Neighbours 9106 4th September 2024

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I've got a high distinction on my programming assignment.
00:04What you've done is you've helped your mum cheat.
00:06The uni think I cheated on my last assignment.
00:08It's not your fault. This is mine.
00:10I come bearing gifts.
00:12At least most of the money that she stole from Syncast will be returned.
00:15Heath managed to burn through a lot of it before he died.
00:17He liquidated a lot of it to cash.
00:22No, we can't ask people to fork out that much any time of year.
00:25We don't want you to go broke just to come to our wedding.
00:27We're going to get married right here.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect plan
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59Become good friends
01:06Oh, goodness me.
01:07How are you going to organise a wedding and a move to Paris in two weeks?
01:11Well, the company's organising all of the flights and accommodations
01:14so we can just focus on the wedding.
01:16Still, it's very quick, isn't it?
01:18I better get started on my celebrant duties.
01:22Oh, I'm so sorry.
01:24You've probably got someone else in mind.
01:27Of course we want you to marry us.
01:29It's part of the reason why we're getting married here.
01:31Also, I happen to know the owner of Harold's.
01:33So the reception is sorted.
01:35And Toadie said that we can have the ceremony at the nursery
01:38before the new tenants arrive.
01:39Oh, big savings.
01:40Why don't I pop round later?
01:41I can talk you through the paperwork that you'll need.
01:43That would be amazing.
01:44So when do you start the job?
01:46Literally the day after we land.
01:48Apparently I'm being thrown in the deep end.
01:50Well, you can handle it.
01:51I can't wait.
01:52I'm going to be going straight into human rights law
01:54which means I'm going to be working closely with the UN.
01:56It's so exciting.
01:57Exciting, terrifying, but, yeah, I'll be living the dream.
02:01Would you just make sure you save some time
02:03for the constant stream of visitors?
02:05Oh, yes, yes.
02:06Ooh, free accommodation in Paris.
02:09It just occurred to me in Baltimore.
02:15It's OK to be nervous, you know.
02:17No, I'm not.
02:20Your untouched eggs say otherwise.
02:22I'm fine.
02:23It's a disciplinary hearing and I'll be disciplined
02:25the way I deserve.
02:28But you don't deserve.
02:31That's why I wrote you this.
02:36It explains how everything was on me.
02:39I can even come to the hearing if you want.
02:41I absolutely do not want that.
02:44Look, you did the wrong thing but for the right reasons.
02:47Just go and let yourself off the hook, OK?
02:50Here we are.
02:52No JJ this morning?
02:54He opted for the school library instead of Sustenance.
02:58The only time I went to the library
02:59was when I had a crush on the staff.
03:01Good on JJ for turning things around, though.
03:04Yeah, it is good.
03:07He's still a bit quiet but at least he's focused.
03:09Yeah, it's been a tough year.
03:10We've just got to keep him on track.
03:13Speaking of, you should make tracks.
03:16Oh, yeah.
03:19Good luck.
03:20Thanks, babe.
03:21Bye, bud.
03:22Have a good day.
03:24You too, Ma.
03:25Have a good day, Mum.
03:27Hey, do you want me to drive you to your hearing after you shift?
03:32No, I'm not going.
03:36To work?
03:37I didn't want to say anything while Dex was here
03:39but I'm going to drop out of uni.
03:47OK, now, before you say anything...
03:51What's this?
03:52Housewarming gift part two.
03:53Oh, Holly, I didn't even need housewarming gift part one.
03:57Hey, I said not to say anything.
04:00You saved my life.
04:02This is the least I can do.
04:08Oh, my goodness.
04:10There's 50 pieces in here.
04:14You do realise that I live by myself?
04:17And what, you'll never have any guests?
04:18Ooh, they are high end.
04:22How high end?
04:23Does that matter?
04:24Leo was thinking of getting you cutlery for the vineyard
04:26and then he looked at these and he just choked to the price.
04:28They're nice.
04:32Relax, they were on sale.
04:34Oh, that doesn't matter.
04:35You shouldn't have.
04:36I should and I did.
04:38Because you deserve it.
04:43OK, well, how about this?
04:44I never should have enrolled in the first place.
04:46Don't be ridiculous.
04:47I'm not.
04:48I've never found textbook learning easy.
04:50It just doesn't come naturally to me.
04:52That is not true.
04:53Your first test, you got a distinction.
04:55They were the basic modules.
04:57Anything more complex and I'm completely lost.
04:59Or your confidence has just taken a bit of a hit
05:02but it will come back.
05:03No, it's more than that.
