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►ACTIVE Inspiration chrétienne, vidéo de motivation, encouragement chrétien, vidéo de motivation
Discours de motivation, vidéo d'inspiration, motivation chrétienne, inspiration de Jésus, inspiration de Dieu, conférencier de motivation, conférencier d'inspiration, animation chrétienneLA CLOCHE DE NOTIFICATION !
00:00Hello my incredible viewers and subscribers, I welcome you again in Christian animation.
00:15Thank you very much for your continuous support, may God bless you and exhaust all the desires
00:20of your heart in the name of Jesus, Amen.
00:23In this episode, we will examine 8 dreams that indicate the progress of witchcraft activities
00:28in your life, and we will also pray against witchcraft attacks.
00:32Please make sure to watch until the end and also subscribe to this channel.
00:38Dreams are accompanied by warnings, instructions, advice or messages and each
00:43dream aims to alert us and encourage us to take immediate measures.
00:47Witchcraft and the use of demonic weapons to cause harm to others, this is the practice
00:53of witchcraft, rebellion.
00:56It is also a way for the devil to carry out perverse activities in life, cities and
01:00people's destinies.
01:01They operate in families, churches, schools, the government, the entertainment
01:08industries and try everywhere to intimidate, control and manipulate people.
01:12The first dream that indicates witchcraft activities in your life is when you have
01:25What a dream, I just had a nightmare, someone almost suffocated me and strangled me in
01:43the dream.
01:44When someone has a nightmare, it means that the person has been visited at night by a
02:00bad spirit and that when he wakes up, he will be afraid.
02:03You wake up from this dream with a sad, disorganized or unstable air.
02:07We know that fear does not come from God, from Timothy 7 because it is not a spirit
02:13of shyness that God has given us, but a spirit of strength, love and wisdom.
02:17When you have strange attacks, when you see people you know or trust
02:24strangling you and suffocating you, it is a clear sign of witchcraft activity in your
02:29These bad spirits can take the appearance of someone you love and trust to break
02:34the trust and separate you from that person.
02:36If you often find yourself eating in your dreams, it is a clear sign of witchcraft activity
02:48in your life.
02:49Sometimes, you might think that the food you eat in your dreams is just ordinary
02:54food, but spiritually, this is not the case.
02:57These are actually demonic objects that the kingdom of darkness uses to feed and
03:02pollute your mind.
03:04These meals act as magnets and alliances between you and the forces of darkness.
03:08If you often eat meat or anything that contains blood, it is a clear sign that
03:14the witches feed you with soiled food and conclude an alliance with you.
03:18When you wake up after such a dream, it is important to start your day by fasting
03:23and praying, so that the spirit of God cancels everything you have eaten.
03:26The third dream is to see cats in your dream and bites of dogs.
03:42Cats and dogs are known to be pets or sometimes called
03:47the best friends of man, but in the world of dreams, this is not the case.
03:50If you see a cat in your dream, it is a sign of witchcraft activity in your
03:57If a dog attacks you and bites you in the dream, it indicates witchcraft attacks
04:01and this type of witchcraft attack often comes from those who are not far from you
04:04or those you trust.
04:06The word of God says that the enemies of a man are those of his own house, it could
04:11also mean that the attack of witchcraft comes from inside or from someone in his
04:16Please, do not be too negligent about your dreams, do not say that it is
04:21just a dream.
04:22Take your dreams seriously and always pray about them, if they are bad.
04:27Do not wait for them to manifest before reminding you that you saw it in a dream,
04:32the reason why God revealed it to you is so that you pray and cancel the bad ones,
04:36and also pray for the manifestation of good dreams.
04:39Pastor, can you tell me more about the other dangerous dreams?
04:43Thank you very much.
04:45The fourth dream that indicates the sign of witchcraft activity around you is the one
04:54where you see yourself trapped.
04:55You could be stuck in the woods, in a building, in prison or in a school.
05:00No matter where, as long as you are trapped, you see yourself in prison or locked in
05:06a cage.
05:07This symbolizes witchcraft activities in your life, it indicates that you have been
05:13placed in a spiritual cage via witchcraft, it means that there are limitations and
05:18spiritual restrictions in your life.
05:20It also means that you are in difficulty and that the spirit of stagnation has been
05:25sent against you.
05:26It also means being late, when nothing grows in your life, you simply go around
05:32because your life is put in a cage and spiritually manipulated.
