeah, Charles, it's me.
13:45I need you down there.
13:48There's a woman's gone missing.
13:51I'll tell you all about it when you get down there.
13:53Just bring something pretty to wear, all right?
13:56So you're going to find her?
13:58You, I will move heaven and earth.
14:03Hey, Edmund just called.
14:04He needs me to fly down to Selea right now.
14:06What, he's on the case?
14:07Yeah, a woman's missing.
14:08Gotta go.
14:10He's on vacation.
14:14Okay, just give me one sec.
14:17So how is it working for Cal?
14:19Been so long, I can't remember.
14:21I work with Cal.
14:22I'm an equity partner, you know.
14:24Good for you.
14:25That means Cal's been working on his control issues.
14:28I meant that as a compliment.
14:29Seriously, he was my mentor.
14:31I have nothing but respect and admiration for the man.
14:34Obviously, he doesn't feel the same about me.
14:37Cal says he taught you just enough to be dangerous.
14:40He's the better scientist, no doubt.
14:42But I'm not going to apologize for having ambition in a better business sense.
14:46If we're going to work together, I have some ground rules.
14:49First, I'm the boss around here.
14:51Second, don't try using me to get back at Cal.
14:55So long as you admit that there's just the tiniest moment happening right now.
15:01Will you admit that?
15:03Hey, Romeo and Juliet, you want to get this show on the road?
15:07People could be dying right now.
15:14You can leave.
15:15Thank you for coming.
15:16Agent Reynolds, could you escort him out and bring Miss Bynes to a more private room?
15:20Sure. Will you come with me, please?
15:23People hiding something never want to draw attention to themselves.
15:26That was awesome.
15:28The old routine's a little rusty, but she still works.
15:31I meant what I said about the ground rules.
15:33And I meant what I said.
15:35Shall we go find out what Miss Bynes is hiding?
15:39Nice work.
15:45It was a regular night at the blood bank. Nothing unusual.
15:49Your boss was about to fire you for being late too often.
15:55You knew.
15:57Was this retaliation?
15:59She's breathing fast. Her foster's getting somewhere.
16:02You have no idea how good she is.
16:04Lightman doesn't know.
16:06He has a hard time seeing the true potential of his employees.
16:13What was that?
16:14A little flash of anger at the infallible Cal Lightman?
16:19You run this entire lab, but I'll bet Lightman's never showed you an ounce of appreciation.
16:25So, you and Lightman, you had a falling out?
16:30What, over a case?
16:31Water under the bridge now.
16:34And I never knew my own worth until I got out from under Lightman's shadow.
16:38Someday you'll do the same.
16:41It's been hard for me. My husband left us. I'm alone with the kids.
16:44Voice pitches higher.
16:46What's that look there? Shame?
16:49I just went through a divorce myself.
16:53I can barely get out of bed.
16:55Can't think straight. I can't do my job.
17:00People are dying.
17:03You feel guilty, but you're going to feel worse if you keep secrets and another person dies.
17:11On my last shift, I didn't run the full testing protocol on the blood.
17:15So you have to test on any blood for different diseases?
17:19I left early. My daughter needed me.
17:22There are so many other safeguards I didn't think.
17:31I think we have our culprit.
17:33No, we don't. Someone else just died after a transfusion at Euclid.
17:37Someone else just died after a transfusion at Euclid Park.
17:41This patient banked his own blood.
17:43The Central Blood Bank isn't responsible.
17:49So you're setting me up on a blind date with a potential murderer?
17:52Yeah, why? It's not your turn? I'll keep an eye on you. You'll be fine.
17:57What are the police doing?
18:02So we're doing this on our own?
18:04You know, you're pulling off a really big case back home.
18:06The CDC brought in a Raider friend to work with us.
18:08Jack Raider?
18:09Yeah, he's at the office working with Foster. Why? What's the problem?
18:13Not sure. Not sure. Get in.
18:16We're in a suit of tights.
18:20My daughter said she bumped into you.
18:22Who are you with? You with the hotel?
18:29Drug cartel.
