Atlante's Mistaken Fiance FULL EPISODE | Short Drama Movies

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Atlante's Mistaken Fiance FULL EPISODE Short Drama Movies
00:00:00I'm fine. Thank you.
00:00:07Hi, Isabel.
00:00:09Hey, sweetie. You should check out the new hot guys that just arrived in the Maldives.
00:00:14I'm not in the mood. My mom wants to introduce me to my new fiancé that I've never met.
00:00:21You mean the younger son of the Atlantis family? I heard he's really handsome.
00:00:26Stop it. It sucks having to get married like this.
00:00:31I don't even know what he looks like.
00:00:33Miss Rosedale wants to join the Atlantis group anonymously.
00:00:37Mr. Omar, what should we do?
00:00:40I'm planning on taking a job in his company.
00:00:42Work? You're the Rosedale heirs. You don't need to work for generations. Why bother?
00:00:47I'm going undercover to make Atlantis himself call off the engagement.
00:00:52Miss Rosedale wants to join the Atlantis group anonymously?
00:00:57Okay, got it.
00:01:01Boss, what was that?
00:01:03The CEO's fiancé is going to work at our company.
00:01:06Hurry up. Let's go and welcome her.
00:01:10Wow, so you're getting married.
00:01:15I've never even met this girl. How is this possible?
00:01:18Well, the Rosedales are one of the wealthiest families in the world.
00:01:23I heard their daughters are all really pretty.
00:01:25Hi! Are you also with the Atlantis group?
00:01:28Uh, in Peru?
00:01:30Oh, I'm new here.
00:01:31Look at that guy over there.
00:01:32Oh, you're a newbie.
00:01:34He's totally your type.
00:01:36Look at that guy over there.
00:01:39He's totally your type.
00:01:42Stop trying to push out guys on me for once, please.
00:01:45What's wrong?
00:01:46Is the engagement still bothering you?
00:01:48I did some snooping and apparently your fiancé Cliff has a bad temper.
00:01:53His name is quite tarnished in the design industry.
00:01:58Then why would my parents want me to marry him?
00:02:01Well, at least it's him and not his brother Omar.
00:02:04Omar is a notorious playboy.
00:02:06Besides, Cliff's the CEO of the Atlantis group and apparently the handsome one.
00:02:11I don't care.
00:02:12I mean, marrying a complete stranger, that's totally nuts.
00:02:16I hope to find him fooling around with one of his employees.
00:02:20Make him call off the engagement.
00:02:22All right. Good luck.
00:02:24To the engagement going to hell.
00:02:35I'm just going to take this outside.
00:02:43Hey, baby.
00:02:44You're all alone. Where are you going?
00:02:58That's where you're going.
00:03:00Hey, you're messing with the Black Viper Syndicate.
00:03:03Black Viper Syndicate?
00:03:05Keith Capone, your boss?
00:03:08Hello, Keith Capone.
00:03:10When did you allow your guys to start causing trouble at the King's Bar?
00:03:15I've ordered that no one messes with the King's Bar.
00:03:17Is that so?
00:03:19Well, it seems like two of your lowlifes are down here trying to ruffle feathers
00:03:24in the name of the Black Viper Syndicate.
00:03:26Trying to teach me a lesson.
00:03:28I'm sorry, sir.
00:03:29I'll be right there and we will resolve the issue.
00:03:32Trying to teach me a lesson.
00:03:34I'm sorry, sir.
00:03:35I'll be right there and we will resolve this matter immediately.
00:03:45Are you all right?
00:03:48I'm fine. Thank you.
00:03:59Your reward.
00:04:02Your reward.
00:04:22Ms. Rosedale wants to join Atlante Group anonymously.
00:04:26Mr. Omar, what should we do?
00:04:29I have my own plans.
00:04:38Ms. Rosedale wants to join the Atlante Group anonymously?
00:04:43Okay, got it.
00:04:46Boss, what was that?
00:04:48The CEO's fiancé is going to work at our company.
00:04:51Well, hurry up. Let's go and welcome her.
00:04:54Well, hurry up. Let's go and welcome her.
00:05:12Hi. Are you also with the Atlante Group?
00:05:16And who are you?
00:05:18Oh, I'm new here.
00:05:20Oh, you're a newbie.
00:05:24Was I just let down already?
00:05:32We have two new employees.
00:05:34Which do you think is the fiancé?
00:05:36Didn't you see?
00:05:37One got out of a fancy car and the other one drove a beat-up car.
00:05:41Although Ms. Rosedale comes to us anonymously,
00:05:44she can't hide who she really is.
00:05:48We better make friends with her so we can get promoted.
00:05:52Hello. I'm Catherine, head of the design department.
00:05:58This is Emma.
00:06:00And this is Rita.
00:06:03Hi, I'm the new senior manager.
00:06:05And nice to meet you, ladies.
00:06:07You don't have to pretend.
00:06:08We all know you're the CEO's fiancé.
00:06:11Oh, they're so nice to me because they thought I was the CEO's fiancé.
00:06:17That's good.
00:06:18I will take advantage of her.
00:06:20Well, it seems like you all found out.
00:06:23Can't hide an ability, can you?
00:06:26If she's the CEO's fiancé, does that mean she's Cliff's girlfriend?
00:06:32Oh, so you're dating the new CEO.
00:06:36You two know each other?
00:06:38No, God, no.
00:06:41There's no need to suck up to her.
00:06:44How about you focus on getting started?
00:06:47Miss Anne, may I show you around?
00:06:53Did I suck up to her?
00:07:06You, go get Anne a glass of water.
00:07:11Lena, I asked you to go get Anne some water.
00:07:14Are you hard of hearing?
00:07:21Hurry up.
00:07:30Here's your water.
00:07:33I actually only drink fresh, hand-ground coffee.
00:07:39You heard her.
00:07:40Go make Anne fresh, hand-ground coffee.
00:07:42You heard her.
00:07:43Go make Anne fresh, hand-ground coffee.
00:07:47What's her position to tell me to make her coffee?
00:07:51Lena, you're the newbie.
00:07:55That's why.
00:07:56Newbies always start with errands.
00:07:58And it should be an honour for you to do tasks for Anne.
00:08:02Why are you still standing there?
00:08:03Go, now!
00:08:08If you refuse to do what you're told, you're going to get fired.
00:08:12Forget it.
00:08:13Only a few days.
00:08:14Wait till I get a picture of Cliff having an affair, and I will deal with you.
00:08:31Look what you've done!
00:08:33I paid hundreds and thousands of dollars for this bag!
00:08:36Look what you did!
00:08:37You ruined it!
00:08:43What are you looking at?
00:08:45This is a limited edition bag.
00:08:48Someone like you could never afford something like this,
00:08:51even if you worked a hundred years.
00:08:54That bag is a fake.
00:08:59That bag is a fake.
00:09:02You don't know what you're talking about.
00:09:05I'm Mr. Atlantis Beyoncé.
00:09:07Why would I have a fake bag?
00:09:09Well, you see, the authentic zipper coating has a matte texture,
00:09:14and finely imprinted details with clear edges,
00:09:17while this one, the zipper is shiny,
00:09:20displaying the badly printed watermarks.
00:09:23What she said was true.
00:09:26No, it's not true.
00:09:29How would someone like you know about luxury purses?
00:09:33Well, I have a wardrobe filled with them.
00:09:35I mean, how can I not sell real from fake?
00:09:38Now, Lena, don't compare your fake crap to my $200,000 luxury bag.
00:09:43What's all this noise about?
00:09:46Catherine, Lena destroyed my luxury bag,
00:09:50she won't apologize for it,
00:09:52and she's claiming that it's a fake.
00:09:56How could the CEO's fiancé possibly carry a fake bag?
00:10:02Lena, apologize to Anne now.
00:10:06Well, people can lie, but facts don't lie.
00:10:12See, the genuine bag, see, has the slightly slanted stitches,
00:10:17while this one has straight ones.
00:10:19I mean, straight, that's machine-made.
00:10:21It's obvious this is a fake.
00:10:26Obvious this is a fake.
00:10:28Wow, you are such a liar.
00:10:30Keep making up stories.
00:10:32It seems what she said is true.
00:10:36Could that really be possible?
00:10:39Her identification method is some nonsense she picked up online.
00:10:44It's definitely not an official identification.
00:10:50My boyfriend paid a very high price to customize this bag.
00:10:56Common identification methods do not work for a private custom order.
00:11:03That's right, Anne's bag could never be a fake.
00:11:10Lena, what are you muttering about?
00:11:12It's just...
00:11:14Let me take it to the store and clean it for you.
00:11:16No, I have other bags.
00:11:18I don't want it anymore, you tarnished it.
00:11:22Wow, tossing out a $200,000 bag like that?
00:11:26She's like a real rich girl.
00:11:34Rich girls don't use fake bags.
00:11:36If Cliff actually gave his girlfriend a fake one,
00:11:39he doesn't seem like a good man.
00:11:42Anne, would you like to introduce us to the CEO?
00:11:46If I can get the gen's name in person,
00:11:49it would be even better if we could all go out together for dinner with him.
00:11:53Well, Anne, you can arrange that, right?
00:11:56Well, you know, Cliff is just so busy.
00:12:01What if I take you to the Wolf Eco Golf Club instead?
00:12:05Where the membership costs $150,000?
00:12:08That club isn't even open to the public.
00:12:10This is so exciting.
00:12:12We can see the world through Anne's eyes.
00:12:16The golf club I bought?
00:12:24My driver's here. See you later.
00:12:26Bye, Anne.
00:12:39Anne and her driver seem like they have a good relationship.
00:12:42They seem close.
00:12:43She's so kind. She really treats the people around her like family.
00:12:50Dad, didn't I call you earlier to tell you not to talk to me?
00:12:54I'm sorry, Anne. I forgot.
00:12:56Listen, I gotta tell you, the Wolf Eco Golf Club is gonna be really hard to...
00:12:59I already told my colleagues that we can go there this weekend.
00:13:03No problem.
00:13:04If your mom's help, everything's gonna be fine.
00:13:08If your mom's help, everything's gonna be fine.
00:13:14Are you saying that Cliff has a girlfriend and she also works at the Atlante Group?
00:13:20The whole department knows it.
00:13:22They call her his fiancée.
00:13:25Oh my God, the Atlante family has to play boy jeans.
00:13:28That is perfect.
00:13:30Once I catch the two of them together, I'll have that whole engagement.
00:13:34All right, does that mean I can finally set you up with someone?
00:13:40I'm leaving.
00:13:45Hey, babe.
