Hollyoaks 2nd September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Hollyoaks 2nd September 2024


00:00You didn't even speak to me before you went and gave your dad an alibi.
00:04It was Mercedes, Paige.
00:05She threatened to tell him about the drugs.
00:08What was that for?
00:09You manipulative little...
00:11I'm placing you under arrest.
00:12I didn't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
00:14if you do not mention one question,
00:16something which you later rely on in court.
00:18Calm down.
00:19Okay, someone just took the babies. They were just gone.
00:22What do you mean, gone?
00:23My babies.
00:26It's just hope for the twins' sake.
00:28Mercedes plays along.
00:59OK, sweethearts, I need you to calm down.
01:02Now, you saw absolutely nothing, nothing at all that can help.
01:06Yeah, I will. You sit tight, OK?
01:09What's happened? Where's Mercedes?
01:12Any luck?
01:13No. I've tried Cleo, Tresor, John Paul, Sally.
01:16Nobody's seen her. They're all gone.
01:18I'm afraid so.
01:19I'm afraid so.
01:20I'm afraid so.
01:21I'm afraid so.
01:22I'm afraid so.
01:23I'm afraid so.
01:24I'm afraid so.
01:25I'm afraid so.
01:26I'm afraid so.
01:27I hear nobody's seen her. They don't know where she is.
01:30How's Vicky?
01:31Well, someone tell me what's going on.
01:33Someone's taken Mercedes' twins.
01:36We need to call the police.
01:37The sooner we report this, the more chance we have of finding them.
01:40Yeah, she's right. I'll do it.
01:42I'm sure Mercedes has done that.
01:44I'll go find her, see if I can help.
01:53Wait, you can't do this to him. He's not well.
01:55I can assure you Mr. Dexter will be properly looked after during his stay in custody.
02:00Can I have a minute, please?
02:02Don't, no.
02:04I'll be fine.
02:05What? You've just overdosed!
02:07And what? Now they're gonna stick you in a prison cell?
02:09In what world is that okay?
02:10I promise I'll be home before you know it.
02:11No, this is wrong.
02:13Time to go.
02:14No, wait!
02:17Joel, what am I supposed to do without ya?
02:20Please, please!
02:21Don't leave me! Please, Joel!
02:26Come on, come on.
02:31They were taken from the park.
02:35...that one near Oakdale Drive.
02:37I've seen this.
02:38What the-?
02:41What are you doing here?
02:48Aren't ya? You're...
02:50...you're Blue!
02:50No, I'm not.
02:52Did ya...did ya use Vicky?
02:54Or was she in on it too?
02:56Of course not!
03:00Mercedes, I am not Blue!
03:02Okay, so what, you...
03:03...you work for him then? Is that what this is?
03:05I wouldn't work for that lowlife scumbag!
03:07I detest him as much as you and Warren do!
03:09Then why did you cut off my call...
03:12...to the police?
03:12And what ARE you doing here, Donny?!
03:15Cos I'm the only person who knows what you're facing up to right now.
03:19Now, I need you to listen to me properly.
03:22What I NEED...
03:23...to do is call the police!
03:28...I WAS the police.
03:34When it comes to Blue...
03:36...fear side of any police involvement...
03:39...and you can kiss goodbye to any chance of seeing your twins again.
03:41**Phone rings**
03:48It's the police. They've called me back.
03:50Get rid of them.
03:51Say it's a mistake, the kids are fine.
03:55...you need to trust me.
04:04I'm sorry.
04:08Yeah, false alarm.
04:13**Phone beeps**
04:20Woah, what's happened?
04:22Did you see anything before, in the park?
04:24No, what do you mean?
04:26Like anything dodgy, anyone- anyone hanging around, watching the kids?
04:30Vicky, what's happened?
04:31Someone took Mercedes' twins!
04:33When you left, I just turned around and- and they were just- they were gone!
04:36Okay, hang on, speak to me here. What is she- has she called the police, or-
04:40No, my dad has, but he's just told me to sit tight and I- I can't do that. I can't-
04:43She trusted me to look after them!
04:44Hey, Vicky...
04:45...just breathe for me, yeah? Okay?
04:47In through your nose...
04:48...out through your mouth. There you go.
04:50Just like that.
04:52What if something bad happened to them? What if they don't come home?
04:56Ethan, how am I supposed to live with that? Everyone's gonna blame me!
04:59And- and you just need to go and look for them.
05:01Okay, listen to me, right?
05:02You're in a state of shock. Do you want something to eat? Something to drink for?
