Pengamat Politik sekaligus Akademisi Rocky Gerung menyinggung soal beberapa pihak yang harus menjadi penjilat untuk mendapatkan kesukseskan. Hal itu diungkap, setelah dirinya membahas soal cawe-cawe.
"Tadi saya lewat di eskalator, ada tulisan bunyinya begini 'success its not free, you have to fight for it."
"Tapi mungkin ada orang yang salah baca, 'success it's not free, you have to jilat for it'," kata Rocky Gerung dalam program Rakyat Bersuara iNews TV, Selasa (3/9/2024) malam.
Mendengar pernyataan Rocky, Ketum Solidaritas Merah Putih (Solmet), Silfester Matutina yang juga menjadi narasumber dalam acara tersebut merasa tersinggung.
"Tadi saya lewat di eskalator, ada tulisan bunyinya begini 'success its not free, you have to fight for it."
"Tapi mungkin ada orang yang salah baca, 'success it's not free, you have to jilat for it'," kata Rocky Gerung dalam program Rakyat Bersuara iNews TV, Selasa (3/9/2024) malam.
Mendengar pernyataan Rocky, Ketum Solidaritas Merah Putih (Solmet), Silfester Matutina yang juga menjadi narasumber dalam acara tersebut merasa tersinggung.
00:00At the University of Rocky Gerung,
00:02Joko Warsilvester Matutina,
00:04angrily felt offended to be called a rapist.
00:07Politicians and academics of Rocky Gerung
00:10were offended about several parties
00:12who have to be rapists to be successful.
00:16That was revealed after he talked about girls.
00:20I was out on the escalator earlier,
00:23there was a writing that sounded like this.
00:25Success is not free, you have to fight for it.
00:28But maybe someone misread it.
00:31Success is not free, you have to fight for it.
00:35Said Rocky Gerung in the popular program
00:38iNews TV on September 3 at night.
00:42Hearing Rocky's statement,
00:44the Red-White Solidarity League,
00:46Joko Warsilvester Matutina,
00:47who also became a speaker in the event,
00:50felt offended.
00:52He even personally attacked Rocky
00:55and said that he despised the academy
00:58because he had never been married.
01:01You are greatly wrong, Mr. Rocky.
01:03You are an investor, we are not rapists.
01:06I am one person who does not get anything
01:09from this government,
01:10be it an office, a project, and so on.
01:13I am an entrepreneur and I am a lawyer.
01:16So you are wrong.
01:17You think we are difficult to think.
01:20You see my face, I am bright.
01:22I am very happy.
01:24Oh no, you see for yourself.
01:26You are still gloomy today.
01:29Poor thing.
01:31Back to the story,
01:33Rocky did not mention the name of the rapist.
01:36Instead, he said that
01:38Warsilvester's response even showed
01:40that he was a rapist.
01:42Even Warsilvester even said
01:45rude words to Rocky
01:47when the TV show was broadcast live.
01:51So, who is Rocky Gerung?
01:54Rocky Gerung is a man
01:56born in Manado on January 20, 1959.
02:00He is known as a lecturer,
02:02philosopher, and political observer.
02:04He started studying at UI
02:07in the field of political science,
02:09but soon he moved to philosophy.
02:13He graduated from UI in 1986.
02:18As a philosopher,
02:20one of Rocky's fields of study
02:22is feminism philosophy.
02:24Rocky is also a lecturer
02:26in philosophy and feminism,
02:28which is one of the women's journal programs.
02:31Although he has a background in philosophy,
02:34Rocky Gerung is known as a political observer.
02:37During his college years,
02:39he was close to several activists
02:41such as Marsilam Simanjuntak
02:43and Hariman Siregar.
02:45Rocky Gerung began observing the public
02:47in early 2017
02:49when he criticized the government.
02:51He even declared the government
02:53as the best hoax maker.
02:55What do you think?
02:57Don't forget to comment below.
02:59See you in the next case.