• 2 days ago
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00:001, 2, 3, 4.
00:08I'm not mature enough to learn from my mistakes.
00:20I was forced to live this lie.
00:22I'm not in love with you.
00:25But there's a light in your eyes, the beating of my heart.
00:30It doesn't fit in me, what is this movement?
00:36Turn your face to the sky, look at the star of a love.
00:40But it will shine, it will go out, I know.
00:49Everything happens, everything ends.
00:53A star slips through the sky.
00:57Everything happens, everything ends.
01:01Loneliness always holds mirrors.
01:07Is that love?
01:09Good morning.
01:19How are you, aunt?
01:23I'll make you some tea.
01:25Good morning.
01:29How are you?
01:31So, what have you decided?
01:34Are you going to get married or not?
01:36I can't think about it now.
01:38Because I have a lot of work.
01:40What are you doing?
01:42What am I doing?
01:44I don't know if you noticed, but I'm serving tea.
01:47And after eating, I'm also going to make some coffee.
01:51And then I'll go to the flower shop to help you.
01:54I'll reward you.
01:56That is, I'm full of work.
01:58And all this takes a long time.
02:01So, I'm not ready to get married yet.
02:03This is just a conversation, aunt.
02:05Very well.
02:06Apart from this cute little way.
02:08I don't think you need to exaggerate so much.
02:10So, we're going to do the following.
02:13So, decide when you're going to get married.
02:15Regardless of the date.
02:17I thank you very much if you can let me know before.
02:21So I don't know through third parties.
02:32Miss Aida is there?
02:37How are you? Good morning.
02:38Good morning.
02:39We came at your order, Mrs. Aida.
02:41We brought clothes and accessories suitable for your new image.
02:45They're bridesmaids clothes.
02:47Come in, please.
02:48Girls, let the girls in.
02:57Aunt, relax.
02:58They're not bridesmaids clothes.
02:59I'm not getting married.
03:01And what are these clothes?
03:03Well, there's a landscaping project going on in the office.
03:07Even though I'm not a graduate, Sir Kame gave me the project.
03:11Mrs. Aida must have sent me these clothes
03:13to make me look more professional, you know?
03:18They're waiting for us.
03:19It's best to go up and talk to them.
03:21Yes, of course.
03:22I'm good.
03:23Go ahead.
03:24Go ahead and close the door.
03:31Stop that, Melo.
03:32Get out of here.
03:35Good morning.
03:36Can I leave this here with you?
03:38Yes, of course.
03:39Make yourself at home.
03:40Make yourself at home.
03:41What kind of intimacy is that?
03:42This isn't your house.
03:43Why get mad like that?
03:44Of course the house is mine, too.
03:46My house is wherever you are, my love.
03:52Wow, this blazer is beautiful.
03:54Wouldn't it be nice if we had a fashion show?
03:57This is a nightmare.
03:58What was I thinking when I said yes?
04:24Good morning.
04:25Good morning.
04:28Aren't you going to sit down so you can eat properly, Albuquerque?
04:31I'm not hungry.
04:33Besides, I'm trying to lose weight.
04:41You think I'm getting fat, don't you?
04:43I've noticed.
04:47I'm leaving.
04:48See you later.
04:50Have a good day.
04:57I have good news and bad news, but it depends on the circumstances.
05:00What circumstances?
05:02But first I'm going to ask you something just in case.
05:05Does the guy we're looking for have to have experience in ceramics or does he have to be attractive?
05:09C.F., forget about the ceramics.
05:12He has to be handsome.
05:14That's exactly what I thought.
05:16Then I hired an actor.
05:18I mean, he knows how to act.
05:20So he can pretend he knows and everyone will believe that he understands.
05:23It's an infallible plan.
05:24Okay, now stop talking and show me his picture, C.F.
05:28Picture for which I have something much better.
05:31You can see.
05:33Pay attention.
05:48We'll see about that later.
06:12What was he doing here?
06:16His company went bankrupt.
06:18He's closing down and he came here to tell me.
06:20Ferit, I don't want any contact with C.F.
06:22This man is not trustworthy.
06:24I know, honey.
06:25Don't worry, okay?
06:27He deserves everything bad in this life.
06:34Whatever it is, I'm sorry.
