
  • 2 weeks ago


00:00There are a lot of palm trees on the other side. I want to help you.
00:10He desired the palm tree.
00:13As soon as he saw the palm tree, he started drooling.
00:18How should I go there?
00:20But I am the right person to show you where it is.
00:25The fox said, you have to take me to the other side.
00:32I will show you the way.
00:34The fox said, use your little intelligence and use your magic to fill your stomach.
00:44The fox took him to the other side.
00:46He sat on the palm tree and crossed the water.
00:50He sat on the deep water and came to the other side.
00:55As soon as he came, he saw the palm tree.
00:58He was very happy.
01:00The fox showed him the palm tree and told him to eat the palm tree.
01:11As soon as he ate the palm tree, he started drooling.
01:17As soon as he ate the palm tree, he started drooling.
01:26As soon as he started drooling, all the drunkards came running.
01:36What is this?
01:37All of a sudden, they heard a noise and came running.
01:40When they saw it, they saw that the fox was eating the palm tree.
01:45They hit him severely.
01:48His back and legs were swollen.
01:51The fox came running and came here.
01:55The fox asked him, did you eat the palm tree?
02:00The fox said, I brought you here.
02:07Do you know what you did to thank me?
02:10Why did you drool?
02:12Because you drooled, they hit me.
02:15The fox said.
02:17I have a habit of drooling.
02:20I have a habit of drooling when I am full.
02:22I have a habit of drooling when I am full.
02:27The fox was not full.
02:29In Hindi, it is said,
02:31The fox was not full.
02:37His back was swollen.
02:40The fox said, come back and hit me again.
02:44When the fox carried the fox on his back and continued his journey,
02:49All of a sudden, they heard a noise.
02:51He was our partner and hit us.
02:55We have to teach him a lesson.
02:58Do you know what he said?
03:01Listen carefully.
03:04You have to see how drooling is a habit after eating.
03:09You have to see how drooling is a habit after eating.
03:18The fox said, leave your habit.
03:22But that camel took revenge.
03:27When the fox started drooling,
03:31The fox said, it was my mistake.
03:33I was hit with water.
03:35The camel escaped.
03:37When you are a partner with someone,
03:40Be open-minded.
03:42My teacher taught me this.
03:45You may be a big businessman.
03:47You may be an industrialist.
03:49You may share your family with your wife.
03:51My third hope was taught to us by my teacher.
03:55You have to be a partner in your family.
03:58You have to be in your business.
04:00You may have to be in your business.
04:03When you are a partner,
04:05Be open-minded with your wife.
04:08Don't live with a hidden agenda.
04:12When you join a partner,
04:15Be open-minded.
04:17Be open-minded with your wife.
04:20Only then you will enjoy.
04:22My teacher taught us this story and taught us a lesson.
04:27The Bible says about the heart of man,
04:30The heart of man is evil.
04:33The heart of man is evil.
04:36We read this in Jeremiah 17.
04:39The heart of man is evil.
04:44In the Hindu Bible,
04:47It says,
04:53It says,
04:58When God calls you as a partner,
05:01Come and be a part of my holiness.