• l’année dernière
La nouvelle saison des Anneaux de Pouvoir est sortie et pour l'occasion nous avons rencontré Markella Kavenagh (Nori), Megan Richards (Poppy), Owain Arthur (Durin IV) et Sophia Nomvete (Disa).

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Interview : Julie Fritah
Montage : Stella Capitaine


00:00Then you know that there's gonna be a consequence of potential imminent death, but if that's for me, that's fine in it for everyone
00:12Oh so much to like I like the
00:16groundedness of
00:17Them the working-class element of of the dwarfs and the humor that comes with that. I think the same
00:24I think they're just they're so relatable in so many ways
00:27But equally they have this magic air about them as well. And I think they are not afraid of all their emotions
00:35That's what's really lovely to play. We just get to extend every single emotion that we play
00:39They're full of heart and they're full of humor. They have an amazing amount of comedy and we love playing comedy
00:46but they are so dense and so
00:49Hearty as well and they're not afraid to roll their sleeves up the equality between the male and the female dwarf
00:56And the love and respect and loyalty within the kingdom it they're just such meaty roles with
01:03100 million layers that are all for discovery. So there's lots to play for
01:12Yeah, I actually do think I would have done that if I felt a really strong connection with the person that I and trust
01:18With the person it was that because sometimes I yeah, I'm quite impulsive. I think sometimes I don't know
01:24It would have been the smartest decision
01:27But yeah, I feel like if there's trust
01:28I this is the beauty of friendship of like when you do have such trust in friends. It's kind
01:34Who knows what will happen? Yeah. Yeah
01:41No, no, I'd probably sell it though, yeah, I'm trying to make a lot of money out of it
01:45But now I did yeah probably would have kept it
01:48But then also you kind of want to see what else can be done with it. I suppose I mean, what would you do?
01:53I mean doesn't that just blow your mind that you find an
01:58that has never been seen before and has like
02:02Magic quality. I it's I find it really hard to get my head around that. I don't I just don't know what I do
02:09Yes, I'd keep it. But would I risk?
02:12Every person's life and soul for it. Don't know. I'm the same
02:17It's just hard to know until you till you've got it, isn't it?
02:20I think the likelihood is as I would keep some of it, but I'd like to share it
02:24I'd almost like to share the responsibility. So
02:28Yeah, I think I'd keep a bit
02:33So literally to answer that question we have three hours of hair and makeup and prosthetics
02:38We have our ears put on and then hair makeup and then costume and then the feet and then I think sort of from an actor
02:46Perspective that also kind of helps it kind of became like a little ritual
02:50I think almost that sort of time with that team putting poppy together because it's such a transformation
02:56I've been able to really sit in to poppy
03:00Especially the longer that I've sort of played her and gotten to know her really it became more and more natural as time went on
03:06And I think when you're surrounded again by the set pieces or the location or the other actors
03:12It's very easy to sort of drop into character
03:18I think that's what that's the difficulty of the journey that they're on
03:22Actually is because when you are faced with your greatest fear and someone shining a very shiny object in front of you saying this
03:30Will eliminate it all how strong really are we to know that?
03:34You know nothing in life comes for free and sometimes and there will be consequences cause and effect
03:39so I'm gonna say I don't know the answer to that question because I'm very very fortunate that
03:46I haven't been in that level of
03:48Despair, so I'm and that's very privileged and very very fortunate because I know there's many people who are in fact living that right
03:56Now to save the world
03:58Then you know that there's gonna be a consequence of potential imminent death, but if that's for me, that's fine in it for everyone