06:46I'm sorry.
06:56Tell me, why did you change your look?
06:59You need to be professional, right?
07:01Oh, of course.
07:02And since it's the last week, I want to meet all the requirements.
07:05Did you like it?
07:09Let's just say I liked it a lot.
07:11It's very professional.
07:14It's beautiful.
07:18Until now.
07:20We just avoided Celine going to Italy.
07:24But how are we going to prevent this marriage from happening?
07:30Why are you laughing?
07:34It's just that you're dressed like a professional.
07:38But inside, you're still the same old Eda.
07:43A girl.
07:45Just like you.
07:47I had to talk to Celine, since you're the one who should have done that.
07:50And what did you talk about?
07:52About women's stuff.
07:53Leave it there.
07:54And now, where are we going?
07:56To the company.
07:58But what am I going to do there?
08:00You don't have to do anything.
08:02Go with my future wife and assistant.
08:04The rest is with me.
08:05Come on, get in this car.
08:11Get in.
08:18And fasten your seatbelt.
08:33We fixed these walls so we could fit on this side.
08:53Jeran, how are you?
08:54I'm fine.
08:56If you called to talk about the files, I'll take them this afternoon.
08:59No, no.
09:00I didn't call you about that.
09:02I called you because...
09:04Piriu doesn't want to talk to me.
09:08You're not wrong.
09:09Tell me, do you think there's no other way?
09:13This doesn't seem complicated to me.
09:15You really have no idea what to do?
09:18I'm a little confused.
09:24And judging by the way you're talking, I think I've lost you too.
09:29That's a problem.
09:31I don't even know what to tell you.
09:33But that's not important.
09:34Whether it's friendship or romance, you men always ignore the most important thing.
09:39I've already told you a thousand times what you have to do.
09:41The rest is up to you.
09:42And only you can do it.
09:44I have to get back to work.
09:45We'll talk later.
09:47Jeran, Jeran.
09:51Go, you have to think.
09:53The time is now.
09:55You need to do something.
09:57It's not easy, it's not easy.
10:02Hi, how are you?
10:04I'm fine, thanks.
10:05Wait, look.
10:07I owe you an apology.
10:10I know I was wrong, I canceled everything at the last minute.
10:13But let me talk to you.
10:15Just so I can try to explain myself.
10:18Can you hear me?
10:19Do you want to have dinner with me?
10:23But if we go to a restaurant,
10:25I don't want you to run away from the bathroom.
10:27No, no, wait, look.
10:29I was an idiot.
10:31And I'm aware of that.
10:32But I ask you for an opportunity, please.
10:36At least you were honest.
10:39And you also apologized to me.
10:42That's important.
10:45Maybe I'll give you another chance.
10:48This time it's going to be all right.
10:50I promise you won't regret it.
10:52Now I need to make some adjustments.
10:55Because I didn't know you were going to agree.
10:58I wasn't prepared.
11:00But I'll get organized and I'll call you.
11:02I hope so.
11:10They're here.
11:11I hope you'll forgive me for being late.
11:15No, no, you're just in time.
11:17Please, sit down.
11:18Good morning.
11:19Good morning.
11:22Very well.
11:23What did we lose?
11:25Actually, we just started.
11:28So, please, go on.
11:30Is it the contract?
11:31Can I see it?
11:33Thank you very much.
11:34And the pen too.
11:37You can talk.
11:38We're listening.
11:40Well, then I'll have to explain to you what I had already explained to the others.
11:44Well, I've known Mr. If Akman for some time.
11:47Maybe you've heard of him.
11:49He's a famous architect who was very successful abroad.
11:52If Akman?
11:54I can't believe it.
11:55He's a legend in landscape architecture.
11:57I know all of his books.
11:59It would be amazing to work with him.
12:02He's great.
12:06As Eda said, Mr. If did excellent work in Europe.
12:09Now he wants to invest in Turkey and is very interested in a project in society with us.
12:14This also means our entry into the European market, which would be extremely positive for our company's future.
12:23The first job would be a four-year project.
12:25The conditions stipulated by Mr. If for this partnership are in the contract.
12:29Of course you don't have to answer now.
12:31The answer is no.
12:36Sir Khan, dear, don't be hasty.
12:38I said no.
12:39It's already been decided.
