General Hospital 9-3-24

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Let me tell you something, Jagger. I've told you over and over and over.
00:04You can come after me.
00:08But when you go after my daughter...
00:13That's unacceptable.
00:30Michael, you've got to understand, he was coming after your sister.
00:43Enough! I don't want to hear it.
01:00Thanks for coming.
01:07Yeah, yes, I'm perfect. Of course I can.
01:10It's your sister.
01:12Oh, I figured that much.
01:14I left for two seconds and she grabs my car keys and runs off in my car.
01:19Okay, well, did you try calling her or texting her?
01:21We'll be texting her, yes.
01:22Okay, well, don't freak out.
01:24Too late.
01:25She's a grown woman. I'm sure she's fine.
01:26She's not fine. She has no business being out there by herself.
01:29Okay, well, where do you think she went?
01:31If I knew that, I'd be there and not here.
01:41Hi, Adela. It's me. It's your mom.
01:48I, uh...
01:51I just wanted to come and tell you how sorry I am for what happened at the funeral.
02:03You didn't deserve that.
02:06You deserve to be celebrated for the absolute gift that you were, that you are, that you still are.
02:16That you always will be.
02:42We have to go back and help that man.
02:44Stop walking. We've gone far enough.
02:49You ever kill anyone, Goyle?
02:54It changes you. Forever.
02:59So whatever life you believe you're going back to, it is not going to be the same if you pull that trigger.
03:08You have to believe me. Adela, you have to listen to me. Molly is wrong.
03:13Okay, she's wrong. It's not true what she said.
03:17I never would have gone to that hotel room if I thought I was going to be putting you in danger.
03:22I never would have done that. Not ever.
03:26I loved you so much and I only wanted to protect you, keep you safe.
03:32I wish so badly, more than anything in this whole world, I wish I could just go back.
03:40I wish I could just, just go back.
03:54It doesn't really matter what I wish, though, does it?
03:59Because you're, you're there and I'm still here.
04:09I'm still here.
04:31I just don't, I don't want to live without you.
04:37I don't, I don't want to be without you, Adela.
04:42Please just come back.
04:49What are we going to do?
04:53Okay, okay. All right.
04:57Mom's still at the house. She'll give you an alibi.
05:06If somebody's going to find it, I'll take care of it.
05:09Let's just go. Come on.
05:28Yeah, it's a probable hit and run on Route 41 just past mile marker 28.
05:36No, I didn't see it. I was just driving by and I saw a body on the side of the road.
05:42It's a male, I don't know, early 30s. There's no ID, but he's still alive, so hurry.
05:56Hello, delivery.
05:58What's the room number?
06:00Oh, I think they look fantastic right here.
06:04What are you doing?
06:06Oh, just craving a friendly face.
06:09And you thought that face would belong to me.
06:14These help?
06:15They're a nice touch.
06:17But you're not going to accept them, are you?
06:19Not a chance.
06:21Well, get rid of them.
06:22Actually, I will break them up into smaller arrangements and give them to my patients.
06:29Well, how very Elizabeth of you.
06:32How would you know that? You've been gone a long time.
06:36Yeah, that's true.
06:38You know what? Why don't we have dinner? I can help jog your memory. Sound good? What do you think?
06:45Yeah, I guess because it's so busy around here.
06:47That's not why it's a no.
06:49Okay, I'm still going to circle back around. You know, when it gets less busy, maybe it'll change your answer.
06:54You know, I'm the head nurse now. It's never less busy.
06:59Wow, congratulations.
07:03You know what? I'm going to circle back around anyway.
07:06Hope springs eternal and all that.
07:16I can't wait for you to see the next issue of Crimson. Deception is front and center in its full glory.
07:23I can't wait.
07:25Oh my, what happened to you?
07:28Devil baby happened.
07:31Oh, that's the one.
07:32He's got a set of lungs on him, huh? He's been going at it a while.
07:35I'm aware. Actually, the nannies couldn't handle it anymore, so Lois and I have been trading off, trying to quiet him down.
07:43Maybe he's hungry?
07:45Funny, that was my first thought. So I gave him one of those squishy baby food things.
07:53This is how he thanked me. He flung it at me.