05:35You face rejections because your destiny is put in a cage.
05:40You do everything to succeed physically but you can't move forward.
05:43If you see yourself trapped in the dream, take it seriously and quickly and pray to
05:48cancel it.
05:49If you do not pray against such dreams, they will manifest themselves physically, leading
05:54to a resistance to pierce it.
05:56The next dream that indicates witchcraft activities in your life is when you are
06:06shot at.
06:07If you are shot with a firearm, a bow or an arrow, blood comes out.
06:12Suddenly, there is blood after being shot or someone has cut you and there is blood
06:18in the dream, such a dream indicates the spirit of death.
06:20If it hits you or if you see a stain of blood on you, it is not a good dream.
06:25You must not be afraid but pray to cancel this devilish plan.
06:30The Bible tells us that life is in blood and therefore if you see yourself losing blood
06:34or being stained with blood after being shot, it could be a sign of warning against
06:39your life.
06:40As I said, do not be afraid, dreams are not supposed to arouse fear, but it is an instrument
06:46through which God reveals the plans of the enemy against which we must pray.
06:49Instead of panicking, you should entrust it to God in prayer.
06:54Being hit by an arrow can also indicate terror, tragedy, slavery,
07:00poison, impotence and it can manifest in the form of disease, confusion and stagnation.
07:06The next dream is to be covered in spider webs in the dream.
07:15If you are covered in spider webs or if you walk in spider webs in the dream,
07:21it is a sign of witchcraft activity in your life.
07:23This means that the forces of witchcraft secretly plan your fall,
07:29it means that the spirit of delay, frustration, discouragement is at work in your life.
07:34The satanic spider web serves as a satanic dam and embargo preventing people from moving forward.
07:39It is a powerful weapon of witchcraft to prevent you from fulfilling your destiny,
07:44it is an attack against your glory.
07:46This opens the door to satanic programming and if you do not fight in prayer against
07:51this, you risk being a toy in the hands of the enemy.
07:55You must withdraw from this slavery and this satanic manipulation.
07:59I pray for you today, each spider web spirit attached to your life and your destiny,
08:05I bind it and chase it in the name of Jesus.
08:07May each spider web attack of evil reinforcement and killer of destiny,
08:11waiting for you at your season of blessing, receive fire and burn in ashes in the name of Jesus.
08:17Rats symbolize the devouring spirit, poverty, lack and financial crisis.
08:25Every time you see a rat in your dream, I encourage you to pray.
08:29Rats and cockroaches are parasites that cause destruction in dreams,
08:34they indicate domestic evil and the spirit of destruction,
08:37it is the spirit of poverty sent by witchcraft against the dreamer.
08:41If you dream that they are destroying your documents,
08:44it means that the devil has launched an attack against your career,
08:47if you dream that they are destroying your food products,
08:50it means that the devil has launched spiritual attacks against your provisions.
08:54You must pray against these domestic wickednesses so that they do not manifest physically.
09:00The next dream is to see you in your old school, house or workplace.
09:13If you still see yourself in your old school, whether it is high school or elementary school,
09:18I mean, at this stage, you are over 40 years old and you have all grown up.
09:23It is not normal to still see yourself in the old places where you were,
09:27whether it is an old house or even a workplace, you are supposed to move forward and not back.
09:33This is the sign that a witchcraft activity is continuing in your life and that you must be
09:38rid of this slavery of delay and delay. The spirit of darkness projects people
09:43into the classroom of their old school, it forces and binds people to their past where they should
09:48move forward in life. The powers of witchcraft generally do not allow
09:52captive people to progress and fulfill their destiny.
09:55This dream indicates that something is wrong with your foundation and that you must
10:00face it before it stops you. Seeing yourself play with your classmates at school
10:04shows that there is a collective. If slavery is linked to your old school,
10:09or house or if you still see yourself in the village, then slavery is linked to your village.
10:14The power behind the past is the spirit that has the ability to lock up and manipulate people.
10:20If you want to know more about this dream, I have a video on the subject.
10:258. Shave or cut your hair in dreams.
10:33If you often dream that people cut or shave your hair, it is a clear sign that the devil
10:39works against your glory. It is a sign of witchcraft activity in your life,
10:44it makes them happy to steal the destiny and glory of people to ensure that your
10:48purpose does not manifest, to hinder your destiny and the great things that God has for you.