12:40Tell Mr. If that we thank him, but that in no way can we accept his terms.
12:48You too.
12:51Have a great day.
12:59Sir Khan, why did you do this?
13:01Do you know how much it cost me to negotiate all this?
13:03Before you continue, open the contract.
13:05Let's see.
13:07Page 2, Article 10.
13:09In the projects, I want to keep 16% of the shares of the buildings we built.
13:15That's not going to happen, okay?
13:18I will continue.
13:19I want your right to approve and change all the drawings we made of our projects.
13:24Look, that's not going to happen either.
13:26I'll keep reading, Ferid.
13:27Ah, let me see, there was one here that was...
13:29I found it.
13:30Ah, this one is very good.
13:32For them, of course.
13:33We must take responsibility for all the legal problems that may arise while they do not answer for nothing.
13:39Did you really read this contract before you suggested it to us, Ferid?
13:43Please, Sir Khan, it's obvious that I read the contract.
13:45Well, I think it's clear that a contract like this harms the company, and we will not accept it.
13:52Look, if they really want a partnership, it's clear that it would have to be in our conditions.
14:00He's right, Ferid.
14:02We can't sign this.
14:04We would be very hurt.
14:07If you want to do business like this, with a company whose principles and processes you do not know,
14:13unfortunately, you will fail, Ferid.
14:18Sir Khan, do not exaggerate.
14:20Ah, I exaggerated.
14:21So I'll even say one more thing.
14:23Ferid, managing a construction company is not like managing the hotels your father left you.
14:29I think we're done now.
14:31I thank you all and wish you all a good day.
14:34It was a great meeting.
14:39We're leaving too.
14:46Thank you very much, my son.
14:48This shirt looks good on you.
14:50Oh yeah?
14:52I'm glad you liked it.
15:02What are you doing here, Ika?
15:06I'm waiting for Ferid to send us a postcard.
15:08It's all in your name.
15:12What does that mean?
15:14She did not know?
15:15I sold everything to Ferid.
15:18Look, but I confess that he knows how to whine a lot.
15:21He really knows.
15:22He had no mercy.
15:24Be careful, one day it may be with you.
15:27Why would that not surprise me?
15:29It's a shame not to have given up, Ika.
15:31I've been waving the white flag for a long time, Serkan.
15:34You won.
15:35Now I'm going to follow my path.
15:39I'll be at the post office in an hour, Ika.
15:41See you later.
15:42See you later.
15:44You went too far.
15:45It was a great opportunity.
15:47That's all.
15:50Serkan, I didn't know anything about it.
15:52Yeah, but I warned you.
15:54That's why you have to sign the contract before you leave.
15:57That's why you have to sign the contract before you leave.
16:00Otherwise it will complicate everyone's life.
16:04See you later.
16:14Why were you so hasty with Ferid at the meeting?
16:17That's none of your business, Eda.
16:19You humiliated him in front of everyone, why?
16:21He should have done the right job.
16:23You mix personal matters with work.
16:25But you always do that, don't you?
16:28And who talked about personal matters?
16:32I thought I didn't realize you were jealous, Serkan.
16:35You should at least disguise it, right?
16:38Oh, that's cool.
16:39Do you really think I'm jealous of Ferid?
16:41You're jealous because Celine is going to marry him, not you.
16:45Wow, I think you missed the point.
16:47Prove it to me, then.
16:49Say you don't want to marry her, that you don't love her.
16:52What are you trying to make me confess, huh?
16:56In three miserable days, I'm not going to see you again.
16:59It's better if you don't go beyond my limits.
17:02A man like you certainly doesn't get involved with anyone.
17:05But in three days I'm not going to see you again, right?
17:07What a joy, I'm jumping with joy.
17:09I make your words my own.
17:13Believe me, this time it took less.
17:15Are you still studying?
17:16Yes, sir.
17:17Here you go.
17:18Thank you, sir.
17:34Aren't you going to the post office?
17:36Yes, I'm going.
17:37But I'd like to talk to you first.
17:39Wow, you just decided to talk to me now?
17:41Actually, I thought about talking to you from the beginning, love.
17:43When you make a decision, please let me know first.
17:47What's the point of being a couple if you don't leave me out of any of your projects?
