
  • last week


00:00Nate! Oh, you're back in town.
00:05Sorry I'm late. The plane from Boston was delayed as usual.
00:08You're here now, right? That's what matters.
00:10Right. Cool.
00:11So, I made some changes on the plane.
00:14Got in touch with the city for the final code inspections.
00:17There should be no further delays.
00:19Is that the art for the lobby?
00:20For the whole wall to the entrance to the new pediatric waiting area.
00:22What do you think?
00:23I thought we were going for art that would compliment the modern lines of the building.
00:27No, the board thought she captures a lot of innocence that would connect with younger patients.
00:31Besides, she has a lot of experience.
00:33It's a little juvenile, don't you think?
00:35I mean, I didn't spend all this money on industrial materials to have it covered with clouds and butterflies.
00:40Well, I like to think I've captured the essence of the community in my sketch.
00:44Either way, murals for the patients, not you.
00:49Vanessa Brent, juvenile artist.
00:56Nice to meet you.
00:57I'm sorry if I offended you.
00:59I should get started on the mural.
01:01I have a tango lesson to get to later, and Carlos cannot be kept waiting.
01:10Oh, let's take a look at those revisions.
01:11I'm really curious to see what you came up with.
01:13All right. Sounds good.
01:36It's okay. I'm okay.
01:41I just tried to do too much today.
01:43I'm okay.
02:05This totally feels like old times.
02:08Yeah, the Creek Falls project came along just the right time.
02:11I needed to get away.
02:13Too many memories of Taylor and I in Boston.
02:16I was sorry to hear that you two split.
02:23This is just not my night.
02:40Hi. Can I have a large orange juice, please?
02:54Um, I'm ready for round two. You want another?
03:05Uh, the tango lesson.
03:11Would you like to join Wallace and I? Our dart games are actually-
03:14I don't mix business with pleasure.
03:17Nothing good ever comes of that.
03:20Sorry, that was uncalled for.
03:22I see.
03:25Honestly, I have been feeling quite myself.
03:28I thought I'd stop by for a minute and rehydrate after a big class.
03:33I'm a little bit tired.
03:35Uh, Wallace and I will probably call it a night before too long if you'd like a ride home.
03:38Oh, no, it's all right. I'll just cap.
03:40Hey, you want a dance for your lady?
03:42Oh, no, I'm-
03:45No, not really. I'm just feeling a little-
03:47Yeah, I'm actually- I'm going to get her home.
03:52I'm on perfect match if you want to look me up later.
03:59Thank you for the save, but for the record, I can take care of myself.
04:04Duly noted.
04:07Is that ride home still an offer?
04:11Yeah, it'd be my pleasure.
04:20I'm not too far. Just up by the inn.
04:23Yeah, no problem. I know it.
04:25So, aside from being a mural painter and a tango dancer, what else is there to know about Vanessa Brent?
04:33Not much to tell. I'm out on the road a lot, on commissions, so I don't really have a home base.
04:40Although my rabbit keeps me grounded.
04:43Wherever he is, that's home.
04:45What about a home base? Everybody needs a home.
04:52I guess I lost so many people that home base got lost along the way, too.
04:56Yeah, I know the feeling.
04:59There we go.
05:02Whoa, check out that bike.
05:05Well, I could take you for a ride sometime if you wanted.
05:07You have a bike?
05:08Actually, I have that one.
05:12Why is your bike parked outside the inn?
05:15Actually, I kind of own the inn, too.
05:18I thought Iris owned the inn.
05:20Where's your son?
05:22The one who lives in Boston.
05:24Used to live in Boston, yeah.
05:26I had a minor life disruption, so I'm back to regroup and work on the hospital.
05:35So you live here now?
05:38If I owned a place that nice, I would not leave.
05:41Well, thanks.
05:43Thank you so much for the ride.
05:45No problem.
06:18Now, remission isn't something that we can give guarantees on, but this is what we do know.
06:49I hope I'm not bothering you.
06:52I brought a peace offering.
