Team CID पर उमड़ा ज़हर का कहर CID Full Episode 1268 1 Jun 2024

  • 2 days ago
A man can be seen entering the coffee shop and pleading with customers for financial assistance in order to save a life. He tells them that he needs money to save someone who is dying. A man appears to be experiencing vertigo as he approaches a pharmacy, passing out before he ever gets to the establishment. Who is this individual? Why was the man entering the coffee shop requesting assistance? Are there any connections between these two cases?


00:00Mir, tell me what's the surprise? I can't wait any longer. Please!
00:12It's such a surprise that your eyes will remain wide open.
00:19Wow! Is this for me?
00:21Yes. How did you like the surprise?
00:24Superb! Just like you.
00:26Stupid, this isn't the real surprise.
00:28There's more.
00:29Baby, close your eyes.
00:31No, tell me what the surprise is.
00:33Just close your eyes.
00:35Now open.
00:38Wow! You've brought a rose too?
00:41This isn't a rose. There's more to it.
00:44Mir, you're too much. Let me see what the surprise is.
00:50Oh my God!
00:51So, Ms. Sneha Kumar, would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?
01:02No. Not just this life, but the rest of my life too.
01:13Yes, sir. What can I get for you?
01:15Money. Can I get some money?
01:17Money? What kind of money, sir?
01:18I don't have any money. I want money. Please.
01:20I don't have any money. Give me some money.
01:22He's a strange man. He's wearing a suit and asking for money from a waiter.
01:26He looks like he's from a decent family. I don't know why.
01:29Sir, I want money. I really want money. Please give me some money.
01:35I don't have any money. I'm not lying.
01:38Sir, please give me some money. I don't have any money.
01:42It's very important. Take him away or he'll die.
01:44Who do you want to take? Where do you want to take him?
01:46He's over there. He's dying.
01:49Please. Please. I beg of you all.
01:51I beg of you all. Please give me some money.
01:56Sir, what happened? Who's going to die?
01:58Look over there. He's dying.
02:00He needs treatment. I don't have any money.
02:02Please. Please give me some money.
02:05Okay, let's go. Show me where he is.
02:17Do you need so many medicines?
02:19Yes. Can you give me that medicine?
02:21Yes, the red one.
02:24Anything else?
02:25No, no. That's enough. You make the bill.
02:28Yes, this is also over.
02:30Oh my God.
02:31What are you doing? Why are you standing so close?
02:34Stand a little away.
02:35How much is the total and add his money as well.
02:38How dare you? I'll teach you a lesson.
02:40How dare you touch my wife?
02:42How can you live like this?
02:43How dare you touch my wife?
02:44How can you live like this?
02:45Because of people like him, you can't roam around the country.
02:47Let him go.
02:48I'll teach him a lesson today.
02:49Let him go.
03:01He's not breathing. He's dead.
03:04Let's go from here.
03:05No one's going anywhere until the CID comes.
03:08They should have come by now. They haven't come yet.
03:11His phone is also not reachable.
03:13Don't worry. He must have got stuck somewhere.
03:15He'll come. Don't worry.
03:21Oh no.
03:22What happened?
03:23Look there. Aunt Rupa.
03:28Hide your face. Otherwise, she'll follow you again.
03:32Stay here. I don't know what will happen if she comes.
03:35Where did she come from?
03:36Let's go.
03:39Oh no.
03:40Where are you going hiding your face?
03:42This is how you hide the face of a thief.
03:45Aunt, I don't have a thief in my mind.
03:47What have I done?
03:48You both have tortured my son Madan.
03:51We have tortured him?
03:52And your son?
03:53He's very innocent.
03:55I know you both have poison in your hearts for him.
03:58My son didn't return home.
04:00What did you do to him?
04:02We didn't do anything to him.
04:03I'm going to the police station to file a report.
04:05If my son doesn't return home, you'll see what I'll do to him.
04:17There's no wallet or ID in this man's pocket.
