Big Brother S26 E22 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on Big Brother!
00:05T-Core was in charge.
00:07T-Core, you're the new head of us all!
00:11And although she had the Sixth Avenue Alliance backing her up,
00:15Sixth Avenue!
00:17She put one member up as a pawn.
00:20I have nominated Mackenzie, Cam, and Tucka.
00:25Tucka has proven to be almost unbeatable when it comes to cops.
00:29So I want to utilize him in this veto competition
00:32to help me keep the noms the same.
00:34And send Cam ole Mackenzie Packard.
00:36And after Cam won and used the veto,
00:40Congratulations Cam, you've won the golden power of veto!
00:45I have decided to use the veto on myself.
00:49She put yet another Sixth Avenue-er up.
00:52I am naming Angela as the replacement nominee.
00:58With Angela unhinged.
01:01I have been playing the most honest freaking game I am.
01:05And it might have hit me in the ass today.
01:07And Mackenzie still a target.
01:10I'm still on the block. That sucks, obviously.
01:13I really need to win this AI arena.
01:16Tucka should have been sitting pretty.
01:18But Chelsea formed a plot to flip the script.
01:22I need to flip this house to get power back in my favor.
01:25And I think a good way to start that is to get Tucka out of this house.
01:29And she rallied votes to possibly take him out.
01:32Do you want Tucka to stay or do you not?
01:34Probably not.
01:35As long as he's here.
01:37Everybody else, divide and conquer.
01:39You have the numbers. If you're down, I will do it.
01:43At the AI arena, Tucka crumbled.
01:49While Mackenzie soared.
01:52Congratulations, Mackenzie. You are officially off the block.
01:57With Tucka in a vulnerable spot.
02:00I need everyone to help me out. I helped you out when you were H.O.H.
02:04Half the house knew it was time to take the shot.
02:07I vote to evict Tucka.
02:12Tucka! Finally, baby! Got him out!
02:14And they sent the Beantown Beast packing.
02:17By a vote of five to three,
02:20Tucka, you are the sixth house guest evicted from the Big Brother house.
02:24I'm coming home, Ziggy!
02:28Tonight, with Tucka gone, the game resets.
02:32Who will rise to the occasion and become the new head of household?
02:37And which three house guests will end up on the chopping block?
02:42All this, right now, on Big Brother!
02:47I love you!
02:48I do!
02:49One more for the road.
03:10Oh, my God!
03:13Yes, thank you.
03:14Finally got Tucka out of this house.
03:18Everybody is crying. People's makeup is coming off.
03:21It's just the whole thing.
03:23Leading up to the eviction, I had everything in motion to get Tucka out.
03:27All I needed to do was have Mackenzie win this A.I. arena.
03:31The house guest who claimed victory in the B.B.A.I. arena is Mackenzie.
03:39Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
03:48Oh, my God!
03:50I would love to stay. I would love to stay here.
03:53I'd love to keep fighting alongside of you guys.
03:57I helped you out when you were at H.O.H.
03:59I was your bond.
04:01I need you to do it.
04:03Quinn, I saved you. If you can save me now.
04:06Let me fight alongside of you. Let me protect you.
04:09Let me protect you.
04:11Let me protect you.
04:17Can we go really quick?
04:19I don't care what they do.
04:21I don't care what they do. You already know.
04:26Can you just give us a minute to just talk?
04:32Say everybody do what's best for their game.
04:35Do make a decision that you're going to be proud of at the end of the day.
04:37It may be different for everybody.
04:39Even if none of you are voting for Angela,
04:41I feel like I have to give her a sympathy vote.
04:43I'm pretty sure we have the numbers to take Tucker out.
04:47This is just me covering my bases.
04:50We might not have another opportunity,
04:52so we better do it while we have the chance.
04:54I need everyone to gather in the living room right now and take a seat.
04:59It is time for the live vote and eviction.
05:02I'm looking around.
05:04No one's really wanting to make eye contact with me.
05:08It really just feels like the energy has shifted.
05:11I'm really not sure what's about to happen.
05:18I'm feeling a subtle panic.
05:21I think we have the numbers to keep Tucker in the game with Rubina,
05:25Quinn, Joseph, and Mackenzie,
05:28but I don't know.