06:55It's barbecue from my favorite place.
06:57Can I bring it in?
06:59Fortunately, your favorite place's barbecue smells delicious, so I won't send you and your food home.
07:06I'm tired, but I'm also starving.
07:09I guess I'm lucky I caught you hungry.
07:11Lucky is as lucky does.
07:14Nate, meet Lucky.
07:17Does my mom know that you have vermin running loose in the guest house?
07:21He's not a vermin. He's a rabbit.
07:23He's house trained.
07:25What kind of heathen buddy do you think he is?
07:27One with nasty shark teeth?
07:29No, he doesn't bite.
07:31He's vegetarian. Vegan, actually.
07:35The art I create will live on.
07:38I'll live the best.
07:41I can capture a moment in time and someone 20 years from now will get joy from seeing it for the first time.
07:48See, that's exactly how I feel about my builds.
07:51You know, it's like I'm a part of them.
07:55Do you have pictures of any of your buildings?
07:58Yeah, I have a few.
08:05This is from a few months ago. It's an apartment complex.
08:09I love the lines.
08:11It's very mature.
08:13I like the materials you used.
08:15It's very modern.
08:39Good choice of shoes.
08:43See you tomorrow.
08:46Good night, mate.
09:10Oh, God.
09:29You forgot your purse.
09:56Hey, you.
09:58Hey, you.
10:00I went out cold, right?
10:06I hate that on a third date.
10:12No more jokes.
10:18It's time to come clean, then.
10:21It's time.
10:24What if I'm not ready?
10:28Then I don't know if this can grow into anything more than a friendship.
10:34Why not?
10:37Look, I've already had a woman in my life with secrets, and it wrecked me.
10:45You're mysterious, and it's intriguing, but you scared me.
10:52I need answers.
10:56I'm just living life on my own terms.
10:59I'm not connecting or sharing your life.
11:02It doesn't feel like living.
11:04It feels like running away.
11:06Fair enough, but it's my life.
11:19Then I'll leave you to it.
11:36I can't believe it.
11:38You've really captured the spirit of Creek Falls.
11:41It's peaceful and welcoming, and you're not even finished.
11:45Thanks, Carolyn.
11:46That means a lot to me.
11:56Hey, Carolyn.
11:59Hi, Vanessa.
12:02Can I talk to you for a minute?
12:04Sure, if you like.
12:06Nice to see you, Nathan.
12:07You too.
12:13Glad to see you back at work.
12:17You really scared me.
12:20I'm sorry.
12:21I wasn't up to talking the other day.
12:25What you saw is a byproduct of the medication I have to take to make sure I can keep working on my list.
12:32So you want me to stop worrying about you?
12:37What if I want to spend more time with you?
12:39Well, we can keep having fun together and work on my list.
12:45Well, I did get a peek at that list, and there is something special I think I could help with.
12:51Why don't I pick you up after lunch, and we take the afternoon off?
12:56Sounds like a plan.
13:15Right on time.
13:17Yes, being on time can be a bit of a curse, but today it's working for me.
13:21So, are you ready to go?
13:23Pretty much.
13:25So, what's the surprise?
13:28Today I am the one with the secrets.
13:30Now, are you sure you don't need a secret consultant? Because I have years of experience.
13:34Yeah, I think I picked up a few pointers.
13:38So I'm guessing there's a car ride in my future?
13:42That is uncanny. How did you do that?
13:44I'm psyched.
13:48Are we going hiking? Because I have sails on.
13:50Nope, not even close.
13:51Hot air ballooning?
13:53Paris! You're taking me to Paris?
13:57Okay, now do I get to see the surprise?
13:59Patience is a virtue.
14:01This task feels like luxury.
14:43When I was a little girl, my grandma told me that butterflies only live for a day.
14:48You know, some butterflies actually live for weeks, even months.
14:54Yes, indeed.
14:55And monarch butterflies go on these incredible journeys where they migrate for thousands of miles.
15:00That kind of sounds like my journey.
15:03Well, I'm just glad that your journey brought you here.