00:13:46Oh, you're so beautiful.
00:13:48Hey, why did you touch him like that?
00:13:50Your friend was the one who harassed me.
00:13:52No, look, we weren't harassing anyone.
00:13:54We just want to have a drink with you. We just wanted to have a nice time.
00:14:05Hook him every time I see you, you're in trouble.
00:14:13It's you.
00:14:15Are you okay?
00:14:20What's up with you, man? You want to call something?
00:14:22Hey, try it.
00:14:23Hey, are you blind? Your friend was the one who harassed me.
00:14:25You're just like a slug. What did you expect?
00:14:29Apologize now, you bitch!
00:14:31Watch out!
00:14:35Come on.
00:15:01I didn't know you could fight like that.
00:15:03Of course. I had some training.
00:15:22It's fine. You know what to do.
00:15:27Would you like to grab a drink?
00:15:33Excuse me. Can I have my favorite bottle of French Rose, please?
00:16:03Lena, I see you found someone.
00:16:06I see you found someone, too.
00:16:10Yes. We'll leave you to it.
00:16:14Don't worry about him. He's a good guy.
00:16:17It seems like he's very interested in you, as you thought.
00:16:21I'm more worried about your friend.
00:16:36Were you great on this one, Buzz?
00:16:40Were you great on this one, Buzz?
00:16:43Require principles.
00:16:48I gotta hit it.
00:16:50Hey, let me give you a ride home.
00:16:56Seriously, my driver can give you a ride home.
00:16:58My driver's not ready here.
00:17:02You haven't even told me your name yet.
00:17:07If we meet again, it's not so long.
00:17:30Wow. We're really at the Wolf Eagle Golf Club.
00:17:33This place is huge.
00:17:35I've been to others, but none compared to the Wolf Eagle.
00:17:39The maintenance fee here is hundreds of thousands of dollars.
00:17:43Wow. Grass can be so expensive.
00:17:45What are you daydreaming about, newbie?
00:17:47Ignore her. She's probably just blown away.
00:17:50Let her take a good look.
00:17:51Then she can brag about coming here for the rest of her life.
00:17:54How would these guys react if they saw the picture of the private golf course of the Rosedale family?
00:18:02How would these guys react if they saw the picture of the private golf course of the Rosedale family?
00:18:07Lena, anyone home?
00:18:09I was just thinking, instead of staying out here, how about we go play a few rounds?
00:18:13Can you even play?
00:18:15Of course. I even won...
00:18:16What did you win?
00:18:18Nothing. Just...
00:18:20Lena, stop making up stories. We won't laugh at you if you admit you can't play.
00:18:25And, even though we don't know how to play golf, we'll enjoy watching you play.
00:18:29And, how about you show us your swing?
00:18:32Are you afraid of sneaking us in?
00:18:34Nonsense. I'm a member here.
00:18:36Come on, I'll show you where to get the clubs.
00:18:39This place is huge.
00:18:41It's so nice in here.
00:18:49Ms. Hall, excuse me.
00:18:51These clubs belong to one of our most elite customers, and only the owners can touch them.
00:18:57So, maybe let's throw them out.
00:19:02Here, take this.
00:19:05Lena, you act like you've been here before.
00:19:08Well, I may not play golf a lot, but everyone knows that you need to register.
00:19:14Am I right?
00:19:18What are you doing?
00:19:19What? Is there a problem registering, Ms. Hall?
00:19:23I'm just trying to help you.
00:19:25I don't know how to play golf.
00:19:27I don't know how to play golf.
00:19:29I don't know how to play golf.
00:19:31What are you doing?
00:19:32What? Is there a problem registering, Ms. Hall?
00:19:35Lena, this golf course is top tier.
00:19:38Not like the ones you go to.
00:19:41Oh, really?
00:19:43These aren't Anne's clubs, are they?
00:19:46Um, yeah, they're mine.
00:19:48And don't touch them with your dirty hands.
00:19:51If you break them, you can't afford them.
00:19:53You're so uncultured. Do you have any manners?
00:19:56Lena, watch your words.
00:19:59Are these really hers?
00:20:00If they're not Anne's, whose is it?
00:20:03Certainly not doesn't belong to you.
00:20:05Anne, did you know that top tier clubs have unique owner markings?
00:20:12What are you talking about?
00:20:14Clubs like these are made by world-renowned craftsmen.
00:20:18From material selection to production.
00:20:20And are engraved with a unique owner's mark.
00:20:24Anne, can you tell me what marking is on these clubs?
00:20:28It's a rose.
00:20:31Could you have picked a more cliche marking?
00:20:37Hmm, anyway, doesn't look like a rose to me.
00:20:43Well, obviously, the attendant made the mistake.
00:20:47Anyways, they're just clubs and they're used to play golf, so get over it.
00:20:52Exactly, unlike some people who like to show off without having any actual abilities.
00:20:58Lena, aren't you getting a little tired?
00:21:01This is Anne's world.
00:21:03Oh, you're so sure of that?
00:21:06Well, if it's not mine, then it's definitely not yours.
00:21:10I'm sorry, but this one actually is.
00:21:15Ignore her, please.
00:21:18She's gone crazy thinking she's rich.
00:21:22I'm sorry, but I warned you.
00:21:26This club is top tier.
00:21:28If you damage it, you'll have to pay for it.
00:21:36Are you done?
00:21:38They're just clubs.
00:21:40I can afford anything.
00:21:42Excuse me?
00:21:43Ma'am, it is one thing that you let people play without being registered first.
00:21:47Another thing is that you just gave away a shareholder's club.
00:21:49Oh my god, this was such a mistake.
00:21:51Totally our mistake.
00:21:53Please get the club back now.
00:21:55They're just clubs and I'm only using them for a few rounds.
00:21:58No, we have to get the club back now.
00:22:02If I can't have them, then no one can.
00:22:05Anne, enough!
00:22:09Anne, enough!
00:22:13I'm the VIP member.
00:22:15I can do whatever I want.
00:22:17This is actually my club.
00:22:19And it's made by a top tier German craftsman.
00:22:22And it's valued at $100,000.
00:22:25You, a $100,000 club?
00:22:28Do you have proof to show that it is actually yours?
00:22:31Lena, please don't lie.
00:22:33You can't afford a club like that.
00:22:36I see what's happening.
00:22:39You come to a luxurious place like this,
00:22:42and now you think you're rich?
00:22:44It's gone to your head and you've gone mad.
00:22:46Open your eyes!
00:22:48It has my initial on it!
00:22:51If you don't believe me, let's ask the staff whose club it is.
00:22:55Uh, it, uh...
00:22:58Come on, I'm giving you another chance.
00:23:01Um, it belongs to...
00:23:03Ladies, ladies, ladies.
00:23:06Mr. Aponte, this new employee is trying to bully Miss Anne.
00:23:11Miss Anne.
00:23:13Miss Anne.
00:23:17It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:23:19My name is Omar Aponte.
00:23:22And you, you look like you don't belong here.
00:23:25Please leave.
00:23:31I'm sorry, but please reconsider.
00:23:33She was the first one to be rude.
00:23:35What are you talking about?
00:23:36We all know that you're the troublemaker.
00:23:38Miss Anne invited us out of the goodness of her heart.
00:23:41You should just apologize.
00:23:43Yeah, apologize and we'll move on.
00:23:48Mr. Aponte.
00:23:50With your family background, you should be able to tell the value of this club.
00:23:56This is a Charles Schwartz piece.
00:23:58His clubs are all made with precious metal and carry values over 800,000.
00:24:03How could she possibly own this club?
00:24:06She's just a simple entry-level manager.
00:24:10You own this club?
00:24:13Charles Schwartz doesn't make clubs for everybody.
00:24:16Did you have some kind of aristocratic background?
00:24:19Her? An aristocrat?
00:24:22That's a joke.
00:24:24Shame I can't say who I am in front of Omar in case Cliff finds out.
00:24:29I was just joking about owning the club.
00:24:35I was just mad at Anne for carelessly holding it.
00:24:40See? How could she possibly be from Miami?
00:24:45What is going on out here?
00:24:52You. Who are you? Are you a member?
00:24:54I've never seen you before.
00:24:55Who are you?
00:24:57I'm Barry Torres. I'm the manager here.
00:24:59Why so aggressive?
00:25:01She's one of your VIP member.
00:25:03But he attacked me.
00:25:05Everything's okay. I'm the VIP member.
00:25:09VIP member?
00:25:11It's a misunderstanding, Barry.
00:25:13Oh, Mr. Omar. I didn't know you were here.
00:25:17Your club has been serviced and it's ready for pickup.
00:25:19Miss Anne.
00:25:24So, you say you're a VIP member, but I've never seen you before.
00:25:28She is a member. Just shut up.
00:25:30I dare you to be good to Mr. Barry.
00:25:33Mr. Barry, I'm so sorry.
00:25:37But you haven't seen me because I rarely come.
00:25:40But this employee knows me.
00:25:42Is that so?
00:25:45Well, since you've already registered, I'll go ahead and assume everything's going well.
00:25:50What a fool. He's so gullible.
00:25:54Perfect. Even if I can't meet Cliff, I can flirt with Omar now.
00:25:59Omar now?
00:26:03Oh, and your staff seemed to give us the wrong clubs.
00:26:06Do you think you could get us some new ones?
00:26:09I'll have somebody bring something by.
00:26:12Miss Anne, do you have time to take me there?
00:26:22You dare to bully Miss Anne one more time, I will tell the CEO that you'll get fired.
00:26:28Ma'am, your host has already left. Could you hurry up and follow him, please?
00:26:37I am so sorry. Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. This is all my fault.
00:26:41It's totally my fault.
00:26:43So, you do remember me. Why did you just give my club away?
00:26:48You touched the Rosedale Family Clubs. You are fired.
00:26:53Oh, God. Barry, please don't fire me. I need this job, please.
00:26:57I beg you. I will do anything. Please.
00:27:00You are so kind to Anne. What's your relationship with her?
00:27:09She's my daughter.
00:27:12Let me talk to her. She'll apologize to you.
00:27:16No. No, I don't want my colleagues to find out my true identity.
00:27:22Now, if you keep this a secret, you'll stay.
00:27:26Otherwise, you're fired.
00:27:29I won't say anything.
00:27:31Good. I trust you.
00:27:36Can you tell me your name this time?
00:27:41It's you.
00:27:43Good morning, Mr. Atlante.
00:27:47Atlante? You're Clint Atlante?
00:27:53Now that you know my name, how about you tell me yours?
00:27:57Lena Ross.