17:52My love, it all happened so fast.
17:54Do you have any idea what you did?
17:55Because of you, I'm against everyone in this company.
17:57Not everyone, just Serkan.
17:59Our position in the company is the same as Serkan's.
18:02We were raised as future owners of the company.
18:10By the way, Serkan made a request for you.
18:14My hands are tied.
18:21I need you to sign this.
18:31This is a marriage contract.
18:36Look, you know, for me, this is a big injustice, Celine.
18:40You didn't even give me a chance to try to explain.
18:43The deal I made with Cam was just for you.
18:47What do you mean?
18:53How can you tell me nothing happened? Are you crazy?
18:55Celine deceived Serkan because of me.
18:57Serkan doesn't forgive these things.
19:02You're going to help me with the next moves I'm going to make, Ferid.
19:07What kind of rotten person are you, Cam?
19:14Listen to me, Ferid.
19:16I've already lost everything.
19:18So you're going to buy the company so I can start a new life, you hear me?
19:26I can't believe it. How can you do this?
19:29This recording could ruin our lives.
19:31Celine, calm down, my love. He's not going to do anything.
19:33How can you be so sure?
19:34And if Serkan hears this recording, it's going to be our end.
19:36Calm down, my love.
19:37I made a confidentiality agreement with Cam.
19:39And besides, I'm paying him a lot of money.
19:41I guarantee he's not going to say anything.
19:43But you need to calm down, Celine.
19:47I promise.
19:53Because there wouldn't be a company, or Serkan, or my career, or his family left.
19:58I'm not going to let anything happen that hurts you, okay?
20:02I wanted to talk to you before signing with Cam, but...
20:05I didn't have a chance.
20:07Because everything happened so fast.
20:09You did this to protect us.
20:12I'm sorry, Ferid.
20:13I should have listened to you before talking to you.
20:15It's okay.
20:16The only thing that matters is that Cam disappears from our lives.
20:33Thank you so much.
20:35Thank you so much.
20:38Thank you so much.
20:43Well, we don't have much time.
20:45And you have to act according to the plan.
20:47If you left your job and Ferid aside and took care of Celine a little, you wouldn't need plans.
20:52Besides, you're very nervous.
20:54You have to let go more.
20:56I guarantee you that if you give time to time, everything will come out your way.
21:00You'll see, Serkan Bolat.
21:02That's right.
21:03If you leave me alone and can relax while I do my job...
21:08I don't understand.
21:09Am I disturbing your concentration?
21:12That's not what I meant.
21:13It was, Serkan.
21:14But it's cool.
21:15I'm leaving then, so it's not an obstacle to your concentration.
21:18I'm going for a walk.
21:20Oh, no.
21:21He's not going after her.
21:22Is he unable to have any feelings?
21:27Now I'm not going to be able to do anything.
21:29You women never lose hope that men will change.
21:33It's amazing how naïve you all are.
21:40There he is.
21:41He's coming.
21:42Who's coming?
21:45I think he fell over here, but I don't think so.
21:48No, I don't see him.
21:50Yes, Serkan.
21:53Yes, Mr. Serkan.
21:54Shut up.
21:55Shut up.
22:09What happened?
22:10What happened?
22:11It was nothing.
22:12It was nothing.
22:15All this girl knows how to say is that this is the last week.
22:20The truth is that she can't stand me.
22:22I don't even know how she managed to stay with me until now.
22:24I said this is the last week and that I always do my best, but he's never satisfied.
22:28On the one hand, Aida doesn't even want to see me painted in gold.
22:31And on the other hand, Selene doesn't want to sign the marriage contract.
22:35What's the deal? I don't understand these women.
22:37Look, no miracle can solve this.
22:39I don't understand women.
22:40I tried to help Endin, but I couldn't.
22:43I don't understand these men.
22:45Serkan and Selene were made for each other.
22:47They love each other.
22:48They just need to be alone in the same place to solve it.
22:51The truth is that you and Selene were very good together.
22:54But you ruined everything.
22:55Now there's nothing else I can do.
22:57You can't solve this.
22:58Look, Endin.
22:59The only thing I really want now is for the company to be fine.
23:04But she's upset that I'm jealous of Ferid.
23:06I just want you to stay together.
23:07For my work to finish.