05:05Our teenage son doesn't even study the subject
05:08and he puts me to shame.
05:09I'll just outsource the technical parts of the job
05:12that I obviously suck at.
05:14Kara, I'm sorry.
05:15Can I just give you my two cents?
05:18The temperature control in this place was an absolute nightmare
05:21until you reprogrammed the air con.
05:23Alright, we haven't had a single false fire alarm
05:25since you fixed the sensor thingamajig on the door.
05:28Yeah, but that's just stuff that you learn on the job.
05:31It's easy.
05:32Yeah, it's easy for you.
05:35It's not just me.
05:36Thank you, Aaron.
05:39I was so proud of you when you told me you'd enrolled in that course
05:42because I knew it was out of your comfort zone.
05:44It still is.
05:46Yes, but out of your comfort zone is where you thrive and shine.
05:51Look what you did at your birthday party.
05:54And remember how it made you feel.
06:05I'll go to the meeting.
06:12You make sure that you start thinking about your vows.
06:15Oh yeah, it's going to be hard to narrow down the superlatives.
06:17Yeah, mission impossible.
06:19Well, you say whatever you want to say, this is your ceremony.
06:22Thank you so much.
06:24Thank you both.
06:25See you in a bit.
06:26Yeah, we'll see you soon.
06:27Alright, bye.
06:31What a beautiful pair of humans.
06:34The way Haz was looking at Mackenzie when she was talking about her job.
06:37I know.
06:38I'm so proud.
06:40She's come a long way since she first arrived.
06:43You know, she has never shied away from who she is.
06:46No, she's remarkable.
06:48And she's brave too, given what happened with Henry's.
06:53I was worried for a while that that would hold her back from meeting anybody else.
06:58Well, I suppose Haz isn't anybody else.
07:03They adore each other.
07:04It's lovely to see, isn't it?
07:07Yeah, well, we did make a promise to look out for Mackenzie when Hendricks was passing.
07:13How can we do that from the other side of the wall?
07:18I guess this is part of it.
07:19We do it by letting her go to live her future.
07:24Same as we did with all our kids.
07:31Yep, no worries.
07:32That's all booked for three o'clock.
07:34Thanks, Mrs Furman.
07:40All good?
07:42I'm just finalising a locker audit.
07:46A locker audit?
07:48I'm working on a system to smooth the transfer of anything left over after check out to the lost property.
07:56That's weird.
07:57There's still a locker assigned to Heath Royce.
08:02Oh, uh, I'm so sorry.
08:05I said his name before I realised.
08:07Are you okay?
08:09Oh, um, yeah.
08:12It's just, it's still a bit weird.
08:17Well, um, we should probably let the police know
08:20in case he's left anything behind that they could use as evidence.
08:23I can do it.
08:25Are you sure?
08:28I mean, I'm across everything that happened.
08:30I'll call Andrew right now.
08:32Uh, okay.
08:35Um, I've got my uni hearing this afternoon, but I'll still be here for a few more hours,
08:39so let me know how you go.
08:57I didn't feel that one, did you?
08:58No, I didn't.
08:59Hell, it's pretty good.
09:01Yeah, I mean, I hit the sauna.
09:03Yeah, I can...
09:07I just spent an hour in that shower, Chris.
09:10It was a good night.
09:35Okay, so next on the list is the seating plan for the ceremony.
09:39Should we, like, jumble everyone in together or do separate sides of the bride and groom?
09:43Um, whatever you reckon.
09:47Getting cold feet already, are you?
09:49As if.
09:50No, sorry, I was just looking into travel and quarantine stuff for Trevor.
09:54It's kind of a nightmare.
09:57I also still... I still need to tell my parents in a mirror.
10:01What about your brother?
10:02Uh, Mum and Dad can do that. I have enough on my plate.
10:06I don't know what I'm going to tell my Dad when I call him.
10:10Well, I really don't have time for family politics.
10:12I'm just going to tell them we're getting married.
10:14Be there or don't be.
10:15It's happening anyway.
10:18I guess it's a little harder for me.
10:20Things happen very quickly with Hendricks, too.
10:22Of course, yeah, that's... that's so fair.
10:26You know, we don't have to do it this way.
10:28Like, we could put it off for six months, come back and get married.
10:32Or run away in a lope.
10:35Whatever you want.
10:37No, I want to do it now.
10:38With our friends.
10:40I can't help the reminders of Hendricks, but I can manage.
10:43Hey, how about we get into those family calls together?
10:48Yeah, that would be lovely.
10:50Can't wait to tell everyone.