05:30Tucker is such a huge target, and he's on the block still.
05:33This feels like people are wanting to take a shot at a really big target.
05:49The people who thought were running this house
05:52are about to be completely blindsided.
05:56By a vote of five to three,
06:01Tucker, you are the sixth house guest evicted from the Big Brother house.
06:07It feels so good to finally get Tucker out of this house sitting next to Auntie Julie.
06:13I went from being at the lowest of lows in this game.
06:16My alliance was blown up,
06:18but now I get to be a part of getting one of the best Big Brother players out of this house.
06:22I went from the bottom to the top, and I'm just going to keep rising.
06:25Cedric, Brooklyn, this was for you.
06:28Pentagon for life.
06:30I know it's hard, but you did so good.
06:33I love you.
06:35Personally, it sucks to see Tucker go.
06:37I knew that if he was still sitting on the block,
06:40there would be a risk of him going home,
06:43and that was a risk that I was willing to take.
06:46I want to protect Kimo, Rubina, Chelsea, and Quinn
06:50to the best of my abilities to get to the end of this game.
06:53I had a final two with him, Angela, from the beginning.
06:56I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I had to stay loyal to him.
06:58No, no, no. I know.
07:02My intuition was right. I knew he had others. I knew it.
07:05It is bittersweet that Tucker is gone because I absolutely love the kid.
07:10I'm grateful to still be here and to fight another day,
07:15and I will do everything I can, now with Tucker gone,
07:18to fight for this game and for my place in this game.
07:34I believe he will still be your bestie outside of here.
07:38You guys have a bond that can't be broken.
07:43I voted to keep him.
08:10What a game.
08:18I know I'm so sad, but I know it makes sense. I get it.
08:23I know. I know.
08:27I love so deeply when I love...
08:34I didn't even want to admit that I love the guy, but I do.
08:38It's only been six weeks. It's so stupid to say.
08:42I wish we didn't do that yesterday.
08:45We tried so hard to suppress the connection we had,
08:50but inevitably we did the exact opposite and went public to the entire house.
08:56You want it right now? You guys want to see it?
08:59Do it!
09:10We know what Showmance is doing this show. I know. He knew.
09:14Believe me when I say we both really, really tried not to like each other.
09:22I don't think I have any effect on what happened today.
09:25Are you sure?
09:26I don't think I have any effect on what happened today.
09:29I feel so silly for being so sad.
09:32You shouldn't feel silly. That's what I love.
09:36I'm always going to be here for you.
09:45It just always feels way more empty when just one person leaves.
09:53It's alright, man. It's okay.
09:56Good guy. Literally.
09:59I didn't expect Tucker being evicted to hit me this hard,
10:02but strategically it was just so smart.
10:05Logically it was smart, but just emotionally it just hit me all a wave at once.
10:10This just hits me hard, bro.
10:12Just when people don't see it coming.
10:15Yeah. Just let it out, dude.
10:18Appreciate it. Yeah, that was tough. That was just tough.
10:21He came after literally every single one of us, but I appreciate it.
10:31Goodness gracious.
10:42Oh my God!
10:45We got him, ladies and gentlemen.
10:47He had my name in his mouth since week three, brother.
10:51And I sent him home in his girlfriend's skirt, no less.
10:55This is evil, nefarious, and I'm loving it.
10:59I'm giddy, dude.
11:13Let's go.
11:15I feel like every time I win, this makes me a bigger target.
11:19You had to win this time.
11:20That's what I'm saying.
11:21Like, and you felt that you had to win.
11:23It's like that is just against me.
11:25But we're supposed to be eating the food or something.
11:27I definitely thought that I was going home if I did not win this AI Arena.
11:32I had a lot of pressure on me, but pressure makes diamonds.
11:37I had a lot of pressure on me, but pressure makes diamonds.
11:42And I'm a diamond, baby.
11:44You work hard to be here. You deserve to be here.
11:47I am now, you know, the new comp beast.
11:50And so I know that that comes with a lot of people feeling threatened by me.
11:55However, with the old comp beast leaving, I might have people running for me to protect them.
12:02So who knows?
12:03We did the dirty work, and you especially did.
12:06And that's why you're here, and you've earned it, and you deserve it.