04:21But there's a logo.
04:22Fast cab service.
04:24Maybe he's a taxi driver.
04:30There's no bruise on his body.
04:34It's difficult to tell from his body how he died.
04:46Tell us in detail how this man died.
04:50Sir, she's my wife.
04:52We just came to the medical store to buy medicines.
04:54And then suddenly...
05:03This man just fell down and died.
05:06Sir, we didn't do anything.
05:13Sir, look at this.
05:14There's a lot of cash in his bag.
05:20Sir, it must be around 8 to 10 lakhs.
05:22Sir, a taxi driver has so much cash?
05:26That means this man was in trouble.
05:28Sir, maybe he stole all this money from somewhere.
05:31Sir, I think he was very drunk.
05:45I hope he didn't drink.
05:55Sir, look at this.
05:56There's blood coming out of his nose and ears.
06:11I think he was poisoned.
06:13And maybe he was killed because of this money.
06:19Sir, we already knew that this man was going to die.
06:26Already knew?
06:28How did you know that this man was going to die?
06:30He had already predicted death.
06:32Who predicted his death?
06:34Sir, I don't know who it was.
06:38He was asking for money in the coffee shop.
06:40What happened?
06:41Who's going to die?
06:42That taxi driver.
06:44In the back lane, in front of the medical store.
06:46That man was asking you for money to save this taxi driver?
06:50Sir, I was also surprised to hear that.
06:54That means that man must have seen the killer's face.
06:57Where was that man?
06:58Which way did he go?
06:59Sir, we don't know.
07:02Devanti, Panch.
07:04Call this taxi company and get all the details of this driver.
07:08Till then, we'll look around.
07:09Maybe we'll find the man who predicted death.
07:13All three of you, come with us.
07:21Bring the food quickly.
07:26Mohini, please bring the food.
07:28I'm very hungry. I'll die of hunger.
07:31Sorry, darling.
07:32I forgot to tell you.
07:34There's no food at home today.
07:37There's no food? Why?
07:39The cook didn't come.
07:41Take him out.
07:42Keep someone else.
07:43This means that I'll be hungry till the new cook comes.
07:46Can't you cook yourself?
07:48I could have.
07:50But I had my manicure done.
07:52My nails would have got spoilt.
07:54You can order something from outside.
07:56Yes, I'll have to do that.
08:00Order some jalebi for me.
08:03I feel like eating something sweet since morning.
08:07You didn't praise me today.
08:09Don't I look beautiful?
08:11You do.
08:13You always look beautiful.
08:14What's new in that?
08:15There is something new.
08:17My earrings.
08:19You didn't even notice.
08:20I did.
08:21They're very nice.
08:23I don't know why I married you.
08:26God has given me a husband who doesn't value my beauty.
08:30Go and see the neighborhood.
08:32People don't get tired of praising me.
08:34Yes, boss.
08:36One Hyderabadi biryani and one plate jalebi.
08:38Address is C-41.
08:41Ignis Road.
08:43Send it quickly. I'm starving.
08:46You're only worried about your hunger.
08:48I don't care.
08:49You do care.
08:50Why don't you care?
08:54Check who's at the door.
08:56Yes, I'm going.
09:10Who are you?
09:14What do you want?
09:21Come inside.
09:22But why?
09:24Two lovers are dancing upstairs in the middle cupboard of the third room.
09:29I want to meet them.
09:31Lovers are dancing?
09:33In the cupboard?
09:35Who's dancing?
09:40Who is it?
09:41I don't know.
09:42If you don't know, why are you talking to him for so long?
09:47What do you want?
09:48Two lovers are dancing in the cupboard in the middle of the third room upstairs.
09:54I want to meet them.
09:56There's a cupboard in the third room.
09:59But how did he know?
10:00These are all excuses to enter the house.
10:02Brother has gone crazy seeing the beauty.
10:04Oh, God.
10:05You say anything in front of anyone.
10:07Go inside. I'll talk to him.
10:08Why should I go inside?