18:35Who's that guy?
18:37He's with the police or a drug cartel.
18:47Don't go anywhere.
19:00All right, Miguel.
19:04Let's go.
19:09How did you find me here?
19:11I bribed a waitress at the hotel.
19:15It's the wrong part of town to visit.
19:17So you think I should call the cops then?
19:21Oh, you're scared of being seen with me by the police, are you?
19:25Risas estúpidas.
19:27Eso fue un sí.
19:29Dinos la verdad sobre Marla Seager y nos iremos.
19:35The police told us to say the American lady was looking for a good time.
19:39But it was her own fault.
19:43It solely depends on tourists.
19:45If something bad happens, you all disappear, the town dies.
19:48If the lady from Miami disappeared, you're told not to talk to anyone about it.
19:54What lady from Miami?
19:59Do you want me to call the cops or...?
20:01She came here four months ago.
20:03She was found dead.
20:05The police kept it out of the news.
20:08We should get out of here.
20:10I'm going to tell the cab we're ready to go.
20:24Did you really see Marla Seager at the bar?
20:28I saw her with one man.
20:30I'm not sure if she left with him or not.
20:33It was this guy.
20:38Yeah, that's him.
20:42I'm going home.
20:44The cab's gone.
20:48The cab, it's gone.
20:53Ah, you're over.
20:54I'll give $200 to the person who gives us a ride back to our hotel.
21:10Where's your car?
21:25We're lucky they didn't kill us and dump our bodies in a ditch.
21:28No, it wasn't luck.
21:30The driver was happy to make some honest money for a change.
21:33You read that?
21:37Speaking of big and flashy, I need you to find out what Raider's up to.
21:42You want me to spy for you?
21:44No, I don't want you to spy for me.
21:46I just want you to poke about a bit.
21:48I'll do my own spying.
21:50All right, well, just my opinion, but I think it might be a little overkill.
21:52Your opinion?
21:54I don't need your opinion.
21:56I didn't ask for it.
21:58Just do it, all right?
22:10Wait here.
22:16Oi! Oi, that's my daughter!
22:19That's my daughter!
22:21That's my daughter!
22:23You're having a conversation with my teenage daughter!
22:26He started talking to me!
22:31All right, okay, I'm leaving.
22:33Dad, that was the guy that Tyler's been emailing.
22:37No, it wasn't. You shouldn't have been talking to him, Emily. Bloody hell.
22:40You never said I shouldn't talk to him.
22:42Well, what am I supposed to do? Tell you not to do every potentially life-threatening thing?
22:46No, I figured if I kept him talking...
22:47She's the last thing I need, Emily.
22:49I've got a con man back in my office!
22:52And I've got you behaving like Nancy bloody Drew!
22:57I was just trying to help.
23:02Where are you going?
23:48I'm Lola.
23:50Jerry Conway.
23:57You're a very confident woman, Lola.
23:59I mean that in the most flattering way.
24:02Well, then color me flattered.
24:07So how long you been a masseuse?
24:11Oh, just a couple of years.
24:27No, seriously.
24:28Last guy I dated was a complete nut job.
24:30Oh, I've been there.
24:35You tell me about your last psycho, I'll tell you about mine.
24:38Least interesting story does a body shot.
24:41You're on.
24:44I met this weird chick, Marla, couple nights ago.
24:48Yes, the hospitals trade blood with each other, but Euclid Park is not at fault.
24:52I've been here ten years, Jaeger's been here nine.
24:55We've never had a problem.
24:56But we're not the source of the tainted blood.
25:00How can you be sure?
25:02I mean, I can't imagine how.
25:05There's been no change in procedure.
25:09There's been no change in procedure.
25:35Dr. Foster, here's the blue file that you needed.
25:39Sorry for the delay.
25:41The blue file?
25:48Do you know what this is, Mr. Dunst?
25:51This is a file all about you.
25:54It's not about me.
25:56It's about you.
25:58It's not about me.
26:00It's about you.
26:01This is a file all about you.
26:04Background check, interviews with co-workers, family, friends.