05:04No, I need to be out there looking for them!
05:06Vicky, right, you're not in the frame of mind to go leading some kind of search party, yeah?
05:11Your dad said he's sorting it, yeah?
05:14Well, give him a chance.
05:16He just needs to stay positive for me, or they're gonna find those twins...
05:18...and they're gonna bring them home.
05:22When I found out Blue was active again, I couldn't keep away.
05:25Especially after he shot my son.
05:26I don't need a history lesson, Donny. I need my girls back!
05:29Oh, you'll get them back.
05:30You won't get away from me again.
05:32They're out with a dangerous...
05:34...dangerous man and we are wasting time!
05:37Mercedes, just keep calm.
05:40Calm? My girls are gonna be scared, wondering where the mummy is!
05:47I need them!
05:50And they need me!
05:52I've already lost Gabriel, Bobby's gone and this...
05:55...this was my last chance at getting it right!
05:58He'll get them back.
05:59It's not in his interest to hurt them.
06:02It's just something that he wants, something that he needs.
06:05So what?
06:07Hmm? Do we just sit and...and wait?
06:10It won't be long before you find out what he wants with them.
06:13And you.
06:14When he does...
06:15...I've got some mates in the force that'll track his number...
06:18...and get his location.
06:20You'll get your girls back.
06:22I'll put him down for good.
06:26He's blue.
06:28What's he want?
06:34...what's his orders?
06:42Hi! What's happened here?
06:44I thought it was supposed to be a big old knees up, see more life at a funeral.
06:47Who died?
06:48Oh God, who died?
06:49Nobody died.
06:52Mercedes had to head home, check on the twins. We thought it best to wrap it up with her gone.
06:57Hang on, so...
06:58...Mercedes gave up an afternoon of drinking, partying to go and look after us. What is this, another dimension?
07:03You know what it's like with babies.
07:06Well this is nice.
07:07I was hoping for a bit of a party before my evening shift.
07:09Oi! Leela!
07:10Fancy a cocktail?
07:11On the house.
07:12Not today.
07:13Come on, don't be a boring mare and leave me this teat-hole, Tina.
07:16I said not today, Grace.
07:20I hope she's alright.
07:21Forget her, what about me?
07:23I mean...
07:27What we gonna do now?
07:29I'm off for the rest of the day.
07:31You and I could do something.
07:32Do you fancy getting tanked up and gossiping about them?
07:35Not really.
07:36Forget it then.
07:38Joel's been nicked...
07:39...for perverting the course of justice.
07:42Alright, so they're gonna know that he wasn't with his dad when Norma died.
07:45Alright, so I'm...
07:46...are we done?
07:48Can I return these kids to their mother?
07:52Even without his dopey son's phony alibi...
07:55...Norma'll find his way out of it, he always does.
07:57Well it looks like you got him exactly where you want him.
07:59He took my child away from me.
08:02Makes sense that I give him payback plus interest.
08:06He does what he's told.
08:08He can get his kids back.
08:09And if he doesn't?
08:15...go on...
08:28Everything alright, Dave?
08:29Yeah, we...
08:30...what are you doing here?
08:31You're supposed to be doing driving lessons, I'm warning.
08:33Well, I was just on my way to pick up a student and I just saw that your, er...
08:35...van was here.
08:37Just wanted to make sure everything was tickety-boo.
08:38Yeah, no...
08:39...it's, um...
08:41...flat battery.
08:42That's why I, er...
08:44...that's why I...
08:45Is that Mercedes?
08:46Flagged that guy down, see if he could help but he didn't have any jumpers.
08:49Has he become?
08:49**PHONE RINGS**
08:51...no bother.
08:52**PHONE RINGS**
08:52I'll, er...
08:53...give my breakdown cover a call.
08:54**PHONE RINGS**
08:55No, no, no, no, no! It's fine, it's fine!
08:56Don't matter.
08:57It's fine.
08:57I'll be alright.
08:58It...it's fine, honestly. I just need to give him my postcode.
09:04Right, well what if it happens again, eh?
09:05You don't want it cutting off halfway home, do ya?
09:07**PHONE RINGS**
09:08Hey, yeah, yeah. I've got a broken down van here.
09:10Hey, look!
09:12She said it was fine!
09:13She said leave it!
09:16Told ya to leave it!
09:33Oh, f**k!
09:36You told me to trust ya...
09:38...and we've got nowhere!
09:39I've got a guy tracing the Burner Fort and I've given him that number too.
09:42Well, we've only got till 7pm...