10:09Whatever you want to say, say it in front of me.
10:11Brother, tell me.
10:13Who are you?
10:14Who do you want to meet?
10:15What do you want?
10:16I told you, two lovers are dancing upstairs.
10:18I want to meet them.
10:20I told you.
10:21He's crazy about me.
10:24Madam, he's not crazy about you.
10:26He's crazy about his brain.
10:29There's no one here.
10:30No lover.
10:31No lover.
10:32No one is dancing.
10:36I'm going now.
10:39I'll definitely come again.
10:42Those who are dancing upstairs.
10:44I want to meet them.
10:46There's no need to come again.
10:48Please come.
10:51Yes, sir.
10:52The photo you sent of the dead taxi driver.
10:55Did we get it?
10:59No, sir.
11:00He didn't work in our company.
11:02If the taxi driver wasn't from that company.
11:04Then how did he get the dress?
11:07There are many shops in the city that sell such clothes.
11:11For actors, for cinema, for television.
11:14He must have bought the clothes from such a shop.
11:19Yes, sir.
11:20There was a fancy dress competition in my school when I was a kid.
11:23I was a bear in that competition.
11:25Oh God.
11:30There's a fancy dress shop nearby.
11:33Let's go.
11:43Put the sword down.
11:44Put it down.
11:45Who are you?
11:46I don't know how to praise myself.
11:49Praise the God who created this world.
11:54I'm Chunnilal.
11:56I'm the owner of this big shop.
12:02Tell me.
12:03What's your name?
12:10Tell me.
12:11How can I help you?
12:13Mr. Chunnilal, the owner of this shop.
12:17Look at this picture.
12:19And tell me.
12:20Have you ever seen this man?
12:29His face looks familiar.
12:35Oh yes.
12:36This is Madan.
12:40Who is Madan?
12:42He is a fan of big screen.
12:45He has come to show his talent in this city.
12:49What talent?
12:51Holi is already over.
12:54What are you saying?
12:55He didn't say talent.
13:00He is an actor.
13:04Tell me one thing.
13:05The clothes he is wearing.
13:07Is it your shop?
13:09Yes sir.
13:11The clothes are from our shop.
13:14But the cat on it.
13:17That is not ours.
13:20How can you see a cat in this picture?
13:24I can't even see a cat.
13:29We are not talking about cats here.
13:31Look at this.
13:32We are talking about the tag in this picture.
13:35Yes sir.
13:36We are talking about that tag.
13:38But tell me one thing sir.
13:42Why is Madan lying like this in this picture?
13:48Is he playing the role of a dead body?
13:50You can think whatever you want.
13:53But tell me one thing.
13:56Does Madan come to your shop often?
14:00Does he come to your shop often to buy new clothes?
14:04Yes sir.
14:05But his hands were a little tight.
14:09He could never pay the full price.
14:11But I insisted.
14:12Have mercy on me.
14:14Have mercy on me.
14:16I said.
14:18No problem.
14:20When you become a big star in the big screen.
14:24Then introduce me to Chand.
14:26You will get all the money.
14:31Wow brother.
14:33Your wife must be very happy with you.
14:37Whenever you open your mouth.
14:39The rose petals fall from your mouth.
14:42You are the one who knows everything.
14:44Otherwise we always get scolded at home.
14:49Is it?
14:50Then we are the passengers of the same boat.
14:57Are you done?
15:00Sir, you tell me one thing.
15:02Did Madan tell you anything?
15:05Where is he going?
15:06Where is he going?
15:08Did he tell you?
15:09Sir, he didn't say anything like that.
15:12But he was definitely saying that.
15:14He will pay all our money in a day or two.
15:18Seems like he has got a big role.
15:21Which big role did Madan get?
15:25Only those people can tell.
15:28Who people sir?
15:29Casting directors.
15:33Casting directors.
15:35Who give rules to the actors in films and television.
15:41That man had come in this area.
15:51If that man had come here.