15:23So, do you have any more fun facts about butterflies, Mr. Science?
15:27I do, actually.
15:29Um, did you know that butterflies are cold-blooded?
15:33They need to bask in the sun in order to be able to fly.
15:38How do you know all this?
15:40I worked here for a few summers to help pay my way through college.
15:44That's nice.
15:46Yeah, I felt like I was on this path I thought everyone had to be on, you know?
15:51College, career, get married, start a family of my own.
15:56Oh, thank you.
15:59I did not see this big break in the road.
16:02Sounds like you were blindsided.
16:06Or maybe I was just paying too much attention to the road ahead.
16:11So focused on checking boxes, I never engaged with my life.
16:18Divorces sort of forced me to pay attention.
16:23And are you paying attention now?
16:27I sure am.
16:35Now, I would like to share with you one of my very favorite things.
16:42How did you? What?
16:45This is a peanut butter and mayo sandwich.
16:50Mm-hmm, I know.
16:51You're a little kooky, Nate Dalton.
16:53I prefer fun-loving.
16:55Hmm, okay.
17:00I know.
17:01Okay, here we go.
17:05It's really good.
17:07Yeah, it's really satisfying.
17:11I invented this when I was eight.
17:13No, you did not.
17:16It caused a stir in my school.
17:21A shooting star.
17:23Make a wish.
17:26Let me guess.
17:28You wish to finish your list.
17:32What do you wish for?
17:35For you to be okay.
17:40I want you to be okay.
17:41Are you okay?
17:42I'm okay.
17:43I told you I could take care of myself.
17:50I'm sorry.
17:52I know.
17:57I just don't think it concerns you.
18:05I want it to concern me.
18:10I'm just not ready, Nate.
18:17You shine brighter than the stars.
18:20And you know your butterflies.
18:24I love that those butterflies made you so happy.
18:29You're freezing.
18:31Let's get you home and we'll go.
18:32No, no, no.
18:33I like it out here.
18:36It's peaceful.
18:39Five more minutes.
18:41Five more minutes.
18:49Five more minutes.
18:58So, what's next?
19:00Riding wild stallions?
19:03What else is on the list?
19:05There's rock climbing.
19:07I know a good place for rocks.
19:09We can go tomorrow.
19:10It's Saturday.
19:11I'm not working.
19:12I should probably keep working on the mural.
19:14But thank you for a truly special day.
19:18I loved every minute of it.
19:21Well, I will see you for breakfast in the dining room,
19:24where I will do my best to convince you to spend the whole day with me.
19:27Sounds good.
19:33Good night.
19:34Good night.
19:42What do you think?
19:44Can we trust him?
19:48I like him, too.
19:52Just maybe.
19:53We can cross the last two items on the list one day.
20:08Smells good.
20:09No early risers?
20:10They'll be down in a few minutes.
20:12How was the social?
20:14Any good gossip this week?
20:15Hey, is Arthur Goodman still doing the thing with the suspenders and the belt?
20:19Don't make fun of Arthur Goodman.
20:21There's nothing wrong with making sure your pants don't fall.
20:28I had a nice visit with Joyce.
20:31Her nephew is coming to visit next month.
20:34Of course he is.
20:35And all my friends want to know how your children's ward is coming along.
20:39Well, it isn't exactly mine.
20:41But you can tell them that I'm drafting the last couple of changes.
20:45They're going in for approvals.
20:47Yeah, we're nearly done.
20:48It's all pretty positive.
20:50That's what I assumed.
20:52And how are you and Vanessa?
20:58I'm your mother.
20:59I see the way you two look at each other.
21:02She's a lovely person.
21:05Well, the mural is gorgeous.
21:10It's perfect for the kids.
21:13She just, she really seems to care.
21:16You can tell it with every brush stroke.
21:19The way she teaches the children.
21:24So this is a relationship then?
21:27Uh, I don't know.
21:29She's very private.
21:32I saw her covering up some bandages from some blood tests.