23:09But he doesn't give me permission to follow my planning.
23:12She said I don't express my emotions.
23:14And look, I'm not a psychologist to help Serkan be more confident.
23:17You know what?
23:18I was an idiot.
23:19I should have left him alone.
23:23I'm tired.
23:24I'm upset.
23:25Okay, I'm going to work.
23:31What a relief.
23:32It's a relief.
23:37Come in.
23:41Excuse me, sir. Did you call me?
23:43I did.
23:44Please cancel my schedule because I'm leaving earlier today.
23:47I want to go home and bring a bouquet of flowers.
23:50Very beautiful for my wife.
23:52You can leave it.
23:57Serkan and Selim need a moment alone.
23:59But Ferid never leaves her alone.
24:03But if Serkan just talks business and makes Selim nervous, what's the point?
24:07Yeah, but...
24:09So you think they shouldn't have this moment alone?
24:13They need to create a romantic atmosphere so that she can compare which of the two is the best.
24:22So she realizes that he doesn't compare to Serkan.
24:26Maybe Selim is like me and is interested in men who say no instead of those who love her.
24:33If the four of us are in a romantic environment, I can entertain Ferid.
24:36Selim will only pay attention to Serkan if she is alone.
24:40The wedding is coming.
24:41And the pressure is only increasing, increasing, increasing and it will end up exploding.
24:46Why are we talking about this?
24:47We are horrible people, Djeran. Seriously.
24:49This is not normal. It's not.
24:51It's not.
24:52It's just that we are very professional people.
24:55So should I call Serkan?
24:57It's better, right?
24:58Okay. I need to make a call too.
25:00We'll talk later.
25:11Where did Eda go?
25:14No one told me.
25:18And Selim is out there.
25:20With the wedding preparations.
25:23I don't understand.
25:24How can you focus on work?
25:27I'm like this, Indy.
25:28You know I feel better when I'm working.
25:32Look, if I don't tell you, I'm going to explode.
25:41You and Eda.
25:45I don't think it's fake.
25:48The last thing I wanted to do was talk to you about this.
25:51I don't care what you think.
25:53But okay, I agree.
25:54Now tell me, have you noticed how she looks at you?
25:57Eda looks at everyone with love.
25:59Okay, so let's say she does.
26:01But what about your look?
26:03Am I wrong about that too?
26:11It's Eda.
26:13So answer it.
26:14How not?
26:15Not yet.
26:16Answer it now.
26:17Let her wait a little.
26:18Why wait?
26:19Look, she'll hang up.
26:20She can wait a little.
26:22Okay, okay.
26:23That's enough for me.
26:24I give up.
26:25You have no salvation, Serkan.
26:31Okay, read it.
26:32We'll talk later.
26:33I'm busy now.
26:34Hello, Eda.
26:35I can hang up.
26:36You must be very busy.
26:37Yeah, I'm always busy.
26:39But you can talk.
26:40Okay, I'll call you later.
26:42No, no.
26:43Talk to me, Eda.
26:44No, leave it.
26:45I'll call you later.
26:46Eda, you can talk.
26:47I'm listening.
26:48We have to talk.
26:50But we're already talking, Eda.
26:52I meant to say, personally, Serkan.
26:57You know I have a lot of work.
26:59But it's okay.
27:00If you want, you can come to the office.
27:02Not at the office.
27:05It can be at the chalet.
27:07It can be at the chalet.
27:09We need a quiet environment
27:11where we can be alone.
27:14The chalet.
27:16If it's not a problem, I'll be there.
27:18No, no.
27:19No problem.
27:20So, can we meet in the afternoon?
27:22I have some things to finish now,
27:24but we can meet there.
27:28In the afternoon.
27:30It can be.
27:45Well, Mr. Wada,
27:46this will be the set.
27:48We need to put on the aprons.
27:50Well, I usually sit here,
27:53so you need to sit right here next to me.
27:58I want it to be just like the movie.
28:00You said that to Mr. Wada, didn't you?
28:02Our hands need to be on the play.
28:04Come here.
28:05You don't need to be afraid.
28:06Go ahead.
28:07You need to make very romantic movements,
28:12as if you were in love with me.
28:14Because now you're looking at the safe,
28:16but then you'll look at Alptekin,
28:18who is my husband,
28:19whom I want to make a movie with.