15:54Then his face must have been captured in the CCTV camera of this shop.
16:02This CCTV camera was not switched off for some time in the last three hours.
16:05No sir.
16:06It was not switched off even for a second.
16:12He is the one.
16:13The one in black clothes.
16:15He is that man.
16:20He is going towards the next area.
16:22Zoom on this man's face.
16:24Yes sir.
16:27So he is the one.
16:30Send this photo to all the shops, ATMs and CCTV cameras in the next area.
16:36And ask them if this man is seen anywhere in the last three hours.
16:40And if yes, then we will inform them.
16:49Don't lose hope.
16:51We will definitely get your son punished.
16:57I know who killed my son.
17:01Who could it be?
17:03This is his doing.
17:06Who is this Harry?
17:07He is our number one.
17:09Where does this Harry stay?
17:13He is going on the bike.
17:18Get down.
17:25Are you Harry?
17:26Yes, my name is Harry.
17:27Then tell me.
17:28Why did you poison Madan?
17:30Sir, what are you saying?
17:31Why would I poison Madan?
17:33Don't lie.
17:34Once you beat Madan so badly that he couldn't walk for a week.
17:38Yes ma'am, I did beat him.
17:39I admit it.
17:40I teased him with my girlfriend.
17:42Sir, if you don't believe me, you can ask my girlfriend Maya.
17:45Maya is your girlfriend's name?
17:48Sir, according to the CCTV footage of other shops,
17:51that man was last seen in this area.
17:55And in his next CCTV footage,
17:58he is not seen.
18:00That means he is somewhere around here.
18:07Do you want bananas?
18:11It's a very good fruit.
18:12It has a lot of potassium, iron.
18:14It's very good for health.
18:17And sometimes,
18:19you can also get cigarettes.
18:26Brother, have you seen this man here a few hours ago?
18:32This man?
18:33He just came to my shop.
18:35Did he come to buy bananas?
18:36No sir, not bananas.
18:37He came to ask for money.
18:39Yes, he looked very worried.
18:40And he was saying that he wants to save a taxi driver's life.
18:43That's why he needs money.
18:44Then what did you do?
18:45Sir, what else could I do?
18:46My brother is also a taxi driver.
18:48That's why I gave him a ten rupee note.
18:50Okay, okay.
18:51Tell me, how did he go?
18:53Sir, he went this way.
18:56Yes, sir.
18:58Yes, sir.
19:24Where are you going to play, goon?
19:27We were just here.
19:30Look at this photo.
19:31Do you recognize this man?
19:33Hey, he's the goon who keeps coming to my house and harassing my wife.
19:38We are going to teach him a lesson.
19:41Has he harassed your wife as well?
19:43We are from the CID.
19:53And this is to play hockey stick.
19:55Not to take law into your hands.
19:57Don't you dare do this again.
19:59Sorry, sir.
20:00Sir, but the CID is looking for him.
20:03Is he a big criminal?
20:05We will find out.
20:07Do you know where he lives?
20:08No, sir.
20:09We just went to look for his house.
20:11But yes, sir.
20:12He told me that he will come to my house again.
20:17Let's go to your house.
20:18Come, sir.
20:20You guys go.
20:27Come fast.
20:28I think uncle is here.
20:33Aunty Gopal, you?
20:34Where is Maya?
20:36She's inside.
20:42Why did you do this?
20:45What did my son do to you?
20:48What did I do?
20:49You and Sherry killed him together.
20:58Ms. Rupa.
20:59Please calm down.
21:02Calm down.
21:07Ma'am, please come with me.
21:09Tell me in detail what happened.
21:14We are from CID.
21:17Whatever happened, tell me clearly.
21:23Madan used to trouble us a lot.
21:26Whenever we used to go out, he used to trouble us.
21:30Is that why you poisoned him?
21:35No, sir.
21:36Maya can't kill.
21:38Who are you?
21:39I am Preeti, sir.
21:41I am Maya's friend.
