• last year
Margret Roadknight - "Girls In Our Town" (1975)


00:00Girls in our town, they just happen to care You see them on Saturday, floating on air
00:18Painting their toenails and washing their hair Maybe tonight it'll happen
00:30Girls in our town, they leave school at fifteen Work at the counter or behind the machine
00:41And spend all their money on making the scene Yet plan on going to England
00:53Girls in our town, go to parties in pairs Sit round the barbecue, give themselves airs
01:03Then they go to the bathroom with their girlfriend who cares Girls in our town are so lonely
01:15Girls in our town are too good for the pill But if you keep asking, they probably will
01:26Sometimes they like you, or else for the thrill And explain it away in the morning
01:38Girls in our town get no help from their men No one can let them be sixteen again
01:49Things might get better, but it's hard to say when If they only had someone to talk to
02:01Girls in our town can be saucy and bold At seventeen, no one is better to hold
02:11Then they start having kids, start getting old Girls in our town, girls in our town
02:30Girls in our town