26:08My team compiled it.
26:10You know, we can scour this to discover what you're hiding.
26:14But why don't you save us the time?
26:18The new driver in the lab is a felon.
26:22He told Yeager he left the conviction off his job application,
26:25and I should have reported it.
26:27But maybe you should talk to him.
26:36I'm sorry.
26:38I'm sorry.
26:40I'm sorry.
26:42I'm sorry.
26:44I'm sorry.
26:47I'm sorry.
27:03He's married.
27:04Goes online to meet women while he's on business trips.
27:07He's a schmuck, but he had nothing to do with Mom's disappearance.
27:10Are you sure?
27:12They met, she left after like a minute.
27:14He says that she was crying and talking to some couple in the lobby.
27:17He seems truthful.
27:20I can't believe you told a man like Roleplaying and Dirty Remix.
27:24Don't knock it till you try, dear.
27:29Hang on.
27:33You following me?
27:37You have a lovely friend.
27:41A daughter.
27:42Is that a threat?
27:43Because you really shouldn't be confusing on that.
27:47Not at all. Don't delight me.
27:58You send someone to follow me and they threaten my daughter.
28:02I didn't hire him. Some people here do.
28:04Yeah, well, so do the drug cartels.
28:07I warned you not to get involved.
28:09All right, four months ago another woman went missing.
28:12Just like Marla Seager.
28:14Now this one turned up dead.
28:18Okay, listen, I insist that you stop interfering, okay?
28:21All right, the night Marla Seager disappeared she met a man named Jerry Conway.
28:25Then she met a couple outside the bar. Did you know that?
28:28There is no case here.
28:31Now if you'll excuse me, I have a young woman who killed her own mother.
28:48I think you should talk to this boy.
28:50He's using his anger to hide something.
28:52She's protecting him, sir.
28:54Just talk to the boy. All right?
29:07How many of your people have been involved in this cover-up?
29:10There is no cover-up.
29:12Yeah, there is. You may not be a part of it, but you know one exists, don't you?
29:22A couple of men Marla Seager said that she seemed unstable.
29:26You talked to them?
29:29Well, who are they?
29:31Dan and Stacy Felder.
29:33But it's a dead end.
29:35You know, there is a case here.
29:37Actually, there's two, but you already knew that, didn't you?
29:47You're lucky you survived this accident.
29:49Why did you fail to mention your criminal history on your application?
29:53I was 19 when I stole that car.
29:55If I say I'm a felon, who's going to hire me?
29:58They should have done a background check.
30:01You've been in healthcare for a while.
30:03Do you enjoy it?
30:05It's very rewarding.
30:11I missed my calling.
30:13I should have been a paramedic.
30:15I mean, the accent, the glory.
30:17I mean, this.
30:20That's real life and death stuff.
30:22It's not too late.
30:24Yeah, I'm too old.
30:26I don't know how we get to where we're going.
30:28Are we even aware of our choices?
30:31What, are they just chatting?
30:33We're just getting a baseline right now.
30:35You know, let me ask you something.
30:38Was your aha moment when you stole that car?
30:43I don't understand the question.
30:45You stole that car and got into an accident with a 23-year-old kid.
30:50The police found you cradling his mangled body.
30:54I mean, did you get into healthcare because you realized you could be around blood and guts and death all the time?
31:00That you wouldn't have to cause an accident to get sexually stimulated?
31:06Uh-oh. Sicko alert.
31:11Pupil's dilated. He's aroused.
31:14I'm talking about blood and guts.
31:16How did they suss that out?
31:18What did you put in the blood at Euclid Park Hospital?
31:24You want people to suffer and die at your hand.
31:26I swear it had nothing to do with the tainted blood.
31:29I never did anything at Euclid Park.
31:38Speech pattern's back to baseline.
31:40He's probably telling the truth.
31:43So we're back to square one. Again.
31:51Why are you being so hard on yourself?
31:53People are dying and I can't stop thinking about that little boy with sickle cell and I have nothing for the CDC.