12:08I'll do it every week, that's the thing.
12:17It's a whole new game again.
12:19Reset again.
12:20Another reset.
12:21Honestly, they made the best decision for them.
12:25Losing Tucker is a huge loss.
12:28He is a warrior in comps and a shield for all of us who were aligned with him in Sixth Avenue.
12:36Certainly for the Frenzy Alliance, I'm fearful of what's to come.
12:41But everything about this game is about adapting, it's about surviving.
12:45And my game has shifted so much that I feel like I need to shift it into attaining power and safety by winning HOH.
12:55Do you think we'll be okay?
12:57I think so.
13:15We're in the barnyard, we see a bunch of chicken coops, and I'm excited as heck as a superfan
13:20because I know that this is the famous caged egg competition.
13:24I really hope I just don't suck eggs at a competition.
13:27That'd be sick.
13:32Ainsley has been scouring all corners of the web trying to answer humans' oldest question.
13:38What came first, the chicken or the egg?
13:42While she hasn't yet reached a conclusion, her search did inspire an even more important conundrum.
13:49What came first, the HOH or the egg?
13:53That's what this head of household competition hopes to answer.
13:57Here's how it works.
13:58Grab an egg on the outside of your AI-generated chicken coop
14:02and use your fingers to maneuver it through the YMAs to the opening on the other side.
14:08Be careful, this process may be egg-the-HOH-thing.
14:15Once you have an egg, don't be terror-fried.
14:20Roll it down your ramp and make an egg-spot shot to knock down the letters H-O-H.
14:28But it won't be over easy.
14:31You will have to work around the obstacles on the ramp to successfully roll your egg to knock over a letter.
14:38The first house guest to knock down the letters H-O-H will be crowned the new head of household.
14:46And be egg-stra careful not to cluck up,
14:49because the first three players to drop an egg while moving through the core will be have-nots for the week.
14:57Falling off the ramp does not count.
15:01Who's ready to play What Came First?
15:09The stakes are high.
15:10I'm at a point where I'm finally good with everybody in the house
15:13and I don't really know if I want to draw a line in the sand.
15:16However, I don't need to be another Cedric or Tucker, so safety is key in this game.
15:22Winning this H-O-H will give me an opportunity to reclaim my power from my deepfake debacle.
15:29I'm not here to take part, I'm here to take over.
15:33I did not come in this game to ride on anyone's coattails.
15:37And with Tucker leaving, I think that they're looking for a new leader.
15:42And who better to do that than the leader herself.
15:47My heart is just a little bit shattered,
15:51but I know I need to win this H-O-H competition to secure my safety
15:56and it would be a little extra cherry on top to avenge Tucker.
16:01Tucker's a huge shield, so not having him at all
16:05really is making me have to step up in this moment
16:09and pull it out to protect myself and Rubina and T-Corps.
16:21Alright, check this out. It's a bucket of blue.
16:23Quinn is all fussed, have not.
16:25Quinn is all fussed, have not.
16:30A different technique, different method.
16:32Even though I'm upset that my boy Tucker is gone,
16:35it's no time to sulk and feel sorry for myself,
16:38so I'm gonna do whatever it takes to stay in this house.
16:43This competition is much more difficult than it looks.
16:46The hardest part, there is a maze on this fence,
16:49so you have to go up, down, and all around.
16:52This is pretty clucking ridiculous.
16:54Somebody drop an egg.
16:56The first three people that drop their egg
16:58before getting it into their chicken coop
17:00are going to be have-nots for the week,
17:02and I am not eating slop for another seven days
17:04and sleeping on a box,
17:06so I'm just hoping somebody breaks an egg. Somebody.
17:13These are raw eggs, and by shaking it,
17:15you are breaking the yolk, so it's gonna evenly distribute,
17:18and then we have a more consistent, reliable roll.
17:21Oh, he broke it.
17:29Everyone else is halfway there,
17:31except for Angela, who refuses to move her egg
17:33until she sees two other people drop.
17:35Angela is just sitting in her coop
17:37like a good little chicken,
17:39waiting to move her eggs
17:41until the three have-nots are announced.
17:43Go. Why are you prioritizing food
17:46and comfortability over safety?
17:49Kimo gets his first egg through.