21:36I don't know what's going on with her, but she doesn't want to tell me.
21:41And I can't have another relationship filled with secrets.
21:44Not after Taylor.
21:45Vanessa isn't like that.
21:47You two are good for each other.
21:48You lift each other up.
21:50Maybe, but what if...
21:52You need to let yourself heal from Taylor.
21:55And know that you and Vanessa are a completely different kind of couple.
22:00I wish people would stop bringing up Taylor.
22:04Who's bringing up Taylor?
22:07At the social?
22:09Sweetheart, I don't know how to say this except to say it.
22:15Joyce heard that Taylor's pregnant.
22:21My, my Taylor?
22:22My, my, my ex-Taylor?
22:26That Taylor, yes.
22:32Breathe, honey.
22:33I'm fine, I'm fine.
22:36I know how much you loved her.
22:38You stuck it out for so many years.
22:40Yeah, I did.
22:43I thought we were till death do we part.
22:46I thought we wanted to have children together.
22:50I guess she just didn't want to have children with me.
22:57You know, sometimes things happen for a reason.
22:59It's only been a few months.
23:01Being pregnant with somebody's baby?
23:04I would have made a great father.
23:06And you will be when the time is right.
23:10Ready to convince her to take the day off, Nate?
23:15I can't do this.
23:23He's angry with someone else, not with you.
23:25Not one day has gone by in these last few weeks that Nate has a smile from ear to ear because of you.
23:31There is no way.
23:32No, there is every way he wouldn't want this.
23:42I don't blame him.
24:03I have done it all.
24:06I've done silly things on your list.
24:09I have done the dangerous things on the list.
24:15But the last two, Sam.
24:17To love and be loved and to get married.
24:23I don't know.
24:25I have opened up my heart.
24:29You know how hard it is for me to do that.
24:33But I really try.
24:36The last two things on the list, I don't know if I have it in me.
24:41It's just...
24:44I don't know.
24:54I am losing faith.
24:57I have fought so hard.
25:01And I've done all the treatments.
25:05And I've poured my heart on countless murals across the country.
25:11And I painted you in them as an angel.
25:14Because I felt you with me.
25:21I am tired.
25:24I am tired to the bone.
25:26I just...
25:28I just need to rest.
25:30Please adjust.
25:32I need to rest.
25:56You have knocked it out the park, Vanessa.
26:01This mural is ten times more amazing than I thought it would be.
26:05I can't wait to share this with everyone at the opening gala.
26:08Thanks, Wallace.
26:14You think you'll finish in time?
26:16I always do.
26:22You sealed a deal to remodel a hospital in Vermont.
26:26And they asked if you'd be interested in painting a mural for them.
26:34How are you?
26:35You bet.
26:37I love the state of Vermont.
26:38And I've always wanted to work on a project there.
26:40And all that ice cream.
26:44Well, they'll find you a place to live and they got a good budget.
26:48The more I get, the more I can give back.
26:54I understand supporting a cause and everything, but...
26:57Can I ask?
26:59How are you living?
27:01You need money to live too, right?
27:04I have my own means.
27:07And art raises the spirits.
27:10No matter how dire your situation.
27:13I focus on serene colors so that the kids that come in here can feel comfort and light.
27:20I need to feel the peace and the hope that art can inspire.
27:25I want my art to make you feel better without you even knowing why.
27:32I should stop chatting and keep painting if I'm going to finish this on time for the gala.
27:37Let the Vermont Hospital know you agreed to do their mural.
27:39Thanks, Wallace.
27:45We're the move.
27:52Climbing is such a workout, I'm feeling muscles I never even knew I had.
27:57There's a real color in your cheeks.
28:00I'm glad to see my son's absence isn't a drain on you.
28:05It's hurting me more than I want to admit, Iris.
28:09I can't wallow in it.
28:10I have to finish the mural in time for the gala.
28:13Will you stay after the gala?
28:15I don't think so.
28:17I got a job in Vermont.
28:19I'll be painting the mural of the hospital there.
