Mullu girlfriend hot

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Let's go.
00:05Let's go.
00:10First money, then work.
00:15Got it?
00:18Ma'am, Rasheed Bhai said that first payment.
00:23I mean, there's a rule, so we'll have to follow it.
00:28Give it to me.
00:44Always carry a few condoms with you.
00:49Safety comes first.
01:13Turn around.
01:16Turn around.
01:43You must have definitely refused him.
01:45Why would I refuse? It's my job.
01:47I get paid for it.
01:49And I don't have to marry him, right?
01:52Listen, I have a lover too.
01:54Please talk to Rasheed Bhai.
01:56Talk to him for me.
01:57What's the problem?
01:58Look at your face.
02:00I mean, look at your face.
02:01Look, in this line, especially in this line,
02:03what you see is what you sell.
02:06You talk to Rasik bhai. I'll take care of the rest.
02:09Have you gone mad?
02:10Do one thing.
02:11Get a good job.
02:12I mean, a clerk.
02:13Or become a delivery boy somewhere.
02:14This is not your cup of tea.
02:17One minute.
02:19It's mom.
02:20Yes, mom, tell me.
02:21No, I'm coming home.
02:23First, I have to get a payment from a place.
02:26When will you come?
02:27How long should I wait?
02:28Hey, what is this?
02:29Are you coming now?
02:30I've been waiting for you for an hour.
02:32And you're just roaming around.
02:33What's the use of your work?
02:35Take this 25,000 rupees.
02:39I'll give you 25,000 later.
02:42Where did you get so much money from?
02:43I've got a new job.
02:44I've taken an advance from there.
02:46What job?
02:47What do you have to do?
02:48You count the money.
02:49It's hard work and sweat.
02:50You want tea, right?
02:51I've had enough of tea, bhai.
02:53I'll leave now.
02:54I'll come later to take Rekha.
03:00You saved my house.
03:03Are you crazy?
03:04You're my aunt.
03:06If I don't do it for you,
03:07for whom will I do it?
03:08Don't say that.
03:14This is for you, mom.
03:16This is for you, aunt.
03:19She's so sweet.
03:20Isn't she?
03:24You sold all your gold at Rekha's wedding, right?
03:29I'll make you double gold.
03:32I just want you to be successful day and night.
03:46Is it for me?
03:47Of course, it's for you.
03:48It's a ladies perfume.
03:49What will I do with it?
03:50But it must be very expensive.
03:53That's why I'm asking you to keep it.
04:00You'll use it when we become one.
04:03You know, Majnu has a nice lodge.
04:06Let's go there.
04:08You've started again.
04:09Take it.
04:10I don't want the perfume.
04:11You keep it.
04:12It's for you.
04:13Hold on.
04:19Yes, sir.
04:23Yes, sir.
04:24I'll be right there.
04:25Okay, sir.
04:27Where are you going?
04:28I've a client meeting.
04:30I'll see you later.
04:31But, Ankit, how can you...
04:33I'll meet you.
04:37You can keep it without any condition.
04:39It's for you.
04:41Love you.
04:52Love you.
05:23May be he has gone out with his friends.
05:25No, sir.
05:26He doesn't go anywhere without informing.
05:28He comes home at 8.
05:30He came here at midnight.
05:31He hasn't come home yet.
05:32His phone is also not switched on.
05:34I think my son is in some trouble.
05:37Sir, I beg you.
05:39Please find my son.
05:40Where does your son work?
05:41He works in a company.
05:43It was 9th May.
05:44He has been working there for a month and a half.
05:47Give me your son's mobile number.
05:49I'll call you.
05:51Give me your son's mobile number and his photo.
05:53I'll call him.
05:54Okay, sir.
05:56Give me his photo.
05:57I beg you.
06:01We'll add some more money from yesterday and today.
06:05We'll order 1000-1500 rupees.
06:09Look at that bag.
06:18Let's go and see what's in it.
06:20Let's go.
06:27There's no one here.
06:28Let's go.
06:48Let's go.
06:49Let's go.
06:58Let's go.
07:06Sir, this is the same guy
07:07whose mother came to the police station yesterday to file a missing complaint.
07:10His name is Ankit.
07:11Take the body outside.
07:22Sir, there are a lot of bruises on the body.
07:24I think he was beaten up many times before he died.
07:29We'll know the cause of death only after the post-mortem.
07:32search the surroundings like me.
07:33Okay, sir.
07:35Who saw the body first?
07:36I did.
07:37We pass by this place to go to work.
07:40When we came here today,
07:42we saw a suitcase lying here.
07:44When we saw it,
07:46there was a dead body.
07:47Is this your daily routine?
07:49But there was nothing here yesterday.
07:53we found a purse on the body.
07:54There's some money in it.
07:55So, he wasn't beaten up for looting.
07:57Yes, sir.
07:58And sir, look at this.
07:59We found six packets of condoms.
08:02Six packets?
08:03Sir, we didn't find anything around.
08:06send the body for post-mortem
08:07and inform his family.
08:08Okay, sir.
08:15Ankit, wake up!
08:17Wake up, Fatso!
08:22Sir, Ankit's post-mortem report has arrived.
08:24According to the post-mortem report,
08:26Ankit died due to internal bleeding in the body.
08:28Sir, he was tortured to the third degree.
08:30There are many wounds on the body.
08:32Sir, he was beaten so badly
08:34that his legs were swollen.