17:52It's not as bad maneuvering the gimbal,
17:55but just having the three little blocks as obstacles
17:59makes the world of difference.
18:01But if I drop my egg on the ramp,
18:03then no big deal. I'm not a have-not.
18:06Oh, and Kimo drops his egg.
18:10Leah gets her first egg through.
18:14And Leah dumps her egg on the ground.
18:17Rubina gets her first egg.
18:23Oh, Rubina drops her egg.
18:26Mackenzie gets her first egg through.
18:29Quinn gets his second egg through.
18:36And Mackenzie gets her second egg through.
18:41And he drops it.
18:46And Mackenzie drops her egg.
18:53The hardest part of this competition is the ramp.
18:56The egg is unpredictable
18:58and is slipping and sliding about,
19:00and so it's hard to get the egg going where you want it.
19:04Dang it!
19:06And Kimo drops his egg, making him the second have-not.
19:21You were right!
19:25Chelsea, if you don't want to be a have-not,
19:28you can't be a have-not.
19:30You can't be a have-not.
19:32Chelsea, if you drop and I get A to H,
19:34because I think I can do a good job of this.
19:36I'm not doing that.
19:38Let me get this wax out of my ears,
19:40because I sure as hell did not just hear what I think I heard.
19:44Angela, you are tripping on so many levels.
19:51My strategy is slow and steady.
19:54The ramp automatically has a tilt to the right,
19:56so if I set my egg up to the left,
19:59it's easier to maneuver the first obstacle
20:01and then hopefully that momentum takes it into the other letters.
20:05Come on.
20:07And Cam knocks down his first letter!
20:14And Mackenzie drops her egg and is our final have-not.
20:19Angela, you can start.
20:25Oh, frick!
20:32Oh, my...
20:36Oh, my gosh! Are you freaking...
20:39Are you freaking kidding me?
20:41Ain't no way!
20:51Yes! Yes!
20:53Let's go, Mackenzie!
20:55Mackenzie knocks down her first letter!
20:58So I feel like I finally cracked the code.
21:00It is all about taking my time
21:02as well as have enough momentum to actually knock down the letter.
21:07Oh, Quinn knocks down his first letter!
21:12And Leah knocks down her first letter!
21:26Go close again.
21:27Son of a...
21:31Oh, Chelsea!
21:35Good job, Mackenzie!
21:40Oh, Cam!
21:43And Quinn!
21:45Good job, Quinn!
21:48And Leah!
21:52Let's go!
21:54And Kimo!
21:57Come on, baby!
21:59We've got Kimo, Leah, Mackenzie, and myself
22:04with two letters down and one to go.
22:07I need to lock it in
22:10because I just want to roost in this HOH nest.
22:21Mackenzie, Leah, Kimo, and Quinn
22:25with only one letter to go!
22:29It's down to me, Mackenzie, Quinn, and Kimo
22:33and we all have two letters down.
22:35Mackenzie and Leah
22:37both looking to knock down their last letter!
22:41Woo! Go, girls!
22:43Yes, get it!
22:52Way back, way back, way back.
22:55I was one of the three house guests
22:57to vote to save Tucker
22:59which maybe isn't a good look at this point.
23:01I've got to hurry up and knock my last letter down.
23:04I'm going to crack.
23:11I'm rooting for Kimo, Rubina, Chelsea, or Quinn
23:16to pull a win out.
23:18I feel that I can trust these people the most in this game.
23:23Kimo and Quinn
23:25both looking to knock down their last letter.
23:31I've got one letter left.
23:33I am on the precipice of success.
23:36I need that safety.
23:38I need to take out the people who aren't good for my game.
23:41Come on.
23:43It is a race to see who can bury this letter.
23:46I want to win this HOH so bad.
23:53Come on, dude.
24:01Oh, my God!
24:03I love my mom!
24:05Hug me, Mike K!
24:07Come on!
24:09Come on, Quinn!
24:11You are the new head of HOH!
24:14Oh, my God!
24:16Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
24:20Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
24:25I'm the new head of HOH.
24:27This HOH is in a deep thing, okay?
24:30I can win comps.
24:32I'm like that!
24:34Quinn winning is best-case scenario for me
24:37because he has promised me safety and protection in this game,
24:40and I get to remain yet another week off that dang block.