07:56I'm surprised you didn't change.
07:59I'm surprised you're still here.
08:01Yeah, that's funny. Michael invited me to dinner and Brooklyn and I were just catching up on business.
08:09How about I take over here and you take over there?
08:14And if you can't get him quiet, I'd like you to arrest him for disturbing my peace.
08:21So dramatic.
08:23I'll be right back.
08:24I'll be right back.
08:25I'll take that.
08:27I'll be here if you need backup.
08:29There is not enough backup in the world.
08:34Are you really not changing that shirt?
08:41What are you doing in here? Why are you wet?
08:45What are you doing outside?
08:46I need your help.
08:48With what?
08:50If anybody asks, we've been up here together for the last half hour.
08:59She's still not picking up.
09:02Okay, well, after everything Chrissy has been through, I'm sure she just needs some space.
09:06Yeah, well, she can have space and call her mother. Will you do me a favor? Call Molly again. I'm going to text Michael now and see if he's heard from her.
09:17I love you.
09:19I love you, Della.
09:22I love you so much.
09:26Love only a mother could know.
09:31And it's not Molly's fault. She doesn't understand our connection. How could she?
09:36You grew inside me.
09:47We breathed together.
09:52We got together.
09:57We hated Gail together.
10:00Sorry about that, by the way.
10:02I know it's just the worst.
10:07You hated everything you loved.
10:10Like that, like that pink song you loved.
10:14I love that song so much.
10:17You, you, you, what?
10:20The beat was amazing.
10:23And I just know, I know.
10:26You would have been a dancer.
10:28I know, I know you would have.
10:33I can't believe this happened.
10:36I'm so sorry.
10:37Again, no, it's not your fault.
10:39No, no, it is, it is my fault. It is my fault.
10:42Because we were talking about all that, and then the emotions started coming up,
10:45and they kind of got all mixed up, and I'm really sorry.
10:48No, no, please stop saying that.
10:50I am glad you felt that you could talk to me.
10:54I saw how much pain you were in, and I wanted to help.
10:56You did. You helped so much.
10:58It morphed into something else, and I got caught up in it, I guess.
11:04But I shouldn't have.
11:05Neither of us should have.
11:06I love my husband, Drew.
11:07I know you do.
11:08And I am not...
11:13I was going to say that I am not a wife who cheats, but am I?
11:18No, no, you're not.
11:22You're a wife that got caught up in a weak moment with someone that was also having a moment, and...
11:30I know you love your husband. I really do.
11:33I love him, too. I just...
11:37If I'm being honest,
11:40there have been times,
11:44a bunch of times,
11:49where I wish I met you first.
11:56I hope...
11:59I hope you felt loved.
12:05I hope you know...
12:09God, I would do it all over again if I just had those moments back with you.
12:21But I will never, ever forget you.
12:24You will not be forgotten.
12:27I love you.
12:29I love you, Adara.
12:31I love you.
12:34And I'll take you with me...
12:47But you didn't meet me first.
12:49Michael did.
12:51And I thank God every day that I met your nephew.
12:53He is an amazing father and husband,
12:56has stood by me during the darkest times.
12:59The life we've built together means everything to me.
13:03I believe you.
13:05And that is why,
13:07what happened between us,
13:10it will have to stay locked in my heart.
13:13No one will ever know.
13:15Not from me.
13:17I only want the best for you, Willow. Always.
13:22I should go home.
13:26I'll call a ranch and...
13:27No, let me drive you.
13:30The roads could be messy. I will make sure that you get there safe.
13:42Did you drug him?
13:44No, we just walked around a little,
13:46and I asked him if he wanted to do a meet and greet.
13:48That is clearly not the same baby.
13:51You are going to be such a good mom.
13:53You already are to Violet.
13:54Can't wait to see you as a dad.
13:56I'll get a room.
13:58Oh, admit it, Granny.
14:00You would be so excited to have a great grandchild.
14:02Wouldn't be the worst thing.
14:04Okay, I'd adore it.
14:11Are you ready for this?
14:13Yeah, I've done it before. Let's do it.
14:24Looks like someone already found him.
14:27How much more do we have to endure?
14:34Hey, Portia.
14:37Just checking in.