00:28:00Hello, Ms. Ross.
00:28:03Ms. Ross, since we met here, would you like to go play a couple rounds?
00:28:09Of course.
00:28:23Ms. Ross, that was impressive.
00:28:26Thank you. You know, you're pretty good, too.
00:28:29It's been a while since I played with someone on my level.
00:28:32Yeah, let's take a break. You must be tired.
00:28:35You must be tired.
00:28:39Thank you.
00:28:48I think Burton and your friends seem to be getting along pretty well.
00:28:52Well, that explains why she has no time for me.
00:28:55I have time for you.
00:28:57I mean, if you're bored, you can always hang out with me.
00:29:03You are quite amusing, Clint.
00:29:06What are you doing later?
00:29:18Sorry, Mr. Atlante. I haven't played golf in a while.
00:29:21Oh, that's quite all right. Here, I'll teach you.
00:29:25Oh, thanks. That's so sweet of you.
00:29:28I wanted to ask, what is the Rosedale's impression of my brother, Cliff?
00:29:36If he finds out that I lied about being Rosedale, I'm doomed.
00:29:40My family has all sorts of opinions. I don't really get them at all.
00:29:43The Rosedale family is in the top 100 boards list.
00:29:47Hey, isn't that the CEO?
00:29:50Why is he with Lena?
00:29:52I was wondering where she went.
00:29:54Is she trying to seduce the CEO?
00:29:56She has no shame. The CEO is Anne's fiancé.
00:30:02Lena, you're such a whore!
00:30:07Lena, you're such a whore!
00:30:09Who are you?
00:30:10Lena, this is Anne's fiancé, and you're seducing him.
00:30:14You're my fiancé?
00:30:16Yes. You're both crazy.
00:30:19You're disgracing the Atlante family, Cliff.
00:30:22You, of all people, have no right to say that.
00:30:25Me? I have no right?
00:30:28Yeah, I have no right, says the guy who put his own parents in a loony bin.
00:30:32To avoid prison!
00:30:33They went there willingly.
00:30:36Fine. I won't argue with you on that.
00:30:38But how are you going to explain flirting with another woman in front of your fiancé?
00:30:43I won't be anyone's mistress.
00:30:45Then why are you seducing my fiancé?
00:30:48We just met here by coincidence. I have nothing to do with him.
00:30:53Lena is just a friend. Don't be rude to her.
00:30:56If you mistreat her anymore, I will go to your house right away and cancel this thing.
00:31:01No. That would mean exposing my fake Rosedale identity.
00:31:05I'm sorry. You guys have fun.
00:31:23Miss Lena, I'm sorry for your misunderstanding.
00:31:25Well, it seems to me that you're trying to have two girlfriends.
00:31:28Oh, this is all just a big misunderstanding. I don't like that woman.
00:31:34May I ask you, how do you feel about your engagement to Miss Rosedale?
00:31:38My family arranged this marriage without my consent.
00:31:42I've just been waiting for the right time to cancel it.
00:31:45Well, if that's how you feel,
00:31:48I hope to never see you again, Miss Atlante.
00:31:55What? I just apologized.
00:31:58Anne, Anne, don't cry. Anne, are you leaving like this?
00:32:02That's probably because Lena was seducing her fiancé.
00:32:06Why did the CEO seem so unhappy about your engagement?
00:32:11Anne, what's going on?
00:32:13My engagement with Cliff is non-negotiable.
00:32:17Why did he seem unfamiliar with you?
00:32:19You all saw it.
00:32:21Lena is a bitch who manipulates men's minds.
00:32:24But I think the CEO took the initiative.
00:32:27That woman is cunning and makes men betray their wives.
00:32:31But she wouldn't want to be the CEO's mistress, would she?
00:32:35She is good at seducing men.
00:32:37She must have been a bar girl before.
00:32:40Anne, want to have a drink?
00:32:45I'll see you guys later. Can you bring my clothes?
00:32:51Is it okay for Anne to do this?
00:32:53They are brothers after all.
00:32:55Don't worry about it. Cliff just nearly fell for Lena.
00:32:59Stop talking nonsense. Cliff is not like that.
00:33:02But Omar is.
00:33:05Even if he is, he wouldn't make a move on his brother's fiancé.
00:33:16So, my family has just opened a new spa.
00:33:19Should we go check it out?
00:33:21Yes, absolutely.
00:33:31I heard you left last night with the Allante family's eldest daughter.
00:33:40I heard you left last night with the Allante family's eldest son.
00:33:46Omar. He's super handsome and so manly.
00:33:51You've got to stay away from him. He is a playboy.
00:33:54Finally, a rich man wants me and you want me to stay away?
00:33:58He is using you.
00:34:00No, he's not.
00:34:03I think we might be in love.
00:34:06Plus, I don't care what you think.
00:34:09Anne, we are just ordinary people.
00:34:13You're ordinary. You and dad are losers.
00:34:19I am not. I'm made for luxury. Royalty.
00:34:24Get out.
00:34:28Are we sure this is a good idea?
00:34:31Why not? She's a slut. Who cares?
00:34:36Uh, what are you doing?
00:34:39We're just cleaning your seat.
00:34:44Go ahead. Sit down. Let me disinfect you.
00:34:47I wasn't done. Since you like to hook up with other people's fiancés,
00:34:51We wanted to disinfect you before you infect us.
00:34:54Oh my god. What is happening?
00:34:57Clean this mess. This is so unlike Allante's staff.
00:35:01If you don't want to work here, leave. Hurry up.
00:35:05Go clean this, please.
00:35:12Okay, guys. We have bigger problems.
00:35:15M.K.'s senior director, Jack, is extremely unhappy with our last proposal.
00:35:20Erin, who was taking care of Jack, got fired.
00:35:24So, I need someone to step up.
00:35:27Catherine, I'm sorry. I'm all mixed up.
00:35:30Jack's the sexual predator. He drugged Erin. That's why she quit.
00:35:34I'm not comfortable with that.
00:35:37I'm worried.
00:35:40I'm way too busy.
00:35:43But I know someone who's available.
00:35:46Why is everyone looking at me?
00:35:49Nina, I have a project for you.
00:35:52Jack's proposal.
00:36:02Lena, it's late. Don't you want to go home?
00:36:06I have a meeting with Jack tomorrow, so I'm reviewing the proposal.
00:36:10You go ahead.
00:36:13Lena, be careful around Jack.
00:36:16Don't drink anything he gives you.
00:36:22Nothing, nothing.
00:36:42She has a business meeting at the hotel?
00:36:45Yeah, I agree with Isabel. That's all right.
00:36:48Who's it with?
00:36:51Jack from the McCain group?
00:36:54Yeah, I know that guy.
00:36:57Yeah, that guy's...
00:37:00What hotel are they at?
00:37:06I'm gonna head over and check it out.
00:37:34Sir, Jelanti Group Design.
00:37:37That's all right.
00:37:40Nice to meet you, Lena.
00:37:43Please, take a seat.
00:37:52Yes, Lena.
00:37:55You're even more beautiful than I imagined.
00:37:58Thank you, Jack.
00:38:01Here's our design project. Would you like to take a look first?
00:38:04Design plans? All right.
00:38:07Let me see.
00:38:10Based on your request, we have altered the original design and cut down the overall cost.
00:38:16As for locations, we put together ten options.
00:38:19Which one would you prefer?
00:38:22What are you doing?
00:38:25Let's not rush through it.
00:38:31We'll talk about business later.
00:38:38Drink, Lena. Come on.
00:38:41How can we talk business without a drink?
00:38:49I can't. I'm allergic to alcohol.
00:38:54Isn't it crazy?
00:38:57When I offer ten women a drink,
00:39:00nine of them tell me they're allergic to alcohol.
00:39:04Nothing will happen.
00:39:06It's just a drink.
00:39:09I... I really can't drink.
00:39:15Don't make me angry. Drink it.
00:39:19And don't worry.
00:39:23It's very easy for girls to talk business with me
00:39:28if they follow my lead.
00:39:31The last one, she didn't know when to give.
00:39:35Now she's gone insane.
00:39:38Take it!
00:39:40Or we can close our deal today.
00:39:43Make me happy, and I'll sign the contract.
00:39:47Otherwise, you'll lose your job at A.G.
00:40:15You want to run?
00:40:19Try again.
00:40:26You're a feisty one.
00:40:31I like it.
00:40:34Baby, I can't wait to have my way with you.
00:40:38I'm on the Rosedale family!
00:40:40If you touch me, you'll pay!
00:40:46Baby, Rosedale and Ross aren't the same.
00:40:55Baby, I can't wait to have my way with you.
00:40:59I'm your ex-husband, Cliff.
00:41:01If you touch me, you're a dead man.
00:41:04You underestimate me.
00:41:06I can give two shits about Cliff.
00:41:09Oh, really?
00:41:21What are you doing here?
00:41:23I was just joking with this bitch.
00:41:29You've got to take me seriously.
00:41:31How many girls have you ruined with those tricks over the years, Jack?
00:41:35Do you think I don't know?
00:41:37I can't believe this bitch really knows Cliff.
00:41:42She seduced me first.
00:41:45I was free.
00:41:47And choosing me and making advances?
00:41:50I'll make you pay.
00:41:52Don't even waste your time on this bastard.
00:42:00I'll punish you.
00:42:15Does it hurt?
00:42:18Goddamn, Jack.
00:42:22Well, rest up, okay?
00:42:25I'm going to give the doctor a call.
00:42:37Arrange this.
00:42:39Drug Jack.
00:42:41From Adam and Cain.
00:42:44Fight him a few guys.
00:42:46If he likes to play, then let him play.
00:42:50Jack from M.K.
00:42:52Break his lips.
00:42:55I just got off the phone with the doctor.
00:42:57He said it's going to take a few weeks for you to heal.
00:43:00And that you need to avoid water.
00:43:03Why were you at Jack's?
00:43:06It's just for business.
00:43:09I didn't expect it to go this way.
00:43:14The last person who was in charge of the project was...
00:43:21Why would your company collaborate with such a horrible company like his?
00:43:25That's terrible.
00:43:27You don't know who I work for.
00:43:30How would I know?
00:43:32Please, tell me.
00:43:33So I can get that company blacklisted.
00:43:45This is information about the company I work for.
00:43:50You work for my company?
00:43:52You're an employee of my company.
00:43:54Goddamn, I'm so sorry.
00:43:57Why would we ever work with such a horrible company like his?
00:44:02Maybe you should go check it out and visit.
00:44:05There's so much chaos and employees who don't deserve to be there.
