IC 814 सीरीज पर Ajit Doval को लेकर Anil Sharma के साथ IANS की खास बातचीत

  • 2 weeks ago
अनिल शर्मा भारतीय विमान कंपनी इंडियन एयरलाइंस के विमान आईसी 814 के केबिन क्रू चीफ थे। वे 24 दिसंबर 1999 को अफगानिस्तान के कंधार में हुए विमान हाईजैक के दौरान विमान में ही मौजूद थे। अनिल शर्मा ने अपनी सूझबूझ से विमान में सवार यात्रियों की जान बचाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी। उन्होंने अपहरणकर्ताओं को शांत करने का प्रयास किया, जिससे यात्रियों को सुरक्षित निकालने में मदद मिली। भारत सरकार द्वारा अनिल शर्मा की बहादुरी और सूझबूझ के लिए उन्हें कई पुरस्कारों और सम्मानों से नवाजा गया था, जिनमें भारत सरकार द्वारा दिया गया अशोक चक्र पुरस्कार भी शामिल है। उस समय भारत सरकार ने जो फैसले लिए, उन्हें आप किस तरह से देखते हैं? अजीत डोभाल खुद वहां गए और विमान में भी बैठे। उन्होंने आप सभी से बात की? इस पर आईएएनएस के साथ अनिल शर्मा ने दिया जवाब

#Kandhar #IndianAirlines #IC814 #CabinCrew #FlightHijack #Aviation #Emergency #AnilSharma


00:00Actually, the J class area, where they took 10 people and 2 of them were attacked,
00:06that area was vacated.
00:09There were about 35 or 33 seats in that area.
00:13And in that area, the chiefs used to sleep at night, or they used to sleep in groups.
00:21And there was a lot of talk about the chief, the burger, and the doctor.
00:28Shankar and Bhola mostly used to take rounds in the cabin and used to dominate him.
00:37In the beginning, even if he didn't pick anyone up, he used to pick them up to talk to them.
00:42He used to tell them to go down, do this, do that, go stand there, how are you?
00:45All these things were happening.
00:47Bhola, who was the youngest, he was very violent.
00:51He used to go and do that to someone, he used to speak very angrily.
00:55Then gradually, I saw that his behavior started to become a little soft.
01:00But I also believe that his softness was his own helplessness.
01:03Because for how many days can you be angry with someone, for how many days can you dominate?
01:07He also knew that if this happens, then we too, you know, there comes a point of rebelling.
01:14Without that, I mean, you don't tolerate anyone's aggression.
01:20You say, whatever you see with me, I'm not going to suffer this any longer.
01:26Then he came to Mr. Sharma.
01:30He used to do something to others.
01:32He used to speak politely.
01:35He used to talk to the passengers too.
01:37Sometimes he used to say, look, we wanted to do this, we wanted to do that.
01:42We didn't intend to kill anyone.
01:44He used to do something about that.
01:46But this doesn't prove anything, in my opinion, that he was a very kind-hearted person.
01:55Or that he had a very soft spot.
02:00It's not like that.
02:02I think he had a lot of training and rehearsals to achieve this.
02:07Like the common terrorists you see in J&K these days, wherever you are,
02:11they are wild beasts.
02:14They don't have that angle.
02:16Because they were stuck there with people, sometimes in the middle,
02:19like they're talking about Antakshari.
02:21Sing something, play something.
02:25All that used to happen.
02:27Obviously, nothing happened.
02:28Because there was a lot of difference in their behavior after a while.
02:34But the satellite phones they were using,
02:37it was not in our hearing range.
02:40Like I said, they had the whole zone in front of them.
02:43The same people were sitting in the cockpit.
02:46Because after reaching Kandahar, they also made the captains sit in the cabin.
02:51They used to call them in between whenever there was a setting or they had to discuss with them.
02:57So we couldn't hear them.
03:02But this is a fact that there was a change in their attitude from time to time.
03:08Factual accuracy is that they were very dominant with the captains.
03:14There was a lot of rough handling.
03:18Like they pulled Angelico.
03:20It was not shown that they stabbed him with a knife on his shirt.
03:27There were bloodstains.
03:29It was not shown.
03:30But it was shown that they pulled him out.
03:35After that, after the cabin, they didn't show it normally.
03:44Like they showed my bloodstains in the series.
03:50In the third or fourth episode, the captains would come out and say,
03:53Are you okay?
03:54So it was very much that on the one hand, they knew everything.
03:58And they should have known because they had communication.
04:01And from the point of view of accuracy, as I said,
04:05the initial scenes were close to reality.
04:15Amritsar was also okay to some extent.
04:18There was as much terror in it.
04:20But as far as I understand,
04:24he was opening the cockpit window and looking at the burger again and again.
04:30There was no commando action or anything like that.
04:35That is also okay.
04:36And in Lahore, it was also said that we will not open the door.
04:44That is also a fact.
04:45In Al-Minad, again, there was a lot of inaccuracies.
04:49He did this and the other person did that.
04:53The body was kept outside.
04:55Then we go straight to Kandahar.
04:58There is nothing like that there.
05:02Then later, I mean, as the story progresses,
05:06the inaccuracies decrease.
05:08Especially the one that is shown in the bureaucracy.
05:11The government has given some clarification.
05:19For more information, visit www.fema.gov