09:44...and we haven't got time to waste!
09:46Try call him again.
09:47Oh, just face it! We are out of options!
09:51I need to convince Warren to do what Blue wants, Oi!
09:53Warren does this and it's over.
09:55Everything you've both been trying to avoid happens...
09:58...and Blue wins again.
09:59Is that what you really want?
10:00You think I give a toss about winning or losing?
10:02The only thing I care about is getting my baby's back safe and sound!
10:08...I'm close to nailing him this time!
10:10Okay, answer me this.
10:12What would you do?
10:15If this were Vicky...
10:16...and Andre...
10:18...what would you do in my situation?
10:22I'd do everything I could to get them back...
10:24...but Mercedes...
10:25...there's got to be another way!
10:26Oh, please, Donnie! Tell me!
10:27I am begging you!
10:32We both know...
10:35...what I've gotta do.
10:57So, what happened? Did they let you go?
11:00...oh, not quite.
11:02I'm out on bail though.
11:04Look, Leela, come on. It doesn't mean I'm gonna get sent down for it.
11:07I'm just gonna take them that little bit longer.
11:09More callers would mess it up.
11:16You know what, Joel?
11:18You didn't get caught nicking a bag of sweets, you know?
11:21You got caught giving a false alibi...
11:23...for someone facing a murder charge.
11:25I know.
11:26Look, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to deal with this the best way I can, for you.
11:33Wait there a minute.
11:44It's fine. I'm just...
11:45I just have withdrawal symptoms. I'm fine.
11:52I know it looks bad.
11:54All I'll do is I'll get arrested, right? And I'll get a lawyer.
11:56Somebody that knows what they're doing.
11:58Slap on the wrist.
12:02Slap on the wrist.
12:05Do you know what, Joel?
12:07You need to wake up.
12:10And we need to face reality.
12:13You're going to prison.
12:32What is it?
12:33It's Mike.
12:36He's taken the twins.
12:38What's he had?
12:40Mercedes, are the babies okay?
12:41As far as I know, they are safe.
12:45So what does he want?
12:48I don't know how to say this.
12:50A Mercedes?
12:53Look, whatever it is, money, the businesses, the loft, the garage, he can have it all.
12:58It's not that.
13:00Then what is it?
13:03He said he would give them back unharmed if you follow his orders.
13:09What orders?
13:10If we want to see the girls again,
13:13you have got to confess to killing your mother by 7pm tonight.
13:21And you've got to spend the rest of your life in here.
13:40I have never bowed down to anyone in my life, ever.
13:48I have been knocked down plenty of times, but I have always gotten back up.
13:53And if anyone has tried to have me over, I have always made them pay.
13:57These are our babies that we're talking about here.
14:03Lauren, I wish there was another way to get the girls back, to get you out of here.
14:08But the truth is, this feud with Blue is going to end up costing us everything.
14:16Look at what's going on with Joel.
14:19You've lost your mother.
14:22We have tried everything.
14:27It's over.
14:29I swear to the little rat I'll show his face.
14:32You do realise what this means if I do this, don't you?
14:42I love you.
14:44And I know you love me.
14:49But the one thing we love more than each other in this world is our children.
14:55If you don't do this, none of us are going to ever see the twins ever again.
15:02And I don't want to bow down to Blue's orders either.
15:09But we have to.
15:12It's the only way.
15:26Have you seen Mercedes' twins?
15:28Yeah, I did bump into them during a big shop in Bryce Heights.
15:31Not funny, Grace.
15:32Cindy, there you are. I really need to speak to you.
15:34Not now, Tom. Someone's taken them.
15:36What? Well, has anyone phoned the police?
15:38Well, Donny said that he was taught in here, so I presume they've been to the station.
15:41I need to phone Freddie and check on Kaz and Lexi.
15:45I was just about to call you. I wonder where you got to. Are you all right?
15:48I have been trying to call you for ages.
15:50I left my phone on silent, I'm sorry.
15:51You knew where I was, right?
15:52I was at Mrs. Gray's sorting out a media wall out of town.
15:55Out of town, wasn't it? Any word specific?
15:58Someone has stolen Mercedes' twins,
15:59and I've been running around all afternoon trying to find them, but nothing.
16:02Look, it might be nothing to do with Blue,
16:04but just keep your eyes peeled, all right?
16:06Until I know some more.
16:08What is it you wanted to say?
16:10Right, panic over.
16:11XC coats are fine, so panic over for me.
16:14Just keep your postage in.
