• last year
00:00Dear Tim and Moby, what's the difference between using a drug and abusing it?
00:15From Gail.
00:16Ah, come on, Moby, my inhaler is a drug, and it's not evil.
00:23Any substance that changes how your brain or body functions is a drug.
00:29Substances like aspirin and cough syrup are drugs.
00:32So are prescription medications, the kind that are only legal under a doctor's care.
00:37Every medicine has a correct dose, the amount you're supposed to take at once.
00:43The idea is to get the effects you want, but lessen the side effects.
00:48Those are sensations caused by the drug that don't serve its intended purpose.
00:52Side effects can be unpleasant, like nausea or headaches.
00:56Or they can be pleasurable.
00:59Using drugs for these side effects, or taking any drug illegally, is substance abuse.
01:04It's very risky.
01:06Well, once a drug enters your bloodstream, it changes how your body works.
01:12Stimulants fire up your central nervous system and make your heart race.
01:16Doctors prescribe them to help people with disorders like ADHD.
01:21But unless you take them under a doctor's care, they're no safer than street drugs
01:24like cocaine.
01:26All of them put you at risk for heart attacks, seizures, and strokes.
01:30Depressants, like alcohol, have the opposite effect.
01:34They relax the central nervous system, making you feel numb and sleepy.
01:39Doctors may prescribe depressants for sleep disorders or anxiety, but they're still
01:43risky to abuse.
01:46Opioids, like heroin, are highly addictive because they activate the brain's reward
01:55And prescription opioids, usually given to relieve pain, are just as addictive.
01:59They also come in some cough syrups, which can make them seem harmless.
02:03But the wrong dose of any of these drugs can slow your heart and breathing until they stop
02:10Hallucinogens, like LSD, affect your thoughts and emotions in unpredictable ways.
02:19They disrupt your ability to think clearly.
02:22For some, they trigger delusional thoughts, where you're unable to tell fantasy from
02:28Finally, there are inhalants, gaseous chemicals that block the flow of oxygen to the brain.
02:34They change or kill cells, sometimes leading to permanent brain damage.
02:39They can even cause you to suffocate.
02:41Unlike other categories of drugs, what inhalants have in common is the way they're taken.
02:47The types of chemicals and their effects can fit into one or more of the other categories.
02:51In fact, a lot of commonly abused drugs don't fit neatly into a single class.
02:56Ecstasy, or molly, has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
03:01And marijuana can have stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effects.
03:05The effects of drugs like marijuana depend on the dosage and the person taking them.
03:10A dose that feels pleasurable for one person could be scary for someone else.
03:16On top of all these health hazards, people on drugs tend to make poor decisions.
03:20They might even take risks they wouldn't even normally think of doing, like getting
03:25behind the wheel of a car.
03:27Bad choices become routine for people who are addicted to a drug or unable to stop.
03:34It's true, opioids, depressants, and stimulants are the most addictive.
03:39But you can get hooked on anything that makes you feel different, including hallucinogens
03:42and inhalants.
03:44People who are addicted to a drug feel like they have no choice in using it.
03:49Their lives revolve around getting high, and they may lie or steal to do it.
03:54They have trouble thinking clearly and making good decisions.
03:57That affects their performance in school and sports, their relationships, and even their
04:02It's not always easy to spot someone with a drug problem.
04:07They often look like anyone else.
04:09But there are some warning signs, sudden mood swings, losing interest in hobbies, staying
04:14away from friends.
04:16If someone you care about is acting this way, talk to them.
04:20See if they need any help.
04:22Or it's okay to tell a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust.
04:28Sometimes the person struggling is a parent, and that can be really tough on their child.
04:33It's never the kid's fault.
04:35In this case, too, it's okay to tell someone you trust, like a teacher or school counselor.
04:40Your instincts are probably right that something is going on, even if it isn't drug abuse.
04:45Oh, right, I almost forgot.
04:49If you feel like drugs are a problem in your life, talk to a trusted adult.
04:55There's no shame in admitting that you need help.
04:58People can overcome drug problems, but they can rarely do it alone.
05:04What's that?
05:05No, I feel fine.
05:10Stop it.