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►ACTIVE Inspiration chrétienne, vidéo de motivation, encouragement chrétien, vidéo de motivation
Discours de motivation, vidéo d'inspiration, motivation chrétienne, inspiration de Jésus, inspiration de Dieu, conférencier de motivation, conférencier d'inspiration, animation chrétienneLA CLOCHE DE NOTIFICATION !


00:00Hello everyone. In this video we will see the 7 signs that show that someone in your life is a demon.
00:16The Bible tells us in John 6, verses 70 to 71, Jesus said,
00:20And one of you is a demon. He spoke of Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, for it was he who had to deliver him, him, one of the twelve.
00:34This led us to understand that among us there are people who are demons in flesh, and not humans.
00:41Watch this video until the end to find out more about how it works in these cases.
00:47You are with me, you are under my spell. You are chained. There is no way out for you.
00:55You cannot get the desired results. No matter how hard you try.
01:02Come with me, or I will torture you. No way out, no success for you.
01:17Jesus. What kind of dream is it again?
01:22In every word, the murmurs of the demon pierce my soul, freezing me to the deepest.
01:29His tongue weaves a web of fear, trapping me in a prison of terror.
01:34I tremble at the sound of his voice, haunted by his menacing promises that resonate strongly in my mind.
01:42What does this mean?
01:44I must find a solution before the demons completely destroy my life.
01:49Who knows if a loved one is at the origin of all these terrible signs and dreams?
01:54Let me go out and find my way.
02:00At this stage, I think I must take my spiritual life seriously.
02:05I must start going to church.
02:08Maybe I should go see the pastor of the church where I was going before.
02:13Look at me. I have lost weight because of this oppression that I live.
02:19My God, please help me.
02:25My sister. How are you?
02:29It's been a while. You stopped coming to church.
02:34I hope everything is fine.
02:38Pastor. Things are not going well.
02:43I have terrible dreams day and night.
02:46Even when I'm sitting, demons appear and threaten me.
02:51They say all kinds of things.
02:54All these things started when I started making friends.
02:59Maybe I chose a demonic person in my circle of friends.
03:05This is why you must show discernment.
03:09And let God guide you.
03:12Do not live life carnally.
03:15But then, I will tell you the 7 signs that will help you know if someone in your circle is a demon.
03:21Let me tell you this.
03:24Demons are often represented in a dramatic and terrifying way in popular culture,
03:29but in reality, their presence can be much more insidious and subtle.
03:34Recognize the signs indicating that a person in your life may be under demonic influence
03:39or even be a disguised and crucial demon to protect your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.
03:46Here are 7 signs to watch out for.
03:49One of the most visible signs of a demonic presence is the constant negative energy that seems to accompany a particular person.
04:02The Bible tells us about the fruits of the Spirit of God in Galatians 5 verse 22.
04:06But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, blessing, fidelity.
04:16The fruits of the evil spirit are the opposite of this.
04:20This omnipresent negativity can infiltrate into all aspects of your life, eroding your feeling of well-being and peace.
04:28Here are some specific manifestations to watch out for.
04:321. Chronic conflict spirit.
04:35This person is always at the center of disputes, disagreements or dramas, causing upheavals in your life and your relationships.
04:43It seems that wherever they go, discord ensues.
04:47They can trigger fights or turn minor problems into major conflicts, leaving behind a chain of broken relationships and unresolved tensions.
04:56Their presence transforms harmonious environments into battlefields, creating a toxic atmosphere that suffocates joy and peace.
05:042. Emotional drain your energy.
05:08Spending time with them leaves you exhausted, anxious or depressed, rather than comforted or supported.
05:14It's as if they were siphoning your positive energy and replacing it with their own negativity.
05:20You may notice that after interacting with them, you feel inexplicably tired or emotionally exhausted, needing hours, even days, to recover.
05:32This emotional drain can affect your productivity, your mental health and your overall quality of life.
05:393. Create a fear atmosphere.
