• last year
How Many Giant Balloons Stops An Arrow_


00:00We have 15 giant balloons, all in a massive lot line-up!
00:05Pairing! Line-up! We've got sharp stuff, we've got heavy stuff, potential for some pop in here!
00:10Now today's a competition. Whoever pops the most wins.
00:14Lottery system, you never know what you're gonna get. I'm up first, and I've got a...
00:24Don't snooze on the sharpie.
00:25It does have edges.
00:27Stanford, that ping-pong ball you pulled, if you can throw that from there into this cup,
00:32double points.
00:32Double points!
00:33We'll do that for every round.
00:37No double points!
00:38You ready, Gonson?
00:39I'm ready.
00:42Holy heck!
00:46Pen is great!
00:48How many?
00:51Four, five, six!
00:54Freaking big!
00:55I told you the pen would be good!
01:05Can we just add my six to the scoreboard? Thanks, Editor Jack.
01:08Gonson's up!
01:09What have we got?
01:11Give me some!
01:13The football!
01:14You may not know what this is!
01:16They probably don't know what it is!
01:18It's an Australian football, the greatest sport in the world.
01:26Can you go on the nori?
01:27The snap!
01:30The snap!
01:31Heron's going to do a mid-air jump with the Phantom.
01:42Add me up, add me up!
01:43It's over here.
01:44Oh, add me up over here.
01:46Would you jump well-timed?
01:48Don't know, we'll find out.
01:49Great technique, good heart.
01:52I think I'm off the ground.
01:56Where's Heron?
02:04Well done!
02:06Timed it!
02:07It did have a go.
02:09Good smooch.
02:11Derek's up with a...
02:16That's cute!
02:16There is our beloved Rexy.
02:19He's got some teeth, he's got stitches, he's got claws.
02:22Diaper tape.
02:25Rexy is so amazing.
02:27He's even on our merch.
02:28This is him chilling on the couch.
02:35Stamford's groins are a little tender after that move,
02:38so we'll see what that looks like in the slowie.
02:40You guys watch the spread, I'll get two more balloons.
02:53Two big balls from you.
03:03And I get a...
03:10It's the cheapest one there is, I think,
03:12but this is what we call a whipper snipper,
03:14which I think everyone else calls a line trimmer.
03:16I like weed whack.
03:17Weed whack is not bad, but whipper snipper is still good.
03:19It's also what men do when they don't want to have any more children.
03:27It's taped on.
03:28This feels very loose.
03:30Here we go.
03:40This bit busted off.
03:42You're kidding!
03:42And that got me two.
03:48What are the odds it finishes?
03:50He's in Rexy.
03:51That's whipper snipper.
03:52Brad's at 10.
03:54We're on two.
03:54Oh dear.
03:55Do I need two, Hoddy?
03:56Be something good!
04:01That is good!
04:02That's a chunky hammer too.
04:04Look at the claw!
04:06Pump them up good, boys!
04:10What the heck?
04:15Gone wide!
04:39It won't come back at me like it did with the glass.
04:44Got me leg!
04:47Here we go.
04:53Just a cheeky little plus one at the end.
04:55On the bounce and just bang!
05:04Oh, banana peel.
05:10Safety glasses on because I'm getting one here.
05:12Please be a doughy.
05:13For Donkey Kong!
05:15Come on!
05:18How do you get one with a banana peel?
05:40Scissors for two times points!
05:44How many do you reckon you're getting, Gornson?
05:46I don't know, but this is about the closest I'll get to being a pop star.
05:53You're on fire today.
05:54Every word that's coming out of your mouth is a winner.
05:56Pop goes the weasel.
06:00Oh, he did what Heron did!
06:02He went up and right!
06:03They ended up over there!
06:08What do you reckon?
06:09I'm obviously super disappointed.
06:11Yeah, that's an understatement.
06:15Dust boot!
06:26That was a face that was happy, but also sad.
06:41Gracilis, adductor magnus, adductor longus.