00:44:15I'm sorry.
00:44:17You wish I wouldn't have said anything?
00:44:19No, I'm just trying to think about how to be a better boss.
00:44:23I mean, how do I properly compensate an employee such as yourself who's been injured like this?
00:44:34Maybe I could spend the night at your place as compensation.
00:44:46This is where I live.
00:44:49The only thing missing is a hostess.
00:44:54Don't get carried away.
00:44:56I'm only here because you make the perfect assistant for your injured employee.
00:45:19I'll go change the bedsheets.
00:45:30Bathroom's over there.
00:45:33Thank you.
00:45:38Are you going to stand there this whole time?
00:45:41You mean without getting undressed?
00:45:45No, I... No, sorry.
00:45:49Here, buddy.
00:45:51You know, you seem more at ease in your own house than I do.
00:45:57I'll just go this way.
00:46:07How am I supposed to pretend that you're not around?
00:46:13It's broken.
00:46:15Jack's limbs are all broken as you requested.
00:46:18But he got kidnapped by another...
00:46:22He got kidnapped?
00:46:25By the Black Rifle Company.
00:46:29Maybe that's Cliff.
00:46:32Okay, just... just pause for now.
00:46:36Come on, Cliff.
00:46:42What are you thinking?
00:46:44He's cheating on two women.
00:46:51All of Jack's limbs are broke?
00:46:54By the Rosedale family.
00:46:56What's his connection to the Black Rifle Company?
00:46:59I don't know.
00:47:02By the Rosedale family.
00:47:04What's his connection to them?
00:47:08Just listen to my previous instructions.
00:47:10I want to see Jack on the news.
00:47:18What's Elena's connection to the Rosedale family?
00:47:26Do you have a hairdryer?
00:47:29Yeah, it's in my bathroom.
00:47:35You can sleep in my bed tonight.
00:47:37I changed the bedding.
00:47:39Thank you.
00:47:45Come on, Cliff.
00:47:47It's just chasing girls.
00:47:49It's not like you're managing a company or anything.
00:47:56Did you?
00:47:57No, I didn't.
00:47:59Good night.
00:48:01Good night.
00:48:06Oh my God.
00:48:08Oh my God.
00:48:34Good morning.
00:48:39Breakfast is almost ready.
00:48:54Wow, this breakfast is so good.
00:48:58Elena, doesn't this house feel a little empty to you?
00:49:04It does.
00:49:06How would you like to help me fill it?
00:49:15How would you like to move in and be my host?
00:49:23I'm sorry.
00:49:25I'm sorry.
00:49:28Our relationship has to stay strictly professional.
00:49:33You're still engaged to Anne.
00:49:37I'm sorry, I gotta go.
00:49:56Any progress on the Ann K project?
00:49:59They will not cooperate with us.
00:50:02Do you realize how important that project was for our department?
00:50:05Why did the deal fall through?
00:50:07Did you do something to offend Jack?
00:50:09You can't even secure a partnership deal.
00:50:12You are useless.
00:50:14Why do you still work here?
00:50:16Lena, you're fired.
00:50:20Pack your stuff and get out of here right now.
00:50:24Do none of you watch the news?
00:50:27Martin case is finished.
00:50:29How can I possibly keep it going?
00:50:31What are you talking about?
00:50:33How can MK be closed?
00:50:36Katherine, it's true.
00:50:38MK went bankrupt.
00:50:40President Jack was caught in a hotel.
00:50:43What was he doing in the hotel?
00:50:53Does it?
00:50:55An orgy?
00:50:59What are you all looking at me for?
00:51:01It's not me.
00:51:03I just asked someone to break all these links.
00:51:05You're not capable of that.
00:51:08Lena, the project was in your hands.
00:51:11And affecting the department's performance.
00:51:15You're responsible.
00:51:17Don't worry.
00:51:18The project would have been discarded anyways.
00:51:20I already talked to Cliff.
00:51:22And he already assigned us a new project.
00:51:24Here is the signed project document from the CEO.
00:51:30A brand new employee?
00:51:32And the CEO personally gave you a project?
00:51:35Looks like you did seduce Cliff.
00:51:38And now he's giving you a small project?
00:51:40Well, congrats to you.
00:51:43First of all, I have no relationship with Cliff.
00:51:47And second of all, how can you think that an S-level project can be bad for our department?
00:51:51An S-level project?
00:51:53Aren't these managed by a higher department?
00:51:55It really is an S-level project?
00:51:58If we do well on this, we could meet our next five-year salary goal.
00:52:02Why did Cliff give you an S-level project?
00:52:05You slept with my fiancé. Admit it!
00:52:08I told you.
00:52:10I have no relationship with Cliff.
00:52:12Now either you stop your nasty lies or I will shut your mouth.
00:52:16I'll shut your mouth.
00:52:18You do have a relationship and you're lying.
00:52:21Lena, your blatant lies are a joke.
00:52:25Well, you know whether I'm lying or not when you see the signature.
00:52:30It is Cliff's signature.
00:52:32If we land this S-level project, our department will stand out in the entire company.
00:52:37This means a bonus, a raise, and promotions.
00:52:49Dan, why would you do that?
00:52:51This is a project contract signed and approved by the CEO.
00:52:57The contract is fake.
00:53:02It's fake?
00:53:04I knew it.
00:53:06Why would Cliff randomly assign Lena a project?
00:53:10It's forged.
00:53:12Who gave you the right to tell me if my projects are fake?
00:53:16I'm Cliff's fiancé and soon to be your boss.
00:53:21Anne surely knows Cliff's handwriting.
00:53:23And if Anne says it's fake, then it is.
00:53:26Lena, you're trying to deceive me.
00:53:30Well, if you don't believe me, how about we just go find Cliff and ask him?
00:53:36Shut up.
00:53:37We all know you wanted to see Cliff so you can seduce him more.
00:53:40Are your ears clogged or your brain dead?
00:53:43I told you, I don't have a relationship with Cliff.
00:53:46Now, Catherine, shall we go find him?
00:53:51I'm definitely not going to meet Cliff with you and present this fake contract.
00:54:00Yeah, you know what he would do.
00:54:03Yeah, if Cliff found out that someone in our department faked a contract, we'll all be fired.
00:54:08Catherine, just kick this contract-forging liar out already.
00:54:14If Cliff finds out, I won't be able to save you.
00:54:18For how long do you think you can call the shots, pretending to be the CEO's fiancé?
00:54:23Enough! You're still lying, even when we caught you red-handed.
00:54:28This department can't keep you anymore.
00:54:32You're going to ruin it!
00:54:34Get out of Atlante's group!
00:54:37What is going on here?
00:54:40Get out of Atlante's group!
00:54:43What is going on here?
00:54:44Mr. Jameson!
00:54:46What brings you here?
00:54:47I'm here to see Miss Lena Ross.
00:54:49You came just in time.
00:54:51She's the one who forged Mr. Atlante's signature, and the other members of the department didn't know it.
00:54:57Someone tried to forge a contract?
00:54:59I'll show you.
00:55:06It has nothing to do with our department. It's all on Lena.
00:55:09You've got it wrong. I'm here to discuss the CEO's arrangement of the S-level project with Lena.
00:55:16What? Cliff has signed an S-level project to us?
00:55:20See? I told you the contract was real.
00:55:22Mr. Jameson, is this the project?
00:55:27The CEO's signature is right there on the contract. Can't you see?
00:55:32I can, it's just that we couldn't believe that Cliff would assign an S-level project to a new employee.
00:55:42If I were you, I'd put my focus on doing less business with companies like MK in the future.
00:55:47Cliff is very fond of Lena.
00:55:53What are you doing?
00:55:54What are you doing?
00:55:55You shameless slut! You slept with my fiancé, admit it!
00:55:59Shameless? Anne and Cliff are the perfect match. How could you do that?
00:56:04Are you the CEO's fiancé?
00:56:09You're from the Rosedale family. I'm honored to meet you, madam.
00:56:13Don't bother with madam. We aren't married yet because this woman is trying to break us apart.
00:56:21Madam, don't worry. A homewrecker like her doesn't deserve a CEO.
00:56:27Madam, you'd be the ideal person to handle this project.
00:56:32Excuse me, you've got it all wrong. I work tirelessly on this project.
00:56:37It's got my signature on it. Why does it suddenly become hers?
00:56:40Stop. What qualifications do you have to deserve an S-grade project?
00:56:45Yeah, stop trying to take what isn't yours.
00:56:49Although the design may be yours, Anne is the fiancé, so the credit belongs to her.
00:56:54Oh, am I right, Anne?
00:56:57Lena, did you hear that?
00:56:59Even though you're a part of Atlante Group Management, marriage isn't measured by relationship.
00:57:05Isn't just the CEO's fiancé, but also she's from the esteemed Rosedale family.
00:57:10You can't compare to her.
00:57:14How come she suddenly became Miss Rosedale? Because if she's Miss Rosedale, then who am I?
00:57:21What? I am Miss Rosedale.
00:57:24Anne, you lie without blinking.
00:57:26Just stop. What gives you the right to speak to her like that?
00:57:30Anne, does your family really know kings from different countries?
00:57:35Well, I was trying to keep it low profile, but someone was provoking me.
00:57:42The engagement is between Cliff and Miss Rosedale, not you.
00:57:49Ryan, why don't we do as you said, with this project with me in charge?
00:57:55Of course. No one but Anne can lead the project.
00:57:59Anne, can you even understand my design complex?
00:58:02Shut up. Miss Anne's capability is not to be questioned by you.
00:58:08Fine. I'll wait and see. I'll see just how far you can go.
00:58:14Excuse me.
00:58:20Let me get this straight. So you thought Cliff had a girlfriend,
00:58:24but all this time it was just some girl named Anne pretending to be you?
00:58:28It's so dramatic. Now everyone, including Cliff, thinks that Anne is Miss Rosedale.
00:58:35It's all so dramatic. Now everyone, including Cliff, thinks that Anne is Miss Rosedale.
00:58:41Why didn't you just expose her? This isn't like you. Usually you would...
00:58:46It's so ironic. I wanted to find evidence of Cliff's infidelity.
00:58:50But now he's become a cheater because of me.
00:58:53You like Cliff, don't you?
00:58:56Oh my gosh. You've fallen for him. Classic. A hero saving the beauty.
00:59:03Oh my gosh. You two are meant to be together.
00:59:06Please stop. Cliff confessed that he liked me.
00:59:11And I accused him of being a cheater.
00:59:14You look so sad. It's all just a big misunderstanding.