14:38Any problems with the storm here?
14:40So far, it's been quiet.
14:42What about the rest of Port Charles?
14:44With Laura out of town, I am coordinating all the emergency responses.
14:48But luckily, it's just been some flooding and a couple of knocked down bridges.
14:53It's just been some flooding and a couple of knocked down power lines.
14:57Or some wood, so I can knock on it.
15:01We could use a break around here.
15:03Yeah, sure.
15:04But now that you're here.
15:07What can you tell me about Rick Lansing?
15:11Since he's TJ's father-in-law, I thought you might know a little bit about him.
15:17Well, I've had a few conversations with him.
15:20Nothing too deep.
15:22Why did you have something in particular you wanted to know?
15:27After Scott Baldwin dropped Heather's case, I thought I could stop worrying.
15:32Well, that lasted all of about five seconds until Rick Lansing showed up.
15:39He's now Heather's attorney.
15:42Well, Port Charles is no longer his home anymore.
15:46So that gives him a leg up in terms of not caring about the hate storm he's sure to receive.
15:54Yeah, I get that part.
15:56I guess what I really want to know.
15:59Is he really that great of a lawyer?
16:02Can he actually make a winning case for Heather?
16:07From the look on your face, I'm not going to like what you're about to say.
16:11From what I understand, Rick Lansing is a very good lawyer.
16:20Here we go, splash and mill, two percent, two sugars.
16:24Wow, I'm impressed you remember.
16:26I'm impressed that you're head nurse, but not surprised.
16:30What about you?
16:33What about me?
16:34You still practicing law?
16:36I'm managing to stay out of trouble all at the same time. Can you imagine?
16:40I'm actually not sure.
16:43Well, you know, like you said, it's been a long time. People can change.
16:48Look at Franco.
16:50Well, that was different.
16:51I know.
16:53I am on the road to self-improvement.
16:55Just wish I would have started a little bit earlier.
17:02How's Molly doing?
17:05She's hanging in.
17:07She's incredibly strong.
17:11I am.
17:13I'm very proud of her.
17:16It's one thing I know.
17:17What do you think about Heather Webber?
17:20There's a subject changer.
17:22Well, you know, I like to keep you on your toes.
17:27Heather has a soft spot for me because of Franco.
17:31So she's always on her best behavior when I'm around.
17:35Okay, good.
17:37I can use that.
17:39Are you representing her?
17:41Yeah, am I crazy to do so?
17:44I mean, I read her file. It's quite the body count.
17:48However, there are extenuating circumstances.
17:53Cobalt poisoning.
17:54Yeah, who'd have thought?
17:56Well, fair warning.
17:58If you take her on as a client, you will never make friends in this town.
18:03When has that ever been an option?
18:07Besides, you know, there's only one other person in Port Charles,
18:12besides Molly, of course, whose opinion matters to me.
18:20I named you after your great-grandmother.
18:27My father's mother.
18:30And my dad is...
18:33He's not perfect, but...
18:37he's always been...
18:40a constant presence in my life.
18:43Someone I could count on.
18:46And I want to be that person for you.
18:52I never imagined a world where I wouldn't be.
18:54I couldn't.
19:03I love you, and...
19:06I hope you still feel that love.
19:11Because it doesn't even know time or space.
19:17And it's not true what they say, you know.
19:19They say you can't take it with you.
19:22But I hope you've proven them wrong.
19:24I hope that you take all of my love with you.
19:29I do.
19:50I love you.
19:53I love you.
20:14I have a daughter.
20:16Her name is Avery.
20:19I love her very much.
20:22Let me go.
20:24And we will both disappear.
20:28I've been where you are now.
20:31I held a woman's life in my hands.
20:34And I ended it.
20:36And I regret that decision every single day.
20:41Sounds a lot like something called karma, if you ask me.
20:44Don't! Don't do it!
20:53Drop the gun.
20:56Don't come any closer.
20:58You know I can kill you. Drop the gun and let Ava go.
21:01Shoot her already!
21:13How's this for karma?
21:16What do we got?
21:17Paramedics responded to a 911 call.
21:19Found him lying by the side of the road.
21:23Still hit and run.
21:24Looks that way.