28:22Wallace is project managing.
28:24You're moving to Vermont?
28:28All the fresh air and the fresh dairy, it'll be fun.
28:32All good points, but will you tell Nate?
28:36Well, he's not exactly around to tell.
28:39I haven't seen him. Have you?
28:42His boss called him back on a project up in Boston that was erupting like a volcano.
28:47Apparently he's been spending too much time here and the other projects suffered.
28:51Well, that's that.
28:54I'm glad he's getting his priorities in order.
28:58You are exactly what he needs right now.
29:01If he had said that himself, I'd be inclined to believe it.
29:06Please talk to him, Vanessa.
29:11I'm going to miss you, Iris.
29:15I should go. I'll talk to you later.
29:27So he just left for Boston.
29:30Still can't believe he just left.
29:32Well, his boss needed him back on a project, apparently.
29:34Sure, his work.
29:37He came back for the weekend, right?
29:40He didn't hear me. Nate left, period.
29:46Here you go, buddy.
29:48Sorry. I dropped it.
29:50That's okay.
29:52I noticed you were putting a lot of work into your painting today.
29:55I like seeing that kind of effort.
29:58I hope to be as good as you one day.
30:01Well, I think that you can do whatever you set your mind to, Reese.
30:10Waiting for what?
30:12For you to say that you'll fight for him.
30:14I have done enough fighting for my life.
30:16In, in my life.
30:18I'm kind of over it.
30:20But I saw the way he looked at you the other day when he dropped by and he barely knew you then.
30:24Will you at least just tell him about your move to Vermont?
30:28I don't want you to leave, Vanessa.
30:31Oh, Sophia, you have so many great friends here.
30:35Strong friends. They'll always have your back.
30:39But who will have your back?
30:44Samantha. Always Samantha.
30:47Who's Samantha?
30:51She's someone who loved me and was always there for me.
31:00Excuse me.
31:20Nothing came up on your MRI.
31:22And your blood work markers look really good.
31:27Looks like you're just going to need routine blood work once a year.
31:30Once a year?
31:32Oh. Wow.
31:34So does that mean I'm officially in remission?
31:37It looks that way. You're a very lucky girl.
31:41I know.
31:43Every morning I wake up, I'm grateful I'm still here.
31:46Well, it's been a long journey, but you beat the odds.
31:50And your diligence with the drug regime has really paid off.
31:53So no more pills?
31:55No more pills. Which means no more side effects.
32:01You're so welcome.
32:03Good luck, Vanessa. Go live your life to the fullest.
32:06I will.
32:19Lucky, you are looking at a future top chef.
32:22Or maybe a future Nobel Peace Prize winner.
32:32I haven't had an actual future in years.
32:40Think of all the murals I can paint now.
32:43And think of all the new adventures I can have.
32:46I can climb mountains, and I can see all the great art of the world.
32:50I can sail the seven seas.
32:53Although, I'm not sure if I like sailing.
32:57Well, we'll see.
33:03Ready for the next adventure, Lucky?
33:06I'll take that as a yes.
33:22Hey, thanks for calling.
33:24I was feeling a little out of loose ends with myself with Nate being gone again.
33:30I'm glad we can go to the gala together.
33:32Me too.
33:34Life's too short to wait for anyone.
33:37You know it.
33:39You know what we should do?
33:42We should stay up all night and watch the sunrise.
33:45Okay, but I need a favor.
33:49Can you teach me how to tango? Can you?
33:51I can teach you.
33:52You can?
33:54All right, we're on.
33:57All right, you ready?
34:02Be nice.
34:07I love, love, love, love, love it.
34:11The colors, the style, the images.
34:13This is Creek Falls.
34:15And you are giving hope to everyone who walks through these doors for care.
34:19It's extraordinary.
34:20Thanks, Carolyn.
34:22You are now appointed my number one art reviewer.
34:24I'm not trying to inflate your ego.
34:26I'm truly blown away.
34:28You're going to make me blush.
34:30On another note, the kids are going to miss you terribly.