05:42They can arouse a feeling of fear or discomfort in you and in others around them, making you feel constantly nervous.
05:50This fear is not always manifest.
05:53It can be a feeling of subtle and rampant terror that impregnates your interactions with them.
05:59You may notice that people become tense or anxious when this person enters the room, and there is a palpable change in the atmosphere.
06:08This omnipresent feeling of fear can lead to an increased state of vigilance, in which you always expect the next conflict or negative event.
06:18Wow! These points you mentioned were seen by me!
06:23Beyond these primary signs, there are other subtle but significant indicators of a demonic presence that can help you identify and understand the negative energy more deeply.
06:35They always seem to focus on the negative aspects of any situation, rarely or never expressing their joy, their gratitude or their positivity.
06:46Galatians 5 verse 22 puts the fruit of the mind, it is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, benignity, fidelity.
06:57The fruits of the evil mind are the opposite of this.
07:00Their conversations are often filled with complaints, criticism and pessimism, creating a dark cloud that overflows with each interaction.
07:09This constant negativity can begin to affect your own vision, leading you into a cycle of despair.
07:16The Bible says in Ephesians 4 verse 29 that they do not come out of your mouth any bad words, but, if there are, some good words, which serve edification and communicate a grace to those who hear it.
07:30Judaean verse 16 These are people who murmur, who complain about their fate, who walk according to their convoitises, who have in their mouths authentic words, who admire people for reasons of interest.
07:42They can use manipulation tactics to control or influence others, often playing the role of victim to gain sympathy or control.
07:52This manipulation can be subtle, like passive-aggressive comments or guilt, or more obvious, like emotional blackmail.
08:02Over time, their manipulative behavior can erode your confidence in yourself and your sense of autonomy, making you feel trapped in a toxic relationship.
08:13They could try to isolate you from your friends and family, thus taking over your network of support and making you more dependent on them.
08:21This isolation can be progressive, the person subtly discouraging your relationships with others or forbidding you to see certain people.
08:30As your ties with others weaken, your feeling of isolation and vulnerability increases, making you more vulnerable to their negative influence.
08:40The Voice
09:11Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who can help counterbalance negative energy.
09:18Share your experiences with brothers in the Lord and do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary.
09:24A Thessalonian 5 verse 11
09:27Why do you exhort each other and edify each other as you actually do?
09:34A strong network of support can provide the emotional resilience you need to resist negative influences.
09:42Participate in activities that elevate and energize you, prayer and meditation of the Word of God.
09:49Acts 2 verse 42
09:51They persevered in the teaching of the apostles, in fraternal communion, in the fraction of bread, and in prayers.
09:59Oh my God!
10:062. A manipulative and controlling behavior
10:10Demons thrive through control and manipulation.
10:14If someone in your life presents an excessively controlling behavior, it could be a warning signal indicating a deeper and more malicious influence.
10:24This type of behavior is designed to erode your autonomy and make you dependent on them.
10:29Here are the main signs to watch out for.
10:32One of the main tactics of a manipulative individual is to isolate yourself from your friends and family.
10:39In doing so, they weaken your network of support, making you more dependent on them and less likely to ask for help or advice from others.
10:48They could subtly discourage you from spending time with others, suggesting that these relationships are harmful or less important.
10:56They can blame you for wanting to see your friends or family, or create conflicts that make it difficult to maintain these ties.
11:04In more extreme cases, they can directly forbid you from seeing certain people or attending social events.
11:12They could monitor your communications, intercept messages or physically prevent you from going out to meet other people.
11:20This direct isolation is often accompanied by justifications according to which they do so for your own good or your safety.
11:28Gaslighting is a particularly insidious form of manipulation in which the person lies or distorts the truth several times,
11:36making you question your reality and your mental health.
11:40They constantly lie about events, conversations or their behavior, even when you have clear evidence of the opposite.
11:48They can deny things they have said or done, confusing you and making you doubt your memory.
11:55They distort the facts or the present out of context to make you feel responsible for their actions or to present themselves as a victim.