21:26Bruising indicates probable broken ribs.
21:28We're getting a chest x-ray to evaluate if he needs a chest tube.
21:31I'm waiting on radiology for an MRI and CAT scan to determine if he has a brain bleed, cerebral edema or any other injuries.
21:38Do we have an ID or is it a John Doe situation?
21:41Paramedics looked but found no identification.
21:44Thank you for your help. I will take it from here.
21:47I'm sorry to interrupt, but Dr. Park's waiting for an MRI and CAT scan on a trauma patient and I'm not getting any response from imaging.
21:56Okay, I'll see what that load up is.
21:57Are you sure?
21:58Yes, no problem.
22:02Judy calls.
22:03Yeah, um, can I catch up with you later?
22:07I mean this has been a nice conversation and I'd just like to continue it.
22:16I'm off in 20 minutes, meet me downstairs.
22:19I'll be there.
22:21I love you too.
22:25And news that should surprise no one, Molly has not seen Christina.
22:30So who do we call now?
22:32Mom, why don't we just wait a little bit?
22:34God, I hope she hasn't gone and done something stupid.
22:38Like what?
22:40How do you know?
22:45Thank God.
22:46Hey, you're soaked.
22:48It's raining.
22:50You're right here, this will keep you warm.
22:55Are you alright?
22:57Yeah, I'm fine, I didn't mean to make you worry.
22:59Oh, no worries, I was cute.
23:01Well, as a cute cover.
23:02No, that's, that's false.
23:04She was totally freaked out.
23:05Where were you?
23:07I went to the cemetery.
23:09I needed to talk to Adela.
23:16Hey, you need to get to the boathouse right away.
23:20Agent Cates was shot.
23:23No, no, no, just, just, just, just the coroner, he's dead.
23:27I don't know, I don't know, I just, I just showed up.
23:30And I found the body.
23:32Should I call the police or can you radio this in?
23:36Oh, my God!
23:37You should, you should probably alert the FBI.
23:40I don't know what's going on.
23:42Oh, my God!
23:43You should, you should probably alert the FBI, too, because Cates was an agent.
23:48Oh, my God.
23:50Hey, buddy, you're okay.
23:53What the hell happened?
23:58I didn't even tell you that our idea was to...
24:00I, I, I don't mean to be indelicate.
24:04Then don't.
24:07You're back together with Carly?
24:10Why would you say that?
24:12We were having a conversation, things got heated, you know, so that's it.
24:20Yes, I'm sure that's all it is.
24:31Hey, everything okay?
24:33That was Michael.
24:34There's been a shooting.
24:37About an hour ago, it looks like.
24:39On this property?
24:40Just outside the boathouse.
24:41Oh, my God.
24:42I have to get down there.
24:43Yeah, no, of course.
24:45Okay, everybody who doesn't live here, get out.
24:47Dinner is canceled.
24:49Actually, everybody needs to stay.
24:50Anna's on her way with officers and everyone here is gonna need to be questioned.
25:02You're positive you're okay?
25:04Yeah, no, I'm fine.
25:05I'm just, I'm not hurt.
25:06I'm surprised.
25:08How long has he been there?
25:09I don't know.
25:10I came down to the boathouse to check on things, make sure everything was secure because of the storm.
25:15And then I just, I just found him like that.
25:18And nobody else was around?
25:19No, no one.
25:21Did you see anyone leaving when you were pulling in?
25:24No, Drew drove me home after the campaign event and we were walking to the gatehouse when we saw you.
25:29This is, this is so crazy.
25:32I'm assuming he's...
25:35And you didn't hear a gunshot or anything?
25:37No, not surprising considering the thunder.
25:39Okay, what about weapons, bullet casings?
25:42So whoever did this knew how to clean up after themselves?
25:44I called Chase, he's on his way down.
25:46All right, well, you look a little shaken up, so why don't you go up?
25:49I'm gonna stay here, I'll wait for Chase, okay?
25:51Thank you, but I'm, I'm, I'm fine.
25:53You don't seem fine.
25:55Look, I'm the one who found the body.
25:57I'm sure they're gonna have a lot of questions for me, so...
26:00Well, at least let me stick around and be your wingman.