21:42Sir, Maya is very disturbed since two days.
21:44And now you are...
21:48What is disturbing?
21:49My uncle is missing.
21:51He was supposed to come from America two days ago.
21:54He even reached the airport.
21:58I don't know where he disappeared from the airport.
22:00He hasn't come back home yet.
22:04Do you have any photograph of him?
22:06Yes, sir.
22:07One minute.
22:09Sir, we searched him everywhere.
22:11We even filed a police report.
22:13But we couldn't find him anywhere, sir.
22:22Is he your uncle?
22:26Yes, sir.
22:27Madam, if your uncle came from America two days ago...
22:31...then how can you predict Madan's death?
22:37Your uncle knew...
22:39...when Madan would die.
22:42Uncle knew?
22:44But how did this happen?
22:47We will find out.
22:49But until our investigation is complete... won't leave the city.
22:56What harm did he do...
22:58...that you gathered a CID force at home?
23:01It's better if you don't say anything about what you don't understand.
23:05Why don't you just say that you are jealous of him?
23:07You are jealous of him?
23:10So, he looked like a nice guy.
23:13My husband doesn't like it...
23:15...when someone praises my beauty.
23:18By the way, this sari looks good on me.
23:20I think this color looks good on me.
23:22What do you think?
23:30This sari looks very nice.
23:35I think he is here.
23:36Wait a minute.
23:38Let me check.
23:46Please give me that.
23:48The one who is dancing in the middle cupboard.
23:52Please give it to me.
23:54I want to meet him.
23:56The one who is dancing in the middle cupboard?
24:01Did you see?
24:02I told you.
24:03I told you.
24:04Sir, I don't know how this man came to know...
24:06...that there are three cupboards in the room upstairs.
24:09Show me those cupboards.
24:10Yes, sir.
24:11Come inside.
24:14Come, sir.
24:16Sir, all these things belong to the previous owner.
24:18And this cupboard too.
24:19I was talking about this cupboard.
24:24The one in the middle cupboard.
24:48So he was talking about this.
24:54Look at this.
24:56You were looking for these lovers, right?
24:59Thank you so much.
25:01Thank you so much.
25:02This is the one.
25:04This is the one I was looking for.
25:06You don't know how much you have helped me.
25:09Thank you so much.
25:11I want to talk to you in private.
25:13Come with me.
25:17Thank you, sir.
25:30Why is he looking at me?
25:32I don't know.
25:33Talk to him.
25:47Do you know what beauty is?
25:49Yes, I know what beauty is.
25:51What is beauty?
25:52Beauty means...
25:54You don't know anything about beauty.
25:57None of you know anything.
26:00I know what beauty is.
26:02Okay, fine.
26:03Okay, fine.
26:05None of us know what beauty is.
26:09Now you tell us what beauty is.
26:16Green bangles.
26:18Beautiful tresses.
26:22And yes.
26:27You know a lot about beauty.
26:31I know what beauty is.
26:34The way this man is talking...
26:38It will take a lot of time to understand.
26:42Time is enough.
26:48Is everything.
26:50Do one thing.
26:51Come there.
26:53Long hair.
26:54Listen, long hair.
26:56That is also beauty.
26:57Come on.
26:59Long hair.
27:00Black eyes.
27:01Did I tell you about black eyes?
27:03You sit.
27:05Did I tell you about black eyes?
27:07Very good.
27:08Calm down.
27:09Black eyes.
27:12Hands up.
27:24Look here.
27:25Open your eyes.
27:38Oh my God.
27:43What happened?
27:44What happened to him?
27:45Look at this, boss.
27:46Look at his eyes carefully.
27:48His eyes are bigger than necessary.
27:52And also round.
27:54Sir, but...
27:55What does it mean?
27:56It means that this person has been given something.
27:59Some chemical.
28:00Some poison.
28:01Which has had a very bad effect on his nerves.
28:05And that's why he is talking like this.
28:08Because he remembers a lot of things sometimes.