31:58You know, if Cal were here, he would have solved this by now. I should have just made him come back.
32:02Hey, we can do this. Okay?
32:05Excuse me, you can't go in there.
32:09Mackenzie, how did you get in here?
32:11I'm the reporter who talked your way into Attica once, remember?
32:14I look, scheduled surgeries are being canceled all over D.C. with no explanation.
32:18Something's going on at the CDC.
32:20And when a little bird told me you were partnering with the Lightman Group, my reporter antenna went off.
32:26Mackenzie, darling, you have uncanny timing. Let me fill you in.
32:31Can we do it on camera?
32:57Oh, yeah, thank you very much. I'll tell him right away. Thanks.
33:02So, a woman named Ramona Posner came here alone from Miami about four months ago.
33:07Ten days after she disappeared, she was found dead in an alley downtown.
33:11State department and local police ruled it an accident.
33:15Well, a cynic might call it a pattern.
33:17Yeah. Oh, by the way, Rader seems to be making quite an impression at the office.
33:22As you know.
33:23According to Looker, Posner seems a bit gaga over him.
33:28Oh, my God.
33:30Is that jealousy?
33:36Where are you going?
33:39I left my hat out by the pool. Don't worry, I won't do anything childish.
33:45Why don't you take your extraordinary powers of observation down to the pool and use them to keep an eye on Emily?
34:03Marla came up to us in the lobby.
34:05She said, I hope you experience the great joy I feel when I see you.
34:10Marla came up to us in the lobby.
34:12She said, I hope you experience the great joy I have.
34:15And then she left.
34:16It was bizarre.
34:18You work with the police, right?
34:20I mean, didn't they tell you this already?
34:22Yeah, but I wanted to hear this from you, too.
34:25Mrs. Felder, do you have any idea why she would approach you like that?
34:33Not sure.
34:35We're going to be late for the airport.
34:38No, hold on.
34:45You know, you're never going to get that through customs.
34:48Why not?
34:49Because I'm going to call them, I'm going to tell them you've got a suspicious package.
34:53That's the kind of pain in the ass I can be if I don't get the treat.
35:01Look, it was just a hunch.
35:04There's a fertility treatment center here that matches egg donors with couples.
35:08We're from Canada, and it's illegal to purchase eggs there.
35:12The donors stay anonymous, but they can choose who they want to donate to.
35:18These are our frozen embryos.
35:20So you thought that Marla Seager was your egg donor?
35:23Yeah, for a moment.
35:24But then we realized that it couldn't be her.
35:26She was nothing like the person the broker described to us.
35:37Did you find my mom?
35:39No, love.
35:41Not yet.
35:47Oh, that's lovely.
35:48Welcome to the age where they need you but think they're smarter than you.
35:51Well, she always was.
35:56All right, I've got one for you.
35:59Marla Seager was your egg donor.
36:02Marla Seager was a waitress in a diner, right?
36:07And Ramona Posner was a teacher's aide.
36:14How do two women like that afford fabulous trips to Zulia?
36:21Well, Marla Seager came here as an egg donor.
36:27She was giving herself hormone injections.
36:30Right, and the needles at the cops' phone.
36:32Hence the mood swings.
36:38Hi, can I help you?
36:40Cal Lightman.
36:41Yeah, he's here.
36:43Just the man I wanted to see.
36:45We need to call in some of those embassy resources.
36:48Can't. Someone from the police department called my boss. I've been reassigned.
36:57And threatened.
37:00And threatened.
37:05Our egg donors have high IQs and from stable backgrounds.
37:09They don't have drug, alcohol, or mental health problems.
37:12And many of them are star athletes.
37:14How specific can we be in how the donors look?
37:16Oh, we have a couple here.
37:18They're seeking someone at least 5'9", blonde, blue-eyed, athletic, in an Ivy League school.
37:22We found a match yesterday.
37:24It's only 50,000.
37:26In the States, it would be double that.
37:28We're in here.
37:30How'd you harvest the eggs, then?
37:33Our reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Alvarez.
37:37He's responsible for everything.
37:41How much do you pay the donors?