00:59:19I know, men. All you have to do is tell Cliff that you're the real Miss Rosedale.
00:59:24What? You're Mrs. Rosedale?
00:59:33Cliff has been crushed because of you for days.
00:59:37What are you doing here?
00:59:39Cliff and I came to have a drink and I saw you, so I came over.
00:59:44Cliff is here?
00:59:46Elena, if you're the Rosedale heiress who's engaged to Cliff, then who's Anne?
00:59:53That's the big question. My family pushed me to marry Cliff.
00:59:58So I went undercover in that lancet group to try and find some evidence to break up the engagement.
01:00:04That's hilarious. You and Cliff are like a perfect match.
01:00:09Did you two come up with this plan right here? Didn't you?
01:00:13How'd you know?
01:00:15Well, a while ago Cliff was here venting to me about having to marry Miss Rosedale.
01:00:20It's like God's helping us.
01:00:22Same bar, same person, yet Cliff drinks alone.
01:00:27How is Cliff?
01:00:29I don't know. He's been pretty depressed lately.
01:00:33Maybe you can talk to him and clear things up?
01:00:37Okay. I'm sorry, but I'll handle it.
01:00:47You're perfect, Anne.
01:00:49We... are perfect.
01:00:58I don't want to do this for Cliff.
01:01:28Lena, why do I only see you when I'm drunk?
01:01:32Cliff, look at me. I'm here. I'm truly sorry.
01:01:40Lena, I'm so sorry. I love you.
01:01:44I can't believe that this stupid engagement is becoming an obstacle between us.
01:01:50No, it's all my fault. I almost ruined our relationship.
01:01:57I love you.
01:02:09Cliff, I'm... I'm so sorry I cost all this. It's just one big misunderstanding.
01:02:17It won't matter.
01:02:20Everything's going to be okay. I'm going to take care of everything.
01:02:28It's time for you to know the truth.
01:02:33Lena, is this...
01:02:34This is the Rosedale Mansion, where I grew up.
01:02:41Wait, so you're Miss Rosedale?
01:02:45Cliff, I'm so sorry. I never meant to deceive you.
01:02:49Oh my God, Lena. You're the Miss Rosedale that I'm engaged to.
01:02:59Dad? Mom?
01:03:02Mr. and Mrs. Rosedale, Cliff Helante. It's a pleasure to meet you both.
01:03:07Cliff, you sought to annul the engagement, and now you're holding my daughter's hand?
01:03:12No, Mr. Rosedale, I promise.
01:03:14What are you talking about?
01:03:16And you're willing to chase after him?
01:03:19Cliff, you had your assistant contact us several times to express your dissatisfaction with the engagement.
01:03:28Quite frankly, we never intended for you to marry our daughter. It was your parents' idea.
01:03:33You may have certain status now, but it's all overshadowed by so many red flags.
01:03:40Mr. Rosedale, this was all just a big, terrible misunderstanding.
01:03:45My heart belongs to Lena, and no one else.
01:03:52It's all my fault. If it wasn't because of me, Cliff wouldn't have mistaken me for someone else.
01:03:58But it's all good now.
01:04:00Good now? If that's true, how could someone else take advantage of you?
01:04:05How did you know?
01:04:08When you shared your intent that you wanted to hide your identity at A.G., we had somebody follow you to keep an eye on you.
01:04:17We know everything.
01:04:19Cliff, listen carefully. Lena is our only daughter. If you don't take good care of her, we will come after you.
01:04:28Mr. Rosedale, I promise from the bottom of my heart that I will take good care of Lena.
01:04:34It's my job now to make sure that she is safe and happy.
01:04:39You always say Isabel is the hopeless, lovestruck girl. I think you're just like her.
01:04:45Tomorrow we are on a vacation to Hawaii, and if you need anything, just let me know.
01:04:53Okay, Mom.
01:04:56Why, it's late. You could stay over tonight.
01:05:02I can't.
01:05:06Let's have a room arranged for Mr. Atlante. Just make sure it's far away from Lena's.
01:05:12Mom! Can you help me out? Did you hear what Dad said?
01:05:16Hey, at least you spent a week with Daddy. At least I get to be close to him.
01:05:25Hurry up, before Mom catches us.
01:05:41Coming here this late?
01:05:44I'm sorry.
01:05:46It's okay.
01:05:51Coming here this late?
01:05:55Don't you know what would happen?
01:05:57Hey, tell me something about sex.
01:06:01I wanted to ask you something.
01:06:03What is it?
01:06:05You seemed upset about what my dad said regarding the engagement.
01:06:11Are you still unhappy about it?
01:06:14Lena, I'm absolutely thrilled that you're my fiancee.
01:06:19I'm still sensing some sadness.
01:06:38It just reminded me about how my parents still love me.
01:06:41Lena, I was in a really dark place. Omar hates me because of it.
01:06:47I know. That's what told me about it.
01:06:52Omar thinks I broke my parents' hearts.
01:06:56And there was a long time there. My parents regarded Omar as their only son.
01:07:01When I established the Atlante Group, it was when I wasn't talking to my parents. I wanted nothing to do with them.
01:07:06It was only then that my parents bought 30% of AJ's shares.
01:07:12I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
01:07:17But thankfully I have you now. And I should be more grateful that my parents arranged for us to meet.
01:07:22But no more R-rated thoughts.
01:07:28Thanks for saying that.
01:07:32Why haven't you told the others about us yet?
01:07:37After what you said yesterday, I think I'll keep acting a bit longer.
01:07:41Why don't you want to know what else Omar could be up to?
01:07:44I'm pretty sure Omar thinks Anne is you. And that's why he's getting so close to her.
01:07:49I think so too.
01:07:52We can't do that here. We're at the office. We better not let anyone see us.
01:07:57Fine. I just can't wait for the day that we can walk into that office. With you as my wife by my side.
01:08:04A day is closer than you think.
01:08:16Who's that? Mr. Atlante?
01:08:28How am I supposed to work with this?
01:08:37Lena, I have an opportunity for you. For some hands-on experience.
01:08:44I want this pesky prize to buzz in.
01:08:52Oh, Anne. When did you pop in?
01:08:55Sorry. I thought the noise was like a fly buzzing.
01:08:59What's going on?
01:09:03Lena, I've decided to pass the project on to you.
01:09:10I'm sorry. My throat is a bit sore. I probably shouldn't talk today.
01:09:14Anne, a bit of advice. Next time, don't take an identity that doesn't belong to you.
01:09:20What are you talking about? We're discussing the project. Don't change the subject.
01:09:26Are you truly from the Rosedale family?
01:09:28You know, sometimes I wonder if you've been pretending for so long you forgot who you truly are.
01:09:33I am. Now stop with the nonsense and focus on the project.
01:09:39I'm giving you one last chance. If you stop pretending to be Miss Rosedale, I'll spare you the public humiliation.
01:09:47You are such garbage. I am Miss Rosedale.
01:09:51Alrighty then. But remember, no regrets.
01:09:55Take over this project like I said.
01:10:00You stole this project from me and now you can't handle it and you're tossing it back to me?
01:10:05Do you think I'm stupid?
01:10:08Watch it. Miss Anne is helping you develop your skills.
01:10:15Focus on your work and if you succeed, then you'll naturally get your credit.
01:10:23Did you hear what the supervisor said? I am the future of AG.
01:10:28You doing as I say, it's just part of your job.
01:10:33I've been leaning with you, Anne. But if you keep regarding yourself as Miss Rosedale, my patience will run out.
01:10:39I am Miss Rosedale. And if you don't stop with these rumors, I'll blacklist you.
01:10:46Fine. She can play your part for now.
01:10:49Heard me right? Get this project done fast or I can't guarantee your job.
01:11:04Oh, you made a mistake.
01:11:09Isn't this your project?
01:11:11Well, it's all AG in the end.
01:11:29Clip, please don't be upset.
01:11:51What? Is that really all the salary I get?
01:12:05Ma'am, are you looking for something special today?
01:12:07Yes. I'm looking for a gift for my boyfriend. Around $500?
01:12:14Ma'am, this store is the epitome of global luxury. Even our shirts are worth more than thousands of dollars.
01:12:20You can find something by the discount rack. Over there.
01:12:24Never mind.
01:12:28Ladies, what can I do for you today?
01:12:31We'd like to see your newest collection.
01:12:33Our collections are exclusive and not for casual wearing.
01:12:36What kind of service is this? Do you have any idea who she is? This is Ms. Rosedale.
01:12:42Rosedale? Which Rosedale?
01:12:44That Rosedale. The top ten Forbes list Rosedale family.
01:12:48I'm so sorry. Ms. Rosedale, I'll go get the newest collection for you right now.
01:13:04Lena, do you really think you belong in a place like this?
01:13:10It's just a shop. Why do you care if I'm here or not?
01:13:12Ms. Rosedale, do you know her?
01:13:15She's our company's new employee. Her salary isn't even over $30,000 a year.
01:13:21How does she even think she can afford clothes in your store?
01:13:25If I were you, I would stop lying about being a Rosedale Anne.
01:13:29Excuse me? You're still on that nonsense?
01:13:32I just hope you won't regret it.
01:13:35I'll take this. $2,000, right? Please pack it for me.
01:13:40Oh, an outdated discounted tie? Of course, a minimal purchase.
01:13:48Are you sure you want to sell that to her?
01:13:51What are you doing?
01:13:52You heard what Ms. Rosedale said. Low-class people like you don't deserve to wear our brand.
01:13:57Since when does it matter customer's class?
01:14:02Open your eyes, honey. This is a global luxury brand for VIP members like Ms. Rosedale.
01:14:08Not for pretenders like you.
01:14:11You hear that? Go away.
01:14:14Please leave, as Ms. Rosedale said.
01:14:16Wow, that is so demeaning. Aren't you afraid of complaints?
01:14:20Who's complaining about my stuff?
01:14:27Here he is, our manager.
01:14:28Perfect timing. This woman dirtied our merchandise and is trying to file a complaint.
01:14:33I dirtied them? You are really good at lying, aren't you?
01:14:38Is what my employee said true?
01:14:40Yes, it's very true. Ms. Rosedale can testify for me.
01:14:43Ms. Rosedale? Wait, isn't this small under the Rosedale Group?
01:14:48She is a very important client. We must not offend her.
01:14:53Yes, that Ms. Rosedale.
01:14:54Ms. Rosedale, I'm extremely sorry. Is what my employee said true?
01:14:59Yes, it's true.
01:15:02And on a different note, if someone like her can buy from your brand,
01:15:07I'd have to reconsider you as a mall partner.