10:52You must pray and stop their work in your life. Hair cutters are powers that
10:59manipulate people's glory in dreams and their main job is to divert glory.
11:03Dreaming of people braiding your hair, this means that the enemy is trying to
11:08initiate you into the kingdom of witchcraft and to hide your conjugal glory.
11:11Whether it is a person known or not, as long as you dream of this person
11:16braiding your hair, shaving your hair or burning your hair,
11:20it means that your glory attracts the killers of glory and the powers of witchcraft.
11:24Now, we are going to do some prayers. If you know that you have had these dreams,
11:32take these prayers seriously. Do not forget that you must repent and confess your sin to God,
11:38renounce all curses and evil alliances and also manage your foundation and its bad effects.
11:44You can say, Father, I remove my hair from the covens, sanctuaries and halls of witchcraft in the name of
11:50Jesus according to the word of God in Job 19 verse 9, he stripped me of my glory and removed the
11:56crown from my head. All power that stripped me of my glory and my crown, I take it back in the
12:02name of Jesus. I recover all that I have lost in this faith. My lost glory is restored in the name
12:10of Jesus. Servitude of witchcraft, be broken and lose your hold on my life in the name of Jesus.
12:17Any project of the devil aiming to initiate me into the world of witchcraft is canceled by fire.
12:23I withdraw from each coven of witchcraft. All my virtues buried in my old school or
12:32house to capture my star, by the power of the blood of Jesus, I order you to get out of it.
12:37I break all the curses that bring me back to my old school. The generational curses
12:45between before my blessings, be broken by fire. For it is written in Galatians 3 verse 13 that
12:53Christ bought me back from the curse of the law, having become a curse for me. Founding powers
12:59who want to remove me from the place of my blessings, I order you to be destroyed. I
13:05break your hold on my life. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I am freed from all
13:11demonic enslavement and all slavery. I cut all the evil chains that held me back
13:17in captivity. I rejected all imagination and all high things that rose against the
13:23knowledge of God in my life. The word of God in Micah 5 verse 12 says that I will exterminate
13:30the witchcraft of your hand. I put an end to all the oppressions of witchcraft that existed in my
13:38life. I interrupted all the attacks of witchcraft. I interrupted all the activities of
13:45witchcraft in my life, I render their work without effect in the name of Jesus. Each strange animal
13:51that attacks me in the dream, I destroy you with fire. I frustrate all the dogs that
13:57bark against my piercing and my advancement. You, powers of witchcraft, who use rats,
14:03snakes, cats and dogs to put me in a cage in the dream that the fire of God consumes you,
14:09that all these cages explode by the will of God in the name of Jesus Christ. And that my soul,
14:14my mind, my life come out of these cages in the name of Jesus Christ. Because our God is a devouring fire.
14:21Therefore, I command you to be consumed by the fire in the name of Jesus. I bring total
14:29destruction to any evil personality using strange animals to steal my blessings,
14:34be destroyed in the name of Jesus. I speak live, I decree and declare that I will not die but that
14:41I will live to declare the works of the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ. I speak of favor on my
14:47life. The goodness and mercy of God will accompany me every day of my life. I live
14:54in the secret place of the Most High and I remain in the shadow of the Almighty. I impregnate my
14:59prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Father for the exhausted prayers, because in the name of
15:04Jesus I pray. Amen.
15:17Don't forget to activate the notification bell for more videos that change lives.
15:47You must keep these dreams for yourself, pray about it and if you have to talk about it to someone,
15:52whether it is someone spiritually sensitive, someone who can support you in these prayers.
15:57Many dreams are never realized because they are shared with bad people.
16:03In Job 33, verses 14 to 18, the word of God says, God speaks however, sometimes in one way,
16:11sometimes in another, and we take care of it. He speaks through dreams, through night visions,
16:17when men are delivered to a deep sleep, when they are asleep on their bed.
16:22Then he gives them warnings and sets the seal on his instructions. In order to divert man from evil
16:29and to preserve him from pride. In order to guarantee his soul from the pit and his life from the blows of the
16:35sword. This writing clearly defines dreams in their intention and their goal. God speaks through
16:41dreams. It is the right of every child of God to have dreams and to remember them effectively.
16:47Joseph, in Genesis 37, obtained the plan of his destiny through a dream and it came true.