37:43The fee is generous. Plus, they get a free trip to Zulia.
37:47But no one does it for the money.
37:49They just want to help the right couples have a child.
37:52That's wonderful.
37:55Can I, um, we actually are looking for a donor with blue eyes and light brown hair.
38:00About 5'6".
38:08I think I can arrange that.
38:11Thought you might say that.
38:13Dr. Alvarez, these are the guards.
38:16Pleased to meet you.
38:19May I have a mini with you, please?
38:21Can it wait?
38:25No, no, we're going to shove off anyway.
38:27We've got a lot to think about.
38:29Yes, I mean, it's a big decision.
38:33I've got a question for you, Dr. Alvarez.
38:35Um, we've been told that my wife's infertility is due to an estrogen imbalance caused by the Coriolis effect.
38:43Is that possible?
38:45That could very well be true.
38:48You see, when I described Marla, flared nostrils, quick breath.
38:51Yeah, he's in this.
38:52Yeah, there's no way all those donors fit the criteria he described.
38:55No, wait. See, they don't have to.
38:57They find donors like Marla Seager are desperate for money.
39:01And since the donors remain anonymous, Wynn can give the buyers any description he wants.
39:06It's a con.
39:07Yeah, absolutely, it's a con.
39:11Isn't the Coriolis effect something about the Earth's rotation or something?
39:14Yeah, exactly.
39:15Alvarez agreed with your theory.
39:17Yeah, that's because Alvarez is no doctor. He's a fake.
39:23I'm in charge of blood orders here, and Yeager coordinates traits with the other hospitals in D.C.
39:28So, why did I have to re-interview these two guys?
39:33Because we've got nothing else.
39:36Well, he's exhibiting extreme control. I guess he could still be hiding something.
39:43Now, voice pitch is steady. Dunst isn't lying.
39:46But why does Yeager keep looking behind him? And why is he anxious?
39:51What'd I miss?
39:53What happened to the reporter?
39:55I took care of her.
39:56Well, that could mean so many things.
39:59So the story won't be on the news?
40:02Well, that's what you wanted, isn't it?
40:04Do cow brainwash you into thinking I'm some kind of media whore without scruples?
40:10Come on, guys, tell me you got something, because the talk screens are all negative so far.
40:14And the CDC is getting all kinds of calls from reporters.
40:18I can charm one reporter, I can't control the entire fourth estate.
40:29Something's different.
40:31Oh, I had to change the battery. So we took a little break.
40:35But they're both more relaxed now, and Yeager's not looking behind him.
40:42Go back to before the break.
40:48He was looking at that.
40:53They got rid of it.
40:55Why didn't they want us to see it?
41:10Dr. Foster, what can we do for you?
41:13We need to take a look at one, huh?
41:16How often do you keep blood?
41:18Every six weeks or so I have a rare blood type. What are you looking for?
41:22Found it. That's sensitive equipment.
41:24What's it for?
41:26Processing patient fluid samples.
41:28Could you be any more vague?
41:33It's positive for narcotics.
41:36So you've been running a drug lab down here.
41:47Hello, how are you?
41:50Where's Malaciga?
41:53I don't know who that is.
41:55Not true.
41:57You're the couple from the office today, no?
41:59Yeah, your partner Wynn sold you out. Made a deal with the police.
42:02He said the scam was your idea.
42:06He never said that.
42:08Dr. Alvarez is responsible for everything.
42:12That's a lie.
42:13No, I can assure you it's perfectly true. What happened to her?
42:19She was one of our egg donors.
42:22She wasn't doing well on the hormone treatments.
42:25She wanted to get the procedure over with, but then she called to change her mind.
42:29Wynn brought her in anyway. This is all his doing.
42:32What happened to Mom?
42:36I started the egg extraction.
42:38I started the egg extraction, but then there were complications and I punctured something.
42:45She started to bleed.
42:47Where is she?
42:51Wynn has an apartment.
42:53She's dying.
43:05One more day we would have lost her.
43:09Listen, how did you know that I wasn't part of the copper?