28:12And sometimes this person forgets everything.
28:16That means when he went to ask for help to save Madan.
28:24Sir, okay.
28:26Find out as soon as possible which poison has been given to him.
28:38Thank God you are fine.
28:39You won't believe how much I have prayed for you.
28:42I am sorry, but who are you?
28:46I am Maya.
28:47Your friend Ashok's daughter.
28:49You forgot me?
28:52Come aside.
28:54Sir, what has happened to him?
28:56Maya, don't worry.
28:57Your uncle will be fine soon.
28:59First tell me.
29:00Why did your uncle come to India?
29:03Sir, even I don't know that.
29:05But two years ago, his wife Kali and his brother Vikram.
29:10I don't know where they disappeared suddenly.
29:12They tried a lot to find them.
29:14But they didn't find them.
29:15And in that grief, he left India and went away.
29:18These are the photographs of both Kali and Vikram.
29:21Yes, sir.
29:22Show me.
29:24This is his wife Kali.
29:26And this is his brother Vikram.
29:30Kali and Vikram.
29:32Neeraj's wife and Neeraj's brother.
29:35But how did they disappear suddenly?
29:40Sir, is it possible that something has happened to them?
29:45It is possible.
29:49I have checked Neeraj's phone records.
29:51He has been killed many times by a man named Ravi in America.
29:55Ravi lives in Popatwadi Chaal.
29:57He kills people with a contract.
30:00Is it?
30:04He lives in Popatwadi Chaal.
30:06Contract killer.
30:08This is my job.
30:10Tell me, whom do you want to kill?
30:12A goon.
30:14Anyway, I am the biggest goon in this city.
30:17But remember one thing.
30:19I want full advance money.
30:20Is it okay?
30:22You don't worry about money.
30:24I will give you the money.
30:26What is the matter?
30:27You are so eager to kill him.
30:29Tell me his name.
30:30And where does he live?
30:32His name is Ravi.
30:35He lives in Popatwadi Chaal.
30:39You have to give me my contract.
30:42You are giving me my contract.
30:44I will kill you.
30:45Come in front and I will kill you.
30:47Not in front.
30:48I am standing behind.
30:49Turn around and see.
31:04Who are you?
31:06It's a small and cute name.
31:40Your teeth must be rotten.
31:42You need treatment.
31:52Now tell me.
31:53You called Neeraj and called him here, right?
31:55Yes, sir.
31:56I called Neeraj to call him here from America.
32:00But sir, I did this on my boss's order.
32:05Who is your boss?
32:06Sir, he has left the country.
32:08It's a good excuse.
32:09Madam, this is not an excuse.
32:11I am telling the truth.
32:12Believe me.
32:13We will find out if it's true or not.
32:15You tell me.
32:16Why did you call Neeraj here?
32:19I had given him greed.
32:21If he wants to know about his wife,
32:24then I can tell him a lot, sir.
32:27What can you tell?
32:28Tell me.
32:29Tell me.
32:30What can you tell?
32:31Tell me.
32:32Tell me.
32:33Tell me.
32:34Tell me.
32:35What can you tell?
32:37Sir, I killed his wife and brother.
32:46You are in trouble.
32:48You are in trouble.
32:50No, sir.
32:52Please forgive me, sir.
32:53I will change, sir.
32:55You will get a chance to change in your next life.
32:57Tell me.
32:58On whose order did you call?
33:00Who is she?
33:02She is a woman.
33:03She was there when I killed Neeraj's wife and brother.
33:10Who is she?
33:11Do you have her address and number?
33:13No, sir.
33:14I don't have anything, sir.
33:16She used to call me whenever she needed me.
33:21And yes, sir.
33:23Last time she called and said that I am leaving the country.
33:27That's it, sir.
33:28I don't know anything else, sir.
33:30How can she leave?
33:32Tell me where are their bodies?
33:39Be careful.
33:40Be careful.
34:01Be careful.
34:05Bring it this side.
34:17Be careful.