16:17How long have you been looking for them?
16:18Oh, give or take four hours.
16:19Well, you must be shattered.
16:21Why don't you get yourself home? I'll continue the search.
16:23You don't need any more stress after the day you've had.
16:26Hero, are we?
16:27Thank you. Yes, I will do that.
16:42Oh, I can't wait anymore. I need to ring my dad.
16:45Look, listen, you said you'd give him more time to sort things out, yeah?
16:51I just feel so useless.
16:54I mean, this is all my fault,
16:55and I'm sat here doing absolutely nothing to fix it.
16:58If I was just watching them a little bit closer, I could have...
17:01Well, could have what?
17:03Reasoned with them?
17:04Listen, baby snatchers aren't the type of people you can just talk down.
17:07Vicky, you need to understand this wasn't your fault.
17:10I mean...
17:11No, listen, I'm not going to sit here and watch you beat yourself up over something, yeah?
17:16What happened was beyond hideous,
17:18but the only people to blame are the sick freaks that took them.
17:22For what?
17:27Have they found them?
17:28Not yet.
17:29But the police have got nothing.
17:31They're doing all they can.
17:33I feel so awful, Dad.
17:34I know.
17:35No matter what I say, it's not going to make you feel any better.
17:39Look, if it's any help, it's just as much my fault as it is yours.
17:43I was there too.
17:46You need to give yourself a break.
17:48Let's go home, eh?
17:58So you're the reason why Vicky was so distracted when the babies were taken?
18:02What are you trying to say?
18:06But if I was a suspicious man, I'd be keeping a close eye on you, Ethan.
18:12Then are you a suspicious man?
18:22Here you go, princess.
18:23Eat up.
18:24I can't.
18:25I'm so worried about Mercedes.
18:26If that was any of my kids...
18:28I told you I'm not going to stand around and watch you make yourself all over this.
18:32I'm going to pick up the search, okay?
18:37Make sure she eats something, yeah?
18:38Remember what I said.
18:40No more stress.
18:52Come on.
18:54Not now, Tom.
18:55It's been a hell of a day.
18:56Just listen to me.
18:57Go at a moment.
18:57Miss brought something then.
18:59It has to be you and it has to be now.
19:01You're not gonna like it.
19:03It's about Dave.
19:04What about Dave?
19:06Look, I found him on the car park, okay?
19:08He said he'd broken down.
19:10So I tried to call breakdown repair.
19:12It's like he just switched.
19:14I have never seen him like that before.
19:16He pushed me on the floor, drove off.
19:19I'll tell you what he did have, though.
19:20He had a different phone.
19:22He had an old one and you know who he was calling.
19:26I didn't think anything of it until I saw him earlier on with his normal one.
19:29The way that he reacted to you when you told him about them twins.
19:33Something's wrong here, Cindy.
19:34Something is seriously wrong.
19:37What are you trying to say?
19:40I mean, I think...
19:43I think Dave had something to do with the twins being taken.
19:45Do you have something for me?
19:47That depends.
19:49Have all my terms and conditions been met?
19:52They have.
19:53As agreed.
19:57What now?
20:01DS Peel's authorised me to inform you that all charges against you have been dropped.
20:06What? Why?
20:07DS Peel and the CPS decided there's insufficient evidence to proceed to trial.
20:11DS Peel and the CPS decided there's insufficient evidence to proceed to trial.
20:16They only charged me this afternoon.
20:18Perhaps it's worth having a chat with your dad.
20:21I'll see myself out.
20:34And what about my sunroof and my 85-inch TV?
20:38Fair enough.
20:39I knew I was pushing it with that one.
20:41And as for your end of the bargain?
20:46Easy, tiger.
20:49There's a few things I need to hear from my solicitor first.
21:07Why now?
21:08We've been dying to put you away for years
21:10and all of a sudden you hang yourself to us on a plate.
21:13Maybe the guilt got the better of me.
21:17Or maybe I just realise when I've lost.
21:40Look at yourself to sleep, hello my babies.
22:07There you go.
22:09That's what you wanted.
22:11A full sign confession.
22:14It was me.
22:16I killed Norma.
22:40Oh, that's great.
22:49Thanks for letting me know.
22:51Was that about the twins?
22:52They found them?
22:53Maria Gabriela and Maria Carmela.
22:57Both home safe and sound.
22:59Oh gosh, I can't believe it.
23:01I haven't been that terrified since, like, ever.
23:05And now?
23:07Well, their little girls are safe.
23:09And so is mine.
23:11That's all that matters.