28:21Mr. Alptekin is our goal.
28:24I see.
28:28You know...
28:31I'm also a relationship coach.
28:33This kind of thing we're going to do
28:36could even make your husband jealous.
28:39But it would be better if we could fix your relationship.
28:42For now, I just need your artistic skills.
28:45Then we can talk about your training.
28:49If you say so.
28:50You're not so clean.
28:52Shouldn't you be more professional?
28:54You dirty my arms, you know?
28:56You can leave it.
28:59I hope this gave you a sense of realism.
29:02Wow, what a big arm.
29:03I've never seen one this big.
29:05Do you have clay for that?
29:08Let's get started.
29:09Let's get started.
29:27Thank you for coming all the way here.
29:29You're welcome.
29:30Shall we go in?
29:46It was already open.
29:57I don't have so many memories from here.
29:59You're right.
30:00You're right.
30:05What did you want to talk about?
30:06I'll talk.
30:07But promise you won't be upset.
30:10Why would I be?
30:12I came all the way here just to be with you.
30:16You're not going to be exactly with me.
30:20I don't understand.
30:22I invited Celine and Ferit.
30:27You're afraid of being alone with me.
30:30Is that why you called them?
30:33No, it's not.
30:37We're going to have an interview tomorrow and a photoshoot.
30:40So I thought we could stay together.
30:42Spend the night here and prepare...
30:45the necessary for the interview.
30:47Spend the night here?
30:48All of us together?
30:49Before Celine gets married.
30:51You'll be able to spend some time with her and I'll take care of Ferit.
30:54Why are you doing this?
30:55To help you.
30:58Are you upset?
31:03What time are they coming?
31:04They should be on their way.
31:06I took care of the rest.
31:07Everything will be ready soon.
31:09So let's have a cup of coffee while we wait.
31:12Leave it to me.
31:14Can we sit outside?
31:16It's a beautiful day.
31:19Let's go.
31:23Mrs. Aydan brought some things that were ready.
31:26It looks like they've been there for a while.
31:29So let's rehearse one last time.
31:32Because when Albrecht arrives, I want everything to come out as planned.
31:35And Seifei, go over there.
31:37Take a look.
31:38See if we can get the effect we want.
31:41And you come here.
31:42Stay right next to me.
31:43We're going to...
31:44Of course.
31:45Do these very romantic movements.
31:53If I were Mr. Alptekin, I'd be dying of jealousy.
31:56You're perfect.
31:59Yes, of course.
32:00We've been rehearsing since early morning.
32:02In a little while, I'll be able to give real ceramics classes.
32:04It would be an excellent opportunity.
32:06Yes, of course.
32:07It would be nice.
32:10Look at my message.
32:11My hand is full of clay.
32:19Mr. Alptekin...
32:22He's stuck at work. He'll be home late.
32:37I feel like a dead end.
32:40No matter how hard I try, I'll never make it.
32:53I understand why you decided to call me to do this.
32:57But could you tell me what the problem is?
32:59It would be a pleasure to help.
33:01And how are you going to help me?
33:03Give me a chance.
33:06Please, ma'am.
33:07Just tell me and I'll help you.
33:08My husband doesn't care about me anymore.
33:10That's the problem.
33:20In addition to drawing his attention,
33:22I can also make him go crazy about you.
33:33And how would I do that?
33:35Trust yourself.
33:42Trust me?
33:44Just believe that anything is possible.
33:46Just believe that anything is possible.
33:49Believe in your potential.
33:58I'll do it.
34:01I'll trust my potential.
34:16I'll trust my potential.
34:24In fact, you are an original person, Ada.
34:31How can I explain?
34:34You convinced me to be here, when I'm full, where I work.
34:39You can make me do things I would never do.
34:44How do you do that?
34:45It's my kindness.
34:49Your kindness.
34:56Did you use that to cheer my mother up?
35:02It was very important to me.
35:06That's good.
35:11I wanted...
35:13I wanted to have more time to help her.
35:16So she could overcome that phobia.
35:21That's not easy.
35:28If you don't want to answer, you don't have to.
35:31But I wanted to ask you something.
35:34You can do it.
35:38Do you remember your claustrophobia?