26:02There's something you can, you can do for me.
26:06It's just, just, um, take Willow to the house.
26:09I'll feel a lot better knowing that she's safe and with everybody else.
26:12I'll, I'll handle things here.
26:13Are you sure?
26:14Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
26:19Okay, uh, are you ready?
26:23Text me if you need anything.
26:25Yeah, I will.
26:33I was hoping you were still here.
26:35Can you do me a favor?
26:38I have an unidentified man in the trauma room, and he's an apparent victim of a hit-and-run.
26:43No ID?
26:44No, not on him.
26:46I'm wondering if you could use your credentials.
26:49Help me figure out who this man is?
26:53If anything like this ever happened to Trina, I hope someone would do everything that they possibly could to help her find her family.
27:01Yeah, well, I think that's a prayer that all parents share.
27:05Sweetie, you're still recovering.
27:07Don't you think that visit could have waited until the morning?
27:10You know, especially given the weather.
27:14I wanted to talk to Adela tonight.
27:18I just wish that you had called me, because I was so worried.
27:21Or told me where you were going, because I would have, I would have driven you.
27:26No, I left my phone in the car.
27:27I just wanted to be alone.
27:30I went to apologize to her.
27:35To the baby?
27:36For what happened at the burial.
27:40Christina, what happened at the burial was everyone's emotions were just running so high because everyone cherished the baby so much.
27:50I don't want to go on without her.
28:00Take me.
28:02Is this the part where I'm supposed to take you?
28:08As for the daughter part, I honestly don't care.
28:13Jason, why don't you take it from here, huh?
28:16I'm not going to get involved in this.
28:18You're already involved.
28:20If you'd been one second later, I'd be bleeding out in the rain.
28:23Good thing I wasn't one second later.
28:25One second later.
28:27What do you want to do?
28:32I am at my limit.
28:34I am so sick of being pushed around.
28:37Letting people play games with my life.
28:41No more.
28:43Oh, you arrived just in time to be questioned by police.
28:55Someone was shot.
28:56We saw.
28:58Drew and I just came from the boathouse.
29:00Agent Cates is dead.
29:02Oh, my God.
29:04Where's Michael?
29:06He's the one who found the body.
29:08Sonny, he's waiting for Chase.
29:10The coroners are on the way.
29:14By the time I got here, he was already dead.
29:18Okay, and you didn't see or hear anything else?
29:20No, I was in such shock, I could have missed something.
29:23But as far as I know, Cates was the only one here.
29:28I think that's all I need.
29:30I will let you know if I have any other questions.
29:34Go back to the main house.
29:35I want to be with my family.
29:36Of course.
29:37Oh, Michael.
29:39I'm really glad nobody else was hurt.
29:43Yeah, you and me both.
29:57Michael came to the boathouse to check the windows and make sure everything was tied down.
30:01Because of the storm?
30:02Yeah, and he found Agent Cates.
30:04No weapon in evidence, no bullet casings on the ground.
30:08And no suspect?
30:12Just the victim.
30:14You've known him a long time?
30:18My daughter, Robin, knew him.
30:21And, uh...
30:24Despite everything, you know, I'm pretty grateful to the way he treated her.
30:30He was capable of love.
30:32His family, Karen.
30:36This is tragic.
30:39He went so wrong.
30:42I appreciate it.
30:46Any luck?
30:48So, I just listened to the 911 call that reported the hit and run, and I recognized a voice.
30:55You did?
30:57Who was it?
30:59Jason Morgan.
31:01He didn't know who the man was, but he did provide a location.
31:05I sent some officers over to the area to search it.
31:08I'm just wondering if the patient's wallet was launched when he was struck by the car?
31:16Well, what I'm wondering is why Jason Morgan would leave John Doe before help arrived.
31:21I don't know.
31:23But I'm gonna ask him when I find him.
31:25There was a time I would have pulled this trigger without hesitation.
31:29But now I really don't want it on my conscience.
31:33I'll leave it to the professional.
31:38She hit someone with her car earlier.
31:40Yeah, I already called 911 earlier.
31:43What are you doing here? How did you find us?
31:45Tony told me to find you. Brick tracked you here.
31:48I'll wait for you in the car.