34:34I'm going to miss them too.
34:36And I'll miss you.
34:38Becoming friends with you has been one of the best parts about living here.
34:41And there are a lot of good things about living here.
34:43Oh, you're going to make me blush.
34:45I'll try to swing by and visit the kids before I go.
34:49Any chance you could make Creek Falls your home base?
34:53You could still go and paint, travel, have big adventures, but just call this place home?
35:00I love Creek Falls, but I just have to follow my path.
35:06To be open to where the road, my road, will take me.
35:10And Nate?
35:13You don't see a path that leads you back to him?
35:16No, unfortunately not.
35:19He's still in Boston.
35:21I haven't heard from him.
35:23Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. That's really unlike him.
35:26I was blindsided. I left my heart out there.
35:33I'm so confused about men now.
35:35Don't let Nate discourage you.
35:37There are a lot of decent guys.
35:39There is someone for you.
35:42You're right.
35:44You're right.
35:46I'll meet my soulmate out on the open road.
35:48That's very profound.
35:50But tonight we celebrate.
35:56I'm going to get us more champagne.
36:06You'll be pleased to know that all your laboring has paid off.
36:09Everyone loves the mural.
36:12You should be proud.
36:16I am really proud of my work.
36:18But I'm also really proud to be a part of this journey.
36:22It's quite an amazing journey.
36:25Yeah, I'm very grateful.
36:35I came to dance.
36:37I would love to dance.
36:42You know, you still owe me that tango.
36:44I do. I do.
36:45Yeah, you do.
36:46You're a very good dancer.
36:52Is that Nate?
37:03Hey, Wallace.
37:07Excuse me.
37:11The mural is spectacular.
37:20There's your signature angel.
37:24She's always there when someone needs strength.
37:37Your work is so famous.
37:39Why don't you just sign it with your own name?
37:42I don't paint murals in hospitals for attention, Nate.
37:46I don't do it for money.
37:48I do it to comfort the patients and their families and caregivers.
37:53To give them hope when there's darkness.
37:56To remind them that they're loved and they're not alone.
38:07So, you're leaving?
38:18I'm going to go find Harold.
38:20No, please, Vanessa.
38:23I know I don't deserve it after my little vanishing act,
38:27but I would love the opportunity to give you an explanation.
38:45When I found out Taylor was pregnant,
38:48it really messed me up.
38:54I had been wanting a family for so long,
38:58and she had been resistant to that idea.
39:02And I realize now that she just didn't want to have a family with me.
39:11I had to come to terms with that.
39:15I wasn't the right person for her.
39:18But more importantly, she wasn't the right person for me either.
39:24Vanessa, you have opened me up to living life fully.
39:30And my life doesn't feel full without you in it.
39:35You are my person, Vanessa.
39:41Look, I hear you.
39:47I just don't think I'm that important to you.
39:50I mean, I let you in and you just left without an explanation.
39:53You just left me here alone.
39:55I made a mistake. I understand.
39:57I was just so confused about the list and the pills.
40:00But while I was away,
40:02I came to understand that it doesn't matter how much time we have,
40:07just that we get to spend it together.
40:14Time is so precious.
40:22I just don't know what to do.
40:25I just don't know if I want to invest it in someone who's broken my trust.
40:36I'm sorry, Nate.
40:51It's open!
40:56Hey, Vanessa.
41:00Mind if I come in?
41:02Well, you own the place, so sure.
41:16Can we sit?
41:42So, is it quite a big mural that you're painting in Vermont?
41:51Very big.
41:54Sounds tough.
42:04How've you been?
42:08My mom mentioned that you'd gotten some news.
42:14Yeah, some really good news.
42:17You just won't let me in.
42:24I can see how, from your perspective, that seems true.
42:32But I was only trying to protect myself.
42:36And Samantha.
42:39Who is Samantha?
42:42I've heard you mention her. Was she your grandmother?
42:47No, she's not my grandmother.
42:54She's my guardian angel.
42:57And I'm her life.