06:44Which one do you reckon is sore?
06:53Pull my finger.
06:57He pulled my finger!
06:58For knifey spoony!
07:04That's a goodie!
07:05That's a goodie!
07:07Something good.
07:08Come on.
07:08No, something bad.
07:13Bombs away.
07:15This lure has caught one fish, but it was a beauty.
07:18I'm going to actually show you the moment I caught it.
07:21Almost pulled me into the ocean, Heron.
07:35Awesome, awesome fish!
07:36I'm going to get him back in the water.
07:38There he is in there.
07:40Goranson has rigged up the lure in reverse.
07:43So that's going first.
07:45That's so smart from me.
07:46Now, you may be wondering, where the heck do you get balloons like this from?
07:50Well, we have a guy in China, and that's actually the contest this week.
07:54Guess his first name.
07:56If you're the first one to guess his name.
07:59This could be really good or real bad.
08:04Oh, wow, wow, wow!
08:08He's left one in here.
08:10That was sensational!
08:13Six, seven, eight.
08:15What a catch!
08:17A handful of screws!
08:22That's good.
08:24Handful of screws.
08:25Plenty of the best.
08:26Collectively, they're quite weighty.
08:28Don't screw up.
08:33Oh, oh, no!
08:37They're still going!
08:40Is he at 10?
08:47Oh, no!
08:50Remember when Stanford was winning?
08:52I mean, the more I think about it, the more I think, yeah.
08:55Because one screw pops and the rest get a free journey.
09:01Oh, it's the all-in golf!
09:03Balloon's going to be launched in the air.
09:05We all hit.
09:06Whoever pops it gets not one.
09:09Not two.
09:10But five!
09:12We did a similar thing to this in the last balloon video with the Vortex.
09:16Very cool.
09:16Check this out.
09:20Michael's rigged up a monster balloon and we've rolled out the carpet here, boys.
09:24This is like, beautiful to hit off, too, this stuff.
09:26For five points!
09:33I went high!
09:35How have we all missed that?
09:41That's a goodson win for sure!
09:56Please be bow.
09:59What is that?
10:0230 seconds to make your weapon.
10:06What's he gonna do?
10:13You're done!
10:15It feels like a crab skull.
10:16It looks like leftovers.
10:19Oh, blimmin' A!
10:25He somehow plucked two with an alfoil UFO!
10:37It's massive, eh?
10:38I told Michael, I'm like...
10:41What does he think I'm pushing out?
10:42Did you do this as a kid?
10:44The old spitball?
10:45Yeah, you would.
10:46You're a ratbag, weren't you?
10:50You're gonna really need to work some saliva into that bad boy.
10:53She's dry, hey?
10:59I got it out!
11:02That was so bad!
11:03Did you see it come out?
11:04It actually got a little bit of gusto.
11:05I heard it.
11:063,000 frames a second.
11:09Are you giving it everything?
11:10You gotta give yourself credit.
11:12It's so puffed.
11:14Oh, wow!
11:16Did it even cause a ripple?
11:18Can I do it?
11:23Punch the GoPro, just so the viewers can get a feel.
11:26Do you feel that?
11:28Remember my mum's jello punch that came out at all the events?
11:31I think it was fantastic.
11:33Derek, if you don't pop this balloon, you have to make us the punch this week.
11:37Got a deal.
11:38And if you do pop it, I don't have to do anything though.
11:40Not in my brain anyway.
11:41I'll get mum to make it.
11:43I wonder what's going to happen.
11:51You don't mess with Heron.
11:52That's a mighty punch.
11:53Well done.
12:03So what we have left is knitting needles, bow and arrow, and the socks of whoever picks.
12:10The fact there's a one in three chance of a bow, but you could get socks.
12:15What is it?
12:17The face gave it away.
12:18It's not a bow.
12:20Knitting needles.
12:23For the nanas and the grandpas who knit too, because that's allowed.
12:28Could be good, could be bad.