31:53We're in this together now.
31:56It will never get easier.
32:00But the pain will get smaller.
32:03And it won't be the only thing that you see.
32:06And the only thing that you feel.
32:09And you will be able to make room for other parts of your life.
32:14Beautiful parts.
32:19It means a lot to me that you understand.
32:23I really do.
32:25I know.
32:31Did you ever dream about Lila?
32:36I dream about Adele all the time.
32:39Sometimes she's a baby or sometimes she's grown up and off to school.
32:48But it doesn't matter how old she is or what age she is.
32:52She's always so happy.
32:55She's smiling.
32:59And then I wake up and remember that...
33:06None of those dreams are ever going to come true because of Ava.
33:11I have to make sure Ava pays for what she has done.
33:27Here you go.
33:29Thank you so much.
33:30Good night.
33:34I should see you in a cup of coffee.
33:36We just had one.
33:38Well, how about an ice cream?
33:40Waffle cone? Chocolate sprinkle?
33:42Oh, come on.
33:43You know I can't say no to ice cream.
33:45I'm so glad some things haven't changed.
33:50You saved my life.
33:52I'm grateful. I will back up whatever story you want me to.
33:55But the last thing I need right now is to be involved with this.
33:59It's a good chance nobody's going to miss her or even realize she's gone.
34:03Just make sure we don't leave anything behind.
34:06Who are you calling?
34:08The police.
34:15The police are here.
34:16Are you all right?
34:18Yeah, I'm fine.
34:20What happened?
34:22Okay, I went down to the boathouse to make sure everything was secure before the storm hit.
34:25And when I got there, I found Agent Cates.
34:30Did anyone else see?
34:32I'm sorry you had to see that.
34:34I'll survive.
34:41How are you holding up?
34:42I know that you were fond of Congressman McConkie.
34:48It hit me harder than I thought it would, especially considering I knew it was coming.
34:53I wasn't ready for it either.
34:55I wasn't ready for it either.
34:59I guess there are just some things in life that you can never really prepare yourself for.
35:08Death, apparently, is one of them.
35:13Can we go home?
35:14Oh, I wish, but we have to wait until we talk to the police.
35:17Yes, and we have to tell them what everybody already knows.
35:21What's that, Tracy?
35:24That Sonny despised John Cates.
35:28And vice versa.
35:30Not lost on me that John Cates was murdered on the very night that Sonny came to check on his offspring.
35:39Grandmother, he had more than his share of enemies.
35:43Anyone could have killed him.
35:48All right, I'm going to head up to the main house and get some statements.
35:52I'm going to stay with the coroner, get the autopsy done as soon as possible.
35:56It was raining, two shots, close range, no sign of struggle, no defensive wounds.
36:01No evidence left behind.
36:04Cates made himself persona non grata while he was here.
36:10But he's still FBI, which means that we have a dead agent on our turf.
36:14What are your thoughts?
36:15Who pulled the trigger?
36:17The pool's large.
36:20I'm going to take Sonny to sleep and go to bed.
36:23I think that's a good idea.
36:25Wait, wait, hold on.
36:27I love you, all right?
36:29And your sister's right.
36:31It's going to get better.
36:33That's right.
36:35Can I?
36:45I didn't do anything.
36:46Yeah, you did.
36:47You gave her an ally in her grief, and I know that was really painful for you to talk about.
36:53Yeah, Mom, it is, it was, it will always be.
36:57But I've had time to process and move forward.
37:01Chrissy will get there.
37:05I am very worried about her.
37:08The way she's talking about the revenge and it's not healthy.
37:13But her emotions are so raw right now.
37:18After I've lost Lila, my emotions were all over the place.
37:22I can't remember exactly what I did or said, but I'm sure it was extreme.
37:31Thank you for your help.
37:33Go home to your kids, all right?
37:36I'll call you.
37:37I love you.
37:38I love you.
37:43I love you.
38:07On the next General Hospital.
38:08Put a stop to this before it goes way too far.
38:11There's something I want to tell you.
38:12Any chance we can change the stakes?
38:14Please, just come here.
38:15I like the impression better.
38:17We can prove that everything we're saying is true.
38:19Clearly we saw something that we shouldn't have.