01:15:11Well, if you really are a Rosedale, then why do you only have two pieces?
01:15:16Let's see how lavishly Ms. Rosedale can shop today.
01:15:20The Rosedales are billionaires.
01:15:21They could buy this whole store in a breeze. Isn't that right, Anne?
01:15:25I'm sure we can offer Ms. Rosedale the best discount. Whatever she wants.
01:15:30A discount? Oh, please, don't offend Ms. Rosedale. I mean, she doesn't need a discount.
01:15:37Ms. Rosedale? Here.
01:15:41Now, shall we proceed to check-out? You won't have any struggling with the price, right?
01:15:46I do not struggle. My credit card does not have a limit.
01:15:51Ms. Rosedale, which piece caught your eye? I can have it beautifully packaged for you in no time.
01:15:57I don't want anything anymore. Not with her here.
01:16:01Come on, Emma. Let's go.
01:16:04One moment, Ms. Rosedale. I'll handle this. She'll be out of your way instantly.
01:16:09And, madame, you don't quite match the profile of our clientele.
01:16:13Plus, you've upset a very important customer. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
01:16:20Don't match? I am a black card elite member.
01:16:25You have a black card? That's only reserved for our most distinguished clientele.
01:16:31She can't be an elite member. It must have been a gift.
01:16:35Let me guess. The CEO gave you that card, right?
01:16:38Why would I need his? I have my own.
01:16:39I saw you getting out of his car.
01:16:42Lena, you backstabber! I told you, Cliff is mine!
01:16:45Sounds like we've got a home wrecker on our hands.
01:16:48You're taking our store with your presents. Please leave now.
01:16:52Me leave? No, you should leave. Your store doesn't belong in this mall.
01:16:57Security, I need to have a store kicked out of the mall.
01:17:02This is absolute nonsense. She's clearly a lunatic.
01:17:06Get me the security here. They'll take her out.
01:17:09Security, you have a problem with our store?
01:17:13Security's on the way. It's time to leave, sweetheart.
01:17:16Alrighty. We'll see who gets to leave first.
01:17:21Oh, look. The general manager of the mall is here.
01:17:26Mr. DJ, this person is mentally unstable.
01:17:31And she is offending our clientele.
01:17:33And I would like her to leave.
01:17:36This mall has always promoted equality for all customers.
01:17:40But in this store, today, they refuse to sell it to me, even though I have a black card.
01:17:46Mr. DJ, don't listen to her rubbish. She is obviously a lunatic.
01:17:51I'm the store manager. If you don't believe me, ask Miss Rosedale.
01:17:55Miss Rosedale?
01:17:57Let's throw her out now. She's obviously a lunatic.
01:18:00Let's throw her out now. She's also a homewrecker.
01:18:05She seduced Miss Rosedale's fiancé.
01:18:08Shut up. You need to get out. I'm giving you one hour.
01:18:12Wait, what? What are you talking about? Why do we need to move out of the mall?
01:18:16Why? Because you're against this mall's principles.
01:18:21Rosedale co-created the mall's philosophy.
01:18:24Where everyone, billionaire or beggar, will be treated with equal respect.
01:18:30You two are a disgrace. Leave.
01:18:34Miss Rosedale, why is this happening?
01:18:37Yes, there must be some kind of misunderstanding.
01:18:41Imminent termination is a direct order from above.
01:18:44And I cannot and will not change it.
01:18:47Miss Rosedale, wasn't it your decision to first leave?
01:18:50Why are we being thrown out?
01:18:52Madame, please, help us.
01:18:54Back off.
01:18:56I was only testing you.
01:18:57Discriminating brands like you shouldn't exist.
01:19:01Let's go.
01:19:03Are you going to move out now, or do you need me to force you?
01:19:07Is there really no room for negotiation?
01:19:10Just a word of advice. Pride comes before the fall.
01:19:15You bitch!
01:19:17You're the reason why we're getting kicked out.
01:19:19Shut up. How dare you disrespect Miss Rosedale. Even now.
01:19:23Miss who?
01:19:24The other one was a fake.
01:19:26This is the real Miss Rosedale.
01:19:30No way.
01:19:32Yes, Miss Rosedale, please. We won't do it again.
01:19:36It was just this once.
01:19:38We'll be nice to you from now on.
01:19:41A brand that doesn't treat all customers equally are not welcomed in our mall.
01:19:47DJ, please make sure that these two move out completely.
01:19:52Ooh, Miss Rosedale. Rosedale, please.
01:19:57Get them out.
01:20:00Oh, please.
01:20:03What the hell?
01:20:06Lena is such a lying piece of trash.
01:20:09She said she has nothing to do with Cliff, but I caught her getting out of his car.
01:20:14Cliff is just as bad as Omar. They're both bigwigs.
01:20:18Shut up.
01:20:20Gosh, are they having an affair, too?
01:20:28What's wrong? Did someone upset you?
01:20:31Lena, the vile woman. She's having an affair with Cliff.
01:20:35An affair?
01:20:37Yeah. Emma, my co-worker, saw her getting out of Cliff's car.
01:20:44Emma, my co-worker, saw her getting out of Cliff's car.
01:20:49What's wrong?
01:20:52It's nothing.
01:20:55I just regret not being here betrothed.
01:20:59Me, too. But don't worry. We'll be together.
01:21:05Listen. Next week, Cliff will be at the company.
01:21:09I need you to get evidence of his infidelity.
01:21:12But I've only met Cliff once.
01:21:14Don't worry.
01:21:16Once we've got proof of his infidelity, we'll be able to get married.
01:21:19Even if we get caught.
01:21:21We'll just say that they were unfaithful first.
01:21:23Get married?
01:21:26That's right. And then we'll take over AG.
01:21:29We'll be the bosses.
01:21:31Great. And then I'll make Lena pay.
01:21:39The CEO is coming to inspect our department in a bit.
01:21:42Let's get ready, everyone. Come on.
01:21:45I've never met him.
01:21:47Hey, Anne. Do you think he'll come straight to you when he arrives?
01:21:50I don't know what he's planning.
01:21:53Why is Cliff coming for an inspection?
01:21:57It's so good to have you here.
01:22:01Cliff is mine.
01:22:03No matter what you do, it won't change anything.
01:22:06Making the Rosedale family angry will have serious consequences.
01:22:12Yeah, Lena. You can't compete with Anne.
01:22:15Cliff is here.
01:22:18Anne is right there.
01:22:24Hey, what are you doing?
01:22:27I'm your fiancé.
01:22:29Is that so?
01:22:31I could have sent the project documents to you online.
01:22:33Don't mess around. I told you it has to be subtle. Remember?
01:22:36Alright, ladies. I'm here to discuss the project.
01:22:43It's about the project.
01:22:46Have a seat.
01:22:51Lena, why didn't you say something earlier?
01:22:55You almost misunderstood.
01:22:57Misunderstood? I think someone had a plan to happen that way.
01:23:01Quiet, please.
01:23:05Since when do AG employees enjoy spreading rumors?
01:23:08Mr. Atlante, this new employee doesn't understand the rules.
01:23:12I'll make sure to educate her.
01:23:14Please, don't lower yourself to the level of her.
01:23:17Is this how you usually treat her?
01:23:19A new employee at the Atlante Group is still an employee.
01:23:23It is unfair how you've been treating her.
01:23:25Apologize now!
01:23:27Catherine, Anne, say something, please.
01:23:29AG does not discriminate.
01:23:31You can all go to HR or resign now.
01:23:34No, no. I apologize.
01:23:36Lena, I'm sorry.
01:23:38Just don't do it again.
01:23:41And think before you speak.
01:23:43Mr. Atlante?
01:23:55Lena, don't just assume you're safe because of Cliff.
01:23:58Emma, stop. Just a second ago he made you apologize to me.
01:24:02Our company can't tolerate sluts running around.
01:24:05Just look at the ways you tried to seduce Cliff.
01:24:07He's mine. Don't even think about it.
01:24:10Are you sure Cliff is your man?
01:24:12Do you really think you're Ms. Rosedale?
01:24:14I'll make you pay for this.
01:24:18What's all this noise?
01:24:20The CEO wants to see you in his office. Immediately.
01:24:23Lena, did you hear that? Cliff called for me.
01:24:26He asked for Lena.
01:24:28Oops. Off to the CEO office I go.
01:24:31Better watch out or I'll tell Cliff.
01:24:44What are you doing? This is the office.
01:24:46I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you were being so mistreated here.
01:24:50It's okay. It's my fault.
01:24:52No. You can't let that imposter mistreat you anymore.
01:24:56Hold on that.
01:24:58It's good to see how some employees behave at this place.
01:25:01I suspect Omar's eyeing you.
01:25:03I just can't wait to tell everyone that you're mine.
01:25:06Honey. For me.
01:25:22It's locked.
01:25:28What does she want?
01:25:33Omar's behind this, I swear.
01:25:36Be careful.
01:25:40Why did they call Lena to the office and not you?
01:25:43Yeah. How did that happen?
01:25:45What do you mean? Cliff only discusses business in his office.
01:25:50He just doesn't want to disturb my work. That's all.
01:25:53He keeps business separate? That's so cute.
01:25:56It must be so awesome being with Cliff.
01:26:03Come on. Do a good job on this project.
01:26:06The project review will be in a month.
01:26:08And it will be deciding the promotions.
01:26:10Let's go.
01:26:12Did he say we can get rewarded at the review meeting?
01:26:17Review meeting? We will get promoted.
01:26:23As you all know, if the project is a success, then you're all up for promotions.
01:26:29Promotions will be famous in the industry.
01:26:33Oh, and Cliff just assigned Lena to lead the team.
01:26:38Her? How could she be in charge of the project?
01:26:42And I noticed the CEO's red tie looks a lot like the one that Lena bought.
01:26:48Lena, you homewrecker! Giving a tie to Cliff?
01:26:51Want to hit me? Go ahead.
01:26:53Everyone, this bitch is trying to seduce Cliff.
01:26:55You said you had no relationship with Cliff, yet you ended up in bed with him?
01:26:59Lena isn't like that. I'm sure there's some misunderstanding.
01:27:03Misunderstanding? This bitch got a tie around Cliff's neck.
01:27:07It's pretty normal for ties to look similar.
01:27:10Lena, please explain.
01:27:12What goes around, comes around.
01:27:14You need me to spell out where Cliff's tie came from?
01:27:17I gifted it to her.
01:27:19Do you hear that? She fits it herself.
01:27:21She's shameless.
