• last year
Getting advice from a fake expert will kill your business. I’m amazed at how many are out there giving shockingly bad advice. Even they don’t have their own shit together!

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00:00Welcome to yet another Friday Fury, my Friday Fury episodes been going quite well actually going for a while.
00:07This is where I vent about software and tools and things that just annoy me.
00:12I will be swearing this episode like I do in all my Friday Fury episodes.
00:16So if you're not into that kind of thing, then don't watch this watch all my other videos because they're all pretty good.
00:23Anyway, today's Friday Fury is about fake experts and what I mean by fake experts.
00:29We hear about fake Gurus buying and selling courses that do absolutely nothing and fake experts to me are kind of the same thing and I've been in some let's start again.
00:45I've recently gone back on to social media onto platforms that I would never go on to normally, but I thought, you know, let me try it again.
00:55See if I can get some traffic Etc.
00:57Now some work. In fact, they all kind of work, but I don't think I want to be lumped in with these fake experts to me.
01:06An expert is someone who's done something for many years and honed their craft and know how to do things with their hands tied behind their back.
01:16These fucking assholes read up a year or watch a YouTube channel read an article or read the press releases of said platforms and then become experts and they give the worst fucking advice.
01:34I have ever fucking heard.
01:36It's unbelievable.
01:37Now, I'm in I'm not an expert.
01:39I'm not social media expert or anything like that, but I know for me what works and what doesn't but getting advice from these fake fucking ass lame-ass experts about how I should do something is just fucking mind-blowing and it pisses me off and I was in a room where someone else in the same kind of realm as me.
02:08Was given advice about how he should do his content, how we should present himself, how we should change this and change that and to be honest, it was all fucking wank.
02:23I mean, it's unbelievable how these fake experts get to where they are and I'm going to come off of these social networks.
02:33I'm going to change the way I use these social networks rather than coming off for the moment because I don't want to be lumped in with these fake ass experts because it's just shit.
02:47I mean, I'm speechless as to how bad it actually is out there.
02:52You go on to Twitter you go to LinkedIn you go.
02:54I mean any social network.
02:56I'm now on tick-tock for some bizarre fucking reason.
03:00I'm on Instagram again for some bizarre fucking reason and I hate Facebook.
03:04So I don't know why I'm there but you you look at things like coaches and consultants and stuff and the way that they've set up their profile to me.
03:15It's a fake guru.
03:16You're not a fucking expert.
03:18You're a fucking fake guru selling shit that you don't know fuck all about now bear in mind.
03:23Some do some experts that know what they're doing.
03:26Some coaches have been coaching for many years Etc.
03:30But if you this pandemic is actually caused a lot of issues as well because what's happened is that people thought of fuck.
03:36I need to make some money work online.
03:39What shall I do?
03:40Let's be a coach.
03:41I'll be a this coach and that coach and a fucking pencil coach and a drink how that how to drink Coca-Cola coach.
03:48I mean, it's just fucking insane.
03:50So be careful out there.
03:55Listen to the right people hire the right people know who the experts are.
04:00I'm going to blow my own trumpet.
04:02I've been doing tech for like over 30 years.
04:05I'm a fucking expert in what I do but to be lumped in with these.
04:11Assholes I was going to use the c-word cunts that read press releases and watch YouTube videos and go.
04:20You know what?
04:22I'm an expert now.
04:23Some might argue some may argue that if you know more than the next person,
04:30you're an expert and that's at a utter fucking bullshit.
04:33You just know more than the other person.
04:36You can help them but don't ever call yourself a fucking expert in that field.
04:40It's just fucking ridiculous just boils.
04:43My fucking blood grinds my gears.
04:48There's more but I can't think of any anyway, as always keep it simple.
04:53And I'll see you in the next one.
04:55Have a great day.