43:12When I accused you, you showed genuine anger, no guilt.
43:21Listen, about that man you sent to threaten my daughter.
43:25That wasn't me. That was my boss.
43:31Are you sure this man was part of the cartels?
43:34If I was you, I'd keep him away from the evidence locker.
43:40But I am my boss, too.
43:48Mater and Foster busted a drug lab. He's saying she's brilliant and has the...
43:52All right, keep it to yourself.
43:55Lou from the embassy asked me to stay...
43:57Lou from the embassy? That's nice.
43:59Yeah. He asked me to stick around for a couple of extra days. I said, yeah, is that all right?
44:03And there I was, thinking we were happily married.
44:07The two techs were making designer fentanyl in the hospital lab.
44:10And they were using the blood as a means of transport.
44:13Yeah, liquid fentanyl was injected into the blood bags,
44:16which would then be delivered to all the heroin processing centers in the city.
44:20A lab within a lab. Pretty ingenious.
44:23Problem is the new guy, Tompkins, picked up the wrong bags one day.
44:26And the fentanyl never triggered any alarms on the patient talk screen,
44:30because it's a common anesthetic used for surgery.
44:34Sorry I'm late.
44:36They filled you in?
44:38Well, I guess we'll reopen the central blood bank
44:41and track down all the units that left Euclid Park Hospital.
44:45Thanks to you all.
44:51By the way, you should both know that I taped an interview with Mackenzie Dodd about the case.
44:55It should be airing about now.
44:59How could you do that?
45:01I mean, the CDC hasn't had their press conference.
45:04Oh, I forgot. You love the spotlight.
45:07I promised an exclusive Dubai Us time.
45:10This was all about getting back at Cal and the Lighting Group, wasn't it?
45:13Jillian, you know me too well.
45:21It was fun.
45:23Bye, Jack.
45:34Here's my card.
45:36In case you plan on making a life change.
45:44Thanks, man.
45:46Well, it's been a very tense time, but the threat has been eliminated.
45:50Now, Dr. Cho credits you with helping a little boy with sickle cell anemia.
45:55I knew he would slip in there.
46:00Could I just say that I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Jillian Foster,
46:03who really cracked this case.
46:05This potential health disaster wouldn't have been averted if not for her.
46:41So, you're saying that you can just treat me like a child whenever you want?
46:46No, I'm not. I'm saying that, on occasion,
46:50it's my right, as a parent, to be suspicious and overprotective.
46:54Okay. Then, on occasion, I reserve the right to throw tantrums and spend all your money.
47:05Now, if you're done forcing me to work, can I have my holiday back, please?
47:12How do you learn to live longer?
47:16Well, there's meditation and yoga, but for you, I'd definitely say you need both.
47:23Yoga's that thing you do on a lounge chair with a matai on your hand, right?
47:27Yeah. Yeah, it is.
47:39Don't hate me too much, because I'm full of admiration.
47:41Give it to me.
47:44So, who sent the flowers, then? Because you know I'm the jealous type.
47:48Welcome home, Cal. Rumour has it you never even left town,
47:51but that can't be true, because you look like a different man.
47:54I feel like a different man.
47:56You know, a vacation's a wonderful thing. Six days of nothing.
48:00I heard you were working on a case.
48:02Well, it barely qualifies as a case.
48:05I feel so relaxed that I don't even care that Rayleigh was here.
48:11The tourist told you.
48:13Well, why wouldn't she?
48:16So, he sent you the flowers, did he?
48:23Have you checked them for aphids?
48:27Not that I care, but did he see any of my research?
48:32I kept him out of your library.
48:34Oh. And is everyone still in?
48:37He didn't poach anyone.
48:39And did he break into the office supply closet?
48:42He definitely didn't do that, except one thing.
48:45The sprinkler system was acting up a little bit.
48:48That's odd.
48:51What exactly happened between you and Rayleigh?
48:55I'll tell you, but you'd think I was lying.
49:01Loca, my card. Just in case you're thinking about getting a life change.
49:09For your friends, too.