16:54The dream is a spiritual monitor in which you know what God has for you, it can be
17:00your career, your business, your marriage or your job. It is the compass of your destiny.
17:07It is a means of revelation by which God exposes the plans of darkness against your life,
17:13your destiny and your family. It is to instruct you, guide you, warn you,
17:19guide you and show you your future. Sharing your dreams and aspirations can lead to
17:25negativity and jealousy of others, this is why you must be careful not to share
17:30your dreams. The first dream that you should not share with anyone because you do not know
17:43the heart or the intentions of the person to your liking is the dream of being rich or you
17:47dream that God is about to bless you financially. When you have this dream,
17:52do not announce it to people, keep it to yourself and nourish the dream with prayers until it
17:57manifests itself. If Joseph had kept his dreams for himself, his brothers and sisters would not have
18:02tried to kill him or sell him. In Genesis 37, you will see that when Joseph told his dream to
18:09his brothers, they hated him even more. In verse 8, his brothers say to him,
18:14Will you really reign over us? Or will you really have domination over us? And they hated him even
18:22more because of his dreams. When he told them the dream of the eleven stars paying him tribute,
18:27his brothers understood the meaning of the dream and began to envy him. Sharing this kind of dream
18:33can encourage people to envy you, you become less of a target for the envious who want to
18:37belittle you when you do not share your dreams of becoming rich, they could consider you
18:42arrogant and vain, which was not the case. Even your intention. Many dreams are not
18:49realized because they are shared with bad people, so instead of talking about it to people,
18:54maintain this dream and pray for it until it comes true. May the Lord help us in the name of Jesus,
19:00Amen. If you are looking for the fruit of the uterus and you have prayed about it,
19:06then you dream of becoming pregnant, please do not share it with anyone. Do not announce it
19:13to your friends, colleagues, neighbors because you do not know the heart of the person.
19:17The Bible says in James chapter 1, verse 19, that every man must be ready to hear,
19:24to speak, to get angry. Keep your secret dream until it comes true.
19:30Some people carry a negative energy, you will tell them and they will smile at you,
19:36but inside they may not be happy for you. The devil can also use any
19:43weak-minded person to watch over you. Once you share this, he chooses it and tries to
19:49prevent the fulfillment of your blessings. Instead of announcing your pregnancy dream,
19:54bring it to God in prayer. Sing praises during worship, fast and pray
20:00for it to manifest. You see traveling abroad.
20:05If you see yourself traveling abroad, especially if it is the country of your dreams such as Canada,
20:16New York, London, Switzerland, do not discuss it or share it with anyone.
20:22Some people have a spirit of jealousy and can be envious. The person could understand
20:29that your dream is about to come true and could try to stop you just like
20:33the Joseph brothers tried to stop him. This dream could be God revealing you his
20:38plans for your life, all you have to do is pray while God works behind the scenes for you.
20:43Some people may conspire against you after having discussed this dream with them in order to
20:49ensure that it does not come true. They think that if you travel abroad,
20:54you will be better than them, the heart of men is desperately mean.
20:58If you see yourself traveling abroad, especially if it is the country of your dreams such as Canada,
21:10New York, London, Switzerland, do not discuss it or share it with anyone.
21:15Some people have a spirit of jealousy and can be envious. The person could understand
21:22that your dream is about to come true and could try to stop you just like the Joseph brothers
21:27tried to stop him. This dream could be God revealing you his plans for your life,
21:32all you have to do is pray while God works behind the scenes for you.
21:37Some people may conspire against you after having discussed this dream with them in order to
21:43ensure that it does not come true. They think that if you travel abroad,
21:47you will be better than them, the heart of men is desperately mean.
21:57If you have to share this dream in front of your building that you have built,
22:01it must be someone you know is spiritually holy and who can also pray with you.
22:06Do not share this dream of parking in your house with friends, colleagues,
22:11neighbors or anyone your mind tells you not to do. If you are sensitive in the mind,
22:18you will discover that as humans, we will always like to share our good news or our
22:23projects or even our bad news with people and sometimes you are about to say it
22:27and you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. The spirit tells you to shut up. Let me tell you a
22:33true story explaining why I am really against it. A relative dreamed of building his own house
22:40and he shared it with his friend, little by little he started to build and it was his friend who
22:45helped him supervise the work because he was always traveling. Then, he never knew that his
22:51friend was not happy that he was building before him, his friend went far away trying to kill him
22:56and take the house. He went to see a marabout and buried something in the building.
