• el año pasado
"Blood for soil" es una frase que generalmente se refiere al sacrificio de vidas (sangre) en defensa o conquista de territorio (tierra).

Esta expresión a menudo se asocia con la idea de que la tierra tiene un valor sagrado o nacional, y que es digna de ser defendida a cualquier costo, incluso con la vida de las personas.

Históricamente, ha sido utilizada en contextos de nacionalismo o militarismo, donde se justifica la guerra o el conflicto en nombre de la patria o la posesión de la tierra.

Esta canción es la segunda de dos versiones.


00:27In the shadow of the morning sun
00:33I watch the raven circle high
00:41The fields are stained with blood undone
00:47And the winds carry the warrior's cry
00:54Is it worth the blood we've given
01:00For a piece of earth so cold and bare?
01:06Why must we fight instead of reason
01:13When peace could end this grim affair?
01:47The swords have claimed their bitter prize
01:53And left the mother's tears to fall
02:00In every grave a dream now lies
02:06Buried deep beneath the battle's call
02:13Is it worth the blood we've given
02:19For a piece of earth so cold and bare?
02:26Why must we fight instead of reason
02:33When peace could end this grim affair?
02:39Oh, why can't they see through the fury
02:46That the soil will never soothe their pain?
02:52Sit down and speak without the worry
02:59That might is right or war's the game
03:06Is it worth the blood we've given
03:12For a piece of earth so cold and bare?
03:19Why must we fight instead of reason
03:26When peace could end this grim affair?
03:34I weep for all the fallen hearts
03:40And the endless wars that never cease
03:47For in their place the future parts
03:53Could have been a time of lasting peace