24:52I feel pretty good about Quinn winning.
24:55Hey, hey, hey, hey!
24:57He was definitely one of the people I was rooting for
25:00because of the Visionaries.
25:02Me and Kimo should be safe,
25:04and I am truly, truly happy for him.
25:07I follow you like it's about to happen!
25:10Quinn wins HOH,
25:12and we've had a hot-and-cold relationship,
25:15but I think we've gotten past that,
25:17and I'm not really feeling like I'm on his radar at this point.
25:20He did so good.
25:22Everybody did so good.
25:24Who better to win HOH than Tucker's nemesis?
25:28I really like puzzles!
25:32This is so much fun.
25:34So, this isn't looking great for me.
25:38Quinn's put me up on the block before
25:40for my closeness to Tucker,
25:42so what's to stop him from doing it now?
25:45T-Core's crocheting hands when it took us out.
25:56You should be alright.
25:58I really am, though.
25:59You should be.
26:00Who would he put up?
26:02You don't know.
26:03I don't know.
26:04I don't know either.
26:05I'm gonna pray.
26:07I know.
26:08That is...
26:09Oh my God.
26:10You know the mystery.
26:12That's true.
26:13That's true.
26:14So I know one.
26:16And then that would be like,
26:17maybe I've never been up,
26:18because he already has.
26:21So there's two,
26:22and then it's like,
26:25I'm just tired of fighting for my life in this house.
26:27Like, I'm just so done.
26:30I'm scared that I could be seen as an easy pawn
26:33to be thrown out there.
26:34I need a week off the block.
26:36Can I take my trip to Hawaii now, please?
26:40I'm good.
26:48Are you kidding me?
26:50We want that big-ass blindside.
26:52Oh my God.
26:54Tell me.
26:56Is that what you think?
26:58I'm for sure putting Angela up.
26:59Oh my God.
27:01I'll probably put Robina up.
27:04On a personal level,
27:05one of my favorite people.
27:07But game-wise,
27:08I've snaked her twice now,
27:10and then I voted her boyfriend out.
27:13She will come after you next week.
27:15It would make sense.
27:16I know.
27:18And then it's the third person
27:19that I'm trying to figure out.
27:20I know.
27:21I want to build something
27:23with me,
27:29for sure.
27:31Do you think
27:32we should include Mackenzie?
27:37She's looking for a home.
27:39I want to reward the house guests
27:41that prioritized me over Tucker,
27:43and I want to celebrate those
27:45that were bold and brave enough
27:47to send him packing.
27:49That was scary.
27:50Those are the people I want to work with
27:51because it takes a lot
27:52to be bold in this game.
27:53We came to get to the very, very end,
27:55and I got you, Quinn.
27:56We are out to protect each other,
27:58and Cam is not remotely
27:59feeling any type of weight on you.
28:01I know. He's really chill.
28:02That stuff sticks out to me.
28:03We got you, Quinn.
28:04I feel so relieved
28:05after this HOH competition
28:07that Quinn not only
28:08is reassuring my safety,
28:10but he wants to start an alliance
28:12and work with me
28:13and a couple other people
28:14that I actually trust.
28:16Let's do it.
28:17I'm so proud of you.
28:18I can do this.
28:19I did that yesterday.
28:20I'll do it like crazy.
28:21Come on. We're here.
28:23We're here.
28:24Dude, thank you.
28:25Thank you for being you.
28:26Things could not be going better
28:28for me here.
28:29Tucker's out of the house.
28:30I just won HOH.
28:32The power has shifted,
28:33and now it's time for a new group
28:34to take control of this game.
28:44I'm sorry.
28:45I hope you and me are still good.
28:47Okay. Okay. Cool.
28:49Your boy has finally
28:50acquired some power,
28:51and it's high time
28:52I make some moves.
28:54It's pretty obvious
28:55he was on the wrong side
28:56of the Tucker vote,
28:57and so I'm going to need
28:58some answers.
28:59So I'm going to hear them out,
29:00figure out who I can trust
29:01before I make my noms.
29:03First up,
29:04we've got Joseph.
29:06I'm good with you, bro.
29:07Like, I hope that you don't have...