35:41When did it start?
35:45I was six years old.
35:50My parents bought a summer house in Tuzla.
35:54They went there to celebrate my wedding anniversary.
35:59They left me with my aunt.
36:04I prepared gifts for when they came back.
36:08Drawings, things like that.
36:11And there was a big closet where I hid to wait for them to arrive.
36:16And suddenly...
36:21The phone rang.
36:23My aunt screamed.
36:28And then...
36:29And then...
36:32She started to cry a lot.
36:37I just remember that they said...
36:43They said that...
36:59A car accident?
37:04I collided with the wall of the Tuzla house.
37:11I got really scared in there when I started to hear the screams.
37:16I couldn't get out of the closet.
37:19I started to run out of breath.
37:23When they found me...
37:26I was petrified and since then...
38:05You are a very strong and incredible woman.
38:09The most incredible I've ever met.
38:12Eda Yildiz.
38:27They arrived.
38:41Thank you very much.
38:43Eda, the idea of coming here for the interview was excellent.
38:46You are very creative.
38:47As we will be together many times in personal life and at work...
38:51I thought it would be a suitable environment for this.
38:54Ferit, Cercan.
38:58I have many memories of this house.
39:06It's just that...
39:07I used to come here with my family when I was little.
39:12Well, please, let's sit down.
39:17Okay, let's see what the questions are.
39:20In addition to these, they will certainly make others to provoke us.
39:24Especially about the relationship between me and Cercan.
39:27I'm saying now, so that no one catches unforeseen later.
39:31It's not like that.
39:33We will only answer what we want.
39:35No one is forced to answer anything they do not want.
39:42What is the biggest dream of Cercan in this life?
39:46Well, work is everything for him.
39:50He will be in front of the company when his father retires.
39:52But it's better not to say that.
39:55I did not know.
39:56Thank you for telling me.
40:02Oh, I love this one.
40:05Can you tell us which is Celine's favorite flower?
40:09What kind of ridiculous question is that?
40:11Yeah, but it's the questions they're going to ask.
40:19I thought your favorites were orchids, Celine.
40:22It was Cercan who told me.
40:25Eda, I think you know me better than my fiancé.
40:33This one is for you.
40:36What plans do you have for us in the future?
40:42I'd rather you answer that question.
40:50I would like us to be very happy and that our dreams come true.
41:02And what do Eda and Celine have in common?
41:06I think they have nothing in common.
41:11Look, the next question has to do with Eda's future in the company.
41:15I do not know if you want to answer that, Cercan.
41:17Wait a minute, I answer?
41:21I think no one else but me and Celine will make a decision about the company.
41:29Can I say something?
41:30I thought we'd come here to enjoy a nice weather, but I'm feeling a weird tension in the air.
41:36Yeah, you're right.
41:37Let's ask the most pleasant questions.
41:40For example, Celine.
41:43Tell me, what makes you feel happy in life?
41:48Simple things.
41:51That was bad. Is that serious?
41:54It's a joke, isn't it?
41:59The vacations in the castles of Italy.
42:01All that fancy clothes, jewelry, and those things.
42:05Isn't that right, Feride?
42:08Sorry, but your standard is much higher.
42:12As if you were different, right?
42:15Celine always deserves the best, doesn't she?
42:19I love you.
42:21Eda, you can see that Celine and Cercan form a couple full of harmony.
42:26They complement each other very well.
42:28They have very similar tastes.
42:29But I'm here thinking about you.
42:32What could you tell us about what really makes you happy?
42:37A very well-designed botanical garden.
42:40A note written for me.
42:43And the rotten cake I make with the girls.
42:47The rotten cake?
42:49What's that?
42:51We use all the leftovers from the fridge to make a cake.
42:55Even if it's horrible and unbearable, we have to eat it all together.
43:01Wow, you're always so... I don't know.
43:07Finish the sentence.
43:10Finish the sentence. What don't you like?
43:14So, can we continue?
43:41This lie is a necessity, or should I call you a burden?
43:49But there's a light in your eyes, a throbbing in my heart
43:54I can't fit it in my heart, what kind of movement is this?
44:00Turn your face to the sky, look at the star of a love, but...
44:07It will shine, it will fade, I know
44:14Everything happens, everything ends, I know