12:03Over time, this can erode your confidence and your sense of reality, making you more and more dependent on their version of the truth.
12:12They often reject the fault on you, making you feel guilty and responsible for the problems they have caused.
12:19This unbalances you and forces you to constantly apologize, even if you have not done anything wrong.
12:27What world?
12:29A manipulative person seeks to dominate all aspects of your life, from your decisions to your emotions.
12:36They use various tactics to maintain control, often mixing guilt, intimidation and coercion to keep you under their influence.
12:46They can use guilt as a weapon, making you feel bad because of your actions or your decisions that go against their wishes.
12:55They could claim that you are selfish or ungrateful, or let them hear that their misfortune is your fault.
13:01As is the case with Judas in the Bible.
13:03John 12, verses 4 to 6.
13:05One of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, the one who had to deliver him, says,
13:115. Why did not we sell this perfume 300 deniers? To give them to the poor?
13:166. He said this, not that he took pity on the poor, but because he was a thief, and that, holding the stock exchange, he took what was given to him.
13:26John 6, verses 70 to 71.
13:28Jesus answered them, Is it not I who have chosen you, you twelve? And one of you is a demon.
13:35He was talking about Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, because it was he who had to deliver him, him, one of the twelve.
13:43They can use threats, aggressive behavior or verbal violence to intimidate you and force you to conform.
13:51This can create a climate of fear in which you are too afraid to oppose or affirm your own needs and desires.
13:58They can force you to do things with which you are not comfortable, using subtle pressures or manifest demands.
14:07This can involve anything, from making financial decisions to participating in activities that go against your morality or your preferences.
14:23If you recognize these signs in someone in your life, it is crucial to take measures to protect yourself and regain your autonomy.
14:31Define and clearly respect personal limits.
14:35Let the person know what behaviors are unacceptable and stay firm in your limits.
14:41Contact trusted friends, family members or an advisor to obtain support and advice.
14:48A strong network of support can help you see the situation more clearly and provide you with emotional support.
14:56Learn more about manipulative behaviors and tactics in order to be able to recognize them and counteract them effectively.
15:03Knowledge is power, and understanding these tactics can help you keep your feet on the ground.
15:10Give priority to your mental and emotional well-being through personal care practices.
15:16Participate in activities that strengthen your confidence in yourself and your self-esteem.
15:23If the manipulation is serious, consider asking the help of a servant of God who can help you in effective solutions and help you manage the situation safely.
15:41A person influenced by a demon or a demon in flesh often shows a deep lack of empathy or compassion for others.
15:48This lack of fundamental human decency is a strong indicator of an evil presence.
15:54Here are the key behaviors to monitor.
15:571. One of the most revealing signs of a lack of empathy and indifference towards the suffering of others.
16:04This can manifest in various ways.
16:08They remain emotionally insensitive to the difficulties of others, showing neither concern nor interest in their pain.
16:15When someone shares their difficulties or their pain, this person can react with a disdainful attitude, which implies that the problems of others are insignificant or unimportant to him.
16:27Instead of offering their support or their sympathy, they could make fun of those who suffer, make jokes or disobliging comments.
16:36Matthew 27 verses 41 to 43 The main sacrificers, with the scribes and the ancients, also made fun of him and said,
16:44He saved others, and he cannot save himself.
16:48If the kings of Israel, let them come down from the cross, and we will believe in him.
16:53He confided in God, may God deliver him now, if he loves him.
16:59Because he said, I am the Son of God, their disdainful attitude can exacerbate the pain of those who already suffer, adding insult to injury.
17:08Cruelty is the mark of an individual influenced by demons.
17:12They can take pleasure in the misfortune of others or do all they can to cause harm.
17:18They take pleasure in seeing others in distress, suffering or failure.
17:24This sadistic tendency can be obvious in their reaction to the difficulties of others,
17:28where they can smile, laugh or express their satisfaction in the face of the suffering of someone else.
17:34They can adopt behaviors specifically designed to hurt or sabotage others.