01:27:22Lena, you're playing with fire. How dare you mess around with the Rosedale family?
01:27:27I may have bought him the tie, but I'm not Cliff's mistress.
01:27:30You still deny it? You slut!
01:27:33How long have you been fooling around with Cliff?
01:27:35Anne, you lie so much, it seems that you're starting to believe them yourself.
01:27:39Are you really Miss Rosedale? You know best.
01:27:44Does she really know I'm faking being Miss Rosedale?
01:27:47I am Miss Rosedale. And I never lie.
01:27:50Anne, stop it. Enough. I've given you so many chances, but you've brought this upon yourself.
01:27:57Better not regret it next month before the review meeting.
01:28:00You're the one that will regret it.
01:28:11Sexy lady.
01:28:14So did you get the pictures of Cliff?
01:28:18What? That's the only job you've had.
01:28:21I tried. But Cliff's office door was locked.
01:28:27I'm sorry. I just want us to be together so bad.
01:28:31There's a big meeting at the end of the month. Get the pictures, and we'll expose you then.
01:28:36Don't worry. I'll get it done.
01:28:40But today, Lena, the slut, she paraded the tie she gifted Cliff.
01:28:45The slut?
01:28:47She paraded the tie she gifted Cliff in front of everyone in our department.
01:28:53Yeah. Everyone saw it.
01:28:55This is good. It shows that he's got poor judgment and she's foolish.
01:29:00I have an idea.
01:29:04Let's make Lena pay. Let's have someone kidnap her and do things to her.
01:29:10And then we'll send the photos to Cliff, and he'll lose his mind.
01:29:15Okay. That's good.
01:29:25Now that we're here, please don't call me. I still haven't told anyone who I am.
01:29:31If they see us together, it looks like we're having an affair.
01:29:34Are you so desperate not to be seen?
01:29:36Not to be seen? My fiancé will be sneaking around.
01:29:41Lena and Mr. Avante?
01:29:46Give me a kiss. Burton invited us to a party at the King's Bar tonight.
01:29:51I'll pick you up after work.
01:29:53Okay. See you later.
01:30:09I see you're still driving that old, beat-up car.
01:30:14You're working at AG and you're still driving that thing?
01:30:18How could she compare to you, Anne? You have luxury cars with drivers.
01:30:23Does she really think I don't know her father is our family's driver?
01:30:27Is your dad still working as a driver?
01:30:29Damn it. How does Lena know that my driver is my father?
01:30:32That has nothing to do with you. And anyway, who cares about luxury cars?
01:30:38I might even ride the subway just for fun.
01:30:40Anne, you are so humble. You could probably buy the subway if you wanted.
01:30:44And Lena, just so you know, don't try to steal Cliff away with your sneaky tricks.
01:30:51Lena, how dare you play dirty tricks? Anne and the CEO are a perfect match.
01:30:56What? What if we've been wrong the whole time?
01:31:00Wrong about what?
01:31:02What if Lena is the real Miss Rosedale?
01:31:08How dare you doubt me?
01:31:10Anne, what the hell?
01:31:12Did she hit on her?
01:31:14Have you been brainwashed by this tramp? How can you say something so stupid?
01:31:18You're playing a dangerous game, teaming up with Rita against me.
01:31:22Exactly. She thinks she could be Miss Rosedale?
01:31:26This morning I saw with my own eyes...
01:31:29Enough, Rita. No one doubts who I am. Got it?
01:31:34And as for her, she's nothing but trash. And soon I will prove it to everyone.
01:31:41Anne, Miss Anne, please don't be mad.
01:31:45Are you okay?
01:31:49Miss Rosedale...
01:31:51Shh. Don't call me that. If you figure it out, just...
01:31:56Please, call me Lena.
01:32:05Omar, is everything ready?
01:32:07Relax. My guys are on it.
01:32:11Good. I want to see her naked photos all over the internet tonight.
01:32:23Oh, Lena. This time you're dead for sure.
01:32:30Excuse me, sir. We've been informed that the woman you told us to keep an eye on has been kidnapped.
01:32:37By whom?
01:32:39We suspect that it's Omar.
01:32:42Do you know where she might be?
01:32:50I'm sorry, sir.
01:32:52I'm sorry.
01:32:54I'm sorry.
01:32:56I'm sorry.
01:32:58I'm sorry.
01:33:00Who are you? Let me go. Let me go now or you'll regret this.
01:33:04Well, darling, it looks like you pissed off the wrong people.
01:33:07Keep your mouth shut.
01:33:09Might be nice.
01:33:11Otherwise, we're going to have to go the hard way.
01:33:13Boys, take your phones out. Let's record this.
01:33:15Let me go or you'll all die.
01:33:19I'd gladly die to have my little girl.
01:33:21Oh, yeah, wouldn't you? Real nice.
01:33:23Don't you worry.
01:33:25Let me go. Let me go.
01:33:29Don't touch her.
01:33:38Back off or I'll kill her.
01:33:44Who are you?
01:33:46It was Omar, Ms. Rosedale.
01:33:48Oh, Ms. Rosedale? Then who am I?
01:33:50Are you Ms. Rosedale?
01:33:52Too late for you to find out.
01:33:54I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was Omar.
01:34:03I'm sorry about this. This is all my fault.
01:34:05No, it's not your fault.
01:34:07It's Anne and Omar.
01:34:09They must be working together.
01:34:11All Omar wants is A.G.
01:34:13I'm willing to bet that he's planning for something at the review summit next month.
01:34:16I'd set the stage for something that they'll never forget.
01:34:43I'll be right back.
01:34:45I'll be right back.
01:34:50Omar, what the fuck is going on?
01:34:53Lena's at the office today.
01:34:55Don't yell at me.
01:34:57It was your idea. Now my guys have been caught because of it.
01:35:00Well, what are we going to do about Cliff now?
01:35:03Relax. We've got someone watching Cliff 24-7.
01:35:07Just one photo of him and Lena getting cozy, and we'll be back on top.
01:35:11Okay. Just make sure you take care of it.
01:35:28Everyone, Mr. Ryan is here.
01:35:31You all did a fantastic job on the S-Level project.
01:35:35The whole team is invited to next Tuesday's corporate summary meeting.
01:35:38And the project's MVP is Ms. Rose Dale.
01:35:45Thank you.
01:35:47What? What? How come she gets all the credit?
01:35:50I did all the planning and did the signs.
01:35:52Watch it. She's Ms. Rose Dale.
01:35:54How are you so sure she is who she says?
01:35:57Are you sure who you are?
01:36:05Well, one for you.
01:36:08One for you.
01:36:10One for you.
01:36:11One for you.
01:36:13And I'll give you a chance if you beg me.
01:36:18Really? You think you can stop me?
01:36:22Well, let's see how you get in without one.
01:36:38So beautiful.
01:36:42Thank you.
01:36:46Is this the meeting place? This is so fancy.
01:36:49Emma, look around.
01:36:52This is the luxury hotel where the governor usually stays.
01:36:55Let's wait for Anne to get here.
01:36:57Emma, do you really believe Anne?
01:37:03Anne is a fake Ms. Rose Dale.
01:37:06Lena is the real one.
01:37:08Don't listen to Anne anymore.
01:37:09Rita, have you been brainwashed by Lena?
01:37:12Or are you running a fever?
01:37:15What I said is true.
01:37:17What's true and what's false?
01:37:20Rita, Lena really has you fooled if you believe that she's the real Ms. Rose Dale.
01:37:25Isn't that funny?
01:37:27Rita, how can you be so naive?
01:37:30Look, Anne and Lena's clothing and the cars they drive side by side.
01:37:36Anne has been personally verified by Omar and Director Ryan.
01:37:41She can't be fake, right?
01:37:43But no bus.
01:37:45Don't forget, Lena couldn't even get an invitation.
01:37:49Anne! Anne!
01:37:57You guys chatting again.
01:37:59Just singing your praises.
01:38:01Without you, we wouldn't be able to come to such a fabulous place.
01:38:05Well, let me broaden your horizons.
01:38:08Anne, this outfit.
01:38:11Hey, don't touch my million dollar fur coat.
01:38:15You'll get it dirty.
01:38:19So, do you think Lena will try and crash the party?
01:38:24She doesn't even have an invitation.
01:38:26She'd only get humiliated if she comes here.
01:38:30Such a lying bitch.
01:38:31But never mind. Let's go inside.
01:39:03Cartier necklace?
01:39:05Patek Philippe watch?
01:39:07Hermes bag?
01:39:09How could she afford all this?
01:39:12Surprised to see me?
01:39:14Renting all of that must have cost you a fortune.
01:39:18You probably can't afford a million dollars.
01:39:21I can't afford a million dollars.
01:39:23I can't afford a million dollars.
01:39:25I can't afford a million dollars.
01:39:27I can't afford a million dollars.
01:39:28It must have cost you a fortune.
01:39:30You probably can't afford a meal after this.
01:39:33Even if you were a luxurious item,
01:39:36security won't let you in without an invitation.
01:39:40Yeah, without an invitation, you'll just have to stand out here.
01:39:45But maybe it'll be beneficial.
01:39:47You can seduce more rich people.
01:39:49That's right. Fuckers do it that way.
01:39:52Oh, really?
01:39:54You would know.
01:39:59What are you doing? She didn't have an invitation.
01:40:02Why'd you let her in?
01:40:04Well, that lady, she doesn't need an invitation.
01:40:06Why not?
01:40:08This is blatant favoritism.
01:40:10Miss, could it be that Lena used her looks to manipulate someone?
01:40:15What's all this commotion about?
01:40:17Isn't that Miss Rossa?
01:40:19You guys are so unprofessional.
01:40:21You let someone in secretly without an invitation.
01:40:24Exactly. Kick her out.
01:40:26How dare you?
01:40:28You've had enough fun. You gotta leave.
01:40:30All of you, get out.
01:40:33Anne, what is wrong with your hotel security?
01:40:36They actually want to kick us out?
01:40:38Yeah, you can't kick us out.
01:40:40We have invitations.
01:40:47They go right ahead?
01:40:49Watch your step.
01:40:51Let's go.
01:40:57What's going on with Lena?
01:40:59And why did that security guard treat us like that?
01:41:02I bet she seduced that security guard.
01:41:05What a shameless bitch.
01:41:08Don't speak of Lena that way.
01:41:12Rita, what has Lena given you to make you betray us and protect her?
01:41:18I'm not protecting her.
01:41:20I'm trying to wake you all up.
01:41:21She is a fake.
01:41:23Can't you guys see that?