23:02During this time, my close relative had a wife who prayed a lot and she kept
23:07warning her that her friend was a dangerous person. She said that the Holy Spirit had told her
23:12that he had to be careful with him, but the husband refused to listen. Then one day, he came back
23:19from his business trip and he went with his friend to see how far they had gone in the construction.
23:24His friend took him to the place where he had buried the poison that the marabout had given him
23:28and he walked on it without knowing it. A few days later, he fell ill and his leg was swollen.
23:36Without his wife, he would have almost disappeared. She prayed, brought her church prayer group
23:43to pray for her husband. Finally, he recovered and the friend confessed what he had done.
23:49Brother, it is always good to build in silence.
23:57Number 5. Bearing a crown in your dream.
24:01This dream could be the sign that God calls you to leadership.
24:05The crown represents loyalty and authority and God could show you that you have what it takes to lead others towards a common goal.
24:14The Bible says in Proverbs 8 verses 15 to 16,
24:17By me the kings reign and the princes order justice. By me the princes govern and the nobles
24:23love all the judges of the earth. If you see yourself wearing a crown in the dream, know that God
24:29believes in you and has equipped you to lead. If you are fighting a post, do not share this dream
24:35with your entourage or with your opponent. Joseph told his brothers that the sun,
24:40the moon and the eleven stars paid homage to him. They immediately understood the meaning of this dream
24:46according to which they would serve their brother and became jealous and envious. Tell your friends or
24:51opponents that you have seen yourself wearing a crown, it is like sacrificing yourself to be massacred.
24:57They will understand and interpret this dream, what you must do and pray for it to come true.
25:03Just as God reveals good things to us, he also reveals the plans of the devil against us through dreams.
25:10The next dream I'm going to tell you about is not a good dream, but you should avoid sharing it with people.
25:26If you see vultures around you in your dream, know that an enemy has sworn to kill you.
25:32This is a warning from God. This means that someone around you is a devourer and you must be careful.
25:38The meaning of this dream is the reason why you should not share or discuss this dream with anyone,
25:44unless you believe and know that this person is a good person.
25:50The enemy who intends to kill you may be a friend, a brother, a sister, a colleague, a neighbor, etc.
25:58Michet 7, verse 5 says so, do not trust a friend, do not trust a guide.
26:04Keep the doors of your mouth away from those that hold in your breast.
26:08For the son dishonors his father, the daughter opposes her mother, the beautiful daughter opposes her beautiful mother,
26:14the enemies of man are the men of his house.
26:24If you see your vehicle stolen or stolen in your dream, it means that a vision killer is at work in your life.
26:30It is a prophetic warning.
26:34When God warns you of something, it is up to you to accept the corrections and pray about it.
26:40In Genesis 20, verse 3, God came to Abimelech in his dream during the night and said to him,
26:46Here you are, you are but a dead man because of the woman you have taken, for she is the wife of a man.
26:52He tells Abimelech to return Sarah to Abraham.
26:56God gave him a warning in the dream and also told him what to do.
27:00This is the goal of the dream.
27:04So, if you see your vehicle stolen or stolen in the dream, pray against the vision killers.
27:10Do not discuss it with anyone who despises this subject,
27:14regularly go to fasting and prayers, read God's word daily,
27:18listen to the messages filled with the Spirit and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
27:22Dreams are so essential to the existence of men that we cannot ignore them.
27:26Be sure not to ignore your dreams.
27:30May the Lord help us in the name of Jesus, Amen.
27:34Now, you can say, Father, show me dreams and visions that will propel my destiny to a higher level.
27:42Oh Lord, reveal the secret and what I need to know about my family line in the name of Jesus.
27:48By the power in the name of Jesus, I order all my good dreams to come true in the name of Jesus.
27:56The powers manipulating my dreams and my visions are dispersed in the name of Jesus.
28:00According to the word of God in Esai 7 verse 7,
28:04all bad projections, all the bad plans of the enemy in my dream will not hold,
28:08it will not come true in the name of Jesus.
28:12I put an end to all the bad plans of the enemy against me.
28:16I cancel and erase all bad dreams in the name of Jesus.
28:20From today, I will be victorious in my dream.
28:24Thank you Father for the prayers exhausted, receive all glory, honor and adoration in the name of Jesus, Amen.