17:40This can involve spreading malicious rumors, sabotaging someone's efforts or starting conflicts to create chaos and misery.
17:49They use intimidation tactics to control and dominate others, taking advantage of the fear and discomfort they cause.
17:57This behavior of intimidation can manifest in various forms, from verbal violence to physical threats.
18:05God, please, save me from a terrible family and friends.
18:144. Charismatic but deceitful nature
18:18One of the most insidious signs of a demonic presence in a person's life is his charismatic but deceitful nature.
18:25These individuals often use their charm as a weapon, attracting people only to manipulate and exploit them later.
18:33Here is a more in-depth look at how this manifests itself.
18:38A person influenced by demonic forces often seems extremely charming and friendly at first glance.
18:45This charm is carefully cultivated to gain confidence and banish all suspicion.
18:50They have a seductive charm that makes them the center of attention.
18:55Their presence is captivating and they seem to know exactly what to say so that others feel special and valued.
19:02They have the sense of words, often expressing themselves with eloquence and assurance, which can be fascinating.
19:09This skill helps them to easily gain new knowledge and quickly gain their trust.
19:16Their kindness and generosity are often superficial, intended to create a favorable impression rather than a real compassion.
19:25They can make great gestures or acts of kindness that seem impressive but are ultimately selfish.
19:41These individuals often lead a double life, presenting a facade to the world while hiding their true nature and intentions.
19:49In public, they are often considered respectable, friendly and trustworthy.
19:56However, in private, their true nature can be manipulative, deceitful and harmful.
20:03They make great efforts to hide their true activities and intentions, often lying about their travels, their actions or their associations.
20:12This secret behavior can include maintaining separate social circles or participating in activities that contradict their public personality.
20:21Often, their actions do not correspond to their words.
20:25They can preach integrity and honesty while behind the scenes adopting a deceitful or contrary behavior to ethics.
20:32This incoherence can eventually lead to their unmasking, but in the meantime, it arouses considerable confusion and mistrust.
20:42Deceptive individuals influenced by demonic forces are often skillful liars, able to invent stories and manipulate situations with ease.
20:51They can build elaborate lies, difficult to distinguish from the truth.
20:57John 8 verse 44 says, You have the devil for a father, and you want to fulfill your father's desires.
21:05He was murdered from the beginning, and he does not hold on to the truth, because there is no truth in him.
21:12When he preaches the lie, he speaks from his own background, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.
21:19Their stories are detailed, plausible and told with confidence, which makes it difficult for others to doubt.
21:26They can use gaslighting techniques to make others question their reality and doubt their own perception.
21:34This can involve denying past events, distorting facts or insisting that others are wrong or reacting excessively.
21:43They know how to manipulate their emotions to achieve their goals.
21:48This can include playing the role of victim to gain sympathy, to use guilt to control others or to provoke anger and fear to destabilize situations and turn them to their advantage.
22:01Acts 14 verse 19 Then overcame Antioch and Icon of the Jews who won the crowd, and who, after having cut their shoulders, dragged him out of the city, thinking he was dead.
22:18One of the most disturbing signs of a demonic influence in a person's life is his tendency to arouse division and conflicts.
22:26This person thrives by creating chaos and discord, creating divisions between friends, family and colleagues.
22:33Here is how this behavior manifests itself.
22:37A key tactic of an individual who divides is to spread rants and slanders, in order to mount people against each other.
22:45They are often at the origin of unverified and harmful rumors, secret murmurs and lies that sow distrust.
22:52This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between those who are also close.
22:57They indulge in meditation, thus tarnishing the reputation of others behind their backs.
23:03By underlining the flaws and errors of others, exaggerating them or often fabricating them, they create a toxic atmosphere of suspicion and animosity.
23:13They distort the facts and events to adapt them to their story, describing others in a negative light while positioning themselves as trustworthy.
23:22This selective narration further deepens the divisions as people begin to take part on the basis of distorted information.