29:08I don't care that I wasn't
29:09included in the vote.
29:10I need to do damage control,
29:12so I want to talk to Quinn.
29:13That way he doesn't come after me
29:15for being on the wrong side
29:16of the vote
29:17in my vote to keep Tucker.
29:18No more feeling at all.
29:21I don't want you to go far.
29:22It would be stupid for me
29:23to come after you.
29:24I hope you know that.
29:25Yeah, I'll definitely come
29:26after you, too.
29:27I don't hold anything
29:28against Joseph
29:29for working with Tucker.
29:30He is someone
29:31who I could go deep with
29:32in this game
29:33and not even stress.
29:34We're both super fans,
29:36and we have the skills
29:37to dominate.
29:38Well, dude,
29:39I'm stuck with you.
29:40And just know, like,
29:41I really was looking out
29:42for you, bro.
29:43Okay, cool, bro.
29:46I'm happy for you, Quinn.
29:48Thank you so much.
29:49I really appreciate that.
29:50I was trying to get like you.
29:51You know, you have two wins
29:52in the age of wagering.
29:53You still can.
29:54Do you have any thoughts
29:55on who you'd like to see
29:56up on the block this week?
29:57Maybe people who haven't.
29:59People who haven't
30:00maybe been in our position?
30:02Because I'm just,
30:03it's almost,
30:05I don't want to use
30:06the word unfair,
30:07but it's like,
30:08I wanted to come here
30:09and be my own rescuer.
30:12And I didn't want to
30:13ride coattails
30:14or be a floater.
30:16I will continue to be
30:17on my own,
30:18and I'm okay with that.
30:20I don't know how
30:21to put it, Quinn.
30:22I don't want to go up.
30:23Thanks for the suggestion,
30:24but no shot.
30:25You have
30:26throw me under the bus,
30:28you publicly called me out,
30:30take a deep breath,
30:31and just accept
30:32what the situation is, Angela.
30:34Thank you so much
30:35for meeting with me.
30:36I really don't want to go up.
30:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:38I just want to get
30:39everyone done.
30:40I know.
30:41So that I can take
30:42my contacts out
30:43and go to bed.
30:45I understand
30:46how in this game
30:47you might not trust
30:49what I say
30:50or who I am
30:52because of
30:53how close I've been
30:54to someone else,
30:55but I need you
30:57I need you to know
30:58so genuinely
30:59that I wanted to work
31:00with you before
31:01and I don't know
31:02if you believe me
31:03and I understand
31:04if you don't.
31:05I love Rubina,
31:07but I cannot trust her.
31:09I put her on the block
31:10as the deep fake H.O.H.
31:11I just sent her boyfriend home.
31:13I've given her
31:14a thousand reasons
31:15to send me home.
31:16I'm genuinely sorry, Rubina.
31:18You're going on the block.
31:20Yeah, I just really want
31:21to make it clear
31:22that I've been wanting
31:23to play my own game.
31:24I see it as an opportunity.
31:26You are a smart person
31:28and you're going to be here
31:30late in the game.
31:34Oh my gosh.
31:35Okay, okay.
31:36So I've got a pretty good idea
31:37of who my first two nominees
31:38are going to be,
31:39but landing on this third one
31:41is proving to be pretty difficult.
31:43The thing with T-Core
31:44is that she didn't lie to me
31:45when she was H.O.H.
31:46and has always been
31:47extremely honest with me.
31:49So she is someone
31:50I want to prioritize
31:51a relationship with
31:52because she's so strategic
31:53and a great ally.
31:54And so I really want
31:55to know who she thinks
31:56that I should put on the block.
31:58I have zero frustration with you.
32:00That is seen,
32:01understood, and appreciated.
32:02I promise you
32:03we're not touching the block.
32:04Who am I putting on the block?
32:05I'm for sure putting
32:06Angela on the block.
32:09Let's see who's left.
32:10Joseph, Leah, Mackenzie.
32:13Mackenzie is
32:14a very strong competitor.
32:15I think that's
32:16more so dependent on
32:17if she's a threat
32:18you want to work with
32:19or a threat
32:20you want to work against.
32:23I don't know if I want
32:24to put Kimo on the block.
32:27Maybe someone will volunteer.