10:54Yeah, Cara found it in the system when she was auditing the lockers.
10:58No, it's definitely in Heath's name.
11:00I'm just letting you know in case he left anything in there.
11:05I'll leave the master key for you at reception.
11:07Thanks, Andrew.
11:10I thought you called Andrew earlier about the locker.
11:13I did.
11:14He was unavailable.
11:15That was him calling me back.
11:17What time's your hearing?
11:18Uh, oh, uh, I have to go.
11:21But why is this in the middle of the foyer?
11:23It's a safety hazard.
11:24I'll sort it out.
11:25It's okay, it's on my way out.
11:26No, seriously, I've got it.
11:27You go to your hearing.
11:28Good luck.
11:30All right.
11:31So, I spoke to the airline's special handling,
11:34and they said that there's no way that Trevor can get to France
11:37without spending at least two days in a pet crate.
11:41Oh, and he failed crate training before you adopted him.
11:44Yeah, and I didn't do anything about it
11:45because I didn't think I'd be moving overseas.
11:48I'm sorry.
11:49No, it's okay.
11:50It's okay.
11:51It's okay.
11:52It's okay.
11:53It's okay.
11:54It's okay.
11:55It's okay.
11:56It's okay.
11:57It's okay.
11:58Yeah, the dog's gone overseas.
12:00And there's no way around it for anxious animals?
12:01Well they gave me the number of a trainer that specialises
12:04in getting pets ready for travel, so...
12:06Oh, well, that's good.
12:07And Trevor's a smart dog,
12:09and he's way less anxious than when you first got him.
12:12Yeah, totally.
12:13So I'm just gonna do some more digging to see how to organise this.
12:16Don't worry, Trev.
12:18We will get you over there one way or another.
12:20So, to sum it up again, it wasn't cheating, or intentional cheating. My teenage son thought
12:31that he was helping by changing the assignment.
12:34And you had no idea he'd done it?
12:36I never would have submitted if I had. In saying that, I accept the responsibility and
12:43the consequences, even if that means expulsion.
12:47Thanks, Cara. We appreciate your honesty. And we know it can't have been easy on you
12:51or your family.
12:54I'm glad I just got the chance to explain.
12:56As you know, this was a serious breach. But it's not high school, and it's very rare for
13:01anyone to be expelled. Our aim is always to see our students succeed, so you won't be
13:06given a fail, either.
13:08Oh, well, it's not my work.
13:10No. Which is why you'll be allowed to resubmit the assignment, but under exam conditions,
13:16you'll leave supervised.
13:21You're clearly very sorry for what happened. We can all see that.
13:25You have no idea.
14:16Ah, I thought I saw you come out here. These came for you.
14:30Yeah. You've been doing quite a bit of online shopping lately.
14:33Well, I hope you haven't been going through my browser history, Dad.
14:36Well, of course not. But I do collect the mail, and you are avoiding the question.
14:41Oh, it's just a couple of things that I got on sale. I actually got a few bargains, like
14:45a real candidate. You should be proud of me.
14:48Look, don't spend everything you earn, though, eh? Pay yourself first.
14:52That's good advice.
14:54Oh, what were you doing in the greenhouse, by the way?
14:59I just thought that I might do the watering.
15:01The watering? You never do any watering, or any outdoor tours.
15:05Well, maybe it's time that I started.
15:07Well, I'd like that. Just so you know, it's best to water in the early evening, though.
15:12Reduces evaporation.
15:13Got it. Cool.
15:15Actually, you know, it's almost time to raise the tomato seedlings. We could do that together.
15:21Sounds good.
15:34How are you feeling?
15:36Oh, honestly, still in shock. Thank you, again.
15:40I was following official procedure, nothing more.
15:43If you have a second, I wanted to ask you about your son.
15:46Dex. Yeah, look, he feels terrible about what he did. And trust me, he knows it was wrong.
15:52Putting that aside, the solution he came up with was one of the most complex submissions I've ever read.
16:00Complex in a good way.
16:02I don't use the term lightly. It was genius level.
16:06Leona, I promise you, it was Dex who did the work.
16:09He actually wrote me a confession letter, but I didn't bring it because at the end of the day, this is on me.
16:13I'm not doubting what you're saying. My point is, Dex is genuine talent.
16:19Oh. I didn't even know that he was interested in this sort of thing.
16:23Well, it's up to him to decide, but there are accelerated learning programs for gifted kids that he'd be perfect for.
16:31Okay. I'll talk to my wife.
16:34Good. Maybe we'll see him here before he knows it.