08:37In this way,
08:38a police officer or an army officer can be beaten.
08:41And we found condoms in Ankit's pocket.
08:44Is this a case of sex crime?
08:47Get his call details and mobile locations
08:49as soon as possible.
08:55He didn't tell us where he used to work.
08:59But yes, his salary was good.
09:03He was very happy for a few days.
09:05He used to keep everyone very happy.
09:07He was so worried about me and mother.
09:10He used to say
09:11that he will never let us be sad again.
09:16And he died
09:18by giving sorrow to everyone.
09:24Are you married?
09:27I don't see your husband anywhere.
09:31He had an accident.
09:34And there is a fracture in his leg.
09:36That's why he couldn't come.
09:39Did Ankit have an affair with anyone?
09:41I don't know, sir.
09:43He never told us anything about it.
09:46Did he fight with anyone?
09:49You must know about his friends, right?
09:52He has only one friend.
09:54Best friend.
09:55Santosh Kamli.
09:59Call Santosh Kamli to the police station.
10:02Rekha's husband
10:03hasn't been seen since Ankit's disappearance.
10:07Is he really in bed rest or is it something else?
10:10Sir, this is Santosh.
10:11That's it.
10:17Sir, I can't believe
10:20that Ankit is dead.
10:22He was a very good friend of mine.
10:23We both...
10:24What did Ankit do for a living?
10:30He was a gambler.
10:33He used to do business with women
10:36for money.
10:37I mean, you understand, right?
10:38He used to do business, sir.
10:40He used to think about it 24x7, sir.
10:43He was hungry for sex, sir.
10:45When he used to see a girl,
10:46all he could think about was sex.
10:48Then he got that job.
10:50And not out of helplessness, sir.
10:52He used to work happily.
10:54He used to get good pay too.
10:57For whom did he work?
10:58I don't know, sir.
11:00He never told me.
11:01Yes, but...
11:03He got a pamphlet from Patil College in Navgarh.
11:06It had an offer to earn Rs. 10,000 per day.
11:24Look at this.
11:26It could be him.
11:30Rs. 10,000 per day?
11:45Nasik Bhai.
11:46Yes, sir.
11:48I have a job for you.
11:50Nasik Bhai.
11:51Yes, sir.
11:53Did he work for you?
11:56No, sir.
11:57Who is he?
12:01Sir, he came to me a month and a half ago.
12:04He was very good at his job.
12:06Did he make a lot of money?
12:08He came here on the afternoon of his murder.
12:11Did he have a booking?
12:13No, sir.
12:14He came to meet me that day.
12:16I want the list of all the women you sent him to.
12:21Sir, we don't make lists in this business.
12:25We don't have a list.
12:30Give it to me.
12:31Or else, if I get you fired, a lot will come out.
12:35I'll give it to you, sir.
12:36But there is no guarantee that the names I give you are real.
12:41Women can even tell you their wrong names.
12:44Give me the name and number.
12:46I'll give it to you, sir.
12:49Give it to me.
12:55Arrest him for prostitution charges.
12:58Sir, I...
13:20Do you know him?
13:21Someone has murdered him.
13:23Can you tell me anything about him?
13:30Who is it?
13:34It's the watchman.
13:38Sir, I don't know anything about him.
13:40Sir, please.
13:41Sir, please leave.
13:43My husband doesn't know anything about him.
13:46My house will be ruined, sir.
13:47Sir, my house will be ruined.
13:49Please leave.
13:53I don't know who he is.
13:55I have never seen his face.
13:59I am a married woman.
14:00I can't even think about anyone other than my husband.
14:18Naina Deshmukh?
14:21Do you know her?
14:28Please come in.
14:31Please sit.
14:40Go inside.
14:44Sir, she...
14:46She came here once.
14:49Actually, I was involved in casual sex with her once.
14:57Sir, I am a widow.
14:59My husband passed away 10 years ago.
15:03So, a woman has her own physical needs.
15:08I have my own needs.
15:12Do you know anything else about her?
15:14She is a paid sex worker.
15:17She came here once.
15:19When did she come?
15:21I don't know the exact date.
15:23But yes, she must have come a month ago.
15:27She came for work.
15:28We didn't talk much and then she left.
15:30After that, she never met you?
15:33Because the day she was murdered,
15:34her mobile's evening location is here in Lokhandwala.
15:38Sir, I told you that she is a paid sex worker.
15:41Maybe she has gone somewhere else.
15:45Sir, forget about Ankit's customer.
15:47But some ladies refused to recognize him.
15:50And those who recognized him,
15:51they don't have anything to tell us.
15:54I think this matter will change.
15:58Maybe he was blackmailing a woman or something like that.
16:03Sir, the way Ankit was beaten,
16:05we use that method to reveal the truth against criminals.
16:10Find out if any of the people around Ankit
16:12have any connection with the police or the army.
16:16Okay, sir.
16:17Sir, from the enquiry, we have come to know
16:19that Rekha's husband has actually fractured his leg.
16:23But not because of an accident.
16:25Some boys have beaten him up in his locality.
16:28He broke his leg because of the beating, sir.
16:31Then why did Rekha lie to us?
16:35It wasn't an accident, sir.
16:37Sir, two people beat me up.
16:39And I am sure that Ankit did it.
16:42How can you be so sure?
16:44Because after beating me up, they were talking to each other that...