12:32It was bad.
12:33All right, Gaunton and Heron are going to put their hands in and pick the final two.
12:38You happy with yours?
12:39I don't know.
12:40I have a ball.
12:41I have a ball.
12:45Come on, Heron, put the socks.
12:48Do an insult to injury.
12:51Gaunton, just to rub it in even more.
12:56Let's be honest, everyone just wants to see.
12:58Derek throw his socks.
13:01Look at these things.
13:02Heron's one behind me, so he gets last if he doesn't get one.
13:05Oh, really?
13:06Heron, is that a snake?
13:07So what, one gets you-
13:08They stink.
13:08We've been filming for eight hours.
13:10For last place.
13:16Nice arm guards, sweetheart.
13:18Look at this thing, folks.
13:19We were too cheap to buy a $20 arm guard, so that's what you got.
13:23Got a merch bag instead.
13:25Had to come right to the back of the grandstand to try and get all the balloons in frame.
13:30Now, you've already won the whole comp, so this is just a glorious shot.
13:33That's right.
13:34I feel like it's right too.
13:36Stuff you.
13:38We've measured it out.
13:39It's about 60 meters from this balloon here to the very end of the last balloon.
13:45So it's a fair effort for the recurve bow, 40 pounder.
13:48You couldn't put this in more inexperienced hands.
13:53Scott has shot six arrows in his life.
13:56I mean, first video, you dry fired.
13:59Apparently, that's really not on, so-
14:00Yeah, no, we won't dry fire it again.
14:02I'm just saying.
14:03You know, now we're experts.
14:04We don't dry fire.
14:04Come on, who does that?
14:06All right, is everyone ready?
14:07Jeez, the palms definitely got sweaty there.
14:10Even mine on the GoPro is looking sweaty.
14:12Gornson, just have fun, mate.
14:14I know, I've got to just kind of enjoy the moment.
14:16Yeah, if you don't get 15, it's okay.
14:18Hey, don't hate me, YouTube.
14:20Come on, Gornson.
14:22Board's up.
14:23Here we go.
14:28Oh, it's just gone to the right.
14:44How do we feel about that?
14:45I mean, it was good.
14:47It was good, not great.
14:48How many did it pop?
14:50You got eight.
14:50Yeah, sorry, boys.
14:55Seven horses remain.
14:57So, we found five more balloons.
15:00Now, that takes us to 12, and we were like,
15:03we may as well have another crack at it.
15:05I'm not going to do it.
15:08Got him, Heron.
15:09It'll be a Heron.
15:10It's in very good hands, I reckon.
15:13Turn it up.
15:13This is big, Heron.
15:14Just set your own record.
15:15Can we do 12?
15:16And look, if you don't do it...
15:19At least I'm wearing a cool glove.
15:2212 balloons.
15:23Can you get all of them?
15:24Three, two, one.
15:29Oh, I missed one.
15:3111, but not 12.
15:40I think that was a pretty good shot.
15:42So, was this the 12?
15:43That's the 11.
15:45So, it missed the 11, collected the 12?
15:47So, it skipped under it?
15:49I mean, how?
15:51It must have hit literally that tiny gap.
16:02Hey, Jack.
16:02You were doing a massive pan with the Phantom.
16:05How'd you go?
16:08It's maybe 70%.
16:10I'll take a 7 out of 10.
16:12Before we get to Jack's 7 out of 10,
16:14I want to say a big thank you to ROC Arena again.
16:17Massive legends for letting us do this.
16:1944 Club, thanks for sticking with us to the very end of the video.
16:23Hey, if you're a new visitor to this How Ridiculous YouTube channel,
16:28Do it.
16:28Lots of good stuff coming.
16:30Actually, some of the craziest things we've ever done
16:32coming in the next few weeks.
16:34You don't want to miss it.
16:35Can I just flex?
16:36Yeah, flash it.
16:38Cool, cool, cool.
16:39Let's watch that slowly.
16:40Cheers, guys.