16:37Maybe. Thanks.
16:43Okay, so I have a ready-to-wear wedding dress company coming later tomorrow, so you need to be anywhere but here.
16:51It's okay. I won't travel, just go out for a walk.
16:55Is everything okay?
16:58Um, dogs can't travel for at least three weeks until after they've had their rabies shot.
17:06And there are no exceptions?
17:08Even if there was, like I spoke to the trainer and he said that it's too short a time to desensitize them for travel.
17:20Well, maybe we leave him here until we're settled and we make sure that the Paris thing is going to work out.
17:30Yeah. I just don't want to put him under any stress if we're just going to end up back here anyway.
17:34Yeah, yeah. And the others will love to look after him. They can get him great training and then you can always come back and get him.
17:42Yeah, makes sense, but it doesn't make it any easier leaving him.
17:48He is so loved here.
17:52Yeah, I just want to do things properly for him.
18:06Your face is always so unreadable.
18:08I would have made a great poker player in another life.
18:12It went well.
18:14Well, as in?
18:15As in no punishment. And I get to resubmit under supervision.
18:19Oh, Kara, that's amazing.
18:22Yeah, weirdly anti-climactic, but I'll take it.
18:26And in other more exciting news, apparently Dex is a coding prodigy.
18:31Head of department couldn't stop talking about the solution he gave on my submission.
18:35She said that we should be talking to the school about advanced learning for him.
18:39Okay, great.
18:47Hang on.
18:50Remy Varga-Murphy.
18:54Yeah, I'll be straight down.
18:57Sorry, I've got to go.
18:59There's been some sort of incident and emergency slammed.
19:01It's okay. See you at home.
19:05That's great.
19:08Okay, bye.
19:10Thanks for the coffee.
19:29Holly Dolly!
19:35Mel told me that you were out here. I didn't realise you had such a green thumb.
19:38Yeah, I love it. Like, watching things grow and stuff.
19:42Oh, good for you.
19:45I actually wanted to talk to you about the housewarming presents.
19:51I can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me crazy.
19:54What's there to think about? It's my way of saying thank you.
19:57And I am really grateful. I really am.
20:01But it's just so much money, Holly, and it just doesn't sit right with me.
20:06Seriously, Mel. It's fine.
20:08No, actually, it's not. Sale or no sale, it's way too much.
20:15I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
20:20Nothing can make up for that.
20:24I only did what anyone would have done.
20:27Do you still think about it?
20:31Only every time I close my eyes.
20:35Do you?
20:38I do.
20:41My experience was very different to yours.
20:46I'm getting the support that I need. I'm talking about it.
20:51I'm talking about it.
20:53Good. And I am here for you if you ever need to talk as well.
21:00Okay, well, I think that's everything.
21:02I'll lodge the notice of intended marriage as soon as I get home.
21:05And you're sure there won't be a problem with the mandatory waiting period?
21:08No, no. Because of Mackenzie's job offer, that'll be waived.
21:11Great. Thanks, Susan.
21:13So, while your new bride is off saving the world, what are your plans for Paris?
21:18Maybe you could open a French branch of Harold's.
21:21Well, actually, I've reached out to a bunch of IT recruitment firms over there.
21:25Yeah, I've been completely honest about my past.
21:27I even disclosed what happened with Wade Furnsby.
21:29And, weirdly, they weren't put off.
21:32Apparently big firms are desperate to hire reformed hackers into their cyber security departments.
21:37Who knew?
21:38Well, I'm just so happy for you both.
21:41Seems like everything's falling into place.
21:44Yeah, it is and it isn't.
21:47We're going to have to leave Trevor here.
21:49But only initially, right?
21:52It won't be forever, buddy.
22:05There was a fight in the gym at Warren Hall Prison.
22:07So, mostly blunt post-trauma injury?
22:09We're still triaging as they arrive, but that's how it looks.
22:12Now, one prisoner has been stabbed. He is critical.
22:14Okay, I'll start there first.
22:17Talk to her security, make sure the ward's locked down.
22:19Thanks, Tony.
22:21Good afternoon.
22:23Let's see what we've got.
22:27Okay, sir, you...
22:41Coming up on Neighbours...
22:42Krista's tough. She can handle a little criticism.
22:44You're going to crush that poor girl's spirit.
22:46And Lassiter's needs spirit and you not.
22:49Apparently there's been a brawl at Warrena.
22:51Felix has been sent to the hospital.
22:53What if the worst happens and JJ doesn't get to say goodbye again?
22:56What, do you really think he could die?