32:30Quinn, I'm quite perplexed
32:32as to why
32:33Kimo is an option
32:36to put up.
32:37There is something
32:38that I must have missed
32:40because this conversation
32:42is not going at all
32:43like I thought it would.
32:44At this point,
32:45the Visionaries
32:46is a question mark.
32:47This is perfect.
32:48Thank you so much.
32:49Can I get another person?
32:51But I'm a huge fan of yours.
32:52You are absolutely
32:55I know you're probably
32:56disappointed that I flipped
32:58and sent Tucker home.
33:01It's a great strategic move.
33:03I hope you never felt like
33:04I chose anyone over you
33:08because every chance
33:09that I could,
33:10you were the one
33:11that I wanted to protect.
33:12And I believe that,
33:13like genuinely.
33:15Oh, really, Kimo?
33:18You want to protect me?
33:20I seem to recall
33:22you leaving me out of the loop
33:24on the Cedric vote
33:26and you prioritized
33:28your relationship with Tucker
33:30over me, dude.
33:32My goal is to
33:34just get rid of Angela.
33:36I've been telling everyone
33:37that my goal is
33:38to get Angela out this week.
33:41I've been trying
33:42since week two.
33:44For some reason,
33:45people are still saying McKenzie,
33:47but that's like
33:48my whole game plan this week.
33:51Do you think I'll be on the block?
33:55If you were,
33:56it would be because
33:57I know you'll stay.
34:00Just straight up,
34:01you won't go home this week.
34:04What are you doing, Quinn?
34:06You know, of all people,
34:08that pawns go home.
34:10I mean, hello?
34:11Did we not learn
34:12from Cedric,
34:13from Tucker?
34:15Could you not find
34:16anyone else in this house
34:18to go on the block?
34:19The only person
34:20going home this week
34:21is Angela.
34:23That's the only option.
34:24I trust you.
34:25And I trust you, too.
34:40Are you okay?
34:42I'm okay.
34:43You don't seem okay.
34:45I'm kind of scared
34:46of what Quinn's gonna do.
34:48I mean,
34:50it won't be you guys,
34:51it'll be me.
34:52Or you and one of us.
34:56I think for some reason
34:57he might just believe
34:58that you
34:59will not work with him.
35:01Why? I haven't said anything.
35:02Just because.
35:03He's like,
35:04well, I put you on the block
35:05and then I voted Tucker out,
35:06yadda yadda yadda.
35:08If he puts you on the block,
35:09he's taking
35:10a solid relationship.
35:12If he does that,
35:13then I'm not protecting him anymore.
35:16He's officially off the list.
35:18Yeah, if he puts up
35:21even one of you.
35:23It's tricky with Quinn.
35:25Because Sigour and I
35:26were working with Tucker and Rubina,
35:28but also still working with Quinn,
35:30and because there was conflict
35:32between Tucker and Quinn,
35:33Quinn probably has been feeling
35:35like we've chosen
35:37Tucker over him.
35:39I want to believe that Quinn
35:41is still in with the Visionaries,
35:45I don't really know
35:46where his head's at.
35:47That's just not a good idea.
35:49And if he does do that,
35:52then if I let Angel wait,
35:54that's my target.
35:56Because what the freak
35:58will find a way through this?
36:00It will survive this week,
36:02all three of us.
36:03It will.
36:13Can I just pick your brain
36:14a little bit more?
36:15Yes, of course.
36:16I already talked to Quinn
36:17about nominations,
36:18and that didn't make me feel
36:20super confident about things,
36:21so I want to talk to him again,
36:23especially because I'm uncertain
36:25about where I am with him.
36:27I know that I'm
36:29probably going on the block.
36:30I know you said your target's Angela.
36:35But that does make me really scared,
36:41I don't know where
36:42a lot of people's heads are at,
36:44I don't know if people
36:45would choose to keep me.
36:51Joseph would.
36:52T-Core would.
36:53Mackenzie would save you.
36:58If I'm willing to bet
36:59if T-Core asks Chelsea,
37:02Chelsea would vote to keep you,
37:04and then that's Cam,
37:05I feel like,
37:06would listen to Chelsea's insight.
37:08So that would be five of the seven.
37:10These votes are theoretical.