43:01It's okay. It's okay.
43:05Samantha, I miss you so much.
43:11It's okay.
43:16She knew her disease was incurable.
43:19And yet she spent all her strength trying to help me.
43:25But that's the strength I see in you every day.
43:29That's the life that we see in your murals.
43:35After she died, I started to get better, and I went into remission.
43:43Your pills.
43:45I thought that you were dying, and that's what you couldn't share with me.
43:50No, no.
43:52The pills were to help me rebuild my immune system after years of treatments.
43:58I was in remission, but the doctors weren't ready to get me clean both hulls.
44:04That's the news I got yesterday.
44:09And I wasn't here to share that with you.
44:15I'm so sorry.
44:17It's okay.
44:20There's something else that I haven't shared.
44:26When we first met, I couldn't place where I'd seen your artwork before.
44:33I went online and did some searching, but none of it really connected.
44:40Then, at the gala, I saw your mural.
44:45And it clicked.
44:50My father was at a hospital in Delaware.
44:55He did a mural there.
44:58It must have been one of your first.
45:01He mentioned it several times, and I remember wheeling him back to his ward one time.
45:07He pointed out the angel in the mural.
45:11Your angel gave my father peace and tranquility in his final hours.
45:20She gave me peace.
45:23So you and I, we've been close even though we've never met.
45:30I'm the painter, but Sam was always the angel.
45:34Well, she brought us together, so she's my angel, too.
45:42I was so scared.
45:44You started working through your list.
45:48The closer we got, the more the idea of you dying engulfed me.
45:56I didn't know how to feel, but now I know.
46:02I know that I have fallen completely in love with you and your spirit.
46:09You've changed how I look at life and how precious our moments are here.
46:15Life's short. I don't want to waste any more time without you.
46:21Nate, I missed you so much.
46:27I missed you, too.
46:33I'm yours, if you'll have me.
46:36Having you here right now, hearing what you're saying,
46:41it's giving me more strength than you could possibly imagine.
46:46But don't disappear on me again, please.
46:50I won't. I promise.
46:52I didn't mean to run away on you.
46:54That was just about my past and letting go of old dreams
46:59so that I could restart and make new ones.
47:03To look forward to the future.
47:09Yeah. The future.
47:16Sam wrote the bucket list.
47:20All the items on the list are things that she wanted for me.
47:24I might feel sad doing them because she never could.
47:29She wouldn't want you to feel sad.
47:34It's especially the last two.
47:37To fall in love and get married.
47:42They break me because she never got to meet her person.
47:48Never got to feel the way I feel about you.
47:53But she'd want you to feel that.
47:57Yeah. Yeah, she would.
48:12I love you.
48:14I love your laugh and your smile and your art and your passion.
48:19I love you, too.
48:22I love you, too.
48:27So maybe we could make Creek Falls our home base.
48:35You could travel for your projects. I could travel for my projects.
48:40And we could get started on a combined list.
48:47Number one. Oh, looks like this one's just for me.
48:52Find the most beautiful girl in the world.
49:00And propose to her.
49:11Will you marry me?
49:13Yes. Yes.
49:19I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
49:22Living our very own list.
49:28I think Samantha would like that.
49:30I think she would love that.
49:40I love you.
50:11You know, with all the life I've seen come through these doors,
50:15weddings and christenings and celebration of family and friends,
50:20I have never seen so much love between two people.
50:24I know my John can see that, too.
50:41I love you.
50:53You may be seated.
50:58As tokens of their marriage, Nate and Vanessa have selected these rings.
51:04Nate, as you place this ring on Vanessa's finger, please repeat this vow.
51:10With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love.
51:16With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love.
51:22Vanessa, as you place this ring on Nate's finger, please repeat this vow.
51:28Nate, as you place this ring on Vanessa's finger, please repeat this vow.
51:33With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love.
51:38With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love.
51:45Before these witnesses, I pronounce you, Nate, and you, Vanessa, husband and wife.
51:51You may kiss the bride.
51:58You may kiss the bride.