34:26Be careful.
34:31Get him out of the way, get him out of the way!
34:47Careful, careful.
35:02Two dead bodies.
35:05Freddy, lay down the plastic.
35:08Yes, sir.
35:11Sachin, let's take out the skeleton very carefully.
35:31Yes, sir.
36:02Looking at the pelvic girdle, this seems to be a girl's body.
36:07And sir, this skeleton seems to belong to a man.
36:11I mean, our information was correct.
36:14The one that Ravi gave us.
36:15He told us that Neeraj's brother and his wife Kali were both killed.
36:23These bodies belong to both of them.
36:26Sir, there is a gold pot under the foot mat.
36:31This must be Kali's body.
36:39Sir, we found this polythene bag in the dashboard.
36:42And it is very damaged because of the water.
36:44Open it.
37:05These look like photographs.
37:07But sir, how will we know from these photographs?
37:09These are completely damaged.
37:11Jaywanti, yes.
37:13But there is one person
37:16who can remove the face from this mud.
37:32Boss, Neeraj's body has the same poison as Madan's body.
37:39And if this poison is not removed soon, his life can be in danger.
37:45But sir, how is this possible?
37:47Madan's life is lost because of the poison from which Neeraj survived.
37:52That's because every human's body and immune system works differently.
38:00I have given him an injection.
38:02Maybe the poison will be removed.
38:07Salonke, this is Neeraj's wife Kali and her brother Vikram.
38:15What about the photographs?
38:16Yes, photos.
38:25Yes, it is clear, Salonke.
38:29The work of haste is the work of the devil.
38:31If you were so intelligent, you would have said this.
39:08Wow, Salonke, wow.
39:11You have done a great job.
39:13In one move, you gave me the poison and also Madan.
39:21Where are you?
39:23Come out.
39:25Look, I have come.
39:28Okay, you will play hide and seek with me.
39:34Look, I will count till ten.
39:36Come out or else it won't be right.
39:41Oh, it's you.
39:44What happened?
39:46Do you want to defeat me?
39:48No, no.
39:50This time, it is my turn to win.
39:55The victory is still mine.
39:57What did you think?
39:59You will escape?
40:01You have ruined my life.
40:03Now in return, I want your life.
40:05Goodbye, Neeraj.
40:12Goodbye, not Neeraj.
40:14Goodbye, Preeti.
40:17I am Preeti sir, Maya's friend.
40:21Oh, so you brought the CID along with you.
40:26That means you are absolutely fine.
40:28Yes, he is absolutely fine.
40:30I have removed the poison in his body.
40:33Your game was reversed.
40:36But now he won't survive.
40:41Enough of your smartness.
40:43Shut up.
40:48Tell me.
40:50Why did you kill Kalli and Vikram?
40:53Because I was married to Vikram.
40:57But Kalli refused to accept this marriage.
41:01To convince him, I called him to the banks of the lake.
41:05Why did you call him here?
41:07What do you mean?
41:09Do I need a reason to meet my husband?
41:11Don't be too over smart.
41:13My brother is not your husband.
41:15Over smart?
41:17My dear sister-in-law.
41:18Look at this.
41:20The proof of our relationship.
41:26I understand your tricks very well.
41:29If you understand, then decide.
41:32Tell me, how much will you give me?
41:37I won't even give you a penny.
41:40Vikram, let's go from here.
41:44Okay, sister-in-law.
41:45If you don't respect our relationship,
41:49then why should I?
41:56What are you doing?
42:05Throw him in the water.
42:16You killed Preeti, Kalli and Vikram.
42:20So, you want to kill Neeraj, right?
42:24Sir, will poison have such an effect?
42:27I never thought about it.
42:29The Madan who was given money to kill him,
42:33he himself touched the poison and died.
42:36You cheated so many innocent people
42:39by marrying them and adding money.
42:41You cheated so many innocent people
42:43by marrying them and adding money.
42:45And you killed two people for this.
42:50You will be hanged.