01:41:25Anne is not the real Miss Rosedale at all.
01:41:27Shut up.
01:41:29Anyone with a brain knows Anne is Miss Rosedale.
01:41:33Well, since you two believe her, there's nothing I can do to help you.
01:41:37Bless you.
01:41:46I'm sorry.
01:41:48I'm sorry.
01:41:50I'm sorry.
01:42:00Lena, you have some tricks up your sleeves, but lies won't last long.
01:42:07And you'll have to wipe that fake, smug smile off your face soon.
01:42:13Anne, we'll see who's fake and who's real soon.
01:42:19All right, game on, baby.
01:42:28Cliff is here.
01:42:30Did you see that? He looked at Anne with so much affection.
01:42:35Oh, really?
01:42:37Enjoy your moment, Lena.
01:42:39You'll die later.
01:42:40You'll die later.
01:42:47Project these on the screen at the right time. You'll get the position.
01:42:51CEO of a subsidiary.
01:42:58He's gonna lose everything.
01:43:02Lena, you're just a nobody.
01:43:04The boss and Anne are clearly meant for each other.
01:43:06I bet Cliff will praise Anne on the stage in front of everyone.
01:43:13Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
01:43:17Last month, our design department achieved tremendous success with the S-level project.
01:43:23Now, let the CEO...
01:43:29You are a disgrace.
01:43:31He's having an affair with a new employee.
01:43:37Oh, God.
01:43:41You all know that our son, Cliff... engaged to Ms. Rosen.
01:43:49While running around with another woman.
01:43:53Tarnishing our good name.
01:43:56Cliff is cutthroat and evil.
01:43:59He even had us locked up in a mental facility for years so he could steal the Emont family estate.
01:44:07I'm sorry.
01:44:14I'm sorry.
01:44:18Are you finished?
01:44:20Mind your attitude.
01:44:23I declare, from this day forward, Cliff is no part of the Atlante family.
01:44:31That's right. Hand over the company right now.
01:44:34All you're interested in is the Zandazi group, right?
01:44:38This is the slut that he's been having an affair with.
01:44:42You should get in the nerve to show your face.
01:44:45Shut up!
01:44:47I'm not going to let you take my life, Swerve. No way!
01:44:52Cliff offended the Rosedale family for this woman.
01:44:58He's going to pay, sooner or later.
01:45:01Ladies, ladies. Gentlemen.
01:45:06As long as I'm around, the Rosedale family will not be coming after the agent.
01:45:12This is Ms. Rosedale, who is now engaged to me.
01:45:17That's right. And I refuse to marry a cheating man.
01:45:26How come I didn't know the Rosedale?
01:45:31What do you mean?
01:45:33It means that I am Ms. Rosedale, Cliff's fiancée.
01:45:39It was quite the hassle having you follow us, and the footage is terrible.
01:45:51I'm the Ms. Rosedale. Stop pretending to be me. My whole department knows I'm the real one.
01:45:57Yeah. Lena always wears unbranded clothing and drives a beat-up car. She can't be Ms. Rosedale.
01:46:04Lena clearly looks like she's from the lower class.
01:46:08Doesn't make sense.
01:46:11Cliff, Cliff, Cliff. You never change. You've been a liar since childhood.
01:46:18Exactly. First you betray her, and now you want to tarnish her name?
01:46:23Me? A liar?
01:46:25A liar.
01:46:27Don't you forget what you and Omar did to me.
01:46:31Shut up and hand over AG.
01:46:35No way! I founded it. It has nothing to do with you.
01:46:42Cliff, you have destroyed relations with the Rosedale family.
01:46:48If you don't hand it over to me now, the poor employees are going to be paying your consequences.
01:46:56Mr. Atlante, you should do what Omar says.
01:47:00Yeah. You can't make all these people lose their jobs because of you.
01:47:04Enough, all of you. The Atlantic Group has been so generous to you, and this is how you repay Cliff?
01:47:12You're all smart people, and you know what to do.
01:47:15You can't face the consequences when the Rosedales get angry.
01:47:19Oh, really? I didn't know I had to listen to the Atlante Group.
01:47:28Are you Gary Atlante?
01:47:33I am deeply sorry, Mr. Rosedale, for the embarrassment caused by Cliff's betrayal.
01:47:43We didn't anticipate it.
01:47:46Betrayal? If your grandfather hadn't saved my father's life,
01:47:52your insignificant family wouldn't even qualify to marry into ours.
01:47:57It's all a misunderstanding. Don't worry.
01:48:01She's right. Since Mr. and Mrs. Rosedale are here, I, Gary Atlante, would like to announce
01:48:08that we're severing all ties with Cliff. Only one son. Omar Atlante.
01:48:18Sir, please. Look at our son. He's currently dating your daughter.
01:48:24Omar Atlante?
01:48:26That's him. He's such a good boy.
01:48:29You mean womanizer?
01:48:31Sir, I promise to make your daughter very happy in marriage.
01:48:34My daughter is not interested in you.
01:48:38Mr. Rosedale, I understand. You're mad. You're angry.
01:48:43You're upset that your daughter's engagement was ruined by Cliff.
01:48:49But look. His mistress is right here.
01:48:53I will have her feet and her hands crippled,
01:48:57so she'll have to beg on the street for the rest of her life.
01:49:00You bastard!
01:49:03What are you doing? We didn't tarnish your daughter's reputation.
01:49:07Mr. Rosedale, it's them that broke the engagement. Not us.
01:49:12What a disgrace.
01:49:15This is nothing, Dad. Bye, Mom.
01:49:18All right. Wait. Wait.
01:49:21There's some misunderstanding going on here.
01:49:24Why is she calling you her son?
01:49:27Right. Isn't there only one daughter in the Rosedale family?
01:49:31There is only one daughter in the Rosedale family.
01:49:35She's standing right next to me. Nina Rosedale.
01:49:38Any objections?
01:49:40That can't be true.
01:49:43You bitch!
01:49:45You lied to me.
01:49:47You're not Miss Rosedale.
01:49:52I just love you so much.
01:49:55I just love you so much.
01:49:58Oh, my God. What have I done?
01:50:02Miss Rosedale was right here.
01:50:05And I didn't realize.
01:50:07I even joined in on insulting Miss Rosedale. Me.
01:50:10It's all your fault, you bitch.
01:50:14You have anything else to say?
01:50:17Because if not, you can just get out of here.
01:50:22All of you.
01:50:24How pathetic.
01:50:27From now on, my family only means one person.
01:50:31And that's the lady standing next to me.
01:50:33My future wife.
01:50:40Cliff, your parents really love you.
01:50:43Is that what you call love?
01:50:45Abusing a child, abandoning it, and then going after his money?
01:50:49Is that the Avalante family's way of love?
01:50:51Mr. Rosedale, this is none of your business.
01:50:55You've gone too far.
01:50:57Mr. Avalante, what family matters?
01:50:59Haven't you just disowned me moments ago?
01:51:02What did you say?
01:51:04I am your father.
01:51:06Hold on.
01:51:08Not anymore.
01:51:10Do you intend to take on the entire Avalante family by yourself?
01:51:13Cliff is never alone.
01:51:15Thanks to everyone for breaking my heart.
01:51:18Today's events will go to the press.
01:51:21And I hope that the Avalante group will still exist after this.
01:51:27This will destroy us.
01:51:33Send them both back to the asylum.
01:51:36What on earth were you doing?
01:51:39Stop right now.
01:51:41Can we settle this?
01:51:44Congratulations, Omar.
01:51:46I heard you get to marry this lovely lady over here.
01:51:48Yeah, you said we're getting married in a few days.
01:51:51You can't back out now.
01:51:55You lied to me about everything.
01:51:57I'll fucking kill you!
01:52:01No fighting here.
01:52:03I won't forget this.
01:52:05And you're nothing without the Rosedale family.
01:52:07You're nothing compared to Cliff.
01:52:11Guards, shut him up!
01:52:13You're a whore!
01:52:15You're all a bunch of whores!
01:52:17No, no!
01:52:19How dare you insult my daughter!
01:52:22You demon! Release Omar now!
01:52:25Anne, I gave you so many chances.
01:52:29And now you've gone too far.
01:52:31Do you ever think about your parents and what you've done for them?
01:52:35Don't pretend to be a good person.
01:52:37Come on, destroy me!
01:52:39You're no longer of my concern.
01:52:42Let go of me!
01:52:44Let go!
01:52:49I'm sorry!
01:52:51I promise I won't do it again!
01:52:55No, you can't do this!
01:52:57I'm the Atlantean!
01:53:02Where are you going?
01:53:04Mr. Atlantea, I was wrong.
01:53:06Omar and Anne misled us.
01:53:08It wasn't me.
01:53:10It has nothing to do with me.
01:53:12It was all Anne's fault.
01:53:14We were all deceived by that wretched Anne.
01:53:17Anne stole my identity,
01:53:20bullied everyone,
01:53:22and took credit undeservedly.
01:53:25It's time to end all of it.
01:53:29Fawning over superiors?
01:53:31AG cannot continue with any of you.
01:53:34Mr. Atlantea, Miss Lena, I was wrong, I admit it!
01:53:37Miss Lena!
01:53:39What did you call me?
01:53:41Am I not the new employee you belittled?
01:53:43Cliff, please!
01:53:44I was also misled by them.
01:53:46Please have mercy!
01:53:48That's right, we were all tricked.
01:53:50Please forgive us.
01:53:52Forgive you?
01:53:54With people like you in the company,
01:53:56the Composent people can never get promoted.
01:53:58The three of you are fired from AG.
01:54:01And I'll be informing the industry about your actions.
01:54:05Industry blacklist?
01:54:07Which company will hire me now?
01:54:10It's all over.
01:54:12You can't fire me!
01:54:14I've worked for the company for so many years!
01:54:16And I have a mortgage to pay!
01:54:18I can't be without a job!
01:54:28You've all witnessed what happened here today.
01:54:31To prevent future incidents from happening,
01:54:34AG will be undergoing a comprehensive reform.
01:54:37Well done.
01:54:39Reminds me of my younger days running the company.
01:54:41Oh, honey, don't tweak your own horn.
01:54:44I'm just happy that our daughter
01:54:46found such an excellent husband.
01:54:51Well, there it is, Lena.
01:54:53Our relationship is finally public.
01:54:55And everyone knows that we're finally
01:54:58the perfect couple.
01:55:00Since when do you start to speak so sweetly?
01:55:03Bit is a foreign word.
01:55:05Do you want to teach me this?
01:55:07I like it.
01:55:14Thank you.