23:30To manipulate others and control the story, these individuals often play the role of victims, arousing sympathy to turn others against the perceived attackers.
23:41They present themselves as innocent and easygoing, even when it is they who cause the problems, as we see it in Act 19.
23:5026 And you see and hear that, not only in Ephesus, but in almost all of Asia, this pole has persuaded and misled a crowd of people, saying that the gods made by men are not gods.
24:02The danger that results from this is not only that our industry falls into discredit, it is also that the temple of the great goddess Diane is held for nothing, and even that the majesty of the one who is revered in all of Asia and in the whole world is reduced to nothing.
24:17These words having filled them with anger, they began to shout, Great is the Diane of the Ephesians.
24:24The whole city was in confusion.
24:26They all rushed together to the theater, training with them Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, companions of Paul's voyage.
24:35This tactic is designed to arouse sympathy and support from others, who may not see the situation as a whole.
24:43By highlighting their alleged suffering, they manipulate others so that they take their side, often creating a mentality of us against them.
24:52This strategy of division then divides the groups as people gather to defend the victim against what they perceive as attackers.
25:01Jesus is Lord. I cannot believe that people can be so manipulative.
25:08One of the most alarming signs of a demonic influence in a person's life is his fascination with nature for darkness and evil.
25:22This interest can manifest in various ways, indicating a deeper and more sinister influence at play.
25:29Here is how to recognize this behavior.
25:33A person influenced by demonic forces can show an intense interest in the themes of death, violence and destruction.
25:42They are attracted to morbid subjects, constantly searching and consuming media staging death, violence or horror.
25:50This can include books, films, music or even works of art that glorify these themes.
25:57They can frequently speak or mention subjects related to death and violence in conversations, often inappropriately or disturbingly.
26:06Over time, they seem more and more insensitive to suffering and brutality, showing little or no empathy for victims of violence or tragedy.
26:16Luke 22. Verse 47 As he was still speaking, a crowd arrived, and one of the twelve, named Judah, walked before her.
26:27He approached Jesus to kiss him. And Jesus said to him, Judah, it is by a kiss that you deliver the Son of Man.
26:36The involvement in dark spiritual practices is another significant indicator of the demonic influence.
26:43These practices can lead to deeper, more harmful and destructive spiritual entanglements.
26:50They can lead to occult practices such as witchcraft, seances or divination.
26:56These activities often involve the invocation of supernatural powers or entities that are not aligned with light and goodness.
27:04Participation in rituals or casting spells to manipulate the results or people is a serious signal of alarm.
27:11These practices can open the door to demonic influences.
27:16They can be involved in societies or secret groups that promote or practice dark spirituality,
27:22immersing themselves more in environments that cultivate negative energies.
27:27Yes. Yes. I remember that all these things happened.
27:34An aversion to everything that touches goodness, love or Christianity is a sign and signifier of a demonic presence.
27:42This rejection of light can manifest itself through various hostile or disdainful attitudes.
27:48They can openly mock or deride beliefs, practices and religious symbols associated with light and goodness.
27:56This could include mocking prayer, rejecting the concept of divine love or ridiculing acts of faith.
28:03They react negatively to positive influences such as inspiring music, inspiring messages or acts of kindness.
28:11Their hostility can manifest itself in the form of anger, sarcasm or pure and simple aggression.
28:19Participation or exposure to spiritual practices that promote light and love, such as meditation,
28:25worship or community service, can cause strong negative reactions on their part.
28:31In some cases, the influence of demonic forces can lead to clear physical and spiritual manifestations.
28:38These signs are often the most alarming and can be undeniable proof of a sinister presence.
28:46Their loved ones can also know of health problems or unexplained accidents, apparently triggered by their presence or influence.
28:54These diseases or injuries often resist medical treatment and can only be improved through spiritual intervention or prayers.
29:02An omnipresent feeling of oppression or spiritual heaviness is another common indicator.
29:08This can affect not only the individual, but also his entourage.
29:13You could feel an inexplicable feeling of terror, heaviness or discomfort in their presence, as if a dark cloud hovered above you.
29:22Frequent nightmares or disturbing dreams can occur after interacting with them, often presenting themes of fear, darkness or malice.
29:32Their presence can disturb the peace and harmony of a house or an environment,
29:37filling the space with a negative, tangible energy that is difficult to get rid of.
29:43If you notice these signs in someone in your life, it is essential to take measures to protect yourself and ask for appropriate help.
29:51Stay away from them and devote yourself to prayer and meditation of the Word of God.
29:56Consult a man of God or a brother in the Lord, who can help you effectively.
30:03Hebrews 13 says, Exhort one another every day, as long as one can say, today,
30:09that none of you be hardened by the seduction of sin.
30:14If you recognize these signs in someone in your life, it is essential to take measures to protect yourself and seek spiritual advice.
30:23Strengthen your spiritual defenses by regular prayer and meditation.
30:28Establish firm boundaries with the individual to protect your emotional and spiritual health.
30:34Stay connected to a community of faith and support that can help you stay anchored and protected.
30:40Maintenant je me sens mieux et ma délivrance est sûre.
31:11Ils sont malhonnêtes, égoïstes, et ne cherchent que leurs intérêts.
31:16Ils ont le cœur rempli de convoitises de toutes sortes.
31:20Si les églises d'aujourd'hui sont remplies d'égoïsme et de méchanceté, c'est parce que ces églises sont remplies de démons.
31:27Dans les assemblées des vrais enfants de Dieu, c'est l'amour qui règne, le partage, la communion fraternelle etc.
31:36Aujourd'hui, vous rencontrez des gens suffisamment riches et des gens suffisamment pauvres dans la même église.
31:43Nul n'est prêt à partager avec l'autre.
31:46Les pasteurs et les dirigeants eux-mêmes cumulent, cumulent, cumulent encore, au point de devenir excessivement riches,
31:53et ils se glorifient de leurs richesses, ils sont fiers des biens matériels qui les entourent, et du luxe insolent dans lequel ils vivent.
32:01Ils se mettent à l'aise, mettent leurs enfants à l'aise, et mettent leur famille à l'aise.
32:06Pendant ce temps, certains des fidèles sont pauvres, parfois pauvres à l'excès.
32:12Tous ne cherchent que leurs propres intérêts.
32:15Ils passent leur temps à soupçonner le mal, si vous êtes vigilant, vous reconnaîtrez ces gens plus facilement par ce critère.
32:22Ils sont toujours en train de soupçonner le mal.
32:26Parfois ils vous accusent du mal, avant de se rendre compte après qu'ils se sont trompés.
32:31Et généralement, ils trouvent le mal partout, même là où il n'y en a pas du tout.
32:37Ils se réjouissent de l'injustice, ils sont généralement très contents quand il nous arrive quelques malheurs, très mécontents quand il nous arrive le bonheur.
32:46Ils sont frustrés quand ils voient les frères réussir.
32:50Ils se réjouissent quand ils nous voient embarrassés.
32:53Voilà pourquoi, chaque fois que nous enseignons la vérité, ils sont là, et font l'effort de suivre attentivement les enseignements, non pas pour être édifiés, mais pour chercher dans l'enseignement quelques points avec lesquels ils vont nous contredire et nous embarrasser si possible.
33:09C'est ce qu'ils faisaient derrière Jésus.
33:12Pendant que les gens suivaient Jésus chaque jour pour être édifiés et délivrés, ils suivaient aussi Jésus chaque jour, pour lui tendre des pièges, pour lui poser quelques questions afin de l'embarrasser.
33:23Ils ont le cœur rempli de jalousie, incapables de se réjouir quand les frères réussissent.
33:29Ils sont mécontents quand les frères sont bénis.
33:32Ils suivent les traces de leur frère Cain.
33:35Quand ils apprennent qu'un frère est tombé dans un péché quelconque, ils célèbrent, ils sont tellement contents.