37:13I need assurances.
37:15I'm really scared
37:16that I might be misreading things,
37:18and now the panic is setting in.
37:28Okay, Kimo.
37:29I get it.
37:30You don't like this,
37:31and the Pond record
37:33hasn't been great this season.
37:35If I put Kimo up,
37:37and he goes home,
37:38that runs the risk
37:39of making people upset.
37:41People like T-Core,
37:42and that could be
37:43a huge problem for me.
37:45Whereas I have the option
37:46of putting up a comp beast
37:49who's not super well aligned,
37:51like Mackenzie on the block.
37:55Being HOH
37:56is just so much harder
37:58than I thought.
38:00I'm getting stressed out,
38:01and I don't know
38:02what I'm going to do.
38:03She's going home, bro.
38:06that's the general vibe.
38:13Hey, everyone.
38:14It is time
38:15for the nomination ceremony.
38:27I don't know
38:28if it's because I'm brave,
38:30and even if he puts me up,
38:32I just fight.
38:33I don't know
38:34if it's because I'm brave,
38:36and even if he puts me up,
38:38I just fight.
38:39I don't know
38:40if it's because
38:41I'm brave,
38:42and even if he puts me up,
38:43I just fight.
39:07This is the nomination ceremony.
39:11It is my responsibility
39:12as head of household
39:13to nominate three houseguests
39:15for eviction.
39:19In my nomination block
39:20are the keys of the houseguests
39:22I am nominating for eviction.
39:26I will turn three keys
39:27to lock in my nominations,
39:29and their faces will appear
39:31on the memory wall.
39:33The first houseguest
39:34I have nominated is...
39:40The next houseguest
39:41I have nominated is...
39:54The final houseguest
39:55I have nominated is...
40:11I have nominated you, Angela, Rubina, and Kimo.
40:16I've caught a lot of strays in this house.
40:18I've been called a narcissist,
40:20an idiot, untrustworthy,
40:23and most heinous of all, unfunny.
40:26And so I'm asking the house
40:29to respect my wishes as the HOH
40:31to please go after the person
40:32that I feel should be sent home next.
40:34This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
40:40Angela is 12,000%
40:43my target this week.
40:45I genuinely believe
40:47that if Angela is next to me
40:48as we get closer to finale night,
40:50she is someone who would be kept,
40:52and no matter what I say,
40:53people will send me home.
40:56Angela is 12,000%
40:58my target this week.
41:00I genuinely believe
41:01that if Angela is next to me
41:02people will send me home.
41:04So hopefully I can pull off
41:05a good old-fashioned W
41:07in this veto competition,
41:09keep nominations the same,
41:11rally the votes against Angela,
41:13and send her packing
41:14just like I did to your old tummy tuck last week.
41:18Quinn has been the only one in this game
41:20that has continuously
41:22pushed me up against a wall,
41:24but I'm not running.
41:26I have a veto to win.
41:28Quinn putting me up as a pawn
41:30is incredibly scary
41:31and also disappointing.
41:33I thought we had a closer bond than that.
41:36With veto coming up,
41:37it's time for me to step it up
41:39and win,
41:41and show Quinn
41:42that it was a mistake
41:43to have ever put me up
41:44in the first place.
41:47Quinn has completely
41:49lost all of my trust.
41:51He's basically putting
41:52the two people I trust most
41:53in this house on the block.
41:55He's just burned three bridges
41:57with people who actively
41:59were protecting him.
42:01I didn't have a target before,
42:03but Quinn might be my target now.
42:06Who will win the power of veto?
42:09And will it be used
42:10to save Rubina, Kimo,
42:12or Angela from eviction?
42:14Find out Wednesday night at 8,
42:167 central,
42:17on Big Brother!
42:28Survivor has evolved.
42:30I'm radiating with anxiety,
42:32and I'll be okay.
42:34You'll see.
42:35It's worse for me
42:36than it is for you.
42:37A new season of Survivor
42:39begins Wednesday,
42:40September 18th,
42:41on CBS.
43:01Clock is ticking.
43:02Clock is ticking.
43:03Clock is ticking!
43:04First of all,
43:05take a deep breath.
43:07The FBI's return
43:08October 15